FRANKLIN TINE} T. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. iYear : ...$1.50 Eight Months .,. t. u... 1.00 8ix Months ;...... .75 Foot Months 50 jFnreign Advertising Representative | AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Altered at the Post Office at Louis bug. N. C., as second class matUr. The vote In Tnesday's election is aNbriit the lightest we have ever seen. His many friends In Franklin Coun ty are wishing for Senator Overman's early recovery. Li ad*H What's the use of passing ordin ances prohibiting persons from cut. ting up the paved streets? A similar ordinance has been passed| several times before and the people cut them np at will. The new County Home Is almost completed, and will be a credit to Franklin County, a monument to the' Board that built It, and a most need ed comfort and pleasure to the in mates for whom Franklin County has to care. It's a pity the Highway authorities of Granville County can't devise some means of completing the road from Hester to Wilton in order to open up State Highway route 66 and to re lieve Itself of around ten miles of road to maintain as well as to relieve franklin County of around five miles to maintain. With the heavy traffic from Raleigh to Durham over the State Highway, this additional west ern ontlet would become very popu lar and be much used. We hope our neighbors will put their heads togeth er' as well as their efforts and get thi. road in shape so the State will ta%e it over at an eraly date. Just a few days works on the part of Gran vill County will save both the coun ties a large sum of money besides give the traveling public a very de sirable western outlet. The request of the ladies of Louis burg presented to the Board of Town Commissioners on last Friday night that the town provide removal of garbage and trash from receptacles properly placed in the residential part of town, is a reasonable request and should be met The fact that the present contract with the street cleaaer doesn't provide for such serv ice and therefore no change can be made is not sufficient reason to re JeCt the request. ? The contract does not provide that it cannot be added to for additional pay nor that another contract for this additional service cannot be made. It is service of this kftidi that contributes greatly to a healthful and beautiful town. We be lieve our Commissioners want our town to be both, and that they will give this request further considera tion and favorable action. . In its efforts to organise and its first year of operation the North Caro lina Cotton Growers Co-operative Marketing Association pointed to the California raisin growers organisa tion as an example as to what could be dons for the cotton fanner. Yet the raisin growers have raised the price from 8 cents a pound 'to above tOy cents and Increased the demand many times. Just the opposite the Cotton Association has sit by and let the demand decrease If any change and the price seek the bottom. The raisin growers neither had all raisin growers signed nor a full delivery of all made. If the Cotton Association had been aa anxious to build a friend ly spirit for the farmer among the mill men and the time merchant and to Increase the demand by lntroduc. ing cotton into new channels and In creasing its use in the present chan nels, as they have been to preach loyalty to Its members, the present crisis would no doubt, never have come. The farmers need a coopera tive selling plan. Lets hope the cot ton association will liberalise it con. trget so that its members can feel thflf they will have eome say-so In the operation of his business and that It may get a set of officers who will lodfe mere closely after the growers 'school. A Hallowe'en party wha gtv. j en, that everyone, both old and young enjoyed. The building was decorated with beautiful leaved from, the forest and Hallowe'en colors, and several pumpkins fixed as Jack-o-)anterns, which furnished the light. About seven-thirty o'clock after everyone had scrambled among the1 spooks and found their best friends, Whom they could hardly . recognise, the program started. First on the program was a ghost story by two spooks on the stage in the auditorium which was very scary, the stage being I 'decorated as a grave-yard. Next the prettiest girl and the ugliest boy were' Voted on. Miss Jones from Cedar Rock's faculty and Mr. Arm strong from Edward Best faculty re ceived th?se prises. After that ex citement the audience was entertain-1 ed by several side shows, fortune tellers and '"feeding the goose." Candy pr.p-corn, apples and peanuts were sold. About ten-thirty o'clock the spdoks disappeared and the crowd began te scatter. Laughing, blowing of horns and every kind of spooky noise could be heard within a mile. AH are look ing forward to the next entertainment at X. B. H. 8. Hm proceeds of this part* Jffen* tej the libra or. r * zi ?nanww samite. From time to time we *4* o#r class la agriculture is able to f? some School piece of work which help# our he , and community Wh were proud to be the' ones to erect the flag pole over the front entrance and in sneh a way that the flag presented to #% by tbe Junior Order of LoulsbiA-g can be easily raised ^nd lowered. ?^ On Tuesday the class in agricul ture made a trip to the farm of Mr, Moore for the purpose of studying the effect discing has on the soil While there each; boy obtained speci mens of soy bean plants from the variety test plot operated by Mr. Moore. This is one of the many te#? plots in Franklin county which are under supervision of the county agent, Mr. Harris. The bogs were able to make a good comparison of eight ft the leading varieties o< soy beans. The sample plants were taken back to the labortory at school where they wiU be more crefully studied. Riverside Warehouse For The Saleof Leaf Tobacco R. W. HUTCHERSON, Prop. LOUISBURG, N. C. Tobacco growers please read these fine lines. My entire sale Monday of 18,626 lbs. averaged $33.60 per hundred for every leaf on the floor. Come see my sales before yon sell anywhere, if yon will, I will sell some tobacco lor yon. My sales for next week are as follows: Monday, 2nd Sale ' Thursday, 2nd Sale Tuesday, 1st Sale Friday, 1st Sale Wednesday, 3rd Sale Come to see me once, you will come again. Your Friend for good prices and fair dealing, R. W. Hutcherson Service Warehouse ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Now is the time to sell your tobacco. Prices ad- J vanced on all medium to good and fine gradea of [ tobacco this week. Breaks are not heavy and j prices higher. Below are some sales made today: ( Hoim and Charter. St. SO. 88. 40. 44. 47. 7% Mrs. P. Jajter, 14. 84. SS. M. 40. SS. M. Inn u4 Spmlll, SS. Sfc IS. ?0. OA. 78. T. L. Hnm, SO. 46. AS. S4. Ptttnaa aad Statoa, S7. 88. 84. 84. St. 41. 4H. AC. W. A. BlMi, SO. 44. 48. 61. 68. L. A. Gay aid Wrfetit, 8*. SS. SS. SS At. SI. 04. Z.D. Palley, S8.4t.4A. OA. 48* J. C. Tartar, SO. St. AS. AA. SS. A D. Tlek, St. SSL SB. AS. AA. St. J. C. Ortfta, St. 84. 44. AS. Paal JoraoT, SB. SB. 88. St. 40. At. - V '*(f ' V Thursday 4,1st Sale Wednesday 10,1st Sale Friday 5,1st Sale Thursday 11,1st Sale Monday 8, lat Sale Friday 12, 2nd Sale Tuesday 9 2nd Sale RANGES We have a large and complete stock of heating and Cooking Stoves -at Extremely Low Prices * - Anything from cheap Sheet Iron Heaters to HOT BLAST HEATERS and OPEN FRANKLINS SHEET IRON HEATERS SMALL $1.75 MEDIUM $2.75 LARGE $3.75 Circulating Air Heaters ENAMEL FINISH Will heat your entire home. Fine for Churches and Schools. Regular Price $150.00, Our Price $110.00 LET US HELP TOU SOLVE TOUR HEATIHG > ? t * *' PROBLEMS The Spot Cash Co. D. F. McKINNE, President PAY CASH and PAY LESS fine Granulated sugar 100 POUNDS - $6.25