EVERYBODY BOOST LOUtSBURG The Franklin Times LOUISBDRG NEEDS A WEEKLY PAY ROLL A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager . THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION . SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LV. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1926 (10 Pages) NUMBER 24 MAKES TAX LEVY John Hedgepeth Bo-Elected Superintendent -J. A. BledResigns Ah Constable Lonlsbarg Township and A. 8. Wigg* Appointed; Many Reports Revolted. The tax lory for Franklin County was made at the regular meeting on Monday of the Board of County Com missioners. The usual formality of opening was obsdrre Mount Club, spoke very strongly of; the interest Rocky Mount Is taking tn 1 the proposed establishment of a mail serrice between bouisburg and Rooky' Mount. Hugh Harris made a report on the Farmers Convention held at Raleigh. Asher Johnson made a report on' the mail service, showing that an evening schedule to and from Raleigh had been arranged, and that indica-1 tions were favorable for the Rocky! Mount connection*. Ben Holden and Asher Johnson uere appointed a committee to draft resolutions for the proposed Rocky Mount mall connections and were unanimously adopted as follows: Whereas the present mall service at Loulsburg is very unsatisfactory and totally Inadequate to the needs of tha various Interests of the more than ten thousand patrons served from this post office and Whereas a portion c> Jxmisburg'a most substantial trading territory Is separated from Loulsburg, Its county seat, by about forty-eight hour mail service and Whereas the new mail schedule that has been granted between Loulsburg and Raleigh, is a great convenience and a business necessity, yet does not relieve the necessity of eastern mail facilities, especially In the ter tory between Loulsburg and Rocky Mount Therefore be it resolved: That the Loulsburg Klwanis Club in regular meeting assembled in Lou lsburg on Friday night July 20th, 1926, do herewith unanimously en dorse the move to establish mail con nection between Loulsburg and Rocky Mount with a star route making a morning round trip and an evening round trip, giving us a dispatch by Rocky Mount at 12:20 and 6:30 p. m . and an incoming mail at 8:00 a. m., and 5:00 p. m., thereby putting Lou lsburg within one or two hours touch with the territory between Loulsburg and Rocky Mount. That a copy of these resolutions he sent to the Post Office Depart ment at Washington City with request, that they make Immediate adjustment! of this matter by granting to ns this most necessary mall*aervice. Hugh Harris made a report on the Farmers tour of the Valley of Vlr-1 ginia, pointing out the lessons our, farmers would probably get from the 1 trip. Arthur Fleming made a report on, the farmers tour showing the hearty \ cooperaion and hospitality of the Kiwanis Clubs and Business Men's organisations all along the line. ? Ben Holden proposed a standing vote of thanks and appreciations be extended Hugh Harris and Arthur Fleming for the successful manner In which they conducted this trip tor the farmers and the spirit which had been spread broadcast by the trip. Everybody tried to be the first to stand. Arthur Fleming was chairman for the evening and Arthur Mohn, presi dent, presided. IN MEMORY OF MOTHER At Looisburg July 11, 19i< Mrs. Geo E. Wilson, seed fifty-nine years, died leaving her Husband, five sons' and two dauhters. Sleep on dear mother In Heaven we know; that you are, and we will try and live this life you taught us, and some day meet you up there. We are sad within our memory, lonely are our hearts today, for the one we loved so dearly has forever bee called away. We think of her In si lence. no eye may see ns weep. But many slleat tears are shed when others are asleep. " HER 80N. NOTICE The revival services will begin at 8hiloh Sunday August 8th at eleven o'clock and continue throaghout the week, servloes at I p. an. and. at S p. There will also be preaching at Leah's Chhpel Sunday afternoon at S * There . Will be a children's day ex ercise given at Prospect Friday morn ft lag. Rngnst It, Oh the ground. Coma and enjoy Ranks have the Mwgaat record ha spite ot the fta jdhtir * INJURED IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mr*. J. Spencer William* and Mr. T. A. William* Badly Hart At Harri*' (ro*? Bond* Sunday Mr*. J. Spencer Williams and Mrs. D. T. Holllngsworth, ot Bunn and Mr.' T. A. Williams, of Raleigh, were Injured In an automobile accident at Harris' Cross Roads Sunday alter noon about 4 o'clock. Mrs. Williams who suffered severe cuts was brought to Louisburg where medical attention was rogdered and Mr. T. A. Williams was taken to Mary Elisabeth Hospi tal, Raleigh, where It was found he had several ribs broken. Mrs. Holllngs worth was Injured but not as seriously as was Mrs. Williams. Mr. J. Spehcer Williams and Miss Nannie Bunn were also in the car but escaped with mi nor bruises. It seems that the Ford touring car containing the persons named above was traveling .Upward Youngsville, and as tbey were crossing the Raleigh road at Harris' Crossroads a Ford roadster driven by a Mr. ?. ?. Alli son, white, ot Rolesvllle, and travel ing toward Louisburg ran headlong Into the touring car completely wreck ilng same and trowing it over catch ing some of the occupants under it. | Persons nearby ran out and assisted tin getting the car off the occupants land we understand attempted to as certain the name of the party driving the roadster but he would not give his name. His number was aken however. All of he injured have returned home except Mr. Williams, so we un derstand and are getting along nicely. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS The Board of Education met on Monday with A. F Johnson. T. H. nirkpns W. A. Mullen, E. L?. ureen and J H. Joyner preseit. The min iutes of the last meeting were read ?? ?? rrst Ipolicy: That it would appoint new ? trustees to fill all unless it be shown that It Is for the best interest of school 'nd communtty for the same ones to be appointe 1. This policy was adopted tor the tol .TVr^St? .< .????; "??? is entirely one of service with no pay. therefore the board feels that this work should ~t be pl^ed upon one peAon tor I long time but should be distributed more wally. 2 By having more people to serve as school trusfees will not onlf gWe eood training and experience in school affairs but will arouse a greater school anirit in the communities. The secretary was instructed to write each trustee concerning tms that no one wouuld feel that theboard was dissatisfied with his or her work as a trustee. All vacancies will be filled the first Monday In Septem-W b?The board contracted with Arthur p#trnell to supervise and do all re pi? work on the trucks, heating and lighting plants U? the ",uat.y k will have supervision of alltruck routes, purchasing of gas, oi and parts, and must furntah his own tools and transportation. His salary waa fixed at *100 P?r montS-... at The O'Day school site * ? flxed "^rsu^rintendent was Instruc^ to purchase the new truck, called for laT?.'r.b&ng"no further business the board adjourned to meet again th firat Monday in 8eptemb r. , becobdebs cocbt lUveral cases were couthiued In Franklin's Recorders Court Others diaposed of by Judge Beam ware as follows: ..h State rs Ross Moore, assault wit deadly weapon, continued. Stafe v. Ross Moore, nuisance, eon ' "state vs Ross Moore and J?""1 Thomas, forcible treepaea. continue^ State vs Octavtous Hlcks Lawrence Thomas and Plummet *ar,h^t^e breaking and larceny, contlaueo. (This case became mixed in our e> ports last week and was In error) State V. S. D. Maddlson, assault With deadly weapon, eontinued. y..?. vs j. T. Oupton, assault with deadly weapon, not guilty. - vl State vs J. T. Oupton and Frank pJ25?. assault with deadly weapon. J n amber of Friends On Occasion Annual In. spectlon One of the finest dinners that has been spread in Franklin county in many years was enjoyed by the Coun ty Commissioners and a number of Inrlted guests at the county home on {Friday when Supt- and Mrs. John Hedgepeth were hosts to their many ! friends on the occasion of the annual I inspection of the home by the Board cf County Commissioners. ! It was an ideal day and the immense ! quantity of fine barbecue, tried chick en, ham, pickles, cake, pies and cus tards spread upon the immense table ' under the shade of the huge old oaks a prettier sight was not to be found j until the ladies began to gather around adding beauty to the good eats. 1 All partook heartily and enjoyed a bounteous dinner and eat until they could eat no more, and large quanti ties was left?fully enough to feed the crowd again. * It was a most pleasant occasion and all left expressing their appreciations to Supt. and Mrs. Hedgepeth for the wonderful treat and declaring them wonderful hostesses. 0PEX1X6 OF THE LOUIS BUBO ORADED SCHOOL ' The (all erm of the Graded School will open Monday, Sepember 6, and. it is urged that all patrons see to it that the children are In school the ] first day; no time will be lost; work' I will begin he first morning and a | child who is absent will not get a fair start with his class mates. 1 Inthe elementary school there will be no faculty changes; in the high; school Mrs. Gladys Beam Bailor takes i Miss Cansler's place and will teach I .L^lin and French; Miss Ora Finch of Bailey, N. C., will take Miss Fish-) >r's place and will teach Home Eco nomics; Mr. L. G. Woodard of Rich-1 lands. N. C., will take Mr. Hook's place and will teach Mathematics and j will coach the athletics. Mr. Wood ard was at Fremont last year and : made for himself a good record as teacher and coach. The remainder of the high school staff will return and teach the same subjects as last year. I In addition to the work offered last . year In the high school, this year we will offer a course In agriculture for boys who may desire to study It; this is done to try to provide for our boys as well as we are providing for our girls. We hope that every girl In high school will take Home Economics, and we want a big class of boys In Agriculture. We believe the high school should offer such cuorses as 7IU be of most service to the stu- J dents in life outside the school. If | for any reason a boy or girl cannot go to college the Home Economics or Agriculture will probably be of more service than Latin, French or Algebra. ! Louisburg Graded School welcomes boys and girls from outside our dis trict, especially in the high school. | If for any reasra any child in the county does not have a high school I in convenient distance, come to Lou isburg, the doors will swing wide open to you. | Our board has made the tuition rate extremely low; five dollars per month this is a little more than half the cost; I we want to help the boys and girls I outside of Louisburg to get an educa-' tloa. | If the county will take care of you; for ?ix months, the cost here will be only $15 to you. If the county will not put you on Its list of outside pupils, j come any way. The cost will be only I | $45 tor the entire year. We have a good building, reasonably good equipment, a well trained facul ty, all the requisites for a good school. | We want all the patrons and friends of the school to cooperate with us for the best school ever In Louisburg. i , FARMERS OOXVEJfTION | Two hundred and eighty-three peo ple from Franklin county registered at the Farmers Convention. This was 110 more people than any other coun ty. However as the distance also counted Franklin did not win the lov. ing cup. This went to Hyde county with 112 present. Forsyth had 14S and Randolph 171. Bunn had the largest attendance of any community in the connty with Word second. Mrs. S. B. Nash. Chair man of Franklin Connty Committee wishes to thank the local chairman and others who worked for this at tendance. We did not win the cup but we 1ft the convention know that Franklin county Is on the map. We were all proud of Mrs. Dickens., preel dent of the Federation. Hbr presi dents address was said to he the best that had seer been made at the Fed eration. W. R Yarborough addim ad the Federation Wednesday after noon and his talk was much appre ciated. mm Nothing helps n tlon like having ft mm AMONG THE VISITORS SOU TOD HOW ISO SOU TOO DO ROT HOW. Per ??Ml Items ikM ftlta An* Their FrltaO Whe Travel Aid There. Vork thRl8 week!01"68 ,8 VUiUng New InTrLZZS?'?" apent T ? ? Rev. E. C. Sexton, of Momeyer was a visit ,r to Louisburg Wednesday. is B"Uock' ot Middlesex, is Watting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Peoples. rtatth!' *?ttJr ?!Pay' ?' Heiderson is visiting Mr. and^ Mrs. R. l. Peoples. Is vuf.i VM?.U God8ey- ot Richmond, is visiting Miss Elsie Mae Wooldridge. tnSrt!ifJr? under treatment. Her i will be glad to know that she ia improved. ? ? Messrs. J. e. Maloae . F. Johnson left Wednesday' (or ?W umbin S. C? to atuad . the officers of the Farm ciatioas of North Carolina, is be at the rederal Land Bank thwe. ENTERTAINS AT UCIPnOR Miss Annie Willis Boddls gays S 4 l*htful reception Thursday atsht louor of hsr house (MsU. Misses A is Boyd Wilson, ot BaaUyrtlle. ucky. sad Msttle Kins Hancock. af Beaufort. N. C. The guests wars met it the door by Miss Lacy Clifton Us who condactsd thsss to ths pi >owl. Punch was served by flaset Allan and Dick Turnsr. Ths pi est a war* than Introduced to ton ts :eivlng Una which consisted of Mm toddle and (nests. Ice ska ware served In the Those calling darIns Jaymer. Turner, Iftn'rr leal, Louisa Allen. Anna mm. Lucy Timber lake. Timber lake, * Florida. Elisabeth hnlth. Mary HooweU tola Thispen. ef nil!am Altos.