Safe bank at 4 Per Cent Interest It's a mighty comfortable feeling to know that all rainy days are provided for by money in the bank drawing 4 per cent interest. Start now to build up that account here. We'll be glad to talk things over with you in a friendly way; : Citizens Bank & Trust . Company HENDERSON, N. 0. "THE LEADING BANK IN THIS SECTION' ' > . 'Jf! v IJIf'l 1Z1I No Worms in a Healthy Child 0 All chfldran UnlM ?kk Worms hare as un healthy color. which indicates poor blood, and aa ? rate, then is man or less w?wnyh ^j|||nj^ GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or throe weeks will enrich the blood, 1m ?ystem.0Nature will thoa throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child srlU bo in perfect health. Pleasant to take (Oc per bottle nn toi j*r.. nayii'.j We hae Just read that a "hick" town ta ? place where oner fifty per cent of the deaths are from natural causes. A prohibition barometer, no doubt. . .A_PhiladejpMajaiai?terJlied. j)ig hn estate of $36,000?which si help prove that not all Pennsylvania money is spent at the election polls. leaw should SPRING TIME IS BUILDING TIME Tt? The urge to buil^is'everywhere?if you sense it, act 011 it for an early start is a big advantage. YOU CAN OWN YOUB OWN HOME As others have done, you. can do. Home owner ship is largely a question of making ^""decision and then working toward that goal. WHEN YOU ARE READY TO BUILD The completeness of our stock of building mater ial makes it possible for you to obtain everything need ed for the erection of a home. FOR REMODELING OR REPAIRING ' i " ' You don't need to go any further than Burgess Lumber Company. Our prices will stand comparison?we invite it,, knowing full well that it will be to our advantage. BURGESS LUMBER CO. Anything in the Building Lin?6 li ? ; Near Railroad Crossing'on State Highway LOUI8BURO, NORTH nAwnr.TWA HORDES OF LOCUSTS DUE TO ARRIVE Raleigh, June 1.?The seventeen yaar locust Is due to appear in Pie month North Carolina just about this time. The insect will come In enor. ?.nous jumpers but will probably do little damage except In places where it was abundant 17 years ago. "This insect always creates a great deal it Interest because It appears in such enormous numbers and becalm It - oeewrs only- every 17- years," says Dr. Z. P. Metcalf, head ot the depart ment of entomology at State College. "In spite of the enormous number, however, the insect doee little dam age because it lives primarily In the forests and lays its eggs in forest trees. Occasionally, It may doj dam age to a young orchard where the trees have been planted in a place where the locust was abundant It years ago.' The locust does 'its principal dam age by killing the small branches In "WTiTCh"It lays" Tts "eggs. Farmers hav ing young trtes In such situations as described by Dr. Metcalf are ad vised to watch carefully and If the locusts appear in abundance to pro tect the young trees by mosquito net ting or tobacco canvas. This can be removed as soon as the locusts dis appear. Dr. Metcalf states that the 17jetr locusts are dying out, but they will perhaps be abundant tn the upper piedmont and mountain counties this season. Those who And the loensts "on their farms win rsfidSr a service to the entomology workers by send ing specimens to State College. There is a common superstition that the sting of this insect is dan gerous or fatal to man. "This is not true, explains Dr. Metcalf. because the locust has no sting and cannot injure man. PAPER-MONE? TORE MADE MUCH SMALLER ?Washington, May 26.?A reduction in the sire of paper currency was ap. proved today by Secretary Mellon, who announced that the first of the new form of money probably would' be ready for circulation in about a year. The bills will be reduced about one and one third inches in length and 3-4 of an inch inwldth,- wttfa~a lower In manufacturing costs of about <2. RESALE OP LAND Under and by virtue of an order oi resale of the Clerk of the Sunperlo Court of Franklin County, entered on the 20th day of April, 1927, and In accordance with the terms of that deed of trust executed by R. P. Tay lor to Wbl Jtt- Ruffla, Trustee* datea November 30, 1918, recorded In Book 224 page 162, Registry of Franklin County, N. C? default having been inrtrlirtiTfTkyiHtiii lit tte luJeMud. ness thereby secured and demand hav ing been made upon the' undersignec by the holder of the bonds secured thereby and as by law provided, the undersigned will on Monday the 13th day of June, 1927, offer for sale at public auction, at or about the hou? of noon, at the court house door ot Franklin County, N. -C., to the high est bidder for cash that certain tract or parcel of land situate In Franklin County, North Carolina described as follows: Beginning; at & rock and small pine a corner ot the land sold by Mrs. Lacy Perry to J. E. Ellis. November 23. 1918, thence by survey ol W. N. Ful ler made December 1889, S 7d W 164 poles 15 links to a stake and point ers, a corner of No. 1 In Boddies line, thence N 115 poles to a rock In Jim Smith's line; thence S 69 1.2d E 12 poles ti'a stake, Smith's corner; thenc9 N 1 1-2 E 2 poles 15 links to 2 gums. Smith's corner; thence 3 89 l-2d E 56 poles to a rock, corner of the M(J1 tract: thence N 68d E 3* poles 2 links to a rpck; thence N 24rl E 17 1-2 poles to a white oak in Isinglass Creek; thence N 12 1.2d W 130 poles 15 links to a pile of rocks a corner in Burts line, made for Jerry Ellis rf the 2C0'acres above referred to; I hence along the line of the land sold Jerry Ellis by survey of 190S torner; thence East 6 poles to a stake or rock, Ells' corner; thence South 21 poles to a rock in a field; thence East 34 poles to the beginning containing 300 acres by survey of J. T. Inscoe, 1908, being part of the Dr. Sam Perry land conveyed by Miss Lucy Perry to R. P. Tsyrlor. Excepted from the above description, however Is 102 acres sold to W. B. Ellis b> deed dated December 12th, 1922, re corded In Book 33 page 36/ A deposit of at least 25 per cent of bid on this land will be required at time such bid Is received. This May 25th, 1927. . T. W. RUFF1N, Executor ot WM. H. RUFFIN, Deceased Trustee. White and Malone, Attys. 5-27-3t Keep Fit! Qowt HaoIARagMfrasQood BMM*% TO be well, you must keep the blood atieam free from impur ities. If the kidneys lag, allowing body poisons to accumulate, a tocdc condition Is created. One is apt to feel dull, languid, tired and achy. A nagging backache Is sometimes a and dtoiy speUs. That the Udatye ore loot frmetlenfag property Is oftm ?f oiiiiWa. If yontaMwrafcaoo to 's ?a Nurse Adi WEAK, RUN-DOWN WOMEN To Take Cardui ??? j. ? .>p ??' ? 1 have known of Cardui for nearly twenty-five years." aaya Mrs. Salma Meisaner, 1072 .Harrison Ave., Beaumont, Texas. "During that time, I have taken it several times and have frequently recommended it to others, for it is a splendid medicine and I am glad to give peo ple the benefit of my experience. "I have been a nurse for several Ei and have often come in con with patients who were run i and weak. Often I have told sufferers of Cardui, and the way I, myself, had been helped after tak ing it, and advised them to give it a trial. Many of them have since thanked me for what I told them, so I am willing that other women should know about it, too. T first took Cardui because I was awfully rundown. I had no appe tite, and was weak and listless. It hard to keep going under such d I looked conditions, and I looked for thing which vyould help me. "I had reed of Cardui and decided to try it. After taking it, I improv ed so much that I have taken it since whenever I needed e tome.1* Sold by all druggiata. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of authority contained in that certain deed of trust from T. C. Weatheraby and wife Ida Weathersby to the undersigned trus tee,recorded in Nook 274 at pages 347. 348 of the Register of Deeds of Frank lin County; default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured and demand having been -made "upon the undersigned trustee tor nft Tf Mill l>lrf satisfy said indebtedness, 1 will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder far cash, subject to a deed of trust to the First National Bank of Durham, securing $5,000.00 Indebtedness, on Friday, the 3id day uf June, 192T, at 12:00 M., in front of the courthouse door, Louisburg, N. C., the following described real estate: ftqglnniqg a.^ fl. Rtnn Road J. \V. Wright's corner; thence along J. W. Wright's" line "North 2/1-2 degrees East 100 4-5 poles; whence MuUh 90' 1-2 degrees West I thence North 2 1-2 degrees /East 48 poles to a stake in Moses Rogers' line thence along Moses Rogers' line South 89 T.2 degrees Blast 80 poles. South 88 1-2 degrees East 53 3-5 poles to a stake; thence South 4 de grees West 16 2-3 poles to a poplat on Spring Branch; thence down said Spring Branch to Rock Spring to a ' stake, Robert Pace's corner; thence along Robert Pace's line South 1 degree West 27 1-3 poles to the Raleigh Tarboro Road; thence along the Raleigh Tarboro Road 3 85 degrees West 29 3.5 poles to Hllls boro Road; thence along Hlllsboru Road North 76 degrees West 128 3-b poles to the point of beginning, con taining 150 8-4 acres according to survey and plat made by J. P. Chamb lee. Surveyor, October 5th, 1917, and comprising a portion of lands hereto fore conveyed to said John R. Weath. ersby by deed of Robert E. Copeland and wife dated May 30th, 1905, record ed in book 146, page 281 in Registet of Deeds Office of Franklin County, N. C- and the land heretofore con veyed to said John R. Weathersby by deed from John N. Bergeron, dated September 1st, 1887 recorded In book 184 page .458 in said Rlglstrar's Of fice. This April 28th, 1927. LEROY L. MASSEY, 5-13-4t- Trustee. Union County farmers find them, selves with more bay than storage space because of planting the barle> Vetch oats mixture last fall. The QsUm That Dees Net AHect The Head Because of Its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA T1VE {MHO QUININE (Tebleu) c _ can be taken by enyene without ceasing nervousness or ringing In tbc heed tS'.GROVE'S signature on box. 30c NEW TOPS and -Upholstering SEAT COVERS For aM Makes of ears. Curtain lights of aU kinds, Faraltare apholstered. All work handled right away. Ham ess ui Shoe npalrhf. Oar Mr. Phillips Is aa expert la these lines and we gwggantee satis faction aM LOUlSBUBG REPAIR SHOP J. LBHHAlf. f Proprietor. Next to T*r River Bridge I Ve<,-. ?* Aeao< o 41 |iv7f . Nothing Stops Tfre*totwr Removable Maxi . Cushions Here's the tire that? at forrisnrr^?mTtTsmrttv? amount of rubber cushion ing for vour Ford 1-tor. truck without the danger of punctures of blowouts. Re liability uner every condi - tion produced by modern de livery service?long mileage that reduces trucking costs! Investigate the amount of money the R. M. C. will save you. Telephone! Th never Late*' SINCE PUTTING OH FIRESTONE * R M C*? STANDARD SERVICE STATION, LOUISBURG, N. C. The flendersonvllle curb market has been enlarged to allow 100 ad ditional farme to aell surplus produce. j- ? ' ? ? ? ' I The crop of May peas in lower Hatl fax county brought $15,000 to th\ growers in one week. One man made $304 on 3 1.2 acres. Tom Tarheel says the reason hl? children have such good teeth Is btot ause he has always tept cows on he farm. Cured In 6 to 14 Days _ <U refund money if PAZO OINTMENT tail* to euro Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pile*. Instantly relieve* Itching Pile*, and ypo gat restful sleep after first application Mb. Co. Raleigh's Leading Dyers and Cleaners < /AT LOUISBURG Tuesdays and Fridays , Headquarters Louisburg, N. C-' The Rendezvous Phone No. 37 New. Records "At "Two Black Crows" ? "Budded Rose" "Fiddlers Convention in Georgia'! "Down in Arkansas" "How I Got My Wife" "Pretty Little Dear" "Get Away, Old Man, Get Away" "The Georgia Boho" "In My Old Cabin Home" "Red Wing" (New) "The Coon from Tennessee" "Ain't Nobody's Bnsiness" "John Henry Blues" New Victor Releases on Sale Every Friday. * J W. L White Furniture Co. Louisburgy : N. Carolina' \ luai TSJiiRm T 1 T-v- pi, I'JWUJJI

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