EVERYBODY BOOST LOC1SBPRG AY \DVER1 ISIHG MEDIUM THAT HBIYGS RESULTS ~S~ A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION > " SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LVI. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, OCT. 28TH, 1927 (10 Pages) NUMBER 36 1 i* * BIG SCHOOL g DAY PARADE Fire Works Display One of Big Features Tremendous Crowd# Attending Night ?pm Better- ?*WWta Thnu Usual; Schools Make Splendid Showing; l-ar** c?r?hral end Many Concessions 5 Dairy Exhibit Very In lerostlng To Many With fully seven thouwnd people crowded into the fair grounds Wed nesday one of the beet faira In the history of the Franklin County Fftt Association Is now ln^progrkss. The exhibits are large In number and of ?t higher order than before- la- ten years and denotes a broader and deep er Interest In agricultural develop ment In Franklin count/. . t The carnival Is one of the largest ever visiting Loulsburg and is furn ishing much amusement to the large number attending both day and night. The fair opened formally on Tues day morning but School Day, Wed nesday. was the biggest feature so far The parade by the school child ren was a beautiful and.1?pr^^e feature and was witnessed tty thous ands who had lined the gtrests tor more than a mile. It U."^1 ? round forty-five hundred children ere In line. It took more than an] ; -ur to pass them Into the fair , ? Uda at two entrances. Each ? . .1 carried a banner and several wi. " Iressred"tor "roe ucoisluu; The juh , hitdren were dressed in yel low j- x?U and white pants repre senting colonial troops, and carried flags am' banners. The FrankUnton p^fns wow Idu ul too laigel pwto dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Uhde Sam. The line of pupils had not Ahjahed passing the court house corner when the front was entering the fair grounds. The columns were formed on Church Btreet and marched down to Nash east to Main, north to College street, then east to the fair grounds. A small band from the carnival c< mpuny occupied a position near the front of the line and the Juatlce band followed the school children!, are truck and Battdry B with Its hcavy.arti.iei7 took a pari in the pa rade, as well as many automobiles -ttrtring?ihe~Bo?rd- of Bduoatien ^and ciiirr officers and u number ?f The Edward Best School had two l'oats, mm i .presented oidea times with the spinning wheel. The New Hope float represented one of the early one room school houses, and was tilled with children. The Epsom school noat was a representation of the great seal of North Carolina. The FrankUnton float represented all phases of school work, with one es pecially arranged to represent music with four little ulmphs dressed in, blue on each side while on the top were young ladies dressed In white holding s stringed harp. The Oold Sand truck was nicely decorated and, represented the community. The YoungsvUle float was a beautiful re - presentation of victory. Many schools trucks were In llnd. The Frailkllnton school won the prises for having the best school ex-, hlblt and the best float. Other school prises had not been awarded yester-, d*The fireworks display both at day and at night were especially pretty and were wonderful in their scope and magnitude. The farm exhibits were especially good. The quantity on display and| auality of product both reflected much credit upon the exhlbltors and the va-1 riety of crops was especially pleas-; lng to the many visitors as tweU as the managers of the fair- It vrifc de-, monstrated that almost anythldgptao wanted could be raised In Frffiklln. The displays of tobacco and cotton indicated quite a lot of progress in the production of these crops In thai P*It was especially Interesting to vls lt and see the complete farm exhibit t of the Rocky Ford Farm. Mr. H.F. Mitchell, the proprietor, had on dis omy a sample of almost everything grown needed upon a farm, both for noma and market purposes. The Extension Department tad a moat interesting exhibit of seeds of various farm products, and much in terest was shown in this unique dis. *'Valuing through the exhibit hall one notlrad a most Interesting exhibit of pottery and a demonstration in pot tery making. This exhibit was put m by the 8mlthfleld Pottery Company of smtthfleld. The displays of canned goods and uantry supplies were excellent The ?ny good things to eat attracted Jbch attention aid more than one vrtehed to get hold of them. Frank lin has stiU got quite, a number of good cooks and homo providers. The fancy work department gave a wonderful Idea of what a gifted woman can do with a noodle. These many designs Indtr >d much patience '"To'tho^ows of booth was a scene ot b^nty. wKh the wonderfully weU arrangement of ? The exhibits of the Vocational cultural Departments in the schools TOBACCO PRICES ARE ADVANCING l.oulshurg Market Making Big .Sale*; Farmer* Well Plea*e. ('. MEETING The Joseph J. Davis Chapter U.-D C. will meet with Mrs. McM. Furger. s(m Tuesday afternoon. November 1st, 192'%at 3:30. MRS. H. W. PERRY, Sec. of the "'county were combined ?.u made a wonderful showing. In It one ? could see In minature farms an ideal" farm properly laid out for a three ! crop rotatlop, poultry arrange. I ment, barns, silos, automatic feeders, chairs tables, and many other items (of importance. To see this exhibit was to more fully appreciate the value of this work. ! The Domesli, Science Department of the Mills High School had a moat ! The blgh schools of Bunn, Frank. | "ten, Gold, Sand, Epsom and Edward Heat, all hadJgOBdt-rful exhibits In [these exhibits was work of all grades I ?Its was work of all grades In pictures, drawing, handwork, maps both drawing and showing products and woods to be fonnd tn the county, farm products and some giving a his tory of their school in pictures. I The Justice community had a booth in which was displayed One school work, fancy work, and farm products. The display of old relics by Mr. I Thomas B. Wilder, of Aberdeen, was especially {Interesting and attracted i the attention of a large number. In ! it one could see almost any kind of gun or bayonet, and many other ar-' tides of interest. j The basketry display by the State Blind Institute was excellent It was no less than wonderful to see how. such articles, could be made by blind people. The Colored M^'lon School exhibit was a most interesting and creditable one showing aU kinds of grade work among the pupils and fancy needle work, as well as many other articles of special merit. A table setting contest wai held on Wednesday In the Home Demonstra tion Department and was participated In by many young ladles from alt parts of the ccMnty. The interest and training they had in this branch was watched with much Interest by a large crowd and Indicated that the future heads of Franklin county homes would be well trained In this line art. One of the most striking and at tractive exhibits was that of the First National Bank. The background was made up of a farm scene emerging into Industry tn moving form. Illu strating the allk industry. The cow was being milked In the stall the milk takeu to the creamery transformed Into batter, ice cream and other ar ticles which passed on to market and purchased by all classes of Amarl. can people. In addition they con. ducted a guessing contest, the object ot which was to guess the amount of money In a Jar that was partly filled with money of varlons denominations. The live stock exhibit was a great deal better than usual. Quite a num ber of cows and hogs were on dis play. Some were of a specially fine stock. The. bulls were of the beet type and all Indicated that the far*, ers were gradually turning to better live stock on the farms. A dairy exhibit was arranged In the cow shed showing a cream separator, a milking machine and a unit of stanchions. These were ot special fa., terest to many of our fanners who, have begun and Intend to begin maj Jell S*n t?ife for Blot Telling Who Ho For. cluuM Whlefcey From: Court At. iniMti f* J?e? ity Judge Stock stirred the coiyt at teodauts is Franklin county lost week os they have not been oroused before in o decade with his rigidity of en. forcing rules and discipline; his heavy fines for witnesses and heavy hand of punishment to the wrong doer*. All agree .tint., ha J? doing nothing hut right that when a law has been violat ed then alty hut some judges have a way of ileasant doing this that leaves more p ness and less fsar. Judge gtack I asaed out his sentences with the at. titude of a cold blooded buslneu pro* position. The law breakers win art. dently steer clear of the court house ?lien they learn of Judge Stack "rt. turning. With hia methods, which he explained "was?for?the financial interest of the tax payers of Frank lin county, lie diaputched buainiss in a harry end got rid of quite a big number of cases, and closed up the term on Friday afternoon Stnre our; last report the folowing ,husiness wasj Itransaetad ? TJw - -1 transacted: State vs P. C. Holmes, larceny and receiving. After hearing the evidence a mistrial was made and nol pros with leave was taken. Stole vs Raymond Driver, assault with deadly weapon, 4 months in jail. Commissioners to hire out after 30 days upon the payment of fine of $25 and $25 to Dave Grey, and costa. I -Slat; ft. ye Josh Rrasweii, at leapt jto commit rape, continued. State vs Doyt Hagwood, violating prohibition law, continued. In this case John Barnetle, a witness, was sentenced to Jail tor 10 days for con. tempt.of court! State vs H. C. Mullen abandonment, guilty. 12 months on roads, execution not to lseue upon paying cost of the >im m fyf tit? Court ; *16 per month for "the" use of his two 1 Minor - | State vs Wtttle Joyner tarcenyrconf Uinued. State vs Lola Hoffman, murder, i continued. | sum >? Charles Burnette. assault I with deadly weapon, pleads guilty, 6 months on roads. After serving 15 days in: jail Commissioners may re. lease him upon his observing the fol lowing conditions: Pay all the costs, not violate prohibition laws, not viol dale any laws, keep the peace .and be of good behavior to all. give bond to appear at May and October courts for three years to show that he has observed the requirements, and has been going to school or at work dur. ing this time. State vs" 8. L. Lancaster, nuisance, guilty, 60 days In jail and pay all costs to be released after 15 days upon good behavior. State vs John Smith, unlawful pos session of whiskey, 60 days in jail, capias not to issue upon defendant pay a fine of $10 for buying whiskey and $6 for not knowing who he bought it from, and costa, and not to violate any prohibition law for five years. Stake vs Eddie Williams ,assault with deadly weapon, 6 months in jail, execution not to issue in 30 days upon payment of $100 to Jeff Davis and costs. State vs Willie Edwards, distilling, guilty, 90 days in jail and cost*. State vs Henry Clarke, muYder. con. tlnued. State ra Plummer Hendricks as sault with deadly weapon, sentenoo amended to capias will not issue Bo long as he observes the following conditions: Pay all costs, not mistreat his wife again, will not buy or other wise fool with whlsckey tor 6 years, give bond of $166 to appear at Oc tober term of court for 3 years to show that he has observed the above conditions. State vs R_ L. Peoples, assault with deadly weapon, IS months on roads, execution not to issue upon the con dition he pay to W. B. Harris in set tlement civil adtlop $2500, pay a fise of $504 and Costs, not violate any laws in 6 years and of good be havior. Stats vs H. C. Ayacue, assault with deadly weapon, two oases, guilty, oae case < flped $26 and oosts other case Judgment suspended upon payment of oocti. 8tate vs Meta Williamson larceny, guilty, fined $S5 and costs. State vs Hosla Roberta, distilling; State vs Kelly Paaree, distilling, sOa tence amended jo a fine of $50 and oosts after he has served 80 days la lull, provided the Commissioners can not place him On roads'. Grand Jury Report The grand Jtary completed Its work Thursday aftednoon (end Submitted toll owing report who the following report which was.no. :tpted by the court sad the jury was Discharged' wfth' the thanks of the (Start. 1 " ?t: ?. To HoddrsMe A3 It Stock. Judgei. presiding at (ho October term otD Cranklih County Sdperlor Court: > ft he Grand Airy drawn at th?, FREDERIC DIXON American Pianist of Distinction ^k/jT R. DIXON is a poet. When he plays; his splendid -iV A. technique, comprehension and control of -the piano are forgotten: only the perfect sense of rhythm, sympa thetic ten" ilormg, and sincere emotional intef-e' ?'^V ? , ?. ? are u t, "We have passed on all btlta that liare been presented to us or have been brought to our attentio?. We have visited the county hom'e ami find the inmates well cared (or.' We found no T. B. patients. j We visited the Jail in a body, and found some window lights broken and' in need ot some repairs to the sew. j erage. otherwise the iail was in good, condition. We visited the Clerk ot the Courts office and found same in good condl. |tlon. and the records well kept as far as we eould ascertain. We visited the Register ot Deeds office and found same in good condi tion, well kept and properly indexed records, but recommend more shelves or tables to take care of books which [ had to be piled on the floor for lack cf room. ' found'same In good condition, with the proper books and records. We had summoned before us sev.1 eral witnesses in regard to the mob ' "violence which wad repotted u U>' and none ot them knew who any of the parties were. J. R BALLENTINE. Foreman Grand Jury. Solicitors Report The Solicitor filed the following re. port with the court: North Carolina, Franklin County, Su. perior Court, October Term, 1927. I T-o the Hon. A. M. Stack, Judge' Presiding: I The undersigned Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District respectful.' ly reports to the Court that he has examined at this term of said court ? into the condition of the office ot J. I J. Young, the Clerk ot the Superior' Court of said county, that he finds1 said office well administered in all respects, that said Clerk keeps In his office all the books required by law,' properly Indexed for vspeedy and con venient reference. ? Respectfuly submitted, \ LEON S. BRASSFIELD, y Solicitor 7th Judicial District, j HSxamined, approved, and ordered recorded. A. M. STACK, I Judge Presiding. FRANKLIN COUNTY UNION J The following sis the program ofi the Franklin County Union to be held ; with the Hickory Rock church on| Saturday and Sunday . .October 29th and 30th: Saturday 10:30 a. m. Roll call-of the churches [ and business. 10:45. Discussion of the most ur.j gent needs of our churches, pastors.' 13:00. Dinner. 1:00 p. m. Our duties In regard to , missions, W, M. U. "Presidents. l I 7:30 p. m. Hew each church can | have a good B. Y. P. U- and Its value; to the church,. B. Y.. p. U. Presidents, j 10:00 a. m. What improvements ought to be made la our Sunday schools, 8un.(lay School. Superinten. j, dents. " !i 11:00. BfhSt we should do In regard', to the Centennial Campaign, and why. | Pastors. 11:00. Adjournment. FIDDLERS CONTENTION |t I There will he a fiddlers convention jl at Royal ffthool Thursday. November!) ?>1 ? W, ..Mil. la I.UI^ inuld 3rd. * Tha public . U Invited, special Invitation to W musicians. Admission 15 sad M mints; Mo proceeds will be used tor the school m r CARD OF THANKS ,. ' Jl I wish to extend my deepest thanks end appreciations to all ,tboae jvhoJ s rendered so many Wndnmses an Pqu' ot Ralel*'?. was in attendance upon court on Friday. - Mr. E. H. Joyner. of Wake Foreat. was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday. ti":,; *?? Mr?- E- H Malone and ML ufd Rose. Vlstted Raleigh Bar.? RT?J!r!t J ^ ??? ??d K: - P. Httl. of SfeWere ^"?r' t0 J^fburg * ? Misses Adelaide, Elizabeth and Sa die Johnson and Mary Spencer and Mr James Johnson visited Henderson Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ragland visited a10n' .A Ra*land- Jr~ who is attending school at GalneavtUe Oa. t he past week .? *?? f- C. BARROW DEAD Tile remains of Mri j n~ Birrow who died at his home in Greensboro Wednesday night were brought to Loulsburg yesterday afternoon for in. jterment in Oaklawn cemetery. Mr. Barrow was ? brother to the tieman of the true southern type and had scores of friends both in Frank, lln county, his old home, and Greens boro, bis adopted home Mew y. 9, Barrow, bis mother, is the only mem ber of the family remaining, and the deepest sympathy goes out to her In her sad bereavement. Large numbers attended the funeral services at 4 o'clock and paid a last tribute of love to one they so highly estemcd. The pallbearers were as follows: Honorary?L. P. Hicka. D. E. Best W. W. Green. Dr. J. E. Malone, W. EL Yarborough. J. W. King. J. L. Palmer, A. W. Green. Drs. S. P. Burt and R. iF. Yarborought Active?A W. Per son, E. L. Beet. S. P. Boddie. I? | S. Clifton, E. Wt Furgerson. M. C. PI?!isant3. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. O. W. Dowd announces his 'subject for next Sunday morning as /'Expanding Horizons," next Sunday night at 7:30 the Methodist Orphan age Singing Class will furnish ths 'program. Mr. BarnaS promises the best concert the Orphanage gives. We feel sure you will went to attend these inspirational services. All. are invited. r ? ? . COUNTY COUNCIL PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION On Saturday October 23nd in the Mills High School auditoridfca in Loulsburg representatives from the Parent.Teacher Associations tn the 'county met and organised a County Council Parent.Teacher Associating. The object ot this organization is to promote child welfare in the hunin and schools of the county. Prof. 8. L. Best Made an interesting tnlk on the Parent-Teacher Association as an asset to our schools. The followtg (officers were elect! ?d:' President. Mrs. J. F. Mitchtner. Frankliatoa; vice-president. Mrs. M. S. Clifton. Loulsburg; secretary. Mrs. A. H. Vsnn, Fran kiln ton; ' treasurer, Mrs. Cbas. Pippin, Bunn; chairman program committee, Mrs. T. H. WW don, Epsom. The next meeting will be held la January, 1?J8. RECORDERS COURT Judge Perry had only a tow canes before him In Franklin Recorders Court Monday. Thaae tow. however, were disposed of as follows: State vs Ban Is Perry, unlawful poa. session, of whiskey, capias and con tinned. State ve Robert Ward, carrying con cealed weapon, not guilty. State vs W. W. Tucker, worthless check, continued, State vs W. W. Tucker, fraud, truss- ' ferred to superior court. State rs Etta O. Moore operating automobile Intoxicated, continued. State *s Ed Johnsoa. unlawful poa. session of whiskey, continued. ll.M Pnr Tear la AtfUtem 1 ft