Tsr ?? The Yardstick VOL. 1 , FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1927 NO. 3 . . I I " s I Published In the Interest of * the people of Lnaisbnrg ' L. KLIXE * CO, IXC. J. Pried lander, ? Editor June is here with the usual crop of college graduates. College Education never hurts a fellow If he has sense enough to go ahead graduates. Bargain Saturday and Mon day No. 7 will hold more val ues for you than ever before. W -*n0 tfyorr ait? interested or not we beg you to look at our -specials?for values like these are not the kind that* you are accustomed to see: ladles Ready-to-wear: Dresses that sold to >6.95. "are only >3.96. Dresses that sotd to >15.66. gre only >6.95. Dresses that sold to >25.66 ? are on]y >10.95. Dresses that sold to >35.00. are only >16.95. Nothing higher priced and alt dresses are In these spec ial groups The reason we never hear of women after-dinner spea kers is that they cannot wait thaf long to tell it. You may* not believe that statement but just talk to any married man. And they are all talktnlg about our new line of Ging hams, 50 different patterns a . ppecial -price. 10c yard. The girls are asked to wear long skirts, petticoats SU This scheme may work beau. tifully, -but if we were the cotton iw?r ww would cnr 17 a spare. A #Vc m UUCJf .. "i . ? - TUESDAY AFTEBY005 CLUB The TuesdAy Afternoon Book Clnb met with Mrs. T. W. Watson at her home Tuesday May 1th. The president, Mrs. Scoggin, in her gracious manner called the -meeting (o order. The secretary called the roll, each member answered to her name with a tribute to mother. The day of the club meeting foL lowed so closely the day set apart for the sweetest celebration of the year, it was considered not amiss to add a word on the program for Tues day for a name sacred to every heart for mother is a mother, still the holi est thing of all. Mrs. White's beautiful reading "Mothers of Men" stirred the deepest emotions of those present, while the sketch of Anna J arris aroused a sense of gratltnde to her tor her part In Instituting Mothers Day.' Reading, "Rock Me to Sleep Moth er" Wr Mrs. S. P. Boddie, followed by a duett, "A flower for you, mother dear," by Mesdames Mohn and White, Violin Oblige to by Miss Gilbert 'Awake Tenderest Memories of Child hood and Mother." Solo by Miss Gilbert "O Little Mother of Mine" and that sweet song we all lore "Mother McCree" ended one of the happiest, saddest best pro grams of the year. Mrs. Watson Is a charming hostess "1? always. She, assisted by her da Miss Anna Gray Watson and Annie Qreett,- Mrs. Watson's sii served refreshments both attra< and elegant. * CAM) OF THANKS We wish to thank our many frienAk for their timely and unlimited kind ness during my wife's Illness. Also for their kind expressed sympatic during the hours of bereavement. W. M. ALSTON, and famfy The crop of May peas in lower Hali fax county brought $15,000 to the growers in one week. One man male $304 en 3 l_f acres. G. W. Murphy & Son WHERE EVERY DAY YOU CAN FIND A WAY TO GREATER VALUES AT LOWEST PRICES. | CUT STRINGLESS BEANS, Regular Sue, Extra Value .. ^ cans 25c \ Corn Flakes or Post Toasties, Pkg TOMATOES, RED RIPE, No. 2 can 10c | Sutrar. Pound 7c | CORN, Extra Quality Crushed, No. 2 can .r....... 12l-2c | Meal, "Clifton's Mill", Nuff Sed, Peck , 50c - | SWEET POTATOES, No. 3 can, for 15c | Wesson Oil, Pint can ..... ^ ' . , 28c | CALUMET BAKING P^WMk, 1 lb. can ;'j Mutphy's Sp.??al Coffee, The Taste That Lingers^ lb. .. ,. 30c ?FOE MAKING SANDWICHES? BLUE RIBBON MAY0NAI8E \ BLUE RIBBON RELISH * ^ * BLUE RIBBON THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING PIOONAICE v ~ ? aKd mayonaise HEINZ PEANUT BUTT EH , ft ; ! bebchnut' jellies KXUjf 8 PIMENTO CHEESE ( - n" KAT, KRAPT CHEESE PRODUCT v SANDWICH HRAT, "SLICED" BOILED HAM, "SLICED" " \ " . ;?- tx * ^ ?*- <* ? - I V - V ? it X** By Arthur Bnibtiw IHE BEST AD MEDIUM i SIXTEEN HOUR ATLANTIC KJEW FREEDOM OF PULPIT WTLjPCR SAM ? POST OFFICE When Uncle Sam advertise*, he AIA'ERTISES The Treasury an nouncement, railing $1,650,000, 000 of Second Liberty Loan four and a quarter per cent bonds will be published uj fittqea .thousand American newspapers, daily and Mr. Mellon show* good Judg ment, putting the advertising in thousands of country weeklies and small dallies. In proportion to their circulation, they are THE best mediums. Bed. out qi ? pleasaat truths, ha had nndef way plans for a mat file#, with wheels twenty fset high, that could take a running start over fences and tree trunk*. And this week Professor Rump 1er, bssd of f Qarttup airplane company, afanounced plans for a plane. m*ny uo&ss the else of an/ lever built, M tsmr many engines, and erosi the Ai&nilc in sixteen hours. ctmifliiSu piiiciiEers. Transplant*? light wll J soon be commonplace, hut the little IK I be commonplace, bn machine most show did Columbus's little b ks Mies Spencer, seventy years .old, rode to work at the Treasury Department and back on a bicycle, , saved and made moire, than fullL 1 .000. She leave* email rams to ' relatives and the balance $100,000, i for a tombstone. '-Relatives object, the court la asked to decide. fooUshwaeU .1,0144 b? for But it tfl toUretting- to of that old Tr?*f*ry clerk MrrfiliTiA and WK/Vtw UHVJI MRU tat In g on the grand fig^ mask** SB - ? wltl, her $100,000 tomb, sbe^wbo in life had been only a $1/" year spinstsr clerk. 4 largely imagination. |t ii . _ ,tcd unofficially that Mr. Hughes, formerly Chief Jus fice of the Supreme Court, will be ckoeep a by Governor Fuller *?&? Massachusetts as* Head of a com mission to iavCstifeate the Sw? vanretti case. Such a choice would be satis factory to the country, and the de cision conclusive. It is more im portant by far than executing any two men, to make sure that there was no mistake or prejudice in conviction. The views of clergymen each Sunday present interesting con trasts, such as would haste been unsafe for the clergymen one hun dred years ago. , The Rev.- Dr.* Walter'Duncan Buchanan says we are ignorant about-heaven and our uncertainty is a blessed- thing. It gives us something to hope and work for. The Rev. Dr. Miaot Simons, Unitarian, says we must look for our "compensations" in- this life.' Old ideas of heavenaud hell "nre now inadequate and futile.'' .' The Rev. Dr. Stralon says Mrs. Snyder, convicted of rfcelping to murder her husband, is'an atheist. She couldn't have commlted the orfane had ahe,believed in God. i U that is so, there.have been) atheists in high places throughout Republican* wd Democrat! are planning a 1924 campaign In which the wet ami dry queetion w "THE BEST BAD MAN" This is'another good one, with Don't forget to bring or aend In your coupons and your answers to our weekly programs, .win a prize at the Matinee Saturday. MaUnee 2 to 5:30 P. M. Night shows Saturdays at 7:30 to 11 o'clock. '" , NOTICE!! ! < Will not close on Toes days, wttl close oiily on each Wednesday. lOHim Ml TUMBAT LILLIAN GISH, In With Snookum Comedy Out show opens promptly at 8 o'clock with feature picture, on ! Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays | Saturdays at T:80 to 11 o'clock. < Two complete shows nightly up * to 11 o'clock. raPBWAI CONSTANCE TALMAGE, In "VKKl'8 Or VEMCE" Her newest comedy hit Added: Comedy and News Heel Coming Attractions: Be be Daniels In Senorita, Harold Lloyd in Kid Brother, Tell It To The Marines, The Fire Brigade, Gene Slratton Porter's Magic j Garden. Lindbergh's Flying Re- ' cord. Mississippi Rlrer Flood. The world Is before your eyes In the cream of the world's best | productions that money can buy NOTICE! ?? We will not close on Tuesdays. Will close only on each Wednesday of the weeli until further advised. WINN ER THEATRE w *r ' FOR AIxL HOUsT AUTOMOBILE AND DECORATIVE PAINTING ? -;l ..$jm You havtf been reading about these beautiful Paints and Laoquer-'s in the magazines. I hare them on safe. LAWN MOWERS, HOSE IOE CREAM FREEZERS SCREEN DOORS, WIRE, ETC. OIL AND WOoD COOK STOMEf1 ? i i , | 11 i i mi ?FURNITURE? 7^ Refrigerators, Porch takers, Rugs, Sutts, Tables Mirrors. I invite you to examine my stock and "?* - * JOn^flTURE. Phone 806