How Long Can You Keep Money in Your The money that you don't carry with you you can't spend and can't lose. If you carry your surplus ?money in ynur RAhlnm hare a ampins long. Besides, while it's in your pocket it's losing interest. It doesii't matter how small the surplus is. A dollar will opn an account here and, once opened, it grows- k | . . i 1 We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings 5* | MERCHANTS BANK Safest For Savincs Metal Roofing Paper Roofing I have a full stock of 5-V, 3-V and other galvanized metal roof ings. Use the permanent roof ing and save worry, trouble and costs. I also have a full supply of different weights and values in Paper Roofing, Rubber Roof ing and Composition Roofing. ? ^ Groceries My stock of Groceries is com plete and contains almost any thing you wish or need. Come in and let us show you that we will sell you just as cheap or a little cheaper than anyone else. ?? ? . 'V, T.C. HARRIS YOUNGSVTLLE, N. 0. Renew Your Health by PurificatKH*%1 Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the System is Nature's Foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermin ing your vitality! Purify your en tire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs,?once or twice a weak for several weeks?and aee how Nature rewards you with health. CalotabB are the greatest of all system purifiers. .Get a family pack age, containing full directions. Only 86 eta. At any drug store. (Adv.) How It's Done Beach this year havt turned to flannel swimming suits? First Air Battleship ?Three turret* and six mounted ' L'cwis machine guns are on the newest type bombing biplane which Uncle Sam tested most thoroughly at Mitchell Field last week. The plan* is n( all metal construction. NOTICE OF, SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed In a certain deed of trust execut ed by William Thompson and wife, Rilla Thompson, on the first day of November, 1924, to the Southern Trust Company, Trustee, which said deed of trust Is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. Co in book 259, page 817, default having been made in the con ditions of said deed of trust, the said Southern Trust Company, trustee, will on the 6th day of August, 1927, offer for Bale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, - at the court house door of Franklin County', ut twelve o'clock noon, the fallowing described property: Containing 72 2.4 acres, more or lees, situated on the Warren ton and Nashville road about 2 miles from the town of Wood, in Gold Mine town ship, Franklin County, adjoining the lands of Gfeenleaf Johnson Lumber Company, Nlok Alston and others, and beginning at a small White oak on Mill Branch; thence N 73 W 89 Cleo to a stake 4 links 8 of a pop r; thence N 1 1-2 E 66 1-2 poles to pointers on Rhocco Creek; thenoe down the sajd creek as It maunders to the mouth of Mill BranctdT thence UP Mill Branch 164 poles do the bo. ginning, containing 72 3-4 acres, more or-leap, and being the tract of land converted to William Thompoon by-'Warranty deed from N. H. Griffin snd wife, recorded In Franklin Coun ty Registry !?. book 218, page 222. Tkia.JulyJ >927 TR{J8+ C&J Trustee. , T.fiitee. 1 7-lS-4t The privilege to jhlak as yon Please Boos not carry with it -the additional privilege of doing to you plouso. About 1/101 ?nunpg^shrtaj-i In the rural districts of onr mid dle latitude*, the "poison hrjr* (row* luxuriantly, to the Borrow and pain of thoie who ara auseept ible to It* influence. Only last week a victim came to my office, with face *o swollen, that both aye* were almost shut out from llftrtl with difficulty could he *ee to go *bou^ because ^f the greatW |lu aear, o^lntimatefrjlndV I tent him to the hospital tor until tha inflammation lubduea -r-v I wi*^ to warn my ready Listake *hl? mi .gainst the nustxka this man mad*t using oin taunt* on a aaaa of rhua poisoning! ha pad, tp u*e hit aa> (wo dayf dad ftlght*, oj^y to la-', tensify mant a poison skin?the very thing not be dope, ne i "soothing" the (aires io be. I have seen si result la rhu* derm ointment*.were used e Being *P add polton, oar ee*?-?*a ? pratralixlxg tha with an alkali, a* toon a* possible. The best remedy I hare ever uei is, alcohol and lime wttar?equal part*, applied on cloth* or ganz* wet with the solution. The lime" countaract* the acid, and the alco hol coninma* tha tiatar from the swollen tissue*; the treatment doe* not exclude air, nor doe* it nap the polaon in. If any oi tha soln the eye, it doaa no partli tion should accidentally get Into tfcuiar dam is ot leac with good effect?but lead Is harm ful, unless used under the careful direction nf the. physician . TW alcohol and lime water are equallyj efficient, and can be applied con tinuously without danger. The pa tient above mentioned was cleared of his affliction in seventy-two! honrs. tianu'Cui Pattern No. i Lit I U. S. postage. Always ment) wanted: Address: Haod Cut Pattern Dept, 1/ West 28th Street. Newi York City- and always tame thU newsoacer. I , * FOR BALE One high grade Guernsey Jersey cow, calf At* day* old, aiz high grade Hampshire Ewe and two Backs. Ap ply to MRS. S. T. WILDER. Some farmer* who treated their Irish potato seed before planting this Ipflng report^h 'IncaMfe In field'of W least IS percent. v - Perhaps Some people wear tight nee because they Z5l so geod wfin ! Uioy take the? cS. * less feed Hens lay right through the year If you pot them on EGG W MASH NOW YMg ia the famous feed that contains Cod Meal. It's just chock-full of choice, dean and pure egg-building materials, and hens relish ft. It's all feed?every ounce does realwor]L^S you'll get more eggs, bigger eggs iafr through the year, if you put them on this feed right now. MatUbf The Quaker Oal$ Company wrtr r }_ L. P. HICKS Louisbarg, Carolina i * Get my prices before you buy. E. ? jS / Middle or Old Belt September 20th For. your information we beg to advise that the fol lowing dates have been fixed for opening tobacco mar kets this season: < Georgia, Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. * South Carolina and Border Markets, Tuesday, Aug. 9th. , 1 Eastern North Carolina, Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Middle Belt, Tuesday, Sept. 20th. Old Belt, Tuesday, October 4th. ^ Dark Virginia, Tuesday, Nov. 1st. ?a?-? * There will be a strong market and good prices for Bright Tobaccos this season; especially the Cigarette Types of the Old Belt. Use good judgment in Harvesting your Crop, as this will insure good returns, and a good Bank Ac count. *!: Citizens Bank Trust lit, k ? ?j l;;. HENDERSON, N. 0. ?'+ I ?L' ?? II