KYBBYBODY BOOST LOU18BUB0 AS ABTEI IEMDI THAT - BB11108 BBSULTS A. 1. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Y< =3= VOLUMN LVL . . LOUISBUBG, N. 0., FBJDAY, DEC. 2SRD, 1927 (10 Pages) NUMBER 44 - - ? . fr "' l- , ?? ' ME. R. W. 0LIN1 SPEAKS FRIDAY At Father and Ban Banquet Uelu Sand Ituf Tar Heel Farmer* Club Approximately fifty enjoyed a most delightful banquet at Gold Sand High School on Friday night of last week given by the young Tar Heel Farmers Club to the fathers and sons of the district and a number of Invited Walter Fuller, president of the dub presided In a most masterful manner and carried out a very Interesting pro gram. He delivered the address of welcome to which A. F. Johnson, Chairman of the Board of Education made the response. Supervising principal W. E. How. ard spoke very Impressive as he told of the opportunities offered the boys and girls In the modern school and advising them to make use of them. Fuller Parrish recited the country hoys creed. Prof. F. U. Wolfe, of the vocational department spoke of the objects and prospects of agriculture and of the work in this department. IS, L. Best, Superintendent cf Schools of Franklin County, spoke of the hew type of citizenship that is now develop ' lug. He also spoke of the lack of Interest some of the parents take In the educational development of the children. The principal speaker of the even, lug was Mr. R. W. Cline, District Su pervisor of /^trlcultura! instruction of I.i'.lelgh, who made a strong and most -clical talk to the boys. He first t;K.Io of the Young Tar Heel Farm, er- Clubs and their organlatlon and ?rtjETr* and-said It had for Its main objoe.irc the teaching of the idea of thrift. ~hc promoting and encourag ing of hitter scholarship, to promote leadership, and bringing about a great er respect for -the business of farm, ing, to teach cooperation and tel. of the work of the clubs In th,e State and suggested that this club take for one of Its objectives to help get the children of the district la school. In speaking of th,e personal object. Ives lie fold them to always have a mind for yourself, your work, your money and your ideals. The class gathered around the piano "Mr. McDonald," and music was furn ished throughout the program by Miss Jessie Mae Luper Instructor in music of Gold Sand School. _ During the evening a most delight., ful supper was served bly the Home Economics Class, In charge of Miss Lucy Wells, Instructor. f The evening was one of profit and much enjoyment to all whose privi lege It was to be present. A UNIQUE SEBYICE A most unique service was held at the Methodist church Sunday night when a beautiful Christmas tree was ladened with gifts. This time It was decorated and loaded by the young people of th? church and presented to Supt. E. C. Perry for the Welfare Work In the county to make some unfortunate child happy Instead of the usual tree ladened for the children of that particular congregation that were present. In addiiton to the large number of presents, which Supt. E. C. Perry described as a huge pile, money In the sum of $12.12 was con. trlbuted in the same manner for the work of assisting to bring happiness to the many children who otherwise would be without the things that distinguishes Christmas from the rest o fthe holidays. It was a most unique and appropriate service that brought an abundance of happiness to those taking part and. will Impart a greet deal of happiness to others. DISTANT CONTRIBUTION - The Franklin Times reaches more distant places than one might sup-, pose. In Washington City a reader of it well known and loved in Loulsburg, brought cheer today to E. C. Perry, Superintendent of County Welfare, In the encouraging letter published hero with anenclosure of $5 for the Christ mas welfare offering. Mrs. C. A. Cralle writes as follows; "Dear Mr. Perry:?May I add my mite to the fund you are raising to bring comfort and cheer to thoee In need In dear old Franklin county? I wish I could add many naughts to the small amount, but I do want to have a part in the work you are doing and send in with, prayers and best wishes for your success in this wor thy undertaking. You have certainly proven yourself a> blessing to thoee you have served and -I am sure your faithfulness has brought you many blesafngs for 'In as much..' I am sure j bo one loves Loulsburg more than I, and am deeply Interested In all that concerns and Interests those there and In the county. I hope you' and yours will keep well and have a blessed Christmas season. With kind, ness regards" TO CLOSE TWO DATS FOB CHRIST MAS The banks of Loulsburg will close von December 26th and ttth to observe the Christmas holidays. All having business with these Institutions will please bear this in n^nd. < ME. W. HENBY MACON DEAD Passes At Home of Daughter At Rocky Moant; Prom hi eat la Coma. ty*s Public Life Mr. W. H. Macon died at the home] of hla daughter, Mra. F. F. Pagan, at Rocky Mount about 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after a long per. lod of !U health. He wai one of popular cltlxens. He was 64 yetars of age and leaves four children. Mr. E. Jones Macon, of Aberdeen; Mr. Se. bastlan Macon, of South Hill, Va., Mrs. F. F. Fagan, of Rocky Mount and Miss Genevieve Macon of Loulsburg. Also live sister, Mrs. D. T. 8mlthwlck. of Loulsburg, Mrs. G. M. Manning and Miss Laura Macon, of Inglealde; Mrs N. H. Foster, of Hicks Wharf, Va., and Mrs. Nat Debnam of Eagle Rock, who have the deepest sympathy of the entire community in their sad .be reavement Mr. Macon had long been prominent In Franklin conntv nubile offices. He has represented the county In the state Legislature several terms, and was Mayor of Loulsburg for several years. During his term as Mayor Loulsburg made the progressive move that gave to It the water sewerage and lighting system. He was closely Identified with the countya taxing machinery having served as county tax super, visor and had held other public po. sltlons, always doing credit, to him. aelf anfhis"pbiitlbn. He was a faithful member of the Loulsburg Methodist church, and wai always interested in its progress* The remains were brought to Lou lsburg Wednesday and the funeral services were held from the Loulsburg Methodist church at 3:3d o'clock, con. ducted by Rev. Daniel Lane, pastor, and the Interment was made at Oak. lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were as follows: Active?W. R. Mills, Dr. jB.'P. Burt, John W Ring, F. L. Her man, M 8.CUfton, 8. C. Holden. Hon.! orary?J. T. Inscoe, C. P Harris, Large numbers attended both serv ices and the floral tribute wae heautl. ful and especially large speaking a beautiful message of love and esteem RECORDERS COURT "" The following cases wfere disposed of In Franklin Recorders Conrt Mon day by Judge H. W. Perry, who ad. jouraed the court for two weeks to [observe the Christmas holidays: State vs Willie Vallentine, assault with deadly weapon, Jury trial de. manded, continued. State vs J. T. Strickland, operating automobile intoxicated, continued. State vs J. T. Strickland, unlawful' possession of whiskey, pleads nolo! contendere, praper for judgment con. tlnued upon payment of costs. State vs O. T. Gnpton, distilling, guilty, fined"$50 and costs. State vs B. H. Foster, distilling, guilty of aiding and abetting, prayer tor judgment continued during good behavior upon payment of costs State vs Ossa Morlaad, distilling, | guilty, fined $50 and coats. State vs Cleveland Mason, larceny, guilty, four months on roads, not to execute during good behavior upon payment of costs. 4 1 State vs Henry finch, distilling, guilty of aiding and abetting, fined $25 Ri.d costs. State vs Robert Perry, unlawful possession of whiskey, guilty, fined $25 and costs. StatftaffA LOnnle Smith, violating prohtfltitmi]aw, not guilty. sufce vfc tjiarlle Davis, violating pro E.ihiVafr Jew not guilty. State vs Solomon Williams, violat ing prohibition law, not guilty. A CORRECTION In our report of the Recorders Court proceedings last week, our [ linotype operator got the cases against Willie Valentine and WlHle Johnson, both for assault with deadly weapon, contused with the result that the printed report showed that Willie Vallentine was found guilty and Sen tenced to six months on the roads and took an appeal and the case of I Willie Johnson failed to appear. This was in error. Willie Vallentlnes case was continued for a week and Willie Johnson was sentenced for six months and appealed. In justice to Mr. Valentine we state that at the time of this report was made he had not been tried at all and we- regret such an error was allowed to get in print. MAPLEVILLE WO MANS CLUB Mrs. Oliver Perry* secretary, kindly 1 furnishes us with the following re. : port: Maplerllle Womans Club held Its re : gular meeting with nine members pre. sent . Mrs. H. C. Gupton gave a very In. ? terestlng talk on cereals which could 1 be used for breakfast, after giving a 1 list of the available cereals with the ] cost of each. She brought out two'l facts that would Interest most of us I that post toaatlee or porn flakes was ( the easiest to serve, while oat meal 1 was the cheapest and contained more 1 nourishment. ? l After a round tafile discussion we 1 adjourned to meet again January 6, t 1928 at which time we hope to have J all members present also thy* sent. 'J (ghfifttttag Srgamfl Of the Christ child asleep In the manger Dreams the girl on her Srand-dad'a knee, And the vision is tairer and stranger Than her picture book ever can be. Grand-dad nods, and his dreams go a-straylng Back through years *??'? rolled awtv. Boyhood games once again he is playing? Christmas dreams?it is childhood's day. ALMOST REACHED GOAL The Welfare Organization has near, ly reached Its climax. The leaders hftvf* worii^q In the limited time it has been im possible to cover the entire county, thcugh a wide territory has been can. ?assed. Especial thanks are extend to those who hare given their cars, which mean time and expense. Mrs. Robert W. Smithwick, Mrs. Willie O. Tharring. ton, Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Mrs Wel. don O Egerton have covered many miles in aiding with the welfare drive. Mesdames D. F. McKlnne, F. H. Al len, E. L. Best, W. D. Egerton, B N Williamson, A. B. Perry, R. F. Yar. Wo rough, E. S. Ford and S. P. Bsddie have kindly offered the organisation the use of their cars to distribute the Christmas provisions The organisation wishes here to ex. press especial thanks to the Metho dist church for its wonderful contri bution at the young peoples Christ, mas tree. The list of names appearing below js incomplete: Dr. D. T. Smithwick $ 1.00 A. F. Johnson 5.00 M S Clifton 1.00 I S. P. Boddie 1.00 Mrs. Q. W. Ford 1.00 Mrs Geo A. Crallie 5.00 M. E. Church 12.12 Dr. H. G Perry :? 6.00 , The following made the membership contribution of 25 cents each: Mrs F W Hicks, Mrs J. C Thomas, Mrs W D Egerton, Mrs W H Whitef Mrs Carey Howard, Mrs E S Foster, J R Phelps, Geo Allen, E W Wester, F L Herman J S Howell, Mrs R Z Egerton, R Taylor, J H Boone, W G Tharrington, O J Hale, H H Hilton, J T W Watson, Mi's Emma Allen, E LI Best, 8 T Wilder, R R Klssell, K K Allen, Peter Allen, Rev J A Mclver, Mrs E S Ford, Mrs Dave Harris, Mrs Raymond Bailey, Mrs J*L Palmer, Mrs Fisher Beasley, Mrs Mp Furger. son, Mrs W N Fuller; Miss Mollie Strickland, J E Thomas, Mrs B H Meadows, W B Burnett, J H Best, Mrs F M Fuller, M J Stokes, J J Young, J R L Pearce, WH White, A J Cham, pion, Mrs H G Harrison, H P Speed, W E Beasley, A Clifton, Mrs O Y Yarboro, Mrs J A Turner, Mrs A Tonkel, Mrs June Lancaster, Mrs F A Roth, G L Ay cock, B T Holden, E F Thomas, Hugh W Perry, Dr R Fj Yarborough, Dr J O Newell, Dr D T,1 Smithwick, Dr A H Fleming, Dr H G, Perry, Dr W R Bass, Dr H H Johnson, i1 Mr J B Yarborough, W H -Yarborough, 1 Miss Mary Yarborough, Miss Edith 1 Yarborough, R C Beck, A B Allen, 1 Aarch Alston, T C Alston, R W Smith- ', wick, M McKlnne, J P Timbferlake. Henry Wiggins, D M Simmons, Ed * Bartholomew, ? ? Wllbourn, W M 1 Freeman, 3 B Jones, A B Perry, J W 1 IClng, Mrs Kate Yarboro, O C Hill, Sid 1 Holden, Geo Cobb, H M Stovall. M S . Clifton. L E Scoggin, R H Davis, -W i 3 Barrow, Mrs A B Inscoe, Mrs Frank ,1 Hose, Miss Genevieve Macon, <W L J 3easley, John B Thompson, Will Al. ? en, Dave Pearce, Winston Perry, Lit. J le Marie Perry, H A Kearney, Mrs f fenhle Yates, D E Cone, H B Griffin, J I T Prnitt, S M Phelps, J-A Toons, I [FOUR MSN ARE HELD ON Four men are being held In the | Loulsbura Jail on- charsam growing 'out of the theft Friday night of MOO In cash from the home of Wade Baker, Franklin county farmer. Tollie Moore I alleged to have been the man who actually took the money, la being held under a 01,000 bond, while Wood row Leonard and Louis Smith have their : bonds fixed at $500 each for their al. ! leged participation in the robbery. . The fourth man, Allison Baker, a 9,'st ; cousin of Wade^ Baker, 1s also held in default of bond, the amount of which has not been set One hundred and slxt/.elght dol lars of the money taken from Baker's house has been recovered by Deputy Sheriff Fred Duke, of Wake county, who said he found the money under a pillow In the home of Moore's moth er. The four men all live In Wake county, about eight miles from Bak. ers home in Franklin county. Baker told officers that the four men came to his house Friday after, noon and borrowed a small amount .of money, which was taken from the large roll in the cracker box. ,That night the men returned, Baker said, and while there, one of them fainted, or pretended to do so. Baker told officers that his wife also faiated making it necessary to call a doctor. In the excitement Baker said, the money was taken, and the empty box found later in the yard. The four men were arrested at their homes by Wake county deputies, ac companied by Chief of Police Timber luke, of Wake Forest.?News and Ob server. NO SERVICES ON L0UISBUR6 CIRCUIT CHRISTMAS DAY There will be no services on the Loulsburg Circuit Sunday, December ?5th, due to the (act that the pas'or has decided to spend Christmas day at home with his father and mother In Orange county. He leaves hoping that the people of Franklin county will have a happy time with their friends and relatives Christmas day. CHRISTMAS MUSIC Rev. J. D. Miller, rector of St Paul's Episcopal church announces morning prayer and Holy Communion with Christmas music at 11 a. m. next Sun. da/. There will be no service at night. I ] Sunday school will be held at the us- , ual time > on Sunday morning. Child.! rens service and tree Monday at 5:30 p. m. ( 3 H Cooper, J F Catlett, R L Peoples, 1 ft O Person, C Hatton, D L Wells, < (V L House, W R Mills, Mrs Alice < Ltaiell,, W T Oupton, W E Brewer, l lames Griffin, T W Wood, P B Mur. i >hy, Jasper House, S G Godwin,, Mrs l r H Dickens, Mrs Mann, Miss Loula i farman, J B King, Mrs J J Barrow, 1 I P Boddle, Miss Daisy Caldwell, Dick ) tannings,'Phi Tombllnson, Joe Mum ord, H H Malone, S J Parham, W D t faekson, G M Beam, F W Wheless, O f I Harris. 1 HON. 6. M. BEAM COUNTY CHAIR. Durham, Dec. 19.?Hon. O. M. Beam of Louisburg, chairman In thla county for the Near East College Association Inc., campaign makes the following statement regarding the merits of the campaign and calls on all persons interested in humanity to assist in the campaign by making as liberal a contribution to Um cause as pos sible. "For years Americans hare been re quested to extend relief to the people of the Near East. It is with pride that North Carolinians can point to the fact that the people of this state hare shared this great responsibility with people of other states in extending mercy to those sorely tried men, wo. men and children located in those lands bordering Asia, known as BIMo Lands. So far as anything permanent being done to make these people self-sub. staining in the past is a question," states our chairman. "This Near East College campaign is for that pur. pose. In these educational institutions comprising the association boys and girls are being trained as leaders and sent out to their native countries to lead their people out of the terrible situation which has confronted them for generations. %.. To help a people constructively it lis necessary for native leaders to be de^kloped, men and women who have the confidence of the citizens of their own countries. .In this manner it will be unnecessary for relief work in the future. This fact alone should cause the people of this country and state to respond quickly and generously to this appeal. North Carolina is only asked to contribute $100,200 to the campaign funds, this county's quota is only $1,000. This should be given quickly and the campaign finished i without delay." I The chairman points out the fact that this is not a yearly campaign. This one effort and our people will not be asked to do more this year or in the future. Remember this when you are solicited and give accordingly. STATE COLLEGE MAX WINS HIGH410X0B AT CHICAGO M. P. Pleasants, highest scoring In dividual on the N? JC, State College crop-judging team which recently won firs.' place in Chicago, was given Brst pi.uc as an individual Instead of second as at ilrst reported. Prof. W. H. Darst, State College, says. The highest scoring Individual in. the contest, a member of the Kansas ?tate College team, has been succeed, sd by Pleasants of State College, Prof Darst, head of the department of farm crops, reports. Prof Darst received word from Prof. A. C. Arny of the| University of Minnesota, who super-. rlsed the contest, stating that a cor.' -ection of the grades in the contest,; >howed Pleasants had a lead of about 1 1.5 points above any othejr student! udge. | Members of the college team were i inthualastic over the revised ruling I rom the contest Judges.?Raleigh | rimes. [f AMONG THE VISITORS 80MB TOO K80W ABM BOMB Tl DO BOB KBOW. Perseaal Item AkM F*tki Their frMi Wte timl Ami There. Mr. M. A. Milton visited Raleigh Monday. Mr. &. F. Griffin and Miss Jnttm. fT Scott Tisited Raleigh Tuesday. ' zz.?;?? ",.s . ?: _ Mr. J. W. Mann, of Raleigh, was m visitor to Loulsburg Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. A Rogers spent Monday . in Raleigh shopping Miss Mary B. Spencer left Tuesday for a visit to relatives in Greensboro. Mr. A. R. House, of Zebulon A visitor to loulsburg the past President A. W. Mohn returned Sat. urday to spend the Christmas holi days. " . ? e Mr. Kenneth White is home from Forte Deposit, Md.? to spend Chrlat mr.s. Mrs. Wiley Joyner and children left Monday for Florida to spend the holi days. ? e Messrs. Geo. and Arthur Rag Land and Chartes Thnberfake are at horns from Gainesville, Ga., to spend the holidays. Messrs. Harry Fagan. President N. C. Agricultural Credit Corporation, and A. B. Breece, of Raleigh, were visitors to Louiaburg Tuesday. LOITSBI RG COLLEGE On Monday evening. December 19, of the college, the Dramatic Club pre sented a program of pne act plays, Stuart Walkers "Nevertheless." a ten. dsr. whimsical study of child IMS. was interpreted so skillfully by the Caste that it made its appeal to fXe audience as a work of art rather than a mere phase of Better English Week. The cast was as follows: jcille Sparrow; Burglar, Vista Brant. I ley. | The second play. "When Lova Is |Tonhg," by Marjorie Cooke, was In terpreted by: Miriam Edgerton, Mrs. Starr; Kate Saunders, Mrs. Martin; Rachsl Lee, Dick Martin; Gladys Newbern, Polly Starr. The dual work of the conspirators was nicely brought out by both the older and younger generation, with | a delightful emphasis on the triumph jof the youngsters. 'Friends and Vocations,' was pre. sented by Mary Credle as Laura and j Eliabeth Wilkerson as Mabel. The . chief merit of this play was the nat I ural charm with which each young lady portray ?d the difficult situation and yet preserved the friendship of the other, alternating gracefully from tears to laughter, as the plot reveal, ed the pre&dy of their husbands who had tried to trick them in a quarrel. The entire program was not only well supported by the work of effi cient committees, but was also well placed, and well rendered, showing unusual organization and faithful re. sponse. ' "1 Much was added to the_ pleasure of the evening by the College Orchestra f stringed instruments, directed by Miss Terry of the School of Music, i The following program was presented ; at intervals between plays: March, L. P. Laurendeau; Medita jtlon. J. S. Zamecnlk; Falling Leaves, | J. ,S. Seredy; March, Zamecnik. s k A MlRBY CHRISTMAS WISH I "Merry cirirtmas,, "this I send On its way to you my friend, Of that Glorious Christmas morn, Wh^n in a manger Christ was born. Of when no room was in the Inn. Of the bright star in the east. That led wise men by its light. To the very Prince of Peace. When the angels chorused high. With their song from the sky, Their glad tidings revealing To the humble shepherds kneeling. So I wish the Joy that rang Of the song the angels sang May And lodging ln,vdur heart. That will never from It depart; "Merry Christmas'*? 'tis the olden Wish that came in voices golden. ?By P. G. GREEN. Holy Roller who let a snake kite him to test his faith, did a little holy rolling afterwards. "Girl Pupils Sleep Ten Honrs Daily."?Headline. Tep, they seMona sleep- nights any more. When a woman attempts to drive a nail, she ought to have a man around to do her swearing tor hftr. ? > " ' ' About the worst start a couple con-: make on the sea ot matrimony la to charge the wedding ring. That which la the bootlegger1* loo* la the undertaker^ gain. y v

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