X 1 EVERYBODY BOOST ' LOUlSBURti J LH ? ] i a. FKANKLIN TIMES he r a? A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLtJMN LVL* LOUI8BURQ, N. 0., FRIDAY, NOV. 11TH, 1927 (10 Pages) NUMBER 38 J. W. PERRY ELECTED COTTON WEIGHER For Louisburg For Next Two Tier County Accountant Instructed Tu List AU Unlisted Property For Taxes With a Penalty of ti Per lent Add. ed; Many Matters ?( Bontine Before Board; To Meet A train November 16th ? The Board of County Commlsslon il< ? ? era met in regular session orfMonday with all members present After ap. proving minutes of previous meeting business was transacted as follows: Arch Green was before the Board in reference to the abuttments of the bridge across Tar River. The matter was referred to the Louisburg town, ship road trustee. The question of road signs as Ap. proved by the State was adopted and referred to the townships: . Upon motion Kelly Pearte was or.| dflTCd rnleagcA, from Jail after the 1|1 dare has expired upon payment of i costs and board. The resignation of T. W. Boone.' road trustee of Cedar Rock, township,1 was accepted. BUlie Bowden was appointed a member of Cedar Rock township road township trustees for 3 years, / i. W. Merrltt was eys killed by dogs. ?ol, C. L. McGhce made report on t e fttanciai condition of the county 1 ;rnpc I' port of Miss Daisy Caldwell, i Commissioner was appointed a a: -;ttee for his respective town-1 ships tj look after stop signs. J. H. Cocke was appointed cotton; weigher tcr Franklinton for the next, two yearn,. J. W. Perry was appointed cotton: weigher for Louisburg for the next two years: ? * Report of Dr. R. TV Yarborough, County Health Officer was _received and Bled. On motion the Health Officer is to ha jaid monthly. .. J Upon motion, J. A. Hodges, County Account any Is required to list) all, unlisted taxes with a penalty of 25 per cent added, compensation of 5 per cent to be paid him for this sere* ice. This applies to personal as well E. C. Perry, Welfare Officer, was allowed >10 per, month fax traveling Th# County Accountant was request ?d to submit prices for flies for his office by November 15th Repart of E. C. Perry, Wnlf&re Of. fleer, wae repelved and filed. Report or John Hedgepeth, Super intendent County Home, was received and filed,- . I.?~ . j After allowing a number of accounts ' the Board adjourned to meet again! Tuesday, November 16th. BANQUETS PRESIDENT MOHN President Mohn, of Lonlsburg Col lege, on leave of absence since Sep tember, returned Saturday, Novem ber 5, for a short stay, and was given a home coming banquet in the col lege dining halls Monday at one o'. clock. The affair opened with the impressive singing of grace at the table. Supt. Best presided aa toast master in his usual gracious manner. Dean Betts gave the first toast to President Mohn in behalf of the col lege family, a beautiful expression of our delight to have him with us again. Miss Letton spoke as repre sentative of the faculty. Miss Evelyn Harrison, president of (he Student Government, tpr her Organisation; and Miss Myrtle Greene, president of Y. W. C. A., represented her girls. All voiced the great delight of our entire college community in having Mr. Mohn in our midst again, but it remained for the enthusiastic songs and yells of the Juniors and Seniors to express the real pleasure of the occasion. They vied with each other _in friendly enmity till the banquet balls became a sort of cross between a rousing fotball field and a Demo cratic presidential convention. Surely before the close. President Mohn knew be was the most "welcome home" of any president who ever strayed be yond the confines of his campus. His response on this occasion touched the hearts of all present in its sincere and generous assurance of his love and loyalty to the college for whose wel fare he has spent every ehergy of his life for the past six years . CLASS INITIATION Sandy Hill Council No. 263 Junior Order will conduct a~cTass initiation at their regular meeting on Friday, December 16th, 163?. Secretary F. S. Pearce requests us to state that sll Juniors are invited to attend. The council is located at Pearce's store FUN, FUN, FUN The Womans Club of Frankllnton. will present "Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works" at the school auditorium No vember 15th, at 8 p. m. This la a won derful display. Everybody come. If you want to laugh and grow tat, come, (mission 25 and 36 oenta. MRS. E. H. BOBBITT, Pres. MRS. A. R VANN, Sec'y. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS Board Dldnf Wut L%tat Pole On Behoof * Property; To Band Work, shop At Younffsvflie / The Board of Education met in re gular session on Monday with A. P. Johnson, Mrs. T. H. Oickens, J. H. Joyner and W. A, Mullen present. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. A representative from the Carolina Light and Power Company came be fore the Board asking for permission. to place a line pole on the colored Pilot school site. The Board thought Beat to rofnaa this'request. The secretary was Instructed to re quire the Sunday school authorities st-BwHea Hayes to become person, ally responsible for any damage, that might be done to the school building as a result of holding Sunday school there and to be responsible for leav ing the school building in the same condition as they found ft. The secretary was Instructed to contract tor a work shop at ihe_| Youngsviile school. The following resolution was offer ed by W. A. Mullen and seconded by J. H. Joyner: "Resolved by the County Board of Education of Franklin County: "1. That for properly maintaining a six months school term in the White Level-Hickory Hock 15KB5TT~iir the Harris Elementary school and In j lln county, as required by article 1X7 Section 3, ot the Constitution of the State Of North Carolina. 1t Is neces sary vho* eertatn ?tmprovementa be made therein ot the following char. actert ? I "2. That in order to provide said improvements it is necessary that the sum of 328,000 for White Level mcfcqrr Rnrfc: the sum ot 331.0Q0 for \ Harris Elementary and the sum ot 320,000 for Wood, be obtained by bor.J | rowing the same, to be used by the County Board of Education of Frank lin County for aaLT purposes. | "3. That the County Board of Education of Franklin County does [hereby authorise the application for, iand procurement of, a' loan for said purposes from the State Special 'Building Fund of the State of North Aed Carolina establKied under Chapter 1199, Public Laws, 1927, and said board does hereby authorise and direct that : all necessary steps be taken to pro. 1 cure said loan under the terms of [said statutes and rules and regola. -lions or the State. Board of Education [governing the making of loans from 'said fund, and the chairman and sec. ' retary of this Board are hereby an i thorized, empowered and directed to 'make the necessary application for I said loan, <> execute note or notes and 'all other papers required ipr said uv"v* " " ????? - ~ T" "" 1 purposes under said statutes and the' rules and regulations of the State Board of Education." * The resolution was duly adopted by the following vote: Those voting in.Hhe affirmative were: A. F. John son, Mrs. T. H. Dickens, J. H. Joyner and W. A. Mullen. Those voting in the negative were: ! not any Whereupon the chairman announced that the said resolution was duly ana properly adopted. After the transaction of dhfew mln.! or routine the board adjourned. RECORDERS COURT Judge H. W. Perry disposed of quite a number ^ot cases in Franklin Re. corders Court Monday. None were of a sensational nature. The docket as disposed of was as follows: State ts H. M. Strickland, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, judgment continued during good behavior, upon payment of costs. State vs H. M. Strickland, unlawful possession of whiskey, plepds guilty, 12 months on roads, capias not to is. sue provide 1 that he remain of good behavior upon paying $100 fine and costs. State vs W. H. Frailer, unlawful possession of whiskey, continued. State vs Dick; Bgerton, unlawful possession of whiskey, pleads nolo contendere, prayer for judgment con, tlnued upon payment of coats and de fendant appearing before this court each month and showing good behav ior. State vs Millard Brannon, operating automobile intoxicated, guilty, six roonts on roads, execution not to is. sue upon paying $60 fine and costs and not driving any kind of motor vehicle for six months. State vs Wiley Pearce, nuisance, capias and continued. State vs Tom Holden, unlawful pos session of whiskey, guilty, prayer for judgment continued during good be. havior upon payment of costs. State vs Charlie Foster, carrying concealed weapon, guilty, ? months on roads, capias not to issue upon payment of $100 fine and costs. State vs H. M. Strickland, operat ing automobile intoxicated, not gull. | ty. CARD OF THANKS i We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many kindness, es and appreciations shown us dur. t Lag the recent death of our little dnrL# lag. ? . 1 MR. and MRS. IRVIN GILLIAM. | Program AmiHtirp lay, 102? Amrrinut Irgtan Auxiliary Prayer ... Rev. J. A. Mclver Pledge to the Kla|: Led by Girl Scouts Stare sad Stripes Forever ? Oirliestia ' America I School children and audience Introduction of Speaker . Dr: R. P. Yarborough _ 1 Commander Jambes Post Address ,? .?....... Bart, E. L-Bwt Muslc f 1 BAfBA - A . ? A t . ?? ? uvnwi viriiui cir arivX nuuit,lite Pl*&0* ?o ?iff Iflag Ipledge allegiance to my Flag and to the United States of America, one Nation indivisible, with Liberty and Justice to all. At the conclusion of the program all World War Veterans. Spanish American War Veterans, and Confederate' Veterans are invited to a barbecue at the Faie Grounds ^ .j ? KBANKLIN COUNTY MAN IS KILLED BY HIS SON Hour Harris Fatally Va?^H Bj IMbn Harris Dies la Hospital H?re Henry "Harris, of Franklin county, died on the operating table o( Rex hospital Saturday night the result ol wounds said to have been enftieted by his son, Reuben Harris His body was restored to Brown's undertaking establishment to. await orders trotn the authorities of Franklin county. Harris was shot four times, twice in the abdomen and in both anna, m n!?, ^ nostirsad Ks mbsbs m ^ ss KUaWa ? It" Bilvlnlllf, Uvt 111 icU Urln cell " IIKC Forest and Youngsrille. Details of ihA /? Q linn nf ihn lfHUng flAllld hflt ? ??w wevwww m ttw ntt titsgr rouiw nvi be learhedrrHayor i. _y, wutstbn, ol Youngsrille, who arrested Reuben Harris about 5 o'clock yesterday af. -ternoon, -when askedwhy the yoiinger Harris killed his father said, "That Is what I hare been trying to find out and hare not succeeded." Contrary" to first reports Reuben Harris, Franklin county man denies that he shot his father, Henry Harris. 8herlff F. W, Justice, of Franklin county, said Sunday night that he had talked with young Harris and he de. nied responsibility tor his father's death. He told the Sheriff that when he came home he found his father lying near the bell post desperately wounded. He took his father to Wake Forest to the office of the Doctors Wilkinson who later directed that he be carried to.a hospital .The elder Harris died on the operating table at Rex Hospital. .. . Two other arrests have been made in connection with the killing. Wil liam Pearce, supposed to know some thing of the killing, was released by the committing magistrate, J. B. King, on $500 bond. Mrs. Reuben Har ris, wife of the man accused of the killing,; also was placed under arrest. She says that she was picking cotton and knows nothing ot the kilting ex cept that she heard a gun shot. She and her husband are held without bond. No formal inquest had been held Sunday night but Coroner J. S\ Par. rish said that ths'evidence amply war ranted the holding of the younger Harris and Pearce. He thought that wMakey was a factor in the killing as both Pearce and Reuben Hyrls were reported to be drinking. Neigh, bora, it was said, would testify that Reuben Harris did the shooting. Harris' body remained at Brown's undertaking establishment Saturday night and until Sunday afternoon when It was removed to the home in Franklin county for burial. He waa about 72 years of age and lived with the young man accused of killing htm. I He has two other sons and two daugh ters. He lived with his son and farm ed with him, their farm being located between Wake Forest and Youngs rille. PRICES STILL HIGH ON THE ..LOnSBURG MARKET Big sales at all warehouses each ty the past week with high prices -ought satisfaction to all' concern 1 la the Louisburg tobacco market lie many growers present and sel g were especially well pleased with s results. Now seems to be a good time to rip and sell and many are advising f farmers to turn loose right sway, it yours ready and bring It to Louis-, irg and sss that your visit wlIK be saaant as well as profitable. LOIISM RC COLLEGE BOOSTER MEETING A meeting of a large group of j Franklin County t luaens was held at th^ Franklin Hotel Monday evening, at 7:30, at which time the Loula "burg College situation was thoroughly discussed. It was the unanimous opinion of all preseut that the Frank. Itn-County Building should be*conn plettd at once not only because of <-he great need for additional rooms for -students at the college, but be. cause Franklin county holds the key to the situation tor the future de velopment ot the college. It is re. et-fmised by ail thatbefore outsiders will take additional interest in Lonis. burg, Collsgo and put their?money In_ 1 f7 Franklin county should do her' part and complete the building which she started two years ago. The contain all the college class rooms, laboratories and the library, is indeed audin truth the hearf of the college and until this building la completed, stt other developments must neccs. sarily be held In abeyance. Among the men wno spoke on the development program of Loulsburg College and the part Franklin coun ty hag in it, were Mr. E. L. Best, County Superintendent; Mr, David Harris, merchant; Mr. L. L. Joyner, former mayor and city commissioner; and Rey. J. A. Mclver, pastor of the Baptist church. President E. L. Best, of the Kiwanis Club, spoke for his organization, as. ing as his text the Club's motto: "We Build." He pledged the membership j one hundred per cent to^ihe consum mation of the project. He said, "We build. We do not start and quit, but r/e stick to the job until it is finished. Yon may call on us for any service we may be able to give and you will find us ready to respond with the best we are able to give." David Harris spoke for the Cham. ? ber of Commerce. He was not a citl-, zen of Louisburg when the campaign for the Franklin County Building was made, but asked to be permitted toj have a share in this great work. He pledged his organization and his per. sonal service to the college and es. I pecially to the completion of the pre. sent task In a splendid speech, and was cheered to the echo. Mr. L. L. Joyner spoke for the citi zens of Louisburg. He gave assurance that the people ot the city and county would not only! full (11 the pledges they had made, but would support the college in every forward movenienL Rev. J. A. Mclver spoke for the church people of the city and county. He spoke very feeltngly of his own personal love for the Vollege, and pledged the loyalt yof his people and hie own .continued support to Louis-! burg College. The people pyesent unanimously decided to go to work at once to col lect the money now due on the Frank. ltn County Building and to start con struction work immediately. Every citizen of Franklin county, who has made a subscription foq the Franklin County Memorial Building will he seen in the next few days and It Is earnestly hoped that each one will make arrangemen tto pay bis aubscrlp tion In full to date to make the com pletion of the Franklin County Build lng at an early date a reality. SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID The following new subscriptions to the Encyclopedia fund toi Mlll? High School, were paid the past week: ' L. U Joyqer |1W Mm. S. T. Wilde? < ' l.? COMMITTEE TO REVISE RATES F. H. Allen Fleeted To Fill Vacancy On Board Caused By Resignation ot P. S. Allen The Board o( Town Commlaaionera met In regular monthly session on Friday night tor the transaction ot business. Roll call. Mayor William, son, present. Commissioners Joyner, McKlnne and White present. Ford and Person r esent. Reports ot the clerk and B. H. Mea. Aamla / ' V* ? n # ,. | r*z . 1 J . " ? - . . .. ?J msA- - huftb, unict tzi x oiiv.v-, were reiia ?*?u approved. 'Dr. R. F. Yarborough, ot the Board of Health was before the Board with a report of sanitary conditions. Dr. Yarborough had asked Mr. Williams representing the State Board of Health to make recommendations to the- board. ? -?--- ? , Mr. William stated that an ordin- . ance requiring citizens who were in a stated distance from sewers to in. etali and maintain closets, the neces sary ordinance was passed. A letter from Mr. c. C. Collins ask1. ing for drainage on street adjoining his home was read. The matter was referred to the water- and light com mittee. ? Report of the auditor was read and approved. The resignation of Mr. P. S. Allen accepted with regrets On motion of Mr. McKinne and sec. onded by Mr. White, Mr. Felix H. Al ien was elected tu nil the vacancy or Mr. P. S. Allen. Carried. Mr. McKin Dc wag aakv^i .to notify Mr. Alien of: the action of the boai;dv Mr. F. H. j Atten was'a'tpointed a member or ttw1 light and water committee and. was chosen to act as chairman of the com 1 mittee The bill of 155 of Geo. L. Kling fpr special auditing was ordered paid. J The cleric vu ordered to pay allj bills accompanied with orders and take discount, Mr. McKjnne moved that the Mayor, the chairman ot the water and light | committee, -the cterb and the super. | lntendent of water and light plant : meet and revise the rates of the else.. I trie light plant. This motion was] ! seconded by Mr. Joyner and was car. > ried. Mr. White called attention to the matter of charges tor lights for the months of November and December, 1326 and January 1327, where heaters KnW Knalt HuaW Ilk hlfl ??aiAfw/>a Ttih Uvwll wo^tl sin ?S'1' m ww clerk was differed to refund to Mr. Mnhn tha difference between tsiV oats Charged auff'7 1-2 cgBTa~,the mater rate. Mr. Hill was granted leave to the ed to keep the items of his expenses | which the board would pay. No further business the meeting ad. journed. KEY. MclVER SPEAKS AT KIWAMS' MEETING Although the percentage of attend ance at the Kiwanis luncheon at the ' Franklin Hotel on last Friday night | was small they were treated to one j ot the best talks that has been de- j livered before this organization In a1 long while, when Rev. John Archie Mclver addressed the club on "the kind of a man a preacher should be to mean the most to bis community." | He divided his discourse into six sub jects, honesty, cleanliness, conviction, j fearlessness, common sense and vision and made a most wonderful impres. ? sive and instructive address. The meeting was presided over by! David Harris in the absence of Presi. ' dent Best and Malcolm McKinne had : charge of the program. The question of changing the hqur of meeting to 6:30 was deferred to a futture meeting; A motion prevailed that Friday, night. November 11th should be ob served as father and son night and\ all members were requested to bring their son or some one elses son. LOITSBI'RG MILLING CO. The above is the style of one of Loulsburg's latest industries. It has j leased the old mill site above the bridge-and -will complete fne equip ment for regular commercial water ground meal. This mill has long had the Reputation for the splendid meal it produces and Mr. J. C. Woody, who has the management of this new en-1 terprtse, informs us that he will not j spare any effort to produce the best.! Mr. Woody is from Roxboro and possesses the qualifications to make| this business a success, and Louisburg citizens and business men welcome! him to our town. OFF TO CONFERENCE Rev. 0. W. Dowd left Tuesday for Raleigh to attend the Annual North Carolina Conference to be held their this week. Mr. Dowd has completed hie four years In Louisburg during which time he and his good wife have made many warm friends, and he has done a good work, Under, the rule of the Methodist plans he will be sent to a new charge the next year and our people commend him and his goodlady to their new home. We re. gret to lose theta but feel sure they Will fall in the hands of friends. Subscribe to The STankfte AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOU KNOW AND SOME YOfl DO NOT KNOW. Persosal Items AksM Falks ill Tkelr Friends Who Travel is! Thar*. Mrs. C. B. Edens visited friends and relatives in Lumberton this week. ? ? Messrs. E. H. Malone. W. E. Whit* and A. W. Mohn went to Raleigh Wed nesday. Supt. O. C. Hill attended a meeting at the State Water Works Convenlton at Durham this week:? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas and Mlsa Marie Meade, are visiting friends and relatives in Atlanta, Qa. President A. W. Mohn, of Louisburg College, who hag been away for soma time, returned home Saturday. _L METHODIST CHURCH Rev. W. T. Pfaipp, of Bethel, will preach at the Methodist church hero next Sunday. 11 a. m. Brother J. BL Bross will accompany him from the annual conference. The Louiaburg Life. Service Band will hare charge of the service Sunday night at 7:30. ? LOCWBl'RG ARTISTS' CONCERT SERIES This series will open next Thursday evening November 17th at?8:15 o'_ clock in the college music Jjall-and wilt ne played oy Gertrude Henneman pianist, who comes to us heralded with praise from all parts of the United States. Exacting music critics have pro. claimed her playing as brilliant, ar ilstic, musical, with a full, rich tone and an attractive authorttivs styte. One critic says one should ba coo. gratulated. on securing so rare an. artist. Another says she la worth going many miles to hear. She" is also said to be as pleasing to the eye as her music is tp. the ear. Miss Henneman prefaced her num bers by. explanatory comments. This form of presenting a program has been proven to be invaluable to schools, clubs and people who have | not made a special study of music. Let us give Miss Henneman a cord MRX J- X. KALI.S ENTERTAINS mar Mrs. E. T. Hall delightfully enter tained yesterday afternoon "ST "Kef " home on Cbapei Hill Boulevard in honor of her niece, Mrs. C. L. Lynn, a recent bride, formerly Miss Estella Edwards of Louiaburg, ; Fall flowers were used In decorating chrysanthemums predominating. The afterucon was spent in various amusements. Among them were con tests, of which Mrs. Raymond Holt and Mrs. C. T. Crabtree were prize winners, who in mm ores Puer to the honoree, Mrs. Lynn. A delicious salad course was served to the following guests: Mrs. Lynn, honoree; Mrs. W. S. Bar bour, Mrs. J. D. Blake. Mrs. B. F. Durham, Mrs. W. E. Leas Mrs. C. T. Crabtree, Mrs. A. P. Wfggins, Mrs. F, J. Lynn, Mrs. Raymond Holt. Mrs. 8. E. Rochelle, Mrs.-'F. D. Barbee, Mrs. B. J. Barbour, ^Irs. A, C, Noel and Mrs E." T. H?u.?Herald, Durham. s jtsd , with minth The mark is back to par and a Ger man swam the English channel?so Germany ought to be happy. BIG MASS MEETING NOV. 22 To Be Held In Court * House In Louisburg * In Interest of Estab- * lishing Creamery; Ev- * erybcay Invited * A big nws meeting of * bod)' In Franklin and adjoining * lount'es either directly or IndL * recti) Interested In the estab. * Ushment of n creamery at Loais. * bars has been called for anO * will lie held in the Cpart Hoase * In Loaisbnrg on Taesdsy night. * November Slid, 1M7, at 7:10 * o clock. It Is especially desired * that everybody who can do so, * be present and take a part In * this meet Ins. Only a small por. * tloa of the"time will bo given . * over to speech making. It will * be t basiness meeting and some- * thins definite wBl take plaeo at * this time. Make year plans now to attend and get year aefeh, ? bo in to ?omo also. This h not * n meeting especially for the * town folks, hat they are Invited * to attend an* Join la with a* * the reft ta making this a moat ? profitable meeting. * ? o ???? ?

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