EVERYBODY BOOST LOCISBCBO The Franklin AS ADYLB1ISIJIG JfEMl'N TH.tT BRINGS RESULTS A. P. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1,50 Per Year . ? \ ... * . ' ? ? ? VOLUMN LYI. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPT. 9TH, 1927 (12 Pages) NUMBER 29 LARGE MOB STORMS JAIL Negro Is Found In Woman's Bed Hounds Follow Trail T? Home of Weldon Bryant and He fi Arrested; . Others Held Fox HsaHef _S_ A mob Of fully one hundred people gathered In the street In front of the JAil on Monday ntghtabont 1, o'clock, while a committee of about ten went to the home of jailer A. 8. Wlggs on Middle street to demand the jail keys, bent upon taking Weldon Bryant, who Is charged with having committed rape upon Mrs. Algy Perry near the r Nash county line In Dunns township _ ?arly Sunday morning, to a nearby tree and hanging hint. Aside from firing a dozen or so shots to convince all who saw them they meant busin ness, the crowd was orderly and when assured that the negro they wanted, by Chief of Police B. H. Mea dows and Deputy Sheriff W. N, Ful ler, was In Raleigh In the State prl. ?m begun to leave and the town was again- quiet. Sheriff Justice received a message about 8 o'clock Monday night that a mob was forming to come and lynch Bryant and Deputy Sheriff W. N. Ful Tp. constable A. S: Wlggs andPo. w. n iftgo ailU ru. - crnan X^E. Pace, immcrtiaim., took >' : rlsoner to Raleigh where he was -1 In the penitentiary for safe kc r. Whett -the-meb gathered the nh . ..oiiceman turned in the fire alas nd pretty soon large num ?b-' ri (| _L llzettB were on the ulrA^I. Fronj taj best information we could get Sunday morning at 3- o'clock when Algv Perry of Dunn's township re turned to the room where he and his "wife were- sleeping he saw -a- form rise from the bed and malu a wild dash for the open window. He asked his. wife who it was. She replied that ?did not know, it was ascertained that the negro had committed rape. Mr. Perry aroused several of his neighbors, procured bloodhounds from "Enfield and went on th echase. The dogs trallad to the home of Weldon Bryant, negro, Bryant could give no clear account of his whereabouts dur ing the nlvht s,nd fry was arrested and brought to the Franklin county jnB tore. " ~ The eem interested in the work. 'The'jrrespoM* are fine fur a most prosperous scboolastlc year. FIND YOUNG MEN MAKING STILL Officers Capture Two In Vance Bnt They Get Away Deputy Sheriff Joe Rowland, ot Franklin county, and Deputy Sheriff Ernest Fuller, at Vance county, with the assistance of Jack Rowland, Sat urday caught W. B. ("Buck") Harris and Edwin Dement, In the woods on 4he Tar rlrer, making, the officers sdld, S copper whiskey still of 7E gall (?incapacity. After the capture Deputy Rowland went for the car in which the officers traveled to the neighborhood and re. Turned' and* were assisted'by Harris and Dement In loading the still and equipment. In the meantime officers went to a Sunday school picnic near, by and got a nice dinner tor Harris and Dement. When all was loaded and ready to go the boys made a get away by running In opposite dl. r actions. When the officers attempted to stop them by shooting their guns, the flee ing men returned the flrfe, and for a time a little war was In progress When all the guns had been fired and the smoke had cleared away it was found that Harris and Dement had made good their get away. No one It :s reported here that the two men sent here during Saturday eight and got their personal effects with the purpose of leaving this part ot the eouptry. * ? Stttflttl M'KVKI Tlr. ~W "R. WflRR, rhttTrman nf flta special dairy committee of the Cham ber of Commerce, informed the TIMES this week that his committee Is now making- a survey or tpe surr - rounding territory to ascertain how many cows are ngpr being milked and how many cows will be added from which, the cream will he sold to a creamery. From this Information they hope to be in position to say about what time a creamery can be established in Loulsburg. Dr. Bass would be glad If every person who Is not now selling cream, and would j seil cream if a creamery was estab. | llshed in Loulsburg and all those who expect to begin milking cows or those who expect to add more cows would ' see m and. glge him this intorma. 1 tion. It will assist the committee ! greatly lu getting the uecessaty "data to complete Its survey. . BOARD OF EDPCATIOX The Board of Education met in re gular session oh Monday with all membeis present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Board approved the following petition from the Loulsburg Gradea School Board: "To the County Board of Education of Franklin County: "We. the undersigned trustees of Loulsburg Graded School hereby make application through you to the State Board of Education for a loan of .ten thousand dollars from the State Liter, ray Fund, this sum to be used in the erection and equipment of a school house, or houses, for the colored peo. pie In Loulsburg Graded School dis trict." # The secretary was instructed to run the Cedar Rock elementary lighting plant without batteries and to allow the church the use of the plant It they would furnish gas and oil for the teacherage and school lights. The purchaser of the Garner school house was left with 15. L. Green and the secretary. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Its next regu. lar meeting. v ENTERTAINS AT DANCE Loveljr in every detail was the dance Friday evening from Kto 12 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hill given My Miesee Pete Hill and Eug nia Per ot. . ^ I The entire spacious porch was lav-j ishly decorated with flowers and shrub bery, making a lovely "betting for the dancers. The dining room was es. pactaily beautiful with red zenlas everywhere, the centerpiece being a large basket of red senias tied with white tulle, and banked by a number of smaller baskets containing varied senias. At the punch bowl, artisti cally placed under pine and ivy pro. sided over by Misses Margaret Hill, Louise Griffin and Minnie Lancaster. Those who were present to enjoy their graolous hospitality were: Miss es Kitty Boddle, IJsh Allen. Haae) Allen, Mary Bent, Louise Cooper. Margaret HUL Louise Cooper, Minnie Lancaster, Kate Allen Sallie Perry, Frances Turner. Anna Watson. Klsle Wooldridge. .Betty Mohn, France* Green, Monroe, and Gladys Nortly, Tenn. Messrs. Kenneth White, Lewis Scoggin. Fuller Malone, W. N. Ful ler, James Wheless, Hop Stovall, Wll. son Morton, George Griffin, Francis Allen, Fred Hicks B1J1 Mills. Wlpgate Underhlll, Braptley , Hicks. Ernest Fergureon. Jams#. Cooper, Edward Perry,.. Johpnie .Wjlbourne. Tommle ?star-'" Booker,. Smith, * Cleveland SmN eldonj Sam I Tar borough. LET CONTRACT FOR BRIDGES! Col Mctibee Authorized To Lot Con tract Tor Bridge At Moore's Fold) | Many Reports Received; Details For Now Financing Arranged; Draw For October Conrt for a frry The Board of County Commission era met in regular session on Monday j with all members present. After ap-l inutes proving tEe minutes of last meeting' bnsiness was transacted as follows: | Report of J. A. Hodges, County Ac countant was reeelred and filed. Upon motion all the banks in the county 'were made depositaries of county funds with the provision that each be required to give satisfactory bond. ?? ? ?? Upon motion it was required that I all persons collecting money for the | county from any source turn san over to the County Accountant on j Friday of each week.? The County Accountant was instruct ed to make a complete audit of the tax books preparatory to turning same over to the tax collector Oc tober 1st. E. H. Malone brought before the Board the question of taxes charged ^ to B. H. Perry on land given, by Dr, The matt4r was deferred pending in. vestigation and H. P. Speed was ap pointed to make such investigation. J. A. Hodges, County Accountant, brought the matter of* exhausted ac^ counts before the Board and was tn structed to charge Kerns accruing for welfare work to emergency fund. The r-nntrart for hiltTdlng three bridges and one fll$ as advertised was awarded to, R. E.'Garbee and L. L. Whltaker for $3,997.20, and that they be requTrartogtve bond equal to fifty per cent of this amount. A motion was passed to borrow $75,000 tor funding outstanding lndebt [ ednesa in accordance with the new : couty finance act. The Board authorized the .advance [of $7,500 to the Youngsville school to be returned upon the sale of flnanc. The accountant was authorised to liquidate a note for $12,500 given for school in anticipation of collection of taxes, and to replace same from the [sale or financing bonds. Mrs. B. M. C. Mullen was given a drawback for $50 for taxes for 19^h, UBtea awq> error.' ? , 1 The Board with the assistaace of the Sheriff drew a jury tor October term of court. ?Upon motion it was ordered that Mrs. Pearie Strickland be stricken from mothers aid list Report of E A3!. Perry, Superinten dent of Public Weltare, was recetveo and filed. p?. Report of Dr. ' R.' F. Yarborough, Health Officer, was received and filed Reports from the following town, ship Road Trustees, were received and. filed: Gold Mine, Cypress Creek,, Youngsville, Louisburg, Sandy Creek. Upon motion the colored undertak er at FYankllnton was paid $12 for a coffin. 1 Upon motion H. P. Speed was in structed to have ten coffins made as cheaply as possible for the use of the county. Upon motion C. L. McGKee was an. j thorized to advertize for bids for; building & bridge at Moore's pond and to let contrapt for same. The accountant was authorized to purchase four chairs for the welfare and demonstration office. It was ordered that Herbert Satter. white be transferred to Granville county. It was ordered that Qv, S. Leonard be reimbursed for money paid A. 0. Perry for listing taxes. The resignation of G. M. Raynor, Road Trustee for Gold Mine township was accepted and Washington Leon ard was appointed in his place. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board Adjourned to its next regular meeting. LIST OF JURORS Tl>e following list of Jurors hare been drawn for the October term ot Franklin Criminal Court, a one week term: Dunns?J. S. Baker, D, D. Pearce. D. B. BraSflay.'J. R. Ballentine, J. B. White, W. C. Green, W. J Martin. Ellis Arnold, J H. Weathers. Harris?J. H. Fuller, A. R. Strick land. R- T. Harris, John W. Baker. H. K. Johnson, M L. Fowler, Jr., A. W. H. Arnold H P Rogers. Youngsrllie?E. M. Mitchell, C. A. Garner, W, T. Glenn, H. L, Little, B. H Patterson, w. R. Tomlinson. Franklinton?R. lit Layton. HayesrlUe?H. 8. Hayes, R. J. New ton. R. C. Ausbon. Sandy Creek?O. F. Rearis, J. -R. BSosol?y. Gold MlneW. T. Andrews, D. K. Gupton, S. T. Leonard. Cedar Rock?O. D-Long. Z B. Darts, Jaam H. Griffin. W. D. Bowden, W. R. Dean, 8. a Boone. Cypress Greek?J. w. Creekmore. C., M. Moore, H. W. Wilder, J. A. Creekmore, Olfrw Goppsdge. W. H. 1 t?L' W; 'Parrlsh, B. A, I'll'C.'WRneT t. Ji- Place HltM.il.' nil i gnh. r I, ; -\ , TO MAKE TAX RATE TONIGHT! I>r. R. F. Yarborough Made Perman ent Sanitary Officer; Other Hatter*| Before Tewn Commissioner* The Board of Town Commissioners met in regular monthly session on Friday night for the transaction ot business. On roll call there were pre. sent. Mayor Williamson, Commission, -era- Person. Allen, Mt'Klnns. JOyaer and White. Absent. Ford. ?Mr E. H. Malone was before the Board and offered the resignation oil Br. J. E. Malone. Mr. Malone stated that he as the son of Dr. Malone ap preciated the action of the Board at a former meeting in that they had re tired Dr. Malond as [health officer on pay by reason of ill health, but that on account of the tact that Dr. Malone would not be able physically to render service longer that he Thought the proper coarse would be 'hi* resignation. Mr. L. D. Joyner paid Tribute to the smefefit and painstak ing interest that Dr. Malone had given to the town and stated that the ex cellent health record of the town was due largely to his Work through sam tary measures and giving attention to the proper condttlon of the water thed. The Board accepted Dr. Ma. "1?? :??? ?r* ' Tones' resignation with regret. / aid On motion of Mr. Joyner aid sec. ond by Mr. White Dr. R. F. Yarbor ough was made permanent sanitary officer of the towp. The question of street paving was On motion of Mr. Joyner and, sec. ond by Mr. White the Louisburg Col lege was given a rate of three ceitis per k. w. for heaters. Mr. M. S. Davis was before the f the town but no action was. taken. owever the matter was to be taken under consideration. On motion by Mr. Atlmr tt is order." ed thqt the board proceed to a ievy of the different rates for taxation for I the current year. After considerable i discussion and It appearing that the j.total valuation, personal and real, -situate la the town of Louisburg. due , to subsequent appraisement and aa. sessment Is not available the consid eration and action of said body is ' continued until Friday night. Sept. Ijlh. iflT. i ? The clerk was ordered to order pipe .aeft Qae. hyrlrant for water, extension 'to the Baker section. i On' motion by U L Joyner second by W. E. White the clerk was in structed to Issue orders for bonds and Tntereat when due and place or der with the treasurer. The Clerk was Instructed to in. form the treasurer to keep all sink, ing funds in one account, however the Clerk was ordered to keep an account of the collection and disbursement ot funds in his books. The Clerk was ordered to have ln ? terest due the town from the different [rtlffds figured to date and collect in. I teres! monthly. On motion of Mr. Allen and second ] by Mr. Joyner that renewal notes ot $5,000 for general purpose fund and $10,000 for street Improvement fund be made In favor of the Farmers and Merchants Bank said notes to be sign ed by the Mayor and Town Attorney and attested to by the Clerk. The matter ot street light tor St. Main street near E. N. Dent's rest, dence was referred to the water and light committee. . >_ The matter of reduction ot light bill tor A. W. Mohn was deterred. STOCT-McKINXE Invitations reading as follows have been mailed: Mr. and Mrs. David Freeland Mc Klnne request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Dorcas Elizabeth, to Mr. Hernay Elton Stout on Wednesday, the twenty .eighth of September, at eight o'clock in the evening, the Me thodist Church, Louisburg, North Carolina. Cards were enclosed reading: "Re. ceptlon immediately after tbo cere mony. four hundred and one Sunsot Avenue. No invitations have been mailed in town but an Invitation is extended to all to attend both the marriage and the reception. The bride is one of, Loulsburg's meat charming and accomplished young ladles. She is the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. David F. McKlane, one of the States most prominent and: popular business men. She was edu cated at Louisburg College and Greens boro College tor Women and for the past year has held a responlble po sition in the high school at Burlingtor% She is desoryiugly popular among a host of friends at home and abroad. The groom Is a popular and capable yonng man of Slier City, and holds i position in the sales, de. a responsible partment of one of High Point lhilge furniture factories The coming events will be watched with much \ntefest. ? ?' ; ' ji ?.: ? ?y' I . . Sfi ..a,. ?. . ? . ? - v* .v .liuih" ? i We erish to-, thenh. our trleuda ^nd aetthbera tor kindly ?endsred us durtngthasie LARGE QUANTITIES TOBACCO OFFERED On Opening Sales Tuesday; Prices ; Range l'r?a Eew feats To Fifty and Sixty .1 Eastern North * Carolina tobacco markets were the scenes of Intense activity . Tuesday as the dally sales of bright leaf got under way. On every market there were large receipts. It balng generally coactUd. that the pragn/nlon t? ren nr nrreen per cent greater than "It was lAt year. Wilson, which always sails more tobacco than any of the other markets, was so overwhelmed with receipts of the product that Bgurea could not be given out, but sales were estimated at a million and a quarter pounds. Offerings were two and a half million pounds. Green ville made no estimate on sales but calculated the amount of tobacco on i the floors or waiting to get there at two and a half-mllllogpounds Kim-too and Rocky Mount, the other two of the largeir markets, also had 1 gratifying receipts. Rocky Mount I estimating sales at a million and a I quarter and made a start on the sea. J son in every way auspicious. Farm | ville, another large market, crowded the million mark. Prices.-varied -from a few dollars p?t hundred to fifty and sixty dol ' lars a hundred. - One report was that the poor grades brought satisfactory j prices, but the better grades went at 'figures that occasioned some disan-1 pointment. Twenty cents was the [average moat generally mentioned in . the reports. In some instances an average of a few cents greater and ? in others a few cents less were made.' | Students of the mark.et are wott. | dering if the heavy receipts may not -other band it la pointed'out that the 'demand for bright leaf?o\^ing to the | increased use in cigarettes, will more tthan th> infTfttflftd production. ?News and Observer. JAILEK WITH BACK BONK L'n-lrr the above heading the Raleigh ' Nsws and Observer or Thursday has the following to say concerning Frank lin County's jailor: "Reports from Louisburg indicate . that Franklin county has a jailer with. I a backbone, who also has a proper conception of the dignity of the office 'he. holds. - When a mob. demanded J a negro prisoner, who had already been taken to Raleigh. Jailer A. S. Wlggs told the visitors of the removal. When the keys were demanded, he refused and thereby showed himself to be a jailer worthy of the trust that has_ been reposed In him s' "Jailers are placed In charge of jails to keep prisoners but not to put on personally conducted tours of In. spectlon for every mob that may demand the the privilege. It has hap. pent d in North Carolina, and may happen again, that after removal ot a prisoner the jalleg would open the doo>rs to the mob to prove to the visit, ors that he hadn't lied. "When a jailer has to resort to opening jail doors to prove to a mob that he Isn't lying, he is unfit for tlrt trust placed In him. No liar ought to be trusted with a Jail in North Caro ? tins. The mob learned that in Louis burg lived a jailer with a proper re-' gard for his own integrity. "Nobody contends it is the business of a jailer to open the doors of his jail every tjjne a man demands the keys, but some have felt that after.! a prisoner has been taken away, it Is proper for him to open the doors1 to corroborate his own statement. -It Is just as much, the business of a jailer to keep his jail intact from lawless mobs without a single prison, er as it is with a jail full of prison ers." m'WO DAMAGE CASE BEING TRIED . i \ About the only case of any partlcu : lar public_ Importance to be tried at i the present tdrm of Framklin Su perior Court in the civil term is that of Mrs. Furlough vs Nell O. Teer. In' which $30,000 damages are sought be. | cause of the death of her husband in an automobile wreck near Nash ville. Thid case was started last week but was. reset on account of the Ill ness of a witness making it neces sary to make a mistrial,... The other cases disposed of were of a small public interest. ' "TTtdge N. A. Sinclair arrived Mon day and is holding this week's court He is a straightforward jurist and is making many friends among our peo. pie. This is the Judge's first official visit to l.ouisburg and our people are glad to have him with us. This being a two week's term and this being the second week the term will come to a close this week. The docket Is pretty srell cleaned up and in new In line shape. THE CHRISTIAN'S JOT -.[The pastor of the Louisburg Cir cuit wjll preach at Shiloh Sunday 11 a- W on "The Christians Joy." The rssival at Piney drove church ir-ltf tfe .broaght a doSe Sunday with, tf? services t p. m and 7:tt p. ing from *Ai r*i * i i >ti AMONG THE VISITORS SOME TOO SNOW AND HOWS TOD DO NOT SNOW. Pergonal Item* |tMI Falka AM Their Friends Wlio Travel Aad There. 8upt. E. C. Perry paid Henderson a business visit Tuesday. --Mr *.^ ttnc*e:or^asTivrrre, ?a 4 Lou isburg Wednesday. a a Mr. Jv R. SolHe, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Coz aad child ren spent Sunday at RlchlanAa Messrs O. C. Harris and S. dows visited Wilson Wednesday. Mr. H. D. Cooley, of Nashville, was in attendance upon court this week. Mr. Ed Botchelor, of Nashville, wa a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday. Mr. R. N. Sims, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week. Mr. F. N. 8plvey left Monday for Baltimore to purchase hie fall storks Mr. Marcus C. Winstead, of Milton, I was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednes. day. ?Mj.-R.-K. Ward and little daughtar, 'of Oxford were vlajtors to Louisburg MObday. " -' " - . - . - I Dn w. R. Baas attended a vrterftf ' arians picnic at Panacea Springs Tuesday. I [ Mr. and Mril. Carey Strlckrand of fMelwne, were visitors to Louisburg ,the past week . j ? ? Messrs. D. T. Currlh and E. B. Blll lock, of Oxford, were visitors to Lo? isburg Tuesday. Messrs. G. C. Harris and Q. M. ' |attended the opening -wale at tshsidn, and Wendell Tuesday. Mr. J. D. King, of Cape Charles, Va., visited his brother. Hr. J. W. I Misses Sue Origin, Margaret Hill und Minnie Lsncanrer vwiferj Hender son and Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. Leon T. Vaughan and Mr. w. J.Boone, of Nashville, were in at, tendance upon court this week. I * * | Mrs. Roy Grim and children, Roy, Jr.. and Alice Joyce, of Oxford, are the guests of Mrs. W. T. Person. ' ? f ... Messrs. A. Tonkel and J. Fried lander attended the opening of the leaf market in Rocky Mount Tuesday. * ' Rev. and Mrs. G. V. Tilley, of New I ton, attended the funeral of Mrs. Tli. ' ley's brother in Louisburg Saturday. ? ? Mr .and Mrs. F. A- Roth left Sun day by- automobile for the northern markets to purchase his fall stocks. ? ? , Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Oakley and Mr. 1E. H. McFarland and iamily visited Danville and other Virginia points Sun day. ? ? Misses .Mildred Bell, Mary Randolph -Mr. Marvin Bell and Dr. Beales Bow den. of Faison. visited Miss Louise Griffin Sunday. ? - ? Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lancaster were in Louisburg Monday. The left that afternoon for Wake Forest where they are opening a hotel.". . / ? ? Mrs. E. P. Bowen and little sen. Braxton Cates, of Durham, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Layton. of Franklinton, the past week. ? # ,* Mrs. Florence May Underbill came over from Summer School at Chapel Hill to visit her brothers, D. und F. N. Egerton this ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person and Mrs. Roy Grim and children, guests of Mrs Person, and Mrs. M. H. Ay cock spent Wednesday In Raleigh mm , Mr. R. C. Whitley, of New Bern, vice-president North Carolina -Jlret men's Association, was a visitor to Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Howell the past& week. ? ? ? Mrs. W. 0. Lee. of Lu Sunday night In Louisburg en rente to Washington. D. ?., to he at the tted slde of her mother, Mrs. R. A. Bobbltt, who is in a hospital there. ? e Mr. Pete Hoffman, who hao beea visiting friends in Louisburg, lsft last sight for his home in parstory to resuming his elth Stetson b. Clothing AT MU 8AICD Saturday night, play, "Byes of _ sy special request by the Me class of 1?*L The 1 MS pisy ie shows to ti hi* is . the fourth time tfeea-la thts to iff sad iff.teste. ? - a *? ~