THE ERANKLIN TIMES A. f. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?TAR DROPS? ?A daughter wag born to Mr. and W. B. Tucker Monday. ?Tobacco price continue high 0:1 the Loutsburg market. ?Cotton sold tor 11 3-4 cents a pound In Loulsburg yesterday. ??Quite a l?t of cotton is being brought to the gins these days. ?The rain ahd wind Sunday nig'it destroyed quite a big lot of cotton. ?Beasley Brothers are rearranging the Inside of their store on Court street. ?Quite a number of the college girls and teachers went home for Hallowe'en. i ?Work Is almost completed on the v,iiew filling station corner of Main and Fruiklin- streets. ?The election is now over so lets bend our efforts to making a better tcown and community. ?The telephone company is receiv ing material for rebuilding the ex change. None too early. :?Loulsburg' merchants are feeling the need of some kind of manufactur ing enterprise that will produce a pay roll to encourage business. ?The n,ew front t8 the building on the corner of Nash and Spring streets to be used as a Chevrolet service sta tion, is nearing completion. ' ?Mr. J. P. Moore, cotton weigher, wishes us to state that the John Moore in Mayor's Court last week was another John and not himself. .?The Franklld County building is almost closed in with all the outside work completed. Lets - get the inside completed right away so that it can be used. ?The services at St. Paul's church for next Sunday as announced by Rev J.'D. Miller, rector, will be Sunday school at 10 A. M. and evening pray er at 7:30 P. M. to which all are In vited. ?Supt. E. C. Perry is very anxious to have all who ran do so hear Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, Commissioner o.' Charitiej Slid " iLlic Welfare. of North Carolina, at the Court House Sunda.' afternoon. ?Mr. W. B. Munford presented the editor of the FRANKLIN TIMES with one of the largest sweet potatoes seen on this market in many years, Friday. It was a Porto Rico and weighed 9 pounds. We extend our appreciations to- Mr. Munford for this splendid meal ?We are requested to state that there will be an old time fiddlers con. vention at Royal School on Friday night, November 12 at 7:30 o'clock All old fddlers are invited to come and take part, and compete for tbo prizes. A small admission will . lie charged for the school. Everybody is Invited to go out RECORDERS COURT Judge Q. M. Beam disposed of the following cases In Franklin Record' ers Court Monday: State ts William H. Alston, larceny, pleads guilty, six months on roads, upon defendant paying costs and not driving car or truck for 12 months ex ecution not to Issue until further or ders of this court. State ts Bailey Stallings, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, 10 days In lall, execution not to issue until further orders of this court, upon pay Lienl of costs. State ts W, H. Joynsr, violating pro hlbltlon law, continued. State vs R. L. Peoples, violating prohibition law, continued. . State vs Maynard Chaney, violating prohibition law, continued. 8tate vs Bailey Stallings, assault with deadly weapon,'guilty, Judgment suspended ? upon payment of costs. State vs Siddie Prlvett, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, Judgment sus pended upon payment of costs. State vs Sam Radford, speeding, pleads gnUtJ^ .Judgment suspended upon the payment ?of $15 Into the court for the hoc run over and the costs. State vs Lewis Thomas, larceny, pleads guilty, < months on roads, upon thd defendant pbytng costs and' not driving n car or truck for IS months execution not to Issue until further orders of this court Slate V* CMlle WW don,' Chas B Can nady, Wm. Cannady, Jim Hawkins, dis lining, not guilty. State Vs Willis Strickland, contlnu * State vs J. R. 8h*ff1eld. operating automobile Intoxicated, continued. State vd William C. Holder, diving worthless check, called and tailed. | Stnia vu Aubrey Mullen, aasault and battery, being under IS yefcrs of age was sent to Juvenile Court state vs Bailey Stallings, assault not guilty. P ?HOT A KAN IN THE HOUSE" i Maplajrflle Wotaane Club Willi It as play's "Not a Man If the I," and ^Bister Masons" at Ma ptMUe school on Friday night No W'. WMISW /WW -- - ' ' WW set the clnb women as "stage actors." Their presence oh the. stage aeeufee a xiitrbt of real entertttnlnent for all present Admission: Children lScenta mid adults SB cents. A tea room will be supplied with good things to eat eo come hungry sad -"Ml UP " aai.F OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under end by virtue ol the power at eele contelned In that creteln deed of truet to Wm. H. Ruflln, Tp?etee. executed by R. P. Taylor on the 30th dy of Movember, 1918, recorded In Book. 224, page 16k, Registry of Frank Un County, N. Cj default having been made In the payment of the Indebted, nesti thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the undersigned by the holder of the bonds representing said Indebtedness and as provided by law, the under signed will on Monday the 6th day of December, 1926, at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse Door of Franklin County, North Carolina, of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that certain tract or parcel of land situate In Frank lln County, North Carolina, describ ed as follows: Beginning at a rock and small pine a corner of the land sold by Miss La. cy Perry to J. E. Ellis, November 25, 1908, thence by survey of W. N. Ful ler made December 1899, S 7d W 164 poles, 16 links to a stake acd pointers, a corner of No. 1 In ? Boddle's line; 'thence N 115 poles V) a rock In Jim Smith's line: thence-| sey Wakefield Cabbage plants fgr sale, 82.00 pe^ 1000. J. S. STRICK LAND, R 3, Loulsburg, N. C. ll-5-6t| LOST OR STOLES?Two Black and white female setters. One 5 years old named Melba, one 8 months old named Flapper. Reward for their return to J. E. Malone, Jr., Louls burg, N. C. 1 U-5-11 PIGS FOB SALE?I have a nice loj of Duroc Jersey Pigs now ready lor delivery. J. A. Mumford, Louls burg, N. C. i1"6"* A ton of alfalfa hay will remove about 80 pounds of lime from the soli which Is one reason why land Intend ed for the crop should be well limed, ? 1 . 4 Many a man thinks he hap an In spiration to work as lcogas It Is not the kind that requires perspiration. Book 146, page 26, deed of James B Mitchell and wife, recorded In Book 146 page 43, Registry of Franklin County, N. C., less that parcel ortract ot land containing by estimate 14 acre, more or less, conveyed by the said R. C. Underwood and wife to J. J Pearce, by deed recorded in Book 227 page 472, said Registry. Said property to be sold subject to Hens of record, purchaser to take posession on Japuary 1st, 1927. This November 1, 1926. J. E. MALONE, JR.. 11-5-31 Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that eertaln Lien Bond and Mortgage Deed to N B. Finch anO Company executed by Cul len Satterwhite and wife, datad Ma?* 5, 1924, recorded in B??k 25 '.J18?, 1 1237, Registry of Franklin County, N.J C., default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured, the undersigned wUl on Monday the 6th day of at or about the hour of Noon at the Courthouse Door in Loulsburg, . . ^|] offer for sale at publlc auctlon to the, highest bidder for cash that tract or i&rcel of land In Dunns Township. 11 Franklin County, North Carolina. a ^ l fni_in- the lands of F- "? ?viggs ou I the East, Melton Mullen and Culp*jH per land on the North, Sid Alford heirs ?u? "acres,! Mortgagees White and Malone Attys. Make Your Hens, Lay More Eggs! You can do it?just give them Ful-O-Pep Egg Maqhl Start right now?this week | ?and soon you'll be gathering more eggs every day". Hens must work when they get this exceptional feed because it gives them exactly the things that go to make . eggs?plus Cod Liver Meal to make every other ingredient give more value. Remember the name?Look for the biNMnd* white striped sack! mro-jrap m TboQuafctrOtfeQmptqy ; r L. P. HICKS HEADQUARTERS FOR GAS AND OIL We are satisfied with a small profit on a lot of sales and. have kept the price of Gas down in Lonisbnrg ever since we opened our place. Now we shall appreciate a continuance of your valued patronage and will also thank you to tell your friends about our polite service and good Gasoline. FISK TIRES All sizes from the smallest to the largest REGULAR CORD AND BALLOON FORDS We are licensed dealers and have a stock of ? .'Jr. * Good Used Fords Which we sell at very reasonable prices. We now have on hand? THREE TOURItfG CARS TtJO COUPES TWO ROADSTERS We have the prettiest Coupe in Louisburg. Beau tiful Grey Body with neat Orange stripe, Black Fenders and wheels. In perfect condition. Let us show you what we have. We will trade or sell. WE ARE NEVER SATISFIED UNTIL OUR CUSTOMERS ARE. Service Is Our Watchword V COME TO SEE US THANK YOU ? \ ? Filling Station F. B. LEONARD, Proprietor