FLORENCE 5 HEAT No wicks in the Florence Oil Range ? no smoke, no odor just intense heat focuted close up under the cooking. Add per feet safety and real economy. Come in and be convinced. Brown Furniture House J. L. BROWN, Proprietor Yoangsville, N. Carolina THE SPIRIT OP SPRING DICTATES A NEW COSTUME FOR SPRING DRESS UP Spring conveys thoughts of new life, freshness and beauty- -/The natural gladness of the time makes it, most logical to step forth from winter's drabSess into gay attire that is in tune with the bright new season. THIS STORE HAS WHAT YOU WANT } ? ? -i ? 1 For your new costume from handkerchief to coat or dress. Weeks of concentrated effort jind buying have assembled here a most lovely showing of everything new and stylish for women. / COATS?Charming in every feature. Sport coats and dress coats trimmed with fur and plain. SUITS?And ensembles. Smart styles and well tail ored. All of the new materials, and patterns at rea sonable prices. ". DRESSES?Lovely materials and beautiful colors in gorgeous array of new modes. You'll find a frock in this showing that will become your personality. New and novel accessories are here, to enhance your costume and complete the Spring dress-up. Our dis play of lovely underthings is especially inviting. T.; C. HARRIS Y0UK08YILLE, N. 0. . r W r. * - Jt | 4* 44^? Yes, I Want Your Vote But it is not my desire to take up your time o/ Jo anuov voy about it. I am glad the time has come when the people of the Comnty do not have to be told how to vote. There is no honor to any office that can be bought, or even by promises, that are impossible to keep. I oneftly want to see the man elected, who is the choice of the majority of the pople. It will be impossible for me to make a house to house canvas as circumstances and the duties of my office will not permit- but I assure every lady and getjeman voter in the county that your support will be appreciated. If vou have not registered I urge that you get your names on the registration books before they elose at sundown on May 19. { Yours for an honest clean gentlemans campaign. ?F. W. JUSTICE FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce mysel ta can- j dldate (or Constable (or Hayesrille township subject to the action o( the Democratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate your sup. j port. ? ? 5-18-3t F. M. AYSCUE. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce mysel( a can didate (or County Commissioner for' Franklin County from District No. 1. composed o( Dunns gndHarrls town ships. subject to the action ot the De mocratic prin&ry to be held in June and will appreciate the support o( the roters ot the district. E-25.2t H. K. BAKER. FOR CONSTABLE herewith announce myself a can didate (or Constable (or Harris town- j ship subject to the action o( the De. mocratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate your support. ?25-2t P. L. STRICKLAND. Unsettled conditions in China are causing about l.OOAOOO Chinese to mi grate this year to the more peacetul region ot Manchuria. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I take this method of announcing to the voters of Franklin County my candidacy for the hou'se of represen taitvea In the coming Democratic pri mary to be held on June 2nd. It elected, the interests of the people of my county will be my first considera tion. I will favor a State-wide readjust ment of taxes for the purpose of re l.tvlng a portion of the tax burden urcn agricultural Interests. Yonr vote and support will be ap preciated:;? 5-18-2t W. L. LUMPKIJf. NOTICE - I am a candidate for the State Se nate subject to the action of the De mocratic primary of June 2ndL My platform is tax' reduction. Place the school taxes on Incomes, luxury, pri vileges and franchises and relieve the farm lands from a burden that Is fast destroying them. Economy in adminis tration, curtailment of offices to a minimum, sonsistent with efficiency. 318-3t ? W. M. PERSON. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for Commissioner for Franklin County, from District No. 4, compos ed of Gold Mine and Cedar Rock town ships, subject to the action of the De mocratic primary to be held in June, and will appreciate your support. &-18-3t J. B. STURDIVANT. FOR CONSTABLE F herewith announce myself a can didate for Constable for Cypress Creek township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate your support and if humiliated and elected will as sure you of the faithful performance Df the duties of the office. o-18-3t . L. O. TURNAGE. FOR THE'SENATE I herewith announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as State Senator front Franklin County sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary tp be held in June. In mak ing this announcement I do not feel that it is necessary to state that 1 strongly favor economical govern ment, taxes as low as is consistent with good government, and laws that will be equal and fair to aiL I deep ly appreciate the flattering vote given me the two former times you have lent me to the Senate and I can as. lure ypu that should you desire to send me again I will be, as ever, alert to the Interests of Franklin County ind North Carolina. Assuring you in ndvance of my appreciations for your support this year I am Tours truly, J-?-13t C. P. HARRIS. i"OR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I herewith announce myself a can. lldate for the House of Representa. rves from Franklin County, subject :o the action of the Democratic pri mary, which is to be held in June, MBtt. - In making this announcement I am lot coming before you as a stranger, rou Laving honored me before to this ilgh trust. . - Now with the knowledge I have of he duties and work of this office, 1 rill be no stranger there it elected, tnd with the liberal support the good >eople of-This county have given me n the past, I am embolden to try and isk you to support me again to this ?ffice in the June primary. With the full assurance if nominat ed and elected, that I will stand by svery interest of the people of my :ounty and $ta(e as I may have power o discern it My creed It you please, will be >rogre8s wherever it can be justified rlth safety and in the true sense of Democracy. For a better adjustment it our road system and the m'alnten. ince thereof, feeling that we have not is a county, had our just and cde. luate proportion of the road funds, lerlved from the revenue provided in he State for that purpose. With this tBsurance vouch safed. o you, may I not ask, In all candor, ind sincerity for your support In the .rlmary. The rote or votes given the vlll not he void of appreciation. 1 mow I am grateful to every one in he past who voted tor me, and my me desire to go back is not selfish, less, but with determination to serve o the best Interest I can for the good >t our people In County and State, day I not thank you In advance for his consideration and confidently tie. (eying you will let me go back by o?r rote, and kind words In the com. ng June primary. Tours to serve most sincerely, ;.tt_tf GEO. H. COOPER. *? ? ? LOST Time from Work lb. Albert -Gaxiud. of set, Kj, recently said: . "I need to work in tbe mines, bat loot quite a bit of time on account at eick spells I had. I would get to having a bad taste in my month, and a very dull, tired feeling and ache. "My mother told me to try Black-Draught, which I did, and after a few doses I felt much better. Now I take it as soon as I feel the least bad, and I don't get down. I certainly can say that it has done more for me than any other medicine I hove ever taken. 1 never get without Black Draught. If I go on a visit, I take a package along in my suit case. My health is better now than it has been in years." Black-Draught is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, of highest quality. Price 28c. Try it. .""Tfe Constipation, I am pleased to announce to my friends In Loulsburg and Franklin County that I hare leased a room under the Ford Warehouse On Nash Street and hare installed the necessary machinery and op. .ened a Shoe Shop, where I am prepared to do your Shoe and' Harness repair work to the best advantage at most reasonable prices. I can also make yon anything yon want that can be made of leather. Give me a call. Ton know me and my worfcj; I will apprec iate yonr patronage. NEWI CHOE JHOP Now Open Gantt Shoe Shop Loolabnrg, Hortfc Carolina FOR SHERIFF I herewith announce myself u ? candidate (or the office o( Sheriff o( franklin County to eucceed myeelt. lubject to the action of the Democratic trimary to be held In June. Your support will be appreciated. Youra to senre, M-U F. W. JUSTICE. FOR SHERIFF To the voters of Franklin County: I am a candidate for the office .of Sheriff for Franklin County subject to the action of the Democratic voters In the primary to be held Saturday, June 2nd. If nominated and elected I shall earnestly strive to discharge the du. ties of the office without fear or fa vor. ? . >e to a It will be Impossible for me W see each voter In person, but I shall greatly appreciate your support and take this opportunity to thank you In a'dvance for same. Very truly yours, ?-20-7t H. A. KEARNEY. " FOR JUDGE OF RECORDERS COURT I hereby announce myself a candi date (or Judge of Recorders Court for Franklin County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held lu June. I have beet, Vice-Recorder and as uch acting Recorder for the present term. . I hare done my best In the past and assure you that if nominated and elected I shall continue to do mv best I can promise no more. I will appreciate your support. 4-6-tf HUGH W. PERRY. FOR RECORDER r* I herewith announce myself a candidate for the office of Jnd?e of the Recorders Courl of Franklin County, subject tc the action of the Democratic Primary to be held in June and will appreciate the support of the. voters of the county. 3 30-10t J. L. PALMER. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can didate for Constable of Cedar Rod township subject to the actlou ot tlx Democratic primary to be held in June. Anything you may do or say lr my behalf will be appreciated. 5-ll-4t EMMITTE S. GUPTON. FOR COMMISSIONER Pursuant to the primary law I an nounce myself a candidate for Coun ty Commissioner from District No. i iqbmposed of Franklinton and Youngs, ville townships. The support of tlx voters will be appreciated. ?.ll-4t ?- CLAUDE L. McGHEE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as County Commissioner from District No. 3 composed of Sandy Creek anjJ Hayes ville townships,subject to the Demo cratlc primary tp be held In June It nominated and elected, I will con tinue to look to the interest of th? tax payers, as I hare in the past and will appreciate your support. 5-ll-4t HENRY P. SPEED. FOR COMMISSIONER ^ I herewith announce myself a can. d'.date for Commissioner for Franklin County from District No. 5, compos, lng the township" of Cypress Creek and Loulsburg, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and will appreciate your sup. port. If nominated and elected I will do my best to give the county an economical business administration 3-30-10t T. W. WATSON. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can. didate for County Commissioner for Franklin County from District No. 3, composed of HayesTille and Sandy Creek townships, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate the support of the voters of the District with the assurance that if nominated and elected I will give my best ability to the interest of the tax payers. S-4-6t J. Z. TERRELL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner for tho 5th district composed of LouMburg lr.d Cypress Creek Townships. I promise if nominated and elected ti give my best efforts towards the in. terests of the county, and to stand for an economical administration of the county affairs.. I will appreciate >our support. 4-?-9t W. R. PERRY. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can. iidate fo' Commissioner for Franklin County from District No. X, composed Dunns and Harris townships, sub lect to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate the support of the voters if the district l-27-6t C. B. BARHAM. FOR COMMISSIONED I have decided to become a candi date in the "exf Democratic primary tor County Commlsioner, from the Fourth District, comprising Qold Mine and Cedar Rock Townships. I jelieve that every Commissioner in he county should be, first, a man who tea demonstrated his ability to man tge his own affairs, second, a man of lonesty and Integrity, and third, a van who is not controlled by or In. Inenced by any man or set of men, [ realize that this office is a mans ob bnt I gm willing to undertake it or the benefit of my county, In which : have never sought office or favor, f you want me to serve I shall be rlad to give you the best in my shop. shall appreciate the support of the ,ood women of my county as well is the men. Yours to serve, ) ? ? > - i-ll-4t HENRY J. HARPER. rOR CORONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for Coroner of Franklin County subject to the action of the Demo - cratic primary te me held June Sad. I was born and' reared In franklin county, and U nominated' and elected I will strive to give the public the best service possible, and will great lr appreciate the support of the voters of the county, both ladies and gentle men. \ 5- 16-3t , ROBERT H. LAYTON/ FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a cas? dldate for Constable for Cedar Rock township subject1 to the action of the {Democratic prtihary to he held in* I June and will appreciate your sdp ' r-: rt. ' 5.18-31 GEORGE IJUNN. FOR CORONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for the nomination as Coroner for Franklin County subject to the ac. tion of the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate your support. 4-20-71 J. S. FINCH, nown as the Judge every election wmt ?r-? FOR CORONER I herewith announce myself a can didate tor Coroner for Franklin Coun ty subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate the support of the vo ters of the county. 5.4-5t BALLARD S. MITCHELL, FOR: CORONER I want to be Coroner of Franklin County . I am a Democrat and haro L-een all my lifer I will~?erve the ?> people at all times, when such duties call me, even If called on to arrest the sheriff of the county. Thank you, for your support. 4.2"-6t - J. E. COLLINS. FOR CONSTABLE _ _ I am a candidate for Constable of Louisburg Township and will anpre. ciate your vote and help in the ap. proaching primary. It elected, 1 pledge faithful service and promise to do my level best to faithfully dis charge the duties of the office. Since retiring from this office four years q gn T havA RPrifPil na Qnortal FlPnnlff **ov x uuvw uci ?tu cao opvvinx t/vyutj ir, conducting the Courts both Su perior and Recorders of Franklin County. I take pleasure in render ing such assistance a^ I j?y*in the proper enforcement of thewcripiinal laws of the county and State. Won't ycu help me? Please do! Thank you. 4-6-tf J. E. THOMAS. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a candi date for Constable for Louisburg township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and will appreciate theJQipport. of the voters of the township. 4.6-9t A. S. WIGGS. - FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can. didate for the nomination for Con stable for, Louisburg township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and will appreciate the support of the voters of the township. It nominated and elected I promise my best efforts to the public. 4-13-8t 11 S. BEASLEY. -FOR CONSTABLE , I herewith announce myself a can didate for Constable for Sandy Creek township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate your support. 5-4.5t K. E. JOYNER. FOR CONSTABLE - I herewith announce myself a can. .didate for Constable for Cedar Rock Township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In 'June, and will appreciate the support 'of the voters of the township. 4-27-6t W. J. Boone. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can didate for Constable for Youngsvllle township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate the support of the voters of the township. 4-27.6t J. B. YOUNG. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself ^ can. didate for Cons'able for Gold Mine township, subjoct t-> the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate the support of -the voters of the township. $-H-4t U H. LEONARD. \ FOR CONSTABLE I herewl.li announce myself a can didate for Constable for Cypress 'Cieek township subject to the action I of the Democratic primary to be held la June and willappreclate your sup port. G-11.4t R. L. HARRIS. . . ,n? FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can. didate for Constable for Cedar Rock Township subject to the action of tha Democratic primary to be held in June and will greatly appreciate your support. 6-4-6t J. J. DEAN. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can didate for the nomination for Con stats# for Cedar Rock township, sub ject .to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June and will greatly appreciate the support of the voters of the township. 4-13.8t J. M. STONE. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can. didate tor Constable for Sandy Creok ownship subject to the action of the Democratlo primary to be held in una, ard will appreciate your rote, -ll-4t, FRANK F. HICKS. .