Franklin Times sell YOUR Cotton and Tobacco IN LOUISBURG . ???'? *?:?= A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THEJJOUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION \ SUBSCRIPTION $1.60 Per Year VOLUMN LV. LOUISBUBO, N. 0., ^RIDAY, DECEMBER 3,1926 (10 Pages) NUMBER 41 TOBACCO SITUATION IMPROVING Prices Decidedly Higher On Leali. burg Market Part Week) To Close December 17 for Christmas Prices on the Loulsburg tobacco market took a decided advance on Wednesday and the many growers selling were especially well pleas sd. The demand continues good and splendid sales were made here the past week. Reports coming In from other markets point td the fact that the Loulsburg market Is still In the lead. Friday, December 17th, IMS has been set for the closing date for the Loulsburg market for the Christinas holidays. Bear this In mind and get your tobacco that you want to sell, reader before the Vcloelng date and bring It on to Loulsbnrg and join the many well pleased growers who sell on the Loulsburg market, and where all cltlsens extend you a hearty wel BCNNETT-McCLELLAlfD 11*. lfomcram Loulsburg Not. J4.?1The following announcements hare been Issued: Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Murray Forger. ., son announce the marriage of their niece, Leila Safeme McClelland to Doctor Ernest Claxton Bennett on Wednesday, the thirteenth of October nineteen hundred and twenty-six Rae >rd. North Carolina. Mrs. Bennett v ho attended Meredith College U a ? harming and accomplished young lad/ and has many friends through out the State. She in the daughter of Mrs. N. C. Phillips of Littleton. Dr. Bennett Is a moat promising young physician having graduate.: from Wake Forest College and Rich mond MedJcal College, ?tram which iaatttuttrm* he reoetved umay honors. Re is a member of Theta Kaona Pal mtmrmUr being mad. presl dent tli senior year. At present Dk Bennett la resident physician at Cum berland General Hospital, Fayette VI1I6. a m. Mmunm J. R. MKehtner, who Med at t MMehtnefa Cross Roada ?rmbee M. was the daugh 'J.** Hugk Perry, af the vtcl the^eM MaMen"1*' ^ WM bora M bj^ttjeemlmr 1*^0^ Mr* laburg Methodist church^!*childhood and remained a faKhfal aaember of mate unUl after her marriage -??7*d ** membership to od^the community taj^loh she labo" Vn. Mltchiner wag married to M J. B. Mltchiner, 8r? UN and of this born, Samuel Ri at State College *? ?- miicniner, sr., September II b2L,S??0i.^"J^n,o,, on*eww w* born, Samuel Ruffln, who la a studen at fltAtA Hdh* sMQen Mrs Mltchiner la survived by her rrthnrl *!!l *?*?,.h*r mother and live ??en. The brothers ere JL* 1"d H- H. PerrfTfLou, w- *? Pmty. who lives i"1 of Franklin ton. He> *re z- T. Fortescue, ot Hydg oountl' and Mrs. J. o. Wilson of this county. ? T||* ??>k place from the home Monday afternoon and Inter moot was at the Mltchiner burls grounds. Rev a. H. Davis,faster o Srn^rtrtLMhth?2i*t Church ?mcUt Ing, assisted by Rev Mack Stamp* a former pastor of Mrs. Mltchiner Jh?r* many beeuUful Bowon and the host of friends who attend ?< attest the high esteem lo which thh good women wee held. FLAT AT ?OLD SAND An entertainment will be siren at ?he Gold Sand High School building1 .in Friday night, December 3rd. at 7: it o'clock. This entertainment la. by the boys athletic aaaoclatlon of the Bdward Beet High School The' following program will be presented. ; Part 1.?"The Life Saver** Only twenty mlnutea but a laugh for ev ery minute. Part I.?"Boy* Will Be OtrU." Twenty boye dreaaed aa glrla trill en tertain yon for an hour and a half. If yon haven't amllad In twenty years you will laugh at the '"glrla" Admis sion SB and SB cents. Proceeds for the benefit of both schools JAHKT OAY1IOB Mtaa Mary Lee White, of Orford, recently wrote {he Times tor lnlorma Hon regarding Janet Qaynor. a mov ing picture actress. While we oon duct no department to gather this kind of information, Mr. R. R Kissel. at the Winner Theatre kindly furnish ed ns the following; the plays the. leading "roles In "Jeka^om Flood." ' 'Midnight .Ktoi" >eUr Ortm" endf others, andJs much admired by^wuay i 9 Ikaas 'i fans. Mr. I . . that hs expects to play all of thest rlrturss at the winner Theatre soon. CHBI8TKAS SEALS has been appoim Chairman (or Prank Un County to con duct the Tuberi Is Christmas Seal Campaign. - T h 1 sale was begun | the 26th ot Novem ber and will continuei through the holl I days. Seventy five """7 I per cent of all moneys derived from1 the sale of these seals in Franklin County will be expended In Franklin County through the Welfare Depart ment to worthy cases coming within I I the scope of the work. People of Franklin County should buy all the seals they need or use from the Frank lln county agencies, as it will be the sales in Franklin County that will assist in the health work of the coun ty. All money spent for seals out side of Franklin county will be used by the county in which the seals are sold. I Mr. Palmer has arranged for ttyrrf j seals to be on sale at moet all stores selling Christmas goods and through other agencies in order to make it convenient for you to purchase them. Be liberal with your purchases of these seals and by that means rend your assistance in stamping out the great white plaguj. PLAT AT EDWABD BEST HIGH SCHOOL ; The play entitled "The Runaways.' by Walter Ben Hare, will be present ed In the auditorium of the Bdwara Best High School on December Pth at 7;.m; p. m. The play deals will, scenes of the west and therefore furn ishes many thrills and much merri ment. The play is being g netotu The play is being gotten up by the pupils of the eighth grade, under the supervision of Mr. Armstrong. 1 Admission 25 and *S cents. The pro ceeds will be used tor making a pay ment on the new school piano. DISTRIBUTING CHRISTMAS BOXES I TAa Salvation Army is distributing Christmas boxes in and around Lou mahe collection of funds providing tors tor child ren In the county whose parents are destitute and tor providing a Christ tomllles of such fSSfe. U rraakUa ?o??to w*p is without means to provide any Christ mas tor thalr - children will -i ?oOjy the Salvation Army at Louis ai^rJlLir A ^fPtoto to charge 2? to***"** The campaign tor names and that D**mtor Uth. ao get them to the Army " " data I STILLS CAPTURED H- c- Ayacue reports the I capture of a cotpUli still outfit. to and destroyed eeren barrels of beer and three gallons of whiskey "?** New Hope church on Thursday tout week and eaught Redding Tv^m ? ?2U?4LH'T" .. J 7, " "**"? "" ??a assist , r^ ^PTi^. Ud ZolU' Klsig. ! Omatable H. a Ayscue - V wwuiIMUI1V a. U. ATflGDS captured u to gallon still outflt and destroyed two barrels of beer and ?f *hUk,r on SAerrod Denton land In Harris township He XSSZL* " ?? ?*-?? Ehputy Sheriff J. a Rowland re , porta the cepture of the following ne^M^^' f^relab*r *L tot one "too'ton and caught Ollie Wrenn. On Thursday of last week be got | a totoBtate still but* near J. H 'wartrss destroyed about l#to gallons of beer ' Monday. November u. he ds^ about 4to gallons of beer ud 10 fermentura on Deera brmnrh Gold Mine township ta| . ^ I7th. he. assisted by J. S. Thomas sad J. H. 'Wood, do-1 *tr?Tsd about 1W gallons of beer hi scuffle town. m "?* Deputy Z by MUZT" V church. "?"ge A CHRIHTHA8 BAZAAR ?,Th* members of the Womens Aux IL I7 ?' 8t- Pofl's Church will copied' by* M thpJ!lf?? ruplnfi by lfr. Parrlsh. It win km .. M Parish, n will h. "to th? ladlut rnSly MoonMthsm. tonnage JJS H"" *"*? The pastor of the Loulsburg Circuit ?U! flU his ramlar appointments Sun day, Dmabc <th. Leah's Chapel 11 s sl Subject, making s Oood Investment" r. Prospect S p. ia> Subject, Thsee Solod Smmu for Being ? Christian.* 7 p. m. Subject, "Friendship. RECORDERS COURT Although Franklin County Re corder* Court ha* had a two week* rest only a few cases were on docket Monday. Judge Beam disposed of! cases as follows: I State ts Msynard Chaney, violat ing prohibition law, nol pros with leave. I State ts OUle Wrenn, distilling, continued. j State vs T. W. Williams, operating | automobile Intoxicated, guilty, four ] months In jail, execution not to Issue, upon payment of costs and not driv ing automobile fpr 12 months. State vs W. H. Joyner, violating prohibition law, continued, State vs Calvin Lewis, Eld Lewis, disposing crop without giving notice to landlord, nol pros as to Ed Lewis, yullty as to Calvin Lewis, 6 months on roads, upon payment of costs ex ecution not to Issue until further or ders of this court. State vs Hubert Holden, removing crops, called and failed. I State vs Andrew Dean, abandon ment, continued. 1 State vs John Hockady, assault. with deadly weapon, pleads guilty. | Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. I State vs C. A. Bat tan, disposing ot mortgaged property, guilty, prayer for | judgment continued until January i 1st. ' State vs Reden Perry distilling, pleads guilty, t months on roads. Ap PUBLIC LECTURE The InteraatioD-. ?3 Btfbje Student* Association, r * - spectfully urge* you to attend thaii special public lec ture by H. H. Din gus at the Winner Theatre, Louisburg N. a, on Sunday afternoon. Decem ber 6th at S o'clocX upon the subject , "Comfort for the People." Has It not many times occurred to you that there moat be soma reason able explanation of the canoe ot . world-vide unrest, distress and plexitlesT Where is the rational, j man betas who baa not often {that things were different?who does .not long for peace, happiness, free ! dom from pain and sorrow? j The dlrine plan for Stan's relief from all causae of onhappiness la not only reasonable bat genuinely heart cheering. There will be no collection or ad ?188 JABMAH BEADS "WHY I AH THANKFUL" Miss Loulla Jar man entertained the members qf Loulsburg Klwaals Club at Its luncheon last Friday night with a most interesting reading on Thanksgiving entitled "Why I am Thankful." It contained beautiful sag gestlons, a moat wonderful spirit and , an appreciation hard to portray in Adding to the spirit and enjoyment of the occasion -was the excellent quartette by Mrs. W. SI White, Mrs. 8. B. Berkeley, Mr. M. McKinne and Dr. & H. Johnson, with Mrs. A. H Fleming at the piano. The program tor this occasion was in charge of Revs. J. A. Mclver and O. Wj. Dowd, who proved themselves masters at the art Stewart Davis made a report on the road to Hester stating that he had seen the district engineer and was informed the road would not be chang The date for entertaining the foot ball boys was changed to a week later due to its interference with the Passing Show." I | Ben Holden Introduced Dr. Mohn , father qf President Arthur Mohn, ot . the Club, who made a most interest ing and enthusiastic talk. , Others speaking on this occasion were M. McKinne. W. H Yarborough, David Harris, Arthur Fleming. The Friday night meeting was a 'most enjoyable one. 1 SQUIB! BAWLITO CHRISTMAS" The Chi retinas entertainment foi Maplevtlle school will be presented oa Friday night, Deosmber 10. A ? "Squire Hawley's Chirstmas" rsany ether pleasing afteractions Bgreet yon with an early Christ spirit Corns and bring your friends. We cordially walooma you. Admtaaioa, adults SB cants, children, II canto. Refreshments served by the mraTBKL latere to to be a nerro mtnatrel at Rock Bprlns* achool hanae Friday ntffht. December trd. Everybody to- [j tttad. The proceede are to bo for thai, benefit of the auhool. ... V. D. C. niniM The Joaeph J. Derta Chapter U. D. j 0. will meat with Mr*. 8. 0. Holder. Tueaday afternoon December 7. IMC. i M t:M. ;j MRS. H. W. PERRT, Becy. I' v \i BITES FOB MBS. 8PE3CEB AT * LOUIHBlBti Rockingham, Nut. 27.?Mn. Emma Spencer died here this morning at 7:30 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Everett, In her 83rd year. She fractured her hip all yeara ago, since which time she haa been mora or less of an Invalid. Heart failure was the Immediate cause of her death this morning. _. , .. The remains will be carried thru the country Sunday morning to Lou isburg, to the old" Fuller home, now occupied by Mrs. Annie Fuller Malone who was one of her bridesmaids many years ago. The funeral serrice will be held from the Fuller home at 3 o'clock, conducted by Major Alpheua McCullen of Rockingham, and Inter ment beside her parents and forbears. Mrs 8pencpr was the daughter of the late N. B. and Sellna Foetei Brown Walker, of LouUburg. and the widow of the lata Wesley Houston Spencer. Surrirlng are three chHdren 'Mrs. A. C. Ererett, of Rockingham; Garland W. Spencer of Sanford, Fla., and Mrs. George Brandt, of Florence. The remains of Mrs. Spencer were brought to Louis burg Sunday and af ter a short but impressive, service at the Methodist church, were laid to rest In Oaklawn cemetery. Quite a large number of local peo ple and visitors attended both serv ices CUBBElfT LITE BA TUBE CLUB Mrs. Jamie White was hostess to the Current Literature Club on Tnes day November 13rd. After the roll call and minutes of the last masting the president suited tor the Bret num ber on the program. ? * ? The subject of the evening was A Midsummer Night's Drssm " ? Miss L. Letton in the absence o? kiss Sal lie Betta tend a very later 1 eating paper, "The Love TVagle." I Mise Roeelaad then beaattfuUy ren nsmber, "The Fairy Gavotte," by Cluck Brahm. ' Tales. "Oberon sad Tltanla," by The program closed with s r Mrs. Mc. M. Furgeruon. A nan Theory of Lows. Mrs. Weldoa Bgarton, daughter ot commTwlth cofh* followed by mints end salted nuts. STUDEKT BBCITAL Tuesday evening, November N, at ? o'clock the 8chooi of Msalc of Urn i nu,?Hid. Md 8..,. debrtt? Sarah Hicks. Lonlsbnrg. Voice?The Wted ?peeks. Grant, i Vofos?The Beat Song, tar. Jnaalta Biwtos, Jacki__ ? - La Glaee. Crawford, Dorothy Knowleo, Miami. Fla. I gudhg?Tht Lots of O' Sens laa, HWf. Began Rice Balm Puraell, Ral Plano?Gavotte, Bach, VlrglaU Bloaa Wallace. _ ? I Voice?(1) 8ylvta. Speaks; (1) It {Vera Ton, Wells, Alyce Cameron. I piano?Serenatt. Turner, RebU Mine. Miller. Bliaa beth Fuasull. Stedman. Piano?Hailing, Grieg, Nellie Farm | tr'vioHn?Arietta. 8toeaael. Virginia Sloan, Wallace. PUm Prelude In b Minor, Chopin. Lucy Thompson, Creedmoor. Voice?Sweet Phyllis, Strickland. Rachel Creech Smlthfleld. piano?Autumn, Alfred Noyea, Dor Is Hancock, Wilmington. pjano?Sextette from Donliettls. "Lucia Di Lamermoor" for left hand only, Rachel Creech. Smlthfield. Voice?(1) Serenade, Toaselli, (I) Little one a'cryln' WlUlam Morrle, ^Plaao? Pasquinade, Gottachalk. Helen Evans. Edenton. The varied program was success fully rendered by all participants, al though It marked the Orst appearance of many ot them. Especially finished work was presented in voice by Miss Creech and In piano by Mlsees Creech and Evans. Miss Doris Hancock, re nresentlng the School of .Expression, save a strong interpretation of Hayes ( "The Highwayman," In which .he pros ed herself a master ot controlled emo tlon and euggestlve are. She bi ought out not only the dramatic quality of the poem, but also the vivid color of the picturesque background. Student recital No. 1 will be i seated December 14th. at t h m. pre FAJfTLT REUNION tMr. and Mre. D. O. Pearce enjoyed! a family reunion on laat Sunday In relebration of Mr. Pearce's birthday. [ All of their children were at home, and a moat pleasant and enjoyable lay waa spent by all. ? Among the children from out of !own were Mtia Bererla Pearce. ot Princeton, Mr. D. O. Pearce and Mlu [da 8111s Pea roe of Goidshoro, and If las Crlchton Pearce, of Hooky dount. Mr. Gray R Kins ot Nashville, and lr. Walter Cuthrell, of Rocky Mount ret* present, as i BEBE'S COMEDY CALLED SPEEDY "The Campus Flirt" Fib for Capacity Crowds At the Winner Theatre i If you want a college education in the course of an hour,?one devoid or study, yet teaching the latest thing In laughs,?get down to the Winner The atrd Thursday. The reason? Bebe Daniels! She's back again?the same vivaciously dashing bit of femininity who romp-, through Paramount comedies to the accompaniment of a thousand laughs. This time, they're all dressed up and steeped in college atmosphere. "The Campus Flirt."- written by Louise Long and Lloyd Corrigan, was di rected by Clarence Badger. I Bebe is cast as a "miscast"?a girl who Is sent to an American co-educa tional college because It is her father's alma mater. He feels that bis daugh ter's snobbish, arrogant ways are merely a veneer through which the girl's true character will come smil ing after a period Of shoulder-rubbing with other students. Of eourse, Bebe gets off on the wrong foot. How she changes and finally finds himself, creates and cans en an ocean of laughs. I Heading the hand picked cast we find Charlie Paddock of cinderpath tame. He displays fine acting po tentialities and should ro far In his new field of action. James Hall and ? Breads I. respectively, take care of the love and comedy interests.Joan Standing, Gilbert Roland, Irma Kor neUa and Jocelyn Lee are also In the W. B. BUM BEAD Mr, W. H. Radd succumbed to a stroke of paralysis at his home on 8oeth Ken more aveaae Monday night at 7:M o'clock. Ha was 77 years ot 'age and basMss Ms wife be leaves seven children fib*. Bam Davis of Norwood, Mrs. J. L. fipseesr. Mrs. J. | W. Wsever, Mrs. A. T. Harris, Mrs. Jane Joynsr, MMs Annie Radd and Mr. Morton Ra^fi and a large number of relatives and friends I Mr. Rndd was a member of Perry hareh. The funeral held at the grave and C. Crawford, aerioted by Revs. J. A. Melver sad a W. Dosed. The inter meat was made at Oahlawa cemsttry Wednesday moralpg. A large sumbe> at friends being present to hid a last farewell. The pall hearers were B. P. Cooke, Paal Beasley, J. H. Harris. Caswell Spencer, F. U Herman, Jake I The floral tribute was especially pretty carrying s beautiful : family and relatives sf the satire com ?F BBOAGJEKBRT of Interest in Wtn inouacsd in enlqas In Port Sill Ok la.. Friday, lfith. i Captain and Mrs. N. J. McMahon entertained at n delightful dinner 'party. At the completion of the dinner nuts were served In dainty nut eupe and at the bottom of the cup was ! found a penny. Many questions were ' fired about this occnrreuce. but at thiamoment the door opened and a newels entered crying "'Extra." The papers. The Gutdlon, were promptly bought with the convenient penny*, and in biasing headlines were read this Item Tlmbertake-Smallwoad en gagement announcement Young cou ple are receiving congratulations ot their friends nt the field artillery school." , Miss Tlmberlake Is the sinter ot Mrs. Fred Brower and Mrs. Kelly Barrow of Winston-Salem, and ltwd here fbr four years. Her native home is in Louis burg, where her mother, ' Mrs. J. E. Tlmberlake, makes her home. i Miss Tlmberlake left taf Oklahoma ' three months ago. , Lieutenant Small wood Is from Fny lettevllle. Ark., and is a graduate ot ; West Point class of 1916 and Is sta tioned at Fort Sill. The wedding will take place De cember 22. YOUB BIRTHDAY Dc ccstber 5 to 11 If your btrthda y U this week you are rathler pfoud and reserved?to such an extant that you are almost un approachable. You are rery conserva ttre and cautious and methodical? and alwaya look carefully ahead be fore waking any decision. As a re sun you make few miatakes. " Ytfu are very critical and sometimes fault-finding. You are exact and de termined. and hare considerable force of character. You arenas teal, artis tic aad refined. You are a fluent, elo quent talker?when you drop your re-1 eerrc. Your Ideas are original aad lo-! ?teal, and you bars an exhaustive store of valuable knowledge. While your taleat la ametly In art, you also pi eases considerable execu tire knowledge. You have a Judicial,1 Uacrtmlnattag pled, and you are ae nrats In your Judgmeate. Yon racceed an a broker, hanker, lawyer. Mm. minister, artist, writer and asa HCae.Wnm^rn durtag thape dales ixeel aa anfborfi, painter*, letrsease and dec AMONG THE VISITORS SOME TOC KNOW ANft HOMd lOD DO NOT KNOW. Pergonal I tea* A fetal Felks 1*4 Thalr Friends Who Travel Mm* And There. Supt. E. C. Perry visited Raleigh Wednesday. Mrs. A. W. Perry spent Friday la I Rocky Mount. I Mr. R. W. Smifhwick vlelted Rate eigh the past week. Mr. J. E. Ma lone, Jr., Waited Ral eigh the paat week. County Agent A. H. Harris spent ' Sunday in Raleigh. Mist Daisy Caldwell, Home Agent, visited Raleigh the past week. ? ? Mr. E. H. Malone and Clerk of Casus J. J. Toung Wslted Raleigh this Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Alston returns* home Snnday frgm their bridal v Mr. Joe H. Person, of Enfield, a visitor to Loufsburg the past w< Mrs. L. L. Whitaker and children spent Friday with her people in derson. #" ? Miss Kathleen Murphy left the week for Raleigh to have her removed. ? e Mrs. M. B. Cox, of Joneaboro. i the week end with her daughter, 0. C. Hill. e a Mr. and Mrs. Adkin May oc i visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F the past week. e e Mrs. R. W. Smith wick and left the past week to visit at Robersonvilla. Mr. agd Mrs. H. A. Kearney amt family spent the week end with has parents tn Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Cox. of born, spent the week end with Ma sister. Mrs. a C. Hill. ? * ' Mr. sad Mrs. J. L.-1 .Thanksgiving with Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Grainger of Kinston. | Messrs. * mi !?. Steele of Wake For eat College < i visitors in Loutsbarg on l? ?ar. Mr. J. K. Coggia at the V< Department of the Ante of Education was In who for citis at a hospital at Rocky tly, returned home the past j Mis* Margaret Inscoe Tuesday from a twn weeks Lnington where she has bees ing her sister Mrs. B. O. Myers. Supt. W. R. Mills left Wedna for Roanoke, Vs.. to attend the eral of hia brothers wife. ' E.NTEBTAOfS CLASSES On Friday evening November the claaaee of the CantenrlUe j Sunday school1 were entertained , the home of Misses ICatUe and T an .Dement from 7:90 to It:SO o'clock. The guests wars met at the door ; by AOs* Dement sod ushered into the livtug room wh ch was beaattf .<t> 1 decorated to represent Thanksgiving. I using the corn shock, with cottnm. pumpkins and potatoes around ft. 'After a social chat with friends the | meeting was called to order. | A. very interesting Thanksgiving program was rendered as follows: i Scripture reading by Mhttte De ment Herds Prayer by all. Roll called by secretary. Song, Count your Blessings. Reading. TFoe to be Thankful, to Mrs. P. M. Svki-s. ReadJjU-irg V hankful. by Lacy Dement Story of the First Thanksgiving, to Mattie Dement A short sentence by each one sent telling of something Uiey thankful for the past year. Business problems of the class discussed. Last but not le guests were InWted Into th< room which was beautifully ed with pine, autumn leavea chrysanthemum*. Delicious refreshments were ed consisting of chicken salad, oystorettes i (to. After which cake, pickles sad punch was served." Princess Astrid aualtiled to go tn "3 ihejr

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