Cards and favors ST. VALENTINE WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ST. PATRICK'S DAY SEE US FIRST I Boddie Drug Co., Inc. YOUR DRUGGIST Louisburg, N. 0. You Can yWMiaVikt AatoStrop Raier-th* sharpens Its hlatfss. $1 np to $25* Wet AxttrStrop ?Sharpens limit from Missouri! and He Can Shew You! Mb adsic* la so practical?so loaded down with common all based upon an experience at M ream od anccesstul active practice. Dr. J. J. Gaines ot Excelsior Sprihas, Mo, la today the most widely heeded health authority In the Dotted State. nr "Health Talho" appear excluetrely in the Vnanklln Time* every week. Health la Wealth?ep read and Med Dr. Oalnes snaaestiom tor health and happiAees GOT "BUMPED" BY COTTON AGAIN SAME OLD STORY OVER AND OVER IN EVERY COT TON STATE. Atlanta, Oa ?(Special.)?"We Inrtt ed the present unsatisfactory cotton price situation when we faljed to take notice of the danger signals flying on every hand at planting time last spring." declared H. G. Hastings, wide ly recognised agricultural authority and President of the Georgia Associ ation, a statewide development organ isation with the avowed purpose of breaking up the slavery to cotton that exists so largely In Georgia an^ other cotton states. "It looks as If our cotton- farmers enjoy having the very life "bumped* out of them ever so often the way they come back and invite 'bumping' every period of .high priced cotton. 4t's a mystery the way they keep coming back for more piiilahment In the face of repeated 'bunrps.'f* ' ' Our farm folks, our^country bank ers! supply merchants' etc.. must all get It through their heads that the rulee of the cotton growing game are changing. One-third to one-half bale per acre Is a money loser on any price thatts m sight. Effw yrelds per acre alwfys means high cost per pound. There Is one answer, and one an swer only, to the cotton-growing prob lem, and that Is less acres in cot ton and more cotton per acre. As the yield per acre goes? up, the cost of making it per pound automatically comes down. We f can't have much control over selling price, but we can keep production costs down. . Less acres In cotton means more acres available for food and grain crops, .cows, bogs and chickens. Cost of making cotton Is largely a food and grain cost, food for the family and food for tlie working lire stock. Corn, oats, hay and forage for the mules, horses, cows, hogg and chickens; meat meal, fresh and canned vegeta bles and fruits for the family table are made at half the cost or leas of what Is paid tor same to merchants or dealers. In almost every cotton growing community there are one or more farmers "sitting easV" right now. The secret of their easy posture is that they own their cotton instead of owe it for food or grain or borrowed money. They are not pinched. They hare corn or other grain In the crib, hay or forage a-plenty In stack 01 barn, meat either In smokehouse 6t on hoof, milk and butter from the cows and plenty of chickens for reg ular use, as well as when the preacher comes around. Most of if not all the year round there are fresh vegetables from the garden and home-canned of the-merchant's. The safe way, the only way to yon "sit easy" In tUnei like thS Is g "live at home and board at the same place:" For Sore Throat ?throat and chaot worm flanntl. Its drabh direct action (inhaled and abeorbed) WICKS W VapoRub Sausage will be more uniform in flavor if the seasoning is added to the trlmings before they are ground rather than to the sausage after it goes through the mill. Headache dizziness "T HAVE headache ones in a whfle, usually coming from constipation or torpid liver," am Mr. L. A. Morphia, of PottsviQe, Art, "and the very best remedy I have found to correct this condi tion la Thedford's Black-Draught. It acts quickly and easily, ana it \ Just cant be beat. "Black-Draught la the very beat I always laxative I have found. feel ao much better after taking it "My wife takea Black-Dranghi, too. For and any little stomach disorder, w? find It S most saliafn tory, and Black-Draught a family Constipation, with an inactive liver, locks up poisons 5a fits body and allows them to oofitsir dangerous work. ; Being purely vegetable and 'containing no harmful drags, Back&mngfct acts gently, 1m? ' lag fits ay stain get rid of faapuri. ties and preventing serious sick nesa^Oet a package today. 28 Co-operative Marketing Installed at Venice - Ready caeh for track crops grows an "ready-to-1arm" (anna la the order of the day at Venice, the new oenter of the aouth Florida truck farming Industry. Northern farmr ere hare to worry about how to dlapoae of their cropa, and fre quently are forced to sell them- at a price under their actual coat of production. Not ao at Venice, how ever. Colonlata on the rant 26 000 acre agrlcultnral empire haul their products Into the city and turn them over to the Venice Orowers Association, which pays them cash on delivery, and mar . kets them throughout the nation. ; The co-operative marketing aye laid down by the -world-famous Manatee County Growers' Associ ation, which body handles the mar keting of a large*T>ercentage of all winter fruits and vegetables grown In Florida. A working agreement Is In force between the two asso ciations, whereby the Venice Grow ers' Association benefits by the long experience and success of the older body, under the direction of John Parrlsh shows In Inset. In the marketing Season, the as sociation is In close touch by tele graph with the world market in winter fruits and vegetables every minute of the day. If a shipment of celery Is somewhere in Geor Chi cago, ami thn association receives Information Indicating a better price at Boston, the destination of the car en route Is changed by wire. The association Is not only ren dering the farmers an envied ser vice by paying them cash (or their crops, but It knows and enters to The tastes of the various cities in the country. For example, }t knows the kind of beans that Philadelphia people like, and the variety of let tuce that the Detroit housewife prefers. The association has proved that co-operative marketing, if handled right, la a complete suo That swine growing is becoming: increasingly popular in Craven county is shown by the County Commission ers recently advancing |200 so that a scale could be put in at the load ing station. The railroad has alsc agreed to build additional-Mas and chutes. The modern girl has a mother who thought mistletoe on the chamdeliet was necessary. ? Tom Tarheel says there le no rea son for growing something that folks are not using, and he expects to let up on cotton. Some boys go to college to learn how tobecome useful and others go to become educated. There are 25,000 varieties of Insects, * entomologist says* and we are presum Ing he didn't Include the human In sects. Wilson, N. G, Oct. 16, 1926 **I have been raising tobacco for die past thirty years, and during this time I have uied a great many different brands of high-grade fertilizer, but for the past five years have been using your goods ex clusively under my tobacco, cotton and corn with highly satisfactory results. Jtr "My tenants are thoroughly satisfied with the goods and often speak of the fine mechanical condition ot your fer tilizer, which makes distribution more uniform and easier, and I have no hesl < tation in recommending your goods to my farmer friends." WrH-firidl Middleburg, N. C., Sept. 24, 1926 "I have used your 'AA Quality' Fertil izers for around four years. This year, on my tobacco crop, I expect to gather around 1000.pounds per acre. I used around 1000 pounds. The quality of this crop is extra good." Fine-quality leaves which command top prices require the best tobacco fertilizer A TOBACCO plant is always hungry. Its roots are always reaching for more. It demands rich plant foods tq, make top quality leaves. That's why it takes a complete fertilizer well balanced to make tobacco fields produce their best. "AA Quality" Tobacco Fer tilizers are made especially for tobacco. They feed the plants properly and promote uniform develop ment. Each plant gets its full share of the food, in readily avail able form, right up to the ripening period. "AA Quality" Fer tilizers make each leaf smooth - textured, fine.-J>urning, top quality. y The materials used in these famous fertilizers are com pletely .mixed, cured and re mitted. They are mechanically perfect. They distribute easily and evenly. Three generations of success ful farmers know "AA Qual ity" Fertilizers as old and re liable friends. Sixty years of practical fertilizer experience goes into their mak ing. And the largest fertilizer manufactur ing company in the world guarantees their absolute depend ability. For consistently good yields of top price tobacco, use "AA Quality" Fertil izers. AA i'j i s "AA FERTILIZERS \ * ' ? * , - - - - WW# ^ ' Best known to you under the following brands "A A"?FISH BRAND?ZELL'S?PATAPSCO?POCOMOKE IMPERIAL?LAZARETTO?HAMPTON?LISTERS?BRADLEY'S " Manufactured only by THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY Henderson Sales DepC, Henderson, N. C.