ii 11 AH ADTEBlliHIG ?Ellim THAT BEINGS BESD1TS > ?. T. JOHNSON, Editor and M*naf?r THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Yur VOLUME LIX. LOUISBURO, H. 0., j FRIDAY, MAT 18TH, 1928 (12 Pages) NUMBER 13 -- --- - - ? - TO BUILD MAMMOTH WAREHOUSE Union and Planters To Be Greatly Enlarged T. H. Allen To Build New House on $outh Side of Hir er; A1 Houses To Be Keady Before Season Opens t Two Houses Already Rented By Strong Firms The best piece ot news that has been received in Loulsbnrg by Louis burgs business men in some time was the announcement on Tuesday by Mr. K. H. Alien that he was going to be gin right away on the construc tion ot a nian.uiotli tobac co warehouse -on tbe oouth side it Tar rtiir and would, have it ready t'.T the sale ot the 1928 crop at the open, ing ot the tobacco season this tall. This house will be one hundred teet wide by three hundred teet long and will be located on .the vacant lot be. tween Leonard and Medline Oarage ?nd W. J. Coopers gin on the west side ot Main street; Although the house has not been rented at this time we understand several strong tobac co warehousemen are seeking to se cure it tor the next season. Work was begun on this house Wednesday. Coming along at the same time Mr. r. J. Beasley, speaking, tor the pres * ut owners ot the Union Warehouse . nounces that work wtfl begin right - . / on enlarging that house about ItH present slse.?This house: list .. . .ady been leased to Mr. Dorsey Neil .aid associates, who so success fully tji.tited It last year. Also oimea the official, announce ment that the Planterse Warehoqs will be enlarged by adding around 'tcrty feet to the back which will In. crease its capacity about one third. This house has already been leased to Mr. Grow C. Harris and assocl elates. These additions and the new house will give Loulsburg* almost three times as much floor space as the market had last year and places the market in the lead of small markets In the State. .With the Increased facilities and the strong Arms to operate the houses It is predicted that Loulaburg -*111 sell fully eight million pounds neat season. We understand that the .Tobacco Committee of the Chamber of Com merce wftf begin at once to secure a redrylng plant for the market this Airplanes doming to Louisburg Carolina Airlines, of Raleigh, will have two planes In Loalsburg from Saturday to Wednesday, inclusive, with chief pilot A1 Stewart to charge. They will fly from the Held at Maple ville on these days, and those deslr. lug to fly can do so. We understand the nominal, tee of $3.00 per paseengei will be charged. Those desiring to make a mure extended flight includ ing a more complete view of Louis burg and sdiroaigglng country may do so at the special rate of $5 per pas senger. R. B. Carr Accidentally Killed Saturday Afternoon Mr. R. B Carr, one of Sandy Creek townships Oldest citizens, and an old Confederate reteran, was run over and killed late Saturday afternoon by Charlie Williamson, driving a Pontlac automobile. ., :? FSvm the information received in Louisburg it seems that Mr. Carr was tiding in his road cart along the road near Jones Chapel, a colored church near Laurel, and as he was rounding the curve his horse and cart was struck by a car driven by Charlie Wil liamson, colored. The car kept going at what was said a fast speed. Mr. Carr was taken up by neighbors who were nearby and carried to his home where he died about 7: SO o'clock. The funeral was held at Mt. Zlon church on 8unday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. C. B. Howard, and his remains were Interred In the chnrch cemetery nearby. - Quite a large crowd were present to pay a last sad tribute to the de WlUiamson was arrested and brought to Losisburg where he was required to give a >600 bond and ( Tuesday the grand'Jury found a true bill of murder tfiiut hhp. Water Report The following report on the con ciition of the citr water for Louisburg baa been Just r?colred. Sendiment, T-sl. Color, r-tl. *? ' " TurMdtty: 0. Odor, Mdt K Aram: 0.87 parts per million, v pH: 8.4 B. coll la 1 o.o.: 8. B. coli In 10 c.c.: 8 Total Waoterlat count per c.c. at SV pcroeat 0; #1. ? . _ Count on lactose litmus in per c. 1. Acid-producing bacteria per c.e.t 0. ? ? ?????. ft... Law enforcement is unlike law en* j actment?It can't be overdone. . . 41 &IKKX Major S. P. Boddie To Deliver Memorial Address It will be especially pleasing to rranklln county people to learn that M*J. 8. P. Boddie has consented to deliver the Memorial address (or the Franklin County Memorial Associa tion at the Memorial exercises on Sunday, May 17th. 1999 at 1:90 o'clock at Mills High School auditorium. MaJ. Boddie was one ot Franklin county's boys who went through the thick ot the tight In France and was wounded on the battle fields. He made a most wonderful record, one that we are all proud of, and he can talk to you In language that oaji make clear to youj the sacrifices the boys made (or the protection of our country, humanity and democracy. The committee on arrangements Is working out a most interesting pro. I am that will be published nexl week whidf they (eel wiH be both Interest ing "to those who attend and a tri bute to tha boys In whose memory the services Is being held. The committee Is especially anx lous to learn ot all the boys who are burled In Franklin county with their record In service. We are publishing below a list of all we have on record. If anyone knows of others 'they will be conferring a favor upon the officers of the Association it they will write st once to A. J\ Johnson, Loulsburg. N. C? or T." K. Stockard, Loulsburg, N. C? telling them who the boy U, where he la buried and to what com. pany he belonged. Upon receipt ot this record he ? will be added to the proper list and the grave decorated Sunday, May ?7th. This is a voluntary organisation working to eep alive the memory of .the great deds and service of the ? boys who gave their all tor the bet I ferment of world conditions and it Is especially urged that every person , In Franklin county attend the me morial services to be held In Louls burg on the tfth, and then, visit the graves with one or more of the com. inittees. It will be greatly appreciat ed if you will arrange a nice wreath or bonnet ot flowers and bring with ? you to be used to -the decorations. ' The standing and township commit tees are as follows: STANDING COMMITTEES Arrangement?A. F. Johnson, chair man: J. R. White, MaJ. Stephen Win ston, D. T. Dickie, Mrs. Dr. Arch H. Perry, Miss Loren Wilder, Mrs. M. C. Wilder, L. L. Preddy. Mrs. D. T. Ful ler. Mrs. T. H. Dickens. Mrs. R. C. Beck. Escort?Dr. R. F, * Ysrborfiugh, tnairman;; and an members or the American Legipn and American Le tion Auxiliary. Music?Mrs. W. E. White, Chair jnan; ,Mrs. Aubrey Winston, rice-chairman. W. F. Joyner. Mrs. S. B. Berkeley, Dr. H .H. Johnson, W. a Tucker, Mai. colm McKinne. Mrs. J. a King, 8. B. Berkeley. i Flowers?Mrs. M. S. Clifton, Chair man; Mrs. C. a Williams. YiemChalr ' man; Mrs. H. C. Taylor, Mrs. B. N, Yllltamson, Jake Fried lander, Mrs. A. W. Alston, Mrs. a P Bod (Be. Mrs. a J. Parham, Miss Mary Spencer. Automobile?A. W. Person. Chair, wan; L. W. Henderson, Vlce-Chalr r.ian; Mrs. E. L. Beat, Mrs. D. F. Mm Kinne, Mrs. A. H. Vann, Mrs. 8. E. Winston. E H. Malone, F. A. Roth. Finance?Mrs. H. H. Johnson, Chair man. U W. Henderson, Vice-Chair man; Bland Mitchell, Mm W. D. Egerton, Mrs .a a Berkeley. David Harris 'Publicity?T. K. Stockard, Chair man; Daisy Cladweil. Vice-Chairman; McGhee, J. L. Brown. Mrs. H. j: b. G. Perry. Mrs. J. B. Malone, A. Ton. kel. Local Details?Mrs. B. T. Holden, Chairman; Mrs. T. W. Watson. Vice Chairman; Bdward OriSIn, Bdward Horry. TUWNiUlir COMMITTEES Immpdiately fotlowtas the town, ship tOBBlttNi is found the hum ?nd iccetion Of Mm (tin they wilt auvwt the reepr ji Mllty kV ?'ecoret White, Chelrmau; 1.1 M. Stalling*, automobile: Mr*. Uabhee Perry, flower*: Pre* Perry, m Louie W. Novell. Plat Rook Church: Herbert Catea, Plat Rook Church; Wll ey Jackaon Frailer. Plot Rock Church. Harris?Mr*. M. C. Wilder. Chair man; Rnfaa Place, aut amah tie; Mat, tie Wilder, tower*; Edna Ryroa, r " Tommle Praaler, at PrpMar1* hprn* plaoe near-Hanrl* Croee RoadefkolUe Richard*, near oouaty Uae at Rrneet Richards; Joe Latater. at New Hope Church. Yeans*rtlie?Mai. Stephen Winston. Chairman; 8. E. Tharrtaftoa. auto mobile; Mr*. P. J. Tlmberlake, flow er*; Mr*, p. A. Cheatham, mute. Archibald Pearce. aT Oak Lore! Church, and Lonaie Perry et Oak Level Church Franklintoa?L. U Praddy. Chair, t: Col. C- U MoOheo, aatomohUe; l C. & WUllame. flowers; Mr*. W B. Cooke, Prsnklinton ce Doaald P. Cheatham. Pramk Ptaak Jordan y * ?*>* FARMERS CREAMERY ? ' OPENED WEDNESDAY The Farmers Creamery mafia Its Initial debut Into the bualneee life of Franklin county on Wednesday morning when It opened Its doors for the receipt of cream and began what la Indicated and hoped a successful career in serving the tarmacs of Franklin and adjoining counties. On the drat day It received one thane, ande one hundred and seventy-dv? pound* of cream which In all prob ability will produce around tve hnn died pounds of butter. The opening waa witaeeeed by quit* a number of visitors all of whom op pressed delight at the excellent equip ment and the prospects of the enter prise. Mr. L. L. Godfrey baa charge of the plant. He comes to Loulsbhrg high ly recommended as an expert butter maker,' and the management, with the t-Lsurance of the hearty cooperation rf the farmers of this and adjoining sections, erject n great future tor th's Industry. Mr. Fisher J. Beasley Is president. Dr. W. R. Bass Is secretary and Mr. M. 8. Clifton Is treasurer of the new enterprise. 1 MR. W. L LUMP KINS FOR LEGISLATORS In 'accordance with an announce ment previously made Mr. W. L. Lumpkins announced his candidacy (or the Legislature at the noon recaaa ol court in the court house Tuesday. In his speech he set forth his plat form which in part was as follows - A readjustment of the tax situation H North Carolina looking to rcduo lug the burden on' land and requir ing the State to take care of the six months schools, a return to the ori ginal highway bill requiring the High way Commission to build roads from (county seat to county seat, and re. iturn to counties credit for roads arose ing small portions of the county thai -become of no special benefit to the county as a whole. He endorses rals. ing taxes for school purposes am lux uries.* Mr. Lumpkins enters the field I against Mr. Geo. H. Cooper, who has 'represented Franklin county before land whose record speaks for his in terest in Frsnklin county matters ol importance to the tax payers. Mrs. Lane Entertains Epworth League The Louisburg College Bpworth .League had a very enjoyable social at the home of Mrs. Daniel Lane Satur. day gfternoon. Several enjoyable games were nlayed after which de llcious hot chocolate and cakes were served. Following the social a busi ? r.eae meeting wna held andthe follow ing officers el.ected tor next year: > Louise Brown, President; Margaret , Poyner, Vice-President. Florence Bry ant, Secretary and Fanniepieve. Trea surer. I Register today. This h a bow re cistrnUon. M you toil register bo. 'ton Saturday sight, Say 1Mb, Yoa raal *oto la the primary. Register end got yoar neighbor to register also. I'ranklinton cemetery; Wade H. Kins. Mt Olivet Church and Grady Conyers at T. J. Conyers home place near I'ranklinton. Hayesvtlle?D. T. Dickie, Chairman; T. C. GUI, automobile. Mrs. H. E. Pur. nell, flowers; Mrs .Nep Wilson, music. Willie G. Macon, Trinity Church; Perry Asheley Wilson, at Trinity Church; David U Poster, Dave WeU done residence. Sandy Creek?Mrs. D. T. Fuller, Chairman; J. H. Joyner, automobile; Miss LUIle Harper, flowers; Mrs. W. H. Tharrington. music. * Hat Strickland. Mt Gllead Church; Jamfs L. Inacoe at residence near Mt Gllead Church. Sidney Burnetts, residence near Alert; John Pernell. near Alert; Raymond M. Pernell, Mt Grove, Alert. * 1 Gold Mine?Mrs. Dr Arch H. Perry, tnlsMnsk. n r? u.,.wk? .??nmAkl1n> I VWUIOMIi V> U. ?UWUIUVUVI Mr*. D. N. Nelms, flowers; Mrs. W. D Puller, music. Issue Matthew Gupton, J. H. GuP tons place near Guptou; Herbert Thnrrlnftoa, Mt. Ztpn Church; Jessie J. Jojroer, near Lawrence Gupton's home. Jack Brewer, near Sandy Creek; Spruill Upchurch at R. N. Gnptou'a. Cedar Rock?Mrs. T. H. Dickens, Chairman; Spencer Deaa. automobile; Mrs. Peter Dean .flowers, Mrs. T. H. 8t?dM, music. Thoi. B. Wilson, at residence of Mr*' J. D. Harper near Cedar Rock; Harry Swan son, old Fulfham place near Co* dtr Rock. i Cypres* Creek?Miss Lorene Wild* er. Chairman; Spence Gay. automo bile; Clara Lflnp, flowers, To mm lei r ..?a music. John Norman Wlldsr. at J, T. Wild J or* residence; Elijah Wheless at Jus.' tlce: Cleveland Mooes, at Moses old) home near Justice. w Lonlabsrrfl?Mrs. R. C. Beck. ChalrJ an;^flrs. _C. C. Collins, sutomobllon " lamson. flowers; Mr*.L uslc . N*al, Louis bur* ceme. 'i _ Oapt Prederlck Swindell. " [sharp cematery; Butlsr Puller, fie Sprints Church. | CCUlte.l >1. Lou ?r. Ma. I JUDGE CRANMER HOLDS COURT Many Casta Being Disposed of A Tmt am A galas t C. H. Wlllfauason far Harder Was fatami He Was Aliened to Give OMM-M Belid; store Breakers Gbea Prison Sea teaees Judge & H. I regular Mar term of Franki'u Super ior Court here Moadar with a moat! interesting charge to the grand Jurr. I Unlike most charges tt dealt with the viatlea of a grand Jurr as cttiiens ot Rood character selected to do an Im portant duty to the commanitr. In. stead ot dealing with the technical ex planations ot crime. He Impressed, hem with the tact that OHQp oeeu.t l>ied a high place in the Judicial pro-j i edure and a most responsible one to their communitr- He tqpk onlr a Short while in speaking ot cases but ' did refer specifically to aatemobUe ac cidents on the highway, drunken drtr-, us. the nrohibition law anrf nlatnl tot in*. ? . *? The State Is being represented by1 Hou. Leon S. Braastteld. Solicitor, who Is ably prosecuting the cases on tho docket. . | The grand Jury was composed ot the following gentlemen: D. T. Dickie,| foreman: B. B. Wood. W. O. Prldgen, | 'H. E Stalltugs, W. S. Tharrlngton. J.; E Wilder. W. B. Burnette. W. A. Bal-1 ley. B. M. Wood. K. E Joyner, T. J Williams. 3i. C. Pearce. Alex Thar.j i iuglou. J. A. Mumford. P. B. Beaaley A. L. Gay. J. C. Darts. T L Fuller. J. I. Pleasants was sworn as officer to the grand Jury.- -j I Alter the charge to the grand Jury the docket was taken up and dispos ed of as follows: l| State vs W V. Connor assault. I pleads nolo contendere. Judgment con i tinued for two years conditioned upon his paying the costs and paytng his i wages to his wife each week, and gl>'-. , ing $300 bond tor appearance May and October terms of court to show good i beharlor. i Stats rs Baldy Debnam. assault . with deadly weapon and carrying coa ! cealed weapon, pleads guilty, lined $100 and costs. State rs Goldte Clax. alias Willie rigngum. forgery, pleads nolo con tendere, f months on roads. The defendants in the following cases were present and showed good , Leharier and their caaea were cen ,tinned under former order: Morris Joyner. Clyde Hueketh. Chester Smtth .Hampton Smith. Simon Collie, Elms I Malleu, Bennie Lewis, Obarlie Bur. liette, Tom CaUett. | State vs Hoaea Roberta, distilling, .nol proa with leave, | State vs Montgomery Smith and Oille Coaart, aiding fellon to escape, not guiity. State vs Tom Harris, seduction, nol pros with leave. State va Hunter Bartholomew, op erating automobile Intoxicated and ; violating prohibition law, continued, t State vs R. O. Andrew?. reckjess driving, continued. | - State vs William Davis, violating automobile law, continued. I State va J. E. White, distilling, con. tinned. j State va Borty Foster larcedy and receiving, pleads nolo contendere, 'Judgment continued to October term. 8tate va Hollls Carroll, Herman Tant. Carl Haracell and Jack Wright, housebreaking and larceny, nol pros with leave as to Jack Wright, Carl Harwell pleads guilty, others toundi guilty. CKrroll 2 years, Tant 2 years, and Harwell lg months In State pri State vs R M. Pickard and Sher-J .man Oodfellow, trespass, not guilty.' | SUte va H. K. Perry, rraud. noli IPri>* with leave. State vs Fred Byrd. larceny and receiving, called and (ailed. | State vs John RuStn. larceny and> .rcceling. continued. States va George Williamson, larce Iny and receiving. I Stnta va C. H. Williamson, murder. continued. Solicitor announced he would not ilk tor a verdict ot tret decree and a bond ot WOO was al tywedL 8tat? re Bad Coppedge, murder. an tare plea' ot involuntary man eta ugh ter, sentenced to one year In Statae "va Josh Braawett. attempt to commit rape, not gnilty. ' { State ve Toy Valentine. assault with) deadly weapon with Intent t* Mil.' twe years la SUtes prison. ;' State va Toy Valentlpa. assault wfth I dufctlj irupon npomM^g litonduii bUe Intoxicated, pleads guilty. Judg-ji est suspended, I State vs Wtqte Valentine, asaaslt i *IU? deadly wfr^oa. pleads guilty,, ji a months on roods I Bula Mallei was granted n divorce i from Manuel Mullen. | V. A. Brown west granted n di vorce from Peart The court adjourned on Wednesday afternoon for the term. fl reM A Jfmmw The grand Jury completed Ms work ed nee day morning %nd after Otl 31 the following report was dlscharg with the thanks Of the court: fojfen. E. R Creamer, Judge fro May term. IMS. PVanklln County ( till I LOUISBURG COLLEGE . COMMENCEMENT WEEK Loulsbwrg College will observe the 149th commencement this coming week, beginning Saturday, May 19. The programs arranged are among the best that have been provided by the college, certainly in recent years. 108 young ladle; will receive diplomas of various kinds, this being the largest class to graduate from the Institution. The commencement programs will open Saturday with the Alumnae Ban quet, at .which time it Is expected that several hundred of'the old grade will return home. Sunday, May 20, is Commencement Sunday. Dr. Elbert Russell, of Duke University, will pi each the Baccalaureate sermon, and in the evening will address the young women of the Y. W. C. A. Monday, May 21, is Pastor's Day, a day set apart for the pastors of the North Carolina Conference. On this their wives and one or two represen. tatives from each church of the Con ference will be the guests of the Col lege. At the 11 o'clock hour Dr. F. 9. Hickman, of Duke University, will l>e the speaker, which Is anngunce.' ment enough to insure^ the attendance 1 ot every pastor and Methodist within j driving distance. These friends will | be the guests of the College for lunch- j eon at 1 o'cle^k. At 2:30 a pageant I will be present?*, in which 250 young ladies will participate. The pageant will portray the cvonHion of the Lou lsburg College girl through the 149 years of the college's existence. 1779 1928. At 8 o'clock the School of Music will give its annual concert. | On Tuesday at 3 o'clock, the Junior Concert will be given, followed by the ' Class Day exercises at 5 o'clock. At 8 o'clock the School of Expression will | |rive its annual play; this year "Pan dora" will be presented. On Wednesday. May 23, at 10 o'clock j the graduation exercises will be" held.' 'Dr. W. A."Sunday,"better known to the1 people of the nation as Billy Sunday, will be the speaker. L T,. all tUn naAsrunRta #3 awUI M - lO Bit rt tntr prugrttxuts ami rniiiut ttons the public is cordially invited. Noted Tenor I Joseph F. Whittemore, a noted te-1 nor, entertained a most appreciative J audience in the Mills High School au Iditorlum Tuesday night with a most delightful musical program, under the auspices of the Louisburg College Ar ' tist Series. His program was varied i and developed his pieces in almost pleasing manner. . Loulsburg's music] | lovers were delighted at the evenings entertainment. 'How To Meet Temptation" | You are cordially invited to attend the sertvces on the Louisburg Circuit Sunday, May 20. The pastor will Ipreaoh from the following subjects: | Bunn, "How To Meet Temptation," 11:00 a. m. Prospect, "The Cure for Anxious j Hearts," 3:00 p. rrv. i Bunn, "Some Dangerous Pitfalls," i 7:45 p. m. Superior Court. We, the Grand Jury] drawn for May term of Franklin County Superior Court beg to submit the following report: W ehave passed on all bills pre sented, and on all matters that have otherwise been brought to our atten tion. We hare visited all offices in the Court House, and And them well kept, and t&e records in good shape as tar as we could ascertain. We visited the county jail and found same clean and sanitary with excep tion that water works op side of white prisoners in need of repairs. We recommend that this be repaired and that a petition be built on top of cage between white and colored pri soners to nrevent either from Dassing to- the other side or throwing rubbish and other things at each other. We visited the county home and tound inmates well cared for and In good spirits. The home is new, mod ern and sanitary. * ? Respectfully submitted, D. T. DICKIE, t Foreman Grand Jury. Solicitor Leon S. Br^sfleldl Sled the following report before the close of the term: North Carolina. Franklin County. Su perior Court May term. 1928. To the Hon. E. H. Cranmer, Judge pre siding: ' v The undersigned solicitor of the Seventh Judicial district respectfully L reports to the court that he has ex-1' smlned at this term of said court into 1 the ofltoa of J. X Young, Clark of the I ?aid Court that said office appears to ho well administered, that It ap-> ?ears that said Clerk keeps la his of Ice all books required by law, pro perly Indexed. |< He further reports that U so far.c is he caa ascertain, the accounts of ? ike said Clerk, are regular and cor. r*SeepectfaUjr LEON S. _ . ? Judicial Dis trtet approved and ordpred re J E. H. CRANMER, Judge Presiding. MAKING POPPIES A MENTAL DIVSBflZON To Appreciate tolly the great good being accomplished through the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary poppy program, which eliminates the commercial pop. py and provides that all poppies sold by the Auxiliary be made by the serv ice men or . their families, ode must go into the hospitals and see the men at work. In gne hospital will be tound three men making one poppy? one a blind! man who could only do so much, the second man with hand so crippled ha could, carry the work Just so tar, and he turns the poppy over to a third man to Anlsh. In another will be tound men whose minds are shattered_and who have only one idea ?that of taking their lives. These men have had their minds distracted from this obsession through the pop py program. Oroups oftwentyr/lve to titty meu tether daily in th? therapy depart ments to make poppies and ffihs thhy pass ths long hours of hospital life, and the mental diversion proves as great % blessing as tjte financial re turn for their work. Through this program, the poppy ? i u iuib uwu au ciuse iu uie meu in tber hospitals and has helped them to forget, comes to us with its mes sage "Lest we forget." "In Flanders Field the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly. Scarce heard amidst the guns below. "We are the (lead Short days ago we lived, fait dawn, saw s unset glow Loved and were loved, and uow we lis In Flanders Field. Take up your quarrel with the foe. To yoa from failing hands we throw The torch?be yours to hold it high; If ye break faith with those who die. We shall not sleep, though poppies grow Precinct Meetings Called __ For Saturday, May 26th The following letter has been is sued to the township commtttecs call ing a precinct meeting for Saturday, May 26th, by Charlman E. H. Malone, ot the County Democratic Executive Committee; Pursuant to resolution of State De mocratic Executive Committee, pre cinct meetings throughout the coun ty are called for 2 p. m. on Saturday, May 26th. 1926. At these meetings which will be held at polling places pn gicij uiwuauip, ugtegiHCT wtii m 1 elected to the county convention which. . will be held In Louisburg at 11 a. m.. Saturday, June 9th, 1928, and your precinct committee ot five members ? will also be elected at your precinct meeting, which committee when se_ fleeted will select one ot its members a;- chairman, who will be the mem j ber ot the connty executive commit tee for your precinct The number of your delegates to the county convention will be pub lished in the Franklin Ttimes of next week. Please give this matter due publicity and be sure to be present at your precinct meeting. The number of delegates each town ship is entitled to send to thl coun ty convention is as follows: Dunns 7 Harris ( VoungsviUe - 10 Franklinton M HayesviUe 3 Sandy Creek 6 Qold Mine 4 Cedar Rock 8 Cypress Creek 3 Louisburg 20 Total - n *R. R. T. CLIfTOX DEAD Just before going to press yesterday information was received in Loalsburg o ft be deathot Mr. R. T. Clifton, at bis home near Clifton's pond. Mr. Clifton was 70 years old and leaves a number of relatives. He was well known throughout Franklin county and possessed the qualities ot char acter of the true Southern His many friends are deeply grieved at his going and Franklin county has lost one o fits most valuable Appalachian SofeMl The vacation time at china ~Rormal School is preparation for the Applications are coming rhere are only a tew the dormitories, hut the town 1 the Ctvttan Club is In readiness to < tare ot all who desire to Many WW high school ire coming, due perhaps * bat this summer >rportuaity in Nor :uring n certificate a post I lummer trslnlag. t will refiutre thirty-six Members of the faculty are :ept bony aa speakers of high

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