CHEVROLET Qlhe World's Lowest Ton'Mile Cost Whether voc need a track Car Cut delivery over city mnu ... whether your problem b the traneportation of ?on-loads over all types of highways ... or whether you need a haulage tmit for *any sort of special purpose? ? we have a Chevrolet Truck, with a type of body to meet your particular needs, that will^give you the world's .2 performance never equatled in a low-priced commercial car! Here it a type of construction once undreamed-of in a truck at this price ?ruggedne*?, strength and modern desjn which assure you the long time, over-all operating efficiency that has made Chevrolet the world's most 1' 'sear-shift tiuekl ? ' *To??uV rotf ii the t otf of transporting < ton.of material on*.' or its equivalent. VrToT.*M ms S?2|g '495 T*iJ^cJ610 rZ*t.MU$L Louisburq Motor Co. West Hash Street Louisbnrg, H. C. T H EWORLD'S LARGEST BUILDER OF GE\R 5 H i f T TRUCK INSECTS THRIVE FIELDS Raleigh. Sept. 1?.?There is bc bet to way to insure a full crop of in sects next season than by allowing i the snckers - to grow in the tobacco ?elds this fall. "Each year in North Carolina, there art thpnsands of e<' of the plane where he rode for 30 miles. The pilot was unaware of the boy's plight. must hsrc it fresh and greep. so 11 the g msf r"wfHn]tl 1! n **? destroy the snckers in his fields and he would destroy this food SB] in addition would practice good fa: ing. A great many of the tobacco insects would die from lack of food and others trnnTrt pa into winter a par ters weak and gaunt and would not survive he eold.? Tobcc pe?s re n greer2B--e^.? Tobacco pests are on a greater In crease in the State-than the acreage to the leaf, states Dr. Met calf, and this simple means of combatting the pests, would be the cheapest form of protection that the grower could give his crop. Spraying and dusting the tobacco in srmmer is more spectacu lar than this, of coarse, but they are not nearly so economical nor effect ive. Neither do they give any cover to the bare soil, in winter. EXECUTORS SALE OF VALUABLE LAND Under and by Tin ue of the power conferred upon me as Executor under the will of William Inscoe. Dee d., said will being duly recorded in Book of Wills "V" Page 460, et seq. office of Clerk Superior Court of Franklin County. X. C-, I will on Monday, the 17th day of October. 1927, at or abbot the hour of Xoon at the courthouse door in Louisburg. X. C-, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for .cash, that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Cedar Rock Township. Franklin County, x. C-, I. T. J. adjoining the lands of Mrs. Sykes. W. F. Wester and others and described as follows: Beginning at an iron take. John In scoe's corner and corner of the two acres conveyed by William Inscoe to Dallas Inscoe; thence along John In. scoe's line S 78d W 158 poles to stake 9 feet South of a dogwood; thence S Bid W 75 poles 5 links to n stake and pointers in W. B. Cop pedge's line and a corner for John Inscoe of the land derised to him in the will of William Inscoe; thence along Coppedge's line X 4d E 39 poles to a stake and pointers. R. L Stailings corner In Coppedge's line; along Stalling! line S 8Cd E 74 poles to a stake and pointers. Stalling* cor. ner; thence N 3d E 54 poles to a sas safras (now dosm); thence S 88d 15 poles to a rock; thence X 6Sd E 24 poles to a stake; thence X 23d E 24 poles to a stake; thence N 19 lJd E 25 poles to a stake. Gills corner; along Gills (now T. J. Sykes) line. S 84 l-2d E 54 poles to a rock and Iron stake, the GUI (now Rykes) corner on Spring Hope road; thence said road about S 37d E to an iron-stake, Dallas Inseoe's corner; thence along said Dallas Inseoe's line S 14 LM W to beginning, containing 104 acres, nwire or lees, by surrey of 1912. This is a choice tobacco farm with house, pack strip, room. tobacco bam. etc. en the Spring Hope road i from Highway SC. Any one land or a plat thereof may can 14th day JOSEPH T. DUB; R of furnished by the undersigned executor' Geo nee A. Wbeless M Spring Hope, H. C. ? --- ? - This will be a fine opportunity tor ; anyone desiring to acquire a small | farm of highly fertile soil adapted tor 1 tobacco, cotton, and all grains. There: are residences and (arm buildings i upon tracts No. 1, 3, and 4, as well i as a considerable amount of good! timber. The largsr part of tract No. t has been recently cleared and is veryprodurtive. A deposit ot 10 percent of the par. rh**e price wiil be reqairtd ot the successful bidders on the day ot sale, and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The remainder of all_ accepted bids will be payable in cash ~ upon delivery of deeds. This September 12, 1927. GEORGE A. WHELESS Exeeutor of Alfred Wbeleae, deceased. 9.18.5t Camel The most popular cigarette in the United States , : Quality put it there?quality keeps it there. 1 Camel smokers are not concerned and need not. be concerned with anything hut the pleasure of smoking. "15 E to the Dozen!" THAT'S way one man who feeds hit hens Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash expresses his increased production. "I gather 15 eggs for every dozen that I got before I used Ful-O-Pep," he says. You can increase the number of eggs you arp get ting every day, too. Right now is the tune to do it?extra eggs mean real extra cash profit at this time of year. This is the famous ieed that contains Cod Liver value. Every mouthful gives-the hens a// feed? no waste?and young and old layers keep right on producing. Egg? are larger, better-flavored, and uniform in size with strong shells. And next Spring you'll have wonderful hatching eggs. Th? Quaker Q&ts Company Sold by L. P. HICKS If Lumber Were AH The Same If all lumber were alike in Quality, in Manufactur ing, in Seasonings?if all lumber "gave like satisfaction to the user?if all lumber were dependable?there would be no justification for this advertisement. If any lumber you might buy would give you the same degree of permanence in your new home?or in any use you might make of it?it would be a waste of effort to call your attention to these indisputable facts. There IS a Difference in Lumber. Needless to say, the difference is important when you are spending your money in an investment on a home. The choice is yours. t It is certain there can be no regrets in buying lum ber of known manufacture, of known quality, from a dealer known widely for fair dealing in dependable lumber products. BURGESS LUMBER CO. Anything in the Building Line. Hear Railroad Creeeiif >a tut* Highway LouxsBURG. mohti oAim.iwi