IF YOU WANT fo V6tE IN JUNE REGISTER. ONLY ONE MORE WEEK. BTBBTBODI BOOST LOC1SBCBG AS ADTEM1SLXG VElMl'X TlAT bbimgs be.sclts A. T. J0HH80M, Mltor md THE OOTOTV. RESTATE, THAWnoK ??_ 8UMCAIPTIOM IU?E?-Y VOLUMN LIZ. w 7 ' LOUISBURQ, H. 0, FRIDAY, MAY 1ITH, 1928 (12 Pages) .... OR. LAUGItl NGHOUSE ADDRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE In County Court House Sun day Afternoon Speak* ruder Auspices ef Franklin t ountj Welfare AtmoefaUloni Bring* Ulmrlnfc Message of Trwth and in spirntioni Dr. A. H. Fleming and Her. Gilchrist 'Make Brilliant He* poises The hUatoric Franklin county court '? house was packed to Its utmost ca.1 pacity Sunday afternoon at three o'-i clock, with members of both races who had journeyed" there to hear a1 memorable address by Dr. Charles j O'Hagan Laughtnghouse, Secretary of' , the State Board of Health and State Health Officer. They were there, not withstanding the fact that dark, over hanging clouds had pushed back the face of Old Sol and Jupiter Pluvius,1 hiding in the keck ground, was .threatening to momentarily descend uptu their heads.- J The occasion was the monthly meet ing of the Franklin Connty Welfare Association,. and the speaker brought a message that will be lasting in its" imprints upon every one who was i'.nuuaie bbuukii w ucm it. -. Dr. Laughinghouse's discourse was nut with truth, admonition and . - i ation. , . . it being happily ppeBented by the ci a.Dr. J. B. Davis, Dr. S. P. P.Ui. uiroduced the speaker as a man > j had been the recipient ot almost e.ery honor within the gift ot his fellows, and following this splen did introduction, the health official congratulated his hearers upon coma ing out in such large numbers on a ?Sunday afternoon toadd their bit to the program of a voluntary welfare organization, then said ha, with great emphasis: "When I see people here who do not live in mansions; who are not blessed with all ot the comforts of life; who do not own line automobiles, attend, ing a voluntary welfare meeting along . with their white neighbors, it makes me feel. Dr. Davis, that North Caro lina truly belongs in the class where I have tried to prove to others that she .fllj ti."'-.7, ' ' . - : The speaker urged self respect, en ergy and thrift, ase cth ergy and thrift, as the sum total ot success. He said that there had been a great decrease in crime among the colored population, and he commend ed them for that, for he declare that crime 19 me reauti vi u?qm? >uu wa of self respect. "The colored population is helping tc <fi*elop the state and cease to be the white map's burden. Keep.your selves where you can live squarely. These two traces can live together se curely. Keep your bodies in such way that the soul will not regret to live in it," said the orator. "Personal health is a personal prob lem. each Individual must keep him self clean,' Is another maxim emit, ted by the speaker. in his peroration. Dr. Laughinghouse turned his attention to some things which both races can do. Said he: "You people, oolored and white, can vaccinate yourselves and protect your selves against disease. Smallpox can be totally eliminated, vaccination does, not kill, but smallpox not only kills at tlmeB, but often It leaves Its blots and Imprints." The speaker urged the mothers to have their babies vaccinated with tox-i in-antl.toxln as a preventive measure against dlptherla. From two months 10 three years of age were specified as the danger periods from this dread ed malady wh|ch Is already claiming j too many youngsters. Speaking of the education of the colored people, Dr. Laughlnghouae de clared that North Carolina Is. willingly spending Its money on the education oi ltj.coiorea ciusens, ana in conciu- | slon he a aid: I "The beet thing In the world you can do le to show North Carolina of ficials that your right living and act., ing will Justify what le being spent on them then they will do more." Responses were made by Dr. A. H. Fleming,-secretary of the Chamber oti Commerce, this city, and the Rev. John Gilchrist, a ministerial student of Shaw University who was filling the1 pulpit of South' Main Street Baptist church. In the absence of the regalarj pastor. Various choral selections enlivened! the occasion, one specially good choir. a, lead by Mr. Clr ' came from Bunn, lead by Mr. Clayton Baker, while the local choirs were directed by Mrs. Bessie Hogwood, sec retary of the association. * TO MEET WITH MB8, FCMEB80N The American Legion Auxiliary will hold Its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. SS. W. Furgprson on Tuesday af ternoon, May 18th at 8:30. MRS. H. W. PBRRY, Sec. ? Beg later today. This b a now re gistration. H yon dent register ho. fen Saturday night, Hay Ittk, Ton cnjat vote in the primary. Regbtor; ami-get your neighbor to regbtor also. H. W. PERRY APPOINTED RECORDERS JUDGE Sheriff Ordered To Hell Property for Taxes) Ibpy Reports Received: Several Drawbacks Were Issued: To Take Part In Memorial At Old1 Porte The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on Monday with all members present. Business was transacted as follow after approv ing minutes of past meetings: On motion H. W. Perry was ap pointed" Judge of Recorders Court to fill the unexpired term of S. A. New ell deceased.. Reports Of Miss Daisy Caldwell, home agent, and 8upt. E. C. Perry, welfare officer, were received and fll ed. On motion It was ordered that Mrs C. H. Holmes he placed on mother? aid fund for $20 per month. B. S. Pace was appointed a com mittee to investigate road leading through the farm of R. P. Taylor in Harris township. . . I The Auditor was ordered to divide ti.'e lands of H. D. Egerton, accord. | lng to the tracts of said lands and1 the Sheriff <?-dered to release each tract upon- the payment of the tax I cn each tract. ' ITnnn upuu uiuuuu me uiuiuci o aiu ui Wis. Nellie Wood wee Increased from {15 to 120 per pionth. Report of J. J. Young, Clerk of the Court, was received and tiled. I?Ihe- acreage x>t the -farm laud of S. A. Newell, tn Harris Township, was corrected to 50 acres and the valua | lions from $3,000 to $1,500. Upon motion the Sheriff was ordered to advertise and sell all land upon which taxes were unpaid. A draw back was Issued D. G. Pearce for taxes on $700 valuation error in listing. * , A draw back was Issued D. W, Spiv, ey, for taxes on $727 valuation and acreage In Harris township be chang ed from 692 to 562. . A draw back was issued Mrs. Flor ence Lancaster for taxes on $260IK) an error in value of dwelling In Har ris township. ? Draw backs were issued the fol lowing on values sat opposite their names, error in listing: Stephen Per. ry, $300; Frank .Fuller, $200; Mary Dunston, $100. , J. B. Sturdlvant And El - C. Perry, welfare officer were appointed a com mittee to sell the lite estate of Mary f Par fish, an inmate of the dounty home, in a piece of land. I Q. 8. Leonard was appointed a com. mittee to look after a memorial stone at Old Koue. N. C. Report of fjohn Hedgepeth, Supt of the county home, was reoelved and filed.. He reported 18 Inmates. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to its next re gular meeting. MAY 18TH LAST DAY TO FILE _n?Y+ Krlrfnv?la Hip lust day fur candidate* to Ale for tbe primary. If job are a can didate mad havent- signed the pledge, or it jee expert to became a tudMite eome to Lontsborg and sign the pledge before the night of May 18th. Mothers Day Rev. Daniel Lane,'pastor of the Me thodist church, announces a special | Mothers Dar service tor Sunday morn ing. He will preach front the sub. Iject "Mother." Special music will be arranged.' At the evening "hour the Loulsburg College Glee Club Will give a Sacred Concert. | All are cordially Invited to attend. J 4 FARMEES CREAMERY OPENS WEDNESDAY Qr. W. R. Bass, secretary of the Farmers Creamery/ Inc., announces that the machinery has all been set and only adjustments remain to. be made. That It will open on next Wed nesday morning and begin receiving cream. It 4s hoped a big lot of ci earn 'may be brought In on that day and .that all who are interested la this '-i.wjll enterprise wjll rislt the plant as early as possible. Bos and Automobile > OdUide Past Sunday As a result of a collision between the bus that operates betwen Loulsburg and Franklloton and a Ford coupe belonging to the Motor Sales Co., of Warren ton, and being occupied by Mr. Phelps, Miss Phelps, Mr. Crutchlleld and Miss Crutchfleld, on Sunday af ternoon the^Ford was turned over several times, the occupants being thrown out through the top, so we are Informed. The accident occurred near Mr. Phi TomUnson's on the Frankllnton highway, and from what we learn, was caused by the driver of the hue cutting back Into the road tod quick after passing the car caus ing the back tender to the but to catch the Ford. ' The occupants of the Ford. were pretty badly ahaken up and the car pretty" badly damaged. LOUSBCBG COLLEGE * PKOGRAM COXMENCEKKIT * WEEK * Satorday, May 1? * 8HW P. X.?Alaaijiag ~ * (ull(?e Milig Koum H??Uj, Hay 90 ' * 11(90 A. Ir-CMMMNMt Etr * moil by Dr. Elbert KumH ?< Dake Calve 7tM P. L-Am^iI? T. W. C. A. If Df 1 Ckareb _? Hay SI ' Pastors Day ', * 11:80 A. X,?Address! 1 * of the Woaua's College Is the * Life of the Chareh Ml Cess * Ij. (Speaker to be aaaoedeod.) * mis Aaditortaai. * 12:8ft P. JL?Lsscheoa for -asters * aid guests. College dfstntr room. * 2:00 P. X.?Pageaat: Eroladlea of * the Loalsbarg College Girls, * 1778.1048, Kills As * 8:0ft P. St.?Graad Coaeert, I * of Xasle. * Tuesday, Hay 98 ?lliito A. X.?Aaaaal * Board of Treaties. *_.">:8ft P. X.?Class Day Exerrlses, * College Campos. ? * 8:0ft P. M.?Play, Mebool of Ex. I* College Campus. * Wednesday, May a i* 10:00 A. M.?Graduation Eunll l* M. Address, Dr. W. A. Sunday, ' Granting at Dtp loans ete. i* Mills Auditorium. AIRPLANES MAKE GREAT SCENE A battery ot fifty or more airplanes passed over Louisburg Saturday am , attracted much attention from tip many who were in town. They wer* 'tn route to Forte Bragg at Fayette ville to take part in army maneuver* ,cn Monday. The planes in severs | group formations presented a ven I pretty -scene, the like ot which man: of our people never saw before. t* Book Club Meets On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. W. R .Mills was hostess to the Tuesday Af - ternoon Book Club and a few guests | Our president being absent the see retary called the meeting to order after the reading ot the mlnutss ant roll call t|ie program was taken u] as follows:' ~ j Paper: The Beginning of Drama it -the South, Mrs. A. W. Mohn. 1 Paper: Our Way Writers. Miss Loll i Jackson, read by Mrs. J. L. Palmer Duet: I Wish I Were a Tender Ap Tie Blossom. Meadames Ford, and i White, Mrs. Fleming at the piano. Book review: Folklore Tales Nagl i Head, Mrs. T. W. Watson. ! Trio: My Mother Dear, Mesdamei Mohn, Ford and White. At the conclusion of this Interest: lug meeting Mrs. Mills served mosl tempting refreshments. PERSON COMPLETES ' SERIES OF ADDRESSES Hon. W. M. Person completed hit | series of addresses on the tax ques tion on last Monday when he explain 1 eu the remedies for our present situa. :ii n as he saw ft. His address has received many expressions of com mendation and it is loped he can convince the law makers of the neces sity of adjusting some of the unequal kies now existing. At the meeting, we understand oth er cltlsens took advantage of the op portunity to speak and "cussed" out everything in general, which has been condemned by the better thinking people of the county. Mr. Person, so we understand, ex pressed much dissatisfaction at many of the statements made by some at the speakers. Mr. Person will de. liver his complete address in Nash ville next Monday at the recess of court. Fires I Loulsburg has had two flres the rast weak. The first was on Friday evening when the alarm was sent Ul from the jail. The fire, so we ieara^ was caused by the bedding In one the cells burning and had filled tha jail with smoke. At the risk of suf focation h.. A. Rogers made his way Into the cell or room where the Are was and removed Lonnte Lancaster: who had been locked up a short whlty before the Are for disorderly conduct. Lancaster was unconscious from suf focation. but was soon resuscitated. The Are was extinguished by the first department which responded prompt ly. It was stated that by some mean* Lancaster had aet Are to the bedding in hts cell. The second Are was st the City Pressing-Works next to the Franklin Times on Monday afternoon. The building caught In the roof near the'' furnace Aue. hut was soon extingu ished by the prompt action 'of tha Are department. The damage In either of these casea "" : ?agistor today. Thh to a aew rtotoattoa. If yew list reglst ay night, Say IWh rare UataHay night. May Itoh, Ta* Mtot rate In the primary. Register umrm 9 "w aaa mmu pimn /? mi get year nefehher to register else. I COUNTY BOAED OF EDUCATION MEETS The Boar^_o( Educaton met In re gular session on Monday with A. V. Johneon, Mra. T. H. Dickens, E. L. Creen. J H Joyner and W A. Mullen present. The minutes of the last two meetings, April 2nd and April 10th, were read and approved. E. L. Green and E. L. Best report ed that the Now Hope School build. iag and Site was sq|? Cor $2700 to Mr E. Harris. Bids on the school buildings and sites as advertised wore opened ail 10:30 o'clock. The White Level School bnildUg and ait*, was sold to j It. N. Murphy for $600. the Rileysl school bnlldtng and site to W. C. Per-1 ry tor $256 The other bids were re jected. The secretary and BaL. Green were appointed a 'committee to dio. pose of the school property of Math Rock, Royal and Roberts. It satisfac tory price cannot be secured for the Roberts and Royal buildings, the Rob erts building may be moved and used by the colored people of the Youngs. > llle School District, and the Royal t uHding may be moved and used by t:.e colored people ot the Royal Dts-| trlct. The .secretary sad J. H_. Joyner I were appointed a committee to dls-1 pose ol the school property of Hick. I cry Rock and Wood rne uoara nounea u?e cnairman ot t the Board of County Commissioners I Il.at (111 tile 2<Uta of May at 2:30 P. M.j (the Board would meet for the pur pose oT preparing Its budget for the ensuing" school year and the Board of County Commissioners were notified and invited to be present. The lighting and water contract for Harris, White Level-Hickory Rock >! and Wood was awarded to Mr. O. F. 1 Harrell of Rocky Mount, N. C., repre senting! the Westinghouse Company ioi $2,620.00. W H. Allen, of W. H. Allen Corn piny, came before the Board and tub. rr.itted an executed contract for build ing the Wood school bulldln,-. the Hickory Rock-White Level sc' ool I ulldiug and the Harris school build ing together with a duly executed bond in thg final sum of $25,000 con ditioned upon the faithful perform, aeee of said contract and the payment tor all material and labor used in said buildings, said bond being executed by the W". H. ATIer. Company, kg prin cipal and Annie Wilder Allen and F. K. Allan as securities, said bond neiug accompanied by affidavit of Mrs. Annie Wilder Allen to the effect that she is wCrth twenty-five thattsand dollars over and above all debts and liabili ties and exemptions allowed by law and opinion of M. S. Clifton, Cashier fff.'th eFarmers and Merchants Bank ot Loulaburg, and F. J. Beasley. Cash ier ot the First National Bank of Lonlsburg, that aaid bond was good and the sureties solvent, and a letter of Mr. John J. Blair giving aa his opinion that said bond should be sat. if factory, and aaid bond being approv ed by the attorney ot the board It was upon motion of J. H. Jovner, seconded by W. A. Mullen ordered that the or. der heretofore made requiring a sur ety company bond be rescinded and that the bond offered by the W. H. Allen Company be approved and ac cepted. A roll call vote was taken and resulted as follows: J. H. Joyner, W. A. Mullen and A. r Jonnfeou voting yes; r.. u. ur?u and Mrs T H Dickens voting no. The Board endorsed a 49c Special Coanty Rate to run all the schools eight months with the understanding that the present local tax in the Spe. cial Taxing Districts and local tax districts be voted off and the Special Chartered Districts vote off their lo cal tax except- what thjy deem neces sary to maintain their Schools tor the idnth month. The Board ot County Commissioners will be asked to ord^r nn election the first Monday in June. There being no further business the ' board adjourned to meet again the' first Monday in June, 192S. Artist Series Coarse On Tuesday evening. May IS, Jos eph Whittemore, lyric tenor, will ap pear in the Mills High School audi torium aa the fourth number of the Artist 8eries Course. Joseph Whittemore is the possessor Of that rare gift a pure lyric tenor voice. In ballad hia tense are some what reminiscent of John McCormicL at his best, yet he has at his com- j net all the thematic power ot an Italian tenor. Mr. Whittemore ha31 appeared in recitals and oratorio in the leading cities ot the United: States and as soloist with the Rich.' mond Philharmonic, Washington, Synt phony. Altooea Municipal and Metro {.olltan Opera House Orchestras. A , naturally beautiful voice, trained ur der the guidance of Americas leading Instructors, considerable natural mus ical temperament; a refined, lnger ating style based upon . intelligence and a majectic charm ot pdrsonaltty. These attributes, supplemented' by hard work, and a determination to succeed, hare placed Mr. Vl*hlt? enure among the lending tenors ot the American concert stage. Hear the South'a favorite tenor, Joseph P. Whittemore, )on Tuesday evening. Msy IS at eight exlock. ar tist Series season tickets or f 1.00 ad missoln tor sdulta 75c lor graded school pupils. There ere 5,000 kinds of grass. i ? Town Comwiigionera Meet In Regular Monthly Session The Board of Town Commissioners met in regular- session Tuesday night fur the transaction of business. On roll call there were present Mayor Williamson and Commissioners Allen, White, Person, Joyner and Ford. The minutes, of the last meeting were read and approved. l#r. A. W. Mohn was before the board with , a petition (or paving on CoAege Street. The matter was de ferred for further consideration. Dr, A. H. Flemip- was before the Board with reference to bill for light ing tor the Franklin Couaty Fair As sociation. Tbe matter is to be taken into consideration and paased on at the regular meeting next month. Mrs. Stuart Davis, accompanied by a number of representative ladles of the town was before the board with petitions from Womans Missionary Societies of the M. E. CEurcb, the Bdptjst Missionary Society, the Wo mans Auxiliary of the 'Episcopal church, the Tuesday Afternoon Book Club, the Edwin Fuller Club, the Twen tieth Century Club and the Thursday Fvening Book Club, asking the Board to forbid and prohibit the coming of a carnival to the Franklin County Fair. There were speeches by the re presentatives of some of the clube and Dr. Fleming, secretary qf the Fair Association also spoke with reference lo the matter. Mr. Joyner pointed that the matter WM of vast Import ance and it waa decided that the sub. jert be given due consideration when action will be taken later. |_ Mr. J.?S. Howell was tuefnra thf ? Board in behalf of the Fire Department .with reference to appointment ol members of the Firemen's Relief Com. mittee. Mr. W. E. White and Mr. L. L. Joyner were appointed members 01 Ithis committee to succeed any othei i members that have been appointee formeriy Mr. T. W. Watson was before th< Board with reference- to accident in surance and weekly indemnity insur ance for members of the Fire Depart nient. He pointed out that for a veri small sum a policy could be takei .covering every member of the com pany and Mr. Watson was Instructet tc have his company issue this pot icy. \ The report of the Auditor was reai fend approved.* ? ? - The report of the Chief of Polici was read and approved. The clerk was ordered to refund t( G. C. Harris for over payment of 192' taxes. ' ?? :?? I The -chairman of the water ant i light committee was instructed t< i lave cylinders rCbored, for the en pines at the light plant. 1 After consideration of the matte of advertising taxes it was decide* that ail property on which taxes wen unpaid be avertised June 1st. It was pointed out by Mr. Joyne 'that an unsightly condition existet . or the streets by reason of trash am Jroxes on the sidewalks. Mr. Hill was j instructed to make containers of emp jty oil barrels and pldce them at con i venlent places in the business sectloc .and the Chief of Police was orderec .to see that all other containers oi | ether unsightly matter was cleared . I'rcm the streets. i The alum machine made by Baylu? j ureen on oruer 01 ine town was ap proved and accepted. ' No further business the meeting ad journed. I ?s Diploma Recital In the Louisburg College Music ! hall Tuesday evening. May 8th, at i 'o,clock. Miss Ellen Hughes, pianist pupil of Miss Harriett May Crenshaw appeared in Diploma recital. Miss Hughes was assisted by Miss Fussell, soprano. Miss Hugb?- was especial, ly skillful in her rendition of the T.isst Consolation and also of the Little White Donkey which Is by Thert, a French Modern composer. Miss Hughes brought out quite clev erly the donkey's braying and kick ing. Miss Fussell presented her num. bers with ease and nice discrimina tion. The following program was render ed: Sonata Op. 10 No. 1. Beethoven; Al legro molto e con brio; Adagio mol to; Finale, Miss Hughes. < Nina. Persolesi: Chantez, riea et dormez, Gounod; Villanelle, Doll 'Ac qua; Miss Fussell. Prelude In e minor. Chopin; White in A minor. Chopin; Consolation in D flat major, Liszt; An Eifin Round, MacDowell; Miss Hughes. Sou? of the Robin, Case; Grand>.na, Sachs: .1 Passed by Your Window, Brake; The Little Brown Owl, San. derson; Miss Pusaell. Waltz in d minor, Brahms; Waltz in A flat major. Brahms; Le Petit Ane Iilsnc, Thert; Seguliliila, Abenlz; Miss Hughes. The marshals were: Ruby Whelees, Chief; Adrians Grant. Mamie Waller. i llza Blackstone Virginia Sloan. ASCENSION SERVICE The congregation at St. Paul's Epis ?opal church will obserre Ascension terries on negt Sunday erealag at, ; o'clock and the pastor. Rer. J. D. rilller will preach on the Ascension, turnkey school will be held at 10 o' lock la the moralhg. AU are In teee serrices. ited to attend theee Ill ? > " ?' ?? MAJ. S. P. BODHE ELECTED PRESIDENT Of Franklin County Association At Meetls* TimOjr S*nhfi Ihm. rial Strrlws To Be Ml tarti; May Sftt, at ?t? P. M.? A. K. Ma >on. In. T. C. A Is tee hI In. T. H. Dlefc?ns Elected flee-Presidents T. K. Steekard, Secretary, In. C. H. Williams, Treaxnrer .. The officers and committee mem. bera of the Franklin County Memorial Association met la annual meeting at Supt E. L. Best's office Tueaday morn lng and elected Maj. 3. P. Boddie aa president His associate officers were elected aa follows: A. F .Johnson, first rice-president; Mrs. T. C. Alston, second rice-president; Mrs. T. H. Dickens, third vice-president; Mrs. C. S. Williams, treasurer; T. K. Stack lard, secretary. The election ?H made upon the recommendation ot a | nominating committee composed of I Mrs. *. -e. Wilder, Mcsr-W. Ir WWte I and David Harris I It was unanimously decided to, UoHl me memorial exercises on Sunday af ternoon, May 27th, at 2:30 o'clock. A motion-lo request Mai. S. P. Btxf die to deliver the memorial addrcs tilts year was enthusiastically passed The chairman of the arrangements : committee was Instructed to add ttte ? | names of the following ex-service men 1! tj the permanent list: Spruill Up ? I church and ?. Moses. ? -1 It was stated that the Association 1 is very anxious to learn the names r'0* all ex.servtce men who are burled I in Franklin county, and all who know I of any ode the Association has no re i cord of will he conferring a great - .favor upon the officers to furnish them '[with the name and location of the : crave. 1 Joint Meeting of County t! Board of Education and County Commissioners At 12:00 M. Monday the Board ot Education and Board of County Com ? [ mlssioners met in joint session with F. Johnsou serving as chairman. ' The object of this joint meeting was i to discuss the welfare. work ot th? | county and the salary of the snperin f 'Undent ot public welfare. The conn. ty welfare board came before dm ' meeting and asked that the salary at the superintendent of public welfare J be raised to a living wage. Mr. R. H. I Malone. Maj. S. P. Boddte. Dr R F Varborough, Dr. Ol'.te Newell and ? other interested cttlxens were pree . ear and expressed themselves as be-. : ing heartily in favor of the wvlfaro ~ i work and of paying the superinten dent ot public welfare a sufficient tat ; arv to do his work. The Board ox ~ Courty Commissioners appointed Hen ' | ry Speed and the Board of Education ; E. L. Green to serve as a committee to . make an investigation ot the entire ? welfare situation and to make their i report to the Boards the first Mon i day in June. ' I Upon motion the joint meeting ad tI journed. ALUMNAE BANQUET LUU15BUKU UV>L.io?U? The annual banquet of the Louis burg College Alumnae will be held Saturday evening. May 19 at S o'clock 'in the college dining room. Special [class reunion wijl also be held at thla I time.! \ 1 Quinquennial' reunions will be held j by a number of classee. Th? claaa ' of 1923 is planning to return as a body holding their first quenquennial. The largest attendance in the history of the college is expected on this oo casion and all local alumnae are es, pecially urged to be present. In Memoriam On Friday, May 4. 1928. angel visited the home of Mr, T. A. HolUngsworth and took from it his beloved daughter, Gladys. 1 Gladys had been sick only a short time and her death came as a shook to her many friends. She wan only twenty.one years of sge. Gladys was rot only a girt of w? sa girt a golden heart. Her bright. intelligence but she wa sa girt with smile won for her many Meads. Any one seeing her could hot help torts* her. She always had a khnd word tor those she met. missed by alt whn kwr >t understand why M a the prime ot Uf*. hat dona not ?wa To hat She wUl ba missed bar; we cannot took bar just La the Qed'a will ba tone wot owe. To bat loved ones are tender sympathy. Y. W. A. Clan at Red Baptist Church. % The annual Sacred Concert el the oataburg Colin* Glee 01 the direction at Mr*. A. W. 1 be given In the day evening .May IS. at The public tend.

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