DR. J. C. MANN the veil known Eyesight spe clallat and optician will be at M. Stamps ft Son. Jewelers. Lou isburg, N. C.. every first Thurs day In each month. Headache re lieved when caused by eye-strain. Office equipped with the latest examining Instruments. When he fits you with glasses you have the satisfaction of knowing that they are correct Weak eyes of children should receive expert attention. His next visit will be Thurs day, February 3rd, 1927. ?Office hnnra 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. j Keep in Trim! QooJ Elimination it EllWlhl to Good Health. THE kidney* arc the blood filter*. If they fail to function properly there is apt to be a retention of taxi* poisons in the blood. A dull, languid feeling and, sometime*, toxic back aches, headaches, and dissineas are symptom* of this condition. Further evidence of improper kidney func tion is often found in burning or scanty passage of secretions. Bach year more and more people fere learn ing the value of Domn't Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in this condition. Scarcely a nook or hamlet anywhere but has'many enthusiastic user*. Ask your neighbor / * DOAN'S Stimulant Diurttic to th? Kidntyt Foeter-Milburn Co., Ul|. Chem. .Buffalo. N. Y. A British doctor knows how to gain popularity. |Ie tells wuuieu to dies* is scantily as they can. Hardware Buckeye Brooders & Incubators Windows and Doors Locks and Hinges Bridles and Collars A complete stock of HARDWARE at the very cheapest price that I can give you. Come to see me at the old Allen Bros. Stand W. G. Tharrington Phone 234 Louisburg, N. C. AT : T. C. Harris' Because we have the kind of merchandise that is in demand 2. Because bur prices will be found by comparison to be right. - W' Because you have the widest choice when buy ^ jkI.. Because our .wearing apparel?we have it for every member of the family?is always up-to date. ? , 5. Because groceries and meats bought here are of uniformly high standard and always fresh. 6. Because the big volume of business makes it possible to sell at a narrow margin of profit. 7. Because it is our constant purpose to cater to the needs of our customers. 8. Because so many people are finding satisfaction here is sure indication that it is a good place to trade- ' Y'iH&mi T.C. HARRIS TOUHOSYILLX, H. 0. On Guard Nicar "During this emergency U. S. \ hip3 are stationed in the harbor with orders to protect Am erican lives and property. Adnura) Julian Latimer is in command. Home Her Career _ AOCa ? ? a ^ it isnot necessary to r. U Uie home YOF~S-Qire??r, ?,%??? Mr, Charles Q. Dawes, wife off'ite Pres.. of U. S., "The Second tagy of the Land," caret little fo? out ~ side interests or (ports, she is ar ardent lover of her borne end tes ters ?her life upon it To Stop a Congh Quick tako~ HAYES* HEALING HONEY7 stops the coutfi by od irritated t mngh m healing the inflamed i A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds. Head Golds and Cmii |p HAYES HEALING HONEY. The salve of children suffering boa a Cold or Croup. The heaQ&t effect *t 1 ?Just aak your HEALING HONEY. Subscribe to The VTaaKUl TIB $160 Per Year la Advance. .SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY - IN THE TOWN OF LOUISBURO 1 Pursuant to the authority and di rection contained in that Judgment jof the Superior Court c* Franklin County, North Carolina! made and en tered in the case of lLwtamps et ale Trustees of the Loulsburg Graded School ts W. H. Allen, Jr., et als, the undersigned commissioners will on Monday the 27th day of December, 192f, at or about the hour of noon, at the court house door of Franklin County, in the Town of Loulsburg, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash a one-half un divided interest in and to the follow ing described property, vis: A certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County * Franklin, State of North Carolina, and in the Town of Loulsburg, lying on both sides of Tar River and bounded as follows: On the North by the lands of D. F. McKlnne, L. P. Hicks and F. N. Egerton estate, on the East by Main Street in the said town of Loulsburg, on the South by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen and the G. W. Ford estate and on the West by the lands of the G. W. Ford estate and the F. N. Egerton estate,-containing seven teen (17) acres more or lees and known as the Loulsburg Mill proper ty and Including the blacksmith shop, mill building, grist mill, cotton gin, scales and ail machinery of every kind and description used in connec tion with said grist mill and cotton gin, also the mill dam and all base ments, water power, water rights, privileges, powers and rights of every kind and description belonging to or granted to the owner or owners of said described property In a certain agreement recorded in Hie office of the Register of Deeds tot Franklin Coun ty, ftorth Carolina in book 94 at page 282. But there has been sold from the above, described lands a certain lot facing on Main Street In the Town of Loulsburg and conveyed by a war ranty deed ot J. M. Alldn and wife and W. H. Allen Jr., to J. 8. Howell, a full description of said lot appears In said deed* and the same la excepted from this MO", s Novemb This" November 23rd, 192?. O. M. BEAM. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, 11-28-St Commissioners. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, February 7th, 1927, at about the hour of noon. This Feb. 31, 1927. G. M. BEAM, EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, 2-4-lt Commissioners Columbia Records ^Moux on Sale OLD TIME TUNES "My Isle of Golden Dreams." * "There'll Come a Time." " ''Leaving Home." ?. . "Watermelon on the Vine." -'Tie Me to Your Apron Strings Again," "Sallie Goodwin." "You'll Soon Forget", "Dance All Night." "Sweety Marie." "Lula Walsh." BEST BLUES HITS "Black Snake Blues." "How I'AmDoin." "Hard Time Blues." Above are listed a few of our Records that are good^?If you do not have these come in and we will be glad to play them over for you. - Records Arrive Every Week Do Wot Forget That We Can Repair Manhinan -?" ? ? . ?' Of Any Make. ?? " ' ? W. E. White Furniture "Co. . ' . v ?: '-V ' ?* ... ?? . Lotiisburg, N. C. . I_ A train of tBousht never reaches Us destination unless It is running ot f icheduled time. Everything In its place, but a man with a hole in the heel of his sock dis agrees. One ot the greatest surprises that has come following the war Is that It must be paid for. G. W. Murphy & Son "WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY" LUZLANNE COFFEE, 1 pound can ; - TOMATOES, No. 1 can ? SALMON No. 1 tall can i a. SPINACH, Gold Bar, No. 3 can iJOe FISH ROE, Large Can, __ SOe PEACHES, Silver Bar, No. 3 Can FRUIT SALAD, Gold Bar, No. 2 Can ?dOe PINEAPPLE, Fancy Sliced, No. 2 1-2 Can 90c PINEAPPLE, Delmonte Crushed, No. 2 Can -.85c PEARS, Bart let Gold Bar, No. 3 Can 40c ... Ue ? QUAKER HOMINY GRITS, pkg. -V-i 10c MINCE MEAT, "Helnz" 2 lb. can 60e BEANS, Out Stringless, No. 2 can T_ IS 1-te MACARONI and SPAGHETTI, Pkg. , l?e PRUNES, Del Monte Fancy, lb. 15e PEACHES, Erap. Pract. Peeled, "lb. 86? APPLES, Country Dried, lb. I Ue BUTTER, /Freeh Country" all times, lb. Me BUTTER, Morris Supreme Creamery, lb. Me SPECIALS FOR Saturday, Feb. 6,1927 PURE COCOA, 1 lb. can Me PEANUT BUTTER, (Bulk) lb. l?e T\- . . - - * BNEAS, ""Nary" lb. 7 l-?e SOAP, P. & Q. 6 cakes Me HOMINY, Cracked, 7 lbe. ? Me iskai, Good Enough For ? King, Ground at Clifton's Mill, Peck, 12 11m. .. PAN CAKE FLOUR, Plllsbufy and Aunt Jemima, Pkg, ? ' SYRUP, Golden Crown or Staler*, 16 lb. can . ? BRILLO, A Guaranteed Cleaner of Aluminum and Enamelware, Pkg. - 10 and Uc LIMA BEANS, New Crop California, Large or &by, Quart - toe PEAS, Fancy Black Bye, Quart lie PINTO BEANS, An ExAra Good Bean, Quart BOc BACON, Ktngani Sliced Your Desired Thickness, lb. *5e, Rlned BEEF, Dried. Siloed on Our New Machine. Ib. _? _