LOUISBURG TOBACCO MARKET OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT- 21st - EVERYBODY WELCOME A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE GOUKTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION 9L50 Per Year -l . ?? ' ' ?.? i * " ?? _ ? ? -"'i l " ? _ \ ' ?? ^ _ VOLUMN LV. LOUISBURG, N. 0.,j FRIDAY, SEPT. 17TH, 1926 (12 Pages) NUMBER 30 ALL HID Y FOR OPENING Splendid Prioee Indicated Tor Tuesday IfmlwiHi All Pet la 1n4Iini Te ImI? the Weedj Haay Bey en Al ready Here, Others Te Arrive Be fore TietOf Everything has already been put la readlaees tor the opening sales oh the Louisburg tobacco market set tor unit Tuesday, September 21st. The ware houses hare all been renovated and made ready to receive quite a large quantity of the weed and Indications f point to splendid prices. llany of the buyers are already here and others will arrive before Tuesday It Is understood that there will be an especially strong demand for the low, er grades, with the steady demand that always brings good prices to# > the fancy grades. The spirit of cooperation flowing In flood ,'asbion around Loulalmrf will result In the best of everyttyag for the growers that visits Louisburg. There Is -a determination to sell around six million pounds this year on this market and everybody Is pull-. log for this end. .This means a lot more than it might appear to the grower. Come and Join the many satisfied growers who sell at Louis burg. WOMANS CLUB FOB EVERYBODY?EVERYBODY FOB THE WOMANS CLUB Wfc:t does the Womans Club stand for in a community? Ask yourself? you make the club what it Is worth In this community?what are you worth? Are you loyal to your qrga nlatlpn? Are you loyal to yoqy com munity? Just so loyal as you are to them you are loyal to yourself. . When every woman In the Womans Club bends their energy and attention In the same direction, they constitute a unit. Ip the Louisburg Womans Club a unit? If not, do you, by your negligence, carelessness and lack of, interest break the unit and cause the loss of power that only a unt can bold In a communltjr^Vacatlon ig over, everyona has settled" tor' the woi^. i the big work to be done In 1927. What' will the women of the Womans Clnb do with 1927. What of their achieve ments and the necessary funds to acheve? The entire community is watch lng you women In the Womans Club,. every man, woman and child is look-' lng to you for that inspiration and example of loyalty, action and true community spirit. Lets see the wqmen make the Womans Clnb for everybody and everybody tor the Womans Club, of Louisburg for 1927 and all ways, i THE CLINIC The tonsil and adenoid clinic that, is being conducted this week in the Sunday school rooms of the Metho dist church ts? meeting with much fa vor and success. Many halve availed themselves of the opportunity of this service and those in charge have been kept more than busy. 1fc W. HINE8 HEAD Mr W. NT. Hines. one of Jnstfce neighborhoods oldest and most re spected (Uixens, died at his horn) near Justice en Friday night He' was about 75 years old and leaves many friends and relatives Is Fra.ik lln and Hash bounties. * - s IT HOKE It is announced tram Loulsbnrg* College that the faculty will be at' home to friends on the third Tuesday' afternoon in each month from 4 to 5 o'clock. The -friends of the college 1 faculty are invited to call at thess and fai time*. BALE OF NEW COTTON The tret bale of cotton from the MM, crop to otpae on the Lowteburg mark-, et mas ginned on Saturday by I. P.. -for Monroe Smith. The; d ?* pounds, graded mid and wag sold tor 17 1-1 cents, Tutsan bought by J. r. ti*H KIMI01UBY mailt SopUmb?r U. wfU U lua* H*f at Ml % ?xireliM. Rood to th? lUAlfcnt SSS Mm Dorothr K?Uu>. (Ul tV:- * J ~ " '?? 3; -? : > ?? ?? "* *? Rot. W. R. StoTooa, Nor. i Rorvleda will kMl* U o'otooA i1 kft w? aorlNHr lbTiM >mtj dm tw <] ' MM ? '*s j*'?W5 me -n*. p ? "THE SPICE OF L I F E"| HrUlUat Musical Cmh4j Next Fil ter Night At 8 O'clock In High School Auditorium ?? The Womani Club of Loulsburg, and the Daniel Producing Compear 4 under the directorship of Mrs. Belle Simmons of Suffolk, Va. presents on next Friday night at 8:80 a most brilliant feature?big hit two act, musical comedy?"The Bpice of Life." I New costumes, books and music throughout, what a Joy! Every line clever and full of mirth of the most I refreshing kind. You can't afford to miss this hit In a fashionable New; York cabaret. "J a Rehearsals have been going on all j #eek and Mrs. Simmons declares the. ^talent found In Loulsburg mast un-1 usual for amateurs. She is quite ec static about the cast. Come and look it over for yourself. When you have seen Mr. J. E. Ma lone as Col Victor Pea body Dodge, a gay old dodger from the South, his iovsdy daughter Dolly, Mrs. 8. B. Berkeley and her College chum Miss Molly Makeup, Miss Margaret Turner, for their first visit to New York and its- fashionable and highly shocking cabarets you will understand why Van Bluff, Dr. H. H. Johnson, pro prietor of the "Black Cat Cabaret,' should fall so desperately in love with Molly, and Jiinmle Paxton, Mr. John King should be earnestly rival with Lord Btxrrowmore, Mr. E. F. Griffin, in the suit for the fair hand of Dolly Dodge. These three worthy suitors, though young sheiks, htee nothing on the gay old Colonel- Dodge, as he dodges Miss Trailing Arutus, Miss {Catherine Pleasants and the slushy letters he has written her. In the pursuit of the rich hand of the Merry Young Widow, Mrs. Mum, (anything but mum)' )Uss Babble Turner, who flirts most coy ly. Miss Green and George the dumb waiter, Mr. Adthur Fleming, as detec tives, make many thrilling and excit ing blunders In their rescuing of the, Colonel's love letters cf such value What can we say of the manners of Maggie and Jlggs In this fashion able cabaret, who are they? You must Judge for yourself. Never could one wish for better service than is given by the waiters under Mr. Van Bluff's able direction, in the "Black Cat Cabaret:" Messrs Arthur Fleming, James Wheless, James Cooper and Edward Perry, Jr. Should Mr. Ziegfleld risk an eye on .our chorus Loulsburg, would no doubt be minus of eight of its love, liest girls: Misses Annie Taylor, Kit ty Boddle, Hazel Allen, Anna Gray WatSon. Mary Malone Best, Virginia Beck, Euzelia Hill skid Margaret Wilder, all unusual talent. Maybe we. are all "good" babies in the day time and "bad" babies at night, but little Misses Hazel Boone, Jane Fuller, Miriam Downey, Peggy Ford, Jean Fleming and Rose Malone are unusually "good" and "bad" ba bies, In the}r little dance and song skit. The Womans Club feels unusually proud to have the Frank Wheless Or-' chestra, Chorus Girls, Mr. Fred Mor ris, Jack Brown, Radolph Valentino and his Senoretta for their. Cabaret Entertainers. "The Spice of Life" promises to' be a huge success, lets all- support the Womans Club in their under tak tag. General admission seats will be on sale at all drug stores. Reserved seat* chart will be at Scoggtns Drug Store Wednesday of next week at, 4:80.' Get your tickets early. Ad-1 mission. Adults Mc, Children 85c, Re served Seats lie. I TUESDAY AFTOHOOS DOOK CLUB The Tuesday Afternoon Book Club mat with 1U new president, Mr*. L K. Scotr)Q *t hei) home on West Noble Street September 14. Thia meeting marked the beginning of o?r new rear and waa tberaog enjoyed by ell who were present. The presidents greetings expres deep appreciation of the honor con ferred upon her by the clab, and left no tkmbt In the minds of the num bers that the} had made a vary for tunate selection for the officii , ' Reading. "Art the Touchstone of Life." by Mrs. T. W. Watson, waa a beautiful and realistic deeertptkm Of art in Its many stages sore ring several centuries ? Paps?, "Madame Us Bran and Her Works," by Mlsa Lola Jackson vividly portrayed the sad exists ration to purpose of that id artist whoea works crested such >14 Miinrtir ?lb?rn>d of e anlnd and sweet ?*5S et 1:10 kriL ? " 'iM ? .ZL tg oa ? WRS. D r. MeWMft* gec-r v-n> vth??ipisi;isupton and Lila Leonard ffjtponii - to the gospel, Mrs. A. A.' iHU? Jose fpfnaadoo. Mrs. Dunham Ortf-ji FIRST METHODIST CHURCH I am giving the morning and even ing programs of worship, with the hope and the prayer that all oar mem bers who see them will read these hymns, psalms and other scripture lessons before next Bandar's services, and thus be prepared In mind and heart to .worship God In songs, prayer, scripture readings and sermon. Friends if yon halve never tried this plan, please do so and I believe the church services will mean more arm more to you. ' - I am preaching a sermon of unusual interest next Sunday at 11 a. m. on the Fragments. Next 8nnday night I am preaching the second' sermon on Paul's wonderful prayer tor the Eth egion church. The subject is "The Indwelling Christ.' " The MeraJng Program, 11 A. H. 1 Voluntary. I Hymn 207. 3 The Apostles' Creed. ? 4 Prayer.- , 5 Anthem. 6 Psalm 23. 7 The Gloria Patri. 8 New Testament Lesson John 8 1-13. 9 Notices, offering. 10 Hymn 325. II Sermon: "The Fragments." 12 Prayer. 13 Hymn 855. 14 Doxology and Benediction. Last Sunday morning all the church was filled with worshipers, chairs were In the aisles for more worship ers. Come early for a good seat. The Evening Worship I am preaching a series of four great messapes on Paul's greatest prayer. I have already preached on the Inner Man. Next Sunday night on the Indwelling Christ; the fourth Sunday night on the Love that Pasa eth Knowledge or Love with Four Dimensions and the first Sunday night In October I shall preach the last of the series on the Fullness of God There is nothing greater, nothing be yond this climax. Come for your own sake and he%r these deeply soul nourishing and soul stirring mess ages. If you are not gospel hungry, you will receive the needed tonic. If ! you arc soul hunry for the bread of i life you will find nourishment. Let me beseech you to come in a spirit i of real prayer. Don't stay at home for company, bring them with you 1 Voluntary. 2 H/un 870. 3. Prsvif: 4 Anl'tem. ? PBelm 17.