wwpwni iTHfwjnw Louis BUM, kiiiUUiuMliUili MERCHANTS BANK Safcst Fob Sav/ncs [NmmCmmr Do You Know What We Offer Depositors In This Bank? First?Accommodation in the way of dis counts and loans. Of course we must feel safe_ before we can grant these, hut you will find us reasonable. Second?A banking SERVICE that is sur passed By no bank in this State, Third?Courtesy and promptitude in at tending to your business,' whatever the size of your balance. Fourth?Careful, earnest, thoughtful and expert advice in all financial and business matters on which we are qualified to advise. This, of course, without charge. WE PAY 4 PER CENT ON SAVINGS ZfRADtN I 1N -1 ^LqUISBURC^ i;m: .1 iu;iihi David Harris David Harris bays his goods at the right prices and sells them the same way. I take a per sonalinterest in every customer. I want yon to be satisfied with everything you buy and if you ato not I will give your money back. Men's Union Suits to - size 46 35c Men's Dress Shirts 95c Men's Overalls to size 44 $1.00 With Suspeffder Back Men's Work Shirts 49c Come in and see what I am of fering in the Ladies line. I ; II n I Li ? ? 11 fcL? ' *, V-> H5- JjfefK "The Store of a Thousand Friends" Cora oltih boyj of North Carolina are offered W0? lp gold ooia as prltes tor berry yields title eeaaob. How ever, the hoye mmt he enrolled be fore Jane 16. *nmni aid be bum* ? "BK BUM ?b4 wltk T. W. W1T80E | HSUMT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU TION North Carolina, Frunklja County, in tht Superior Court: Naucy Alston, W. L. Lumpkin and Thomas W. Ruffln ?a. 'v , Fed Alaton By virtue of au execution directed the undersigned by the Clerk ot the buperior Court of" Franklin County, North Carolina, In the above entitled action, I-will, on Monday, the 4th day of June, 1928, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the court houee door of eaid coun. ty, in Louiaburg, North Carolina, aoll ai public auction to the hlgheat bl l der for cash, to satisfy the said ex ecution,. all the right, title and inter est which the aaid Fed Alston, de. Undent, hae in the following describ ed real eatate, to-wit: A tract of land, situate in Hayes vllle - Township, Franklin County, Norrfr Carolina, owned by Fed Alstou, containing 38 5.8 acres, and bounded aa follows: On the North by the lands of Mra. Ayscue; on the East by the old run of Lynches Creek and by the lands of Mrs. Pryor Smith; on the South by the lands of Mra. Pryor Smith, and on the West by Fed Al eton 60 abre tract, which said tract together with the 28 6-8 acre, trad form the original Fed Alaton 88 5-8 acre tract The 38 8-8 acre Jraet i, more particularly described as fOl lows: Beginning at a stake and pointers, corner tor the tract and the 60 acre tract in Mra'. Pryor Smiths line; thence along the line ot the 50 acre tract due North 148 poles 84 links to a stake and pointers, corner for this tract and the 50 acre tract In Mrs. Ayscues line; thence along Mrs. Ayscues line N 85 E 18 poles 4 links to where the line strikes Bevea branch corner tor this tract and Mrs. Ays cues on the branch .thence down the branch S 82 1-4 E 25 poles. 8 88 E 4 poles, Unlinks, to the mouth of said branch in Lynches Creek, corner for this tract and Mrs. Ayscues on the creek. Thence down the old run of the said creek, as it meanders, 56 poles 19 links to a gum tree, corner for this tract and Mrs. Pryor Smiths on the said creek. Thence along Mrs Smith's line S 13 1.2 W 99 poles 11 links to a rock, walnut tree pointer, corner for this tract and Mra. Pryor Smith. Thence along Mrs. Smiths Una N 88 W 28 poles and 14 links to the beginning, containing 38 5-8 acres, more or less. F. W. JUSTICE. Sheriff of Franklin County. 5-4-51 0F VALUABLE RESIDENCE Under ana by virtue of the power end authority conferred upon me In tnat certain deed of truat, which waa xecuted by C. C. Cheatham and F. A. Cheatham, to me. on the 28th day of August, 1920, which raid deed of trust Is duly recorded In the ofTlce of .he Register of Deeds for Frgnklln Coun ty In book 241 at page 39. default hay. lng been made In the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and de mand made upon-me to foreclose i 7'" ?? Monday, the 4th day ot June. 1?.28, at or about the .hour of noon .V the court house door for Frahklia County ip the Town of Louisburg, N. C*. sell at public auction "to the high est bidder for cash., the following asr tcrlbed rgal'estate, lying and being situate in the Town of YoungsvIIle Voungsvllle Township, Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina: Lying on the North side of Persim mon Street, and bounded on the North by the landa of Mrs. B. G. Allen, C. W. Finch an-: Lena W. Tlmberlake: cn the East by the lands of C. C. Cheat tarn and F. A. qheatham and F. A. Cheatham; on the South by Perslm. mon Street and on the West by the lands of Perry and Patterson and W. C. Young, containing- one acre more it less and being the lot on which the residence of the late J. D. Tlmberlake v.-as situate. This April 30th, 1928. BEN T. HOLDEN, '-d-6t Trustee. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust to E. H. Malone, Trustee, dat ed January 4th, 1924, recorded In Book 261, page 66, Registry of FTankliu County, N .C., default having been made In the payment of the bonds thereby secured and demand for 'ore closure having been made unon the undersigned trustee by the holder of said bonds, the undersigned,.will on Monday the 28th day of May, 1928, at or about the hour of noon, at the courthouse door of Franklin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate. A certain tract or parcel of land s.iuate in Franklin County, Louisburg Township, State of North Carolina and descrbed as follows: Beginning at ? point in the South side of Nash Street 203.8 feet from the 'Southwest intersection of Main and Nash Streets and running thence along the said Nash Stret N 68 deg 46' W 96.8 feet to the middle of a stone culvert, a P? ?v 2'?et We,t the West wall of the Planters Tobacco Sales Ware house. thence along the center of the said stone culvert to its end and along the center of a stone wall S o0 deg 12' W 190 feet to a point fa ,the center of the said stone wall; thence s 68 deg 16' E 96.7 feet to a .stake at the Intersection of twopublie alleys; thence N 3 deg 19* E 189.4 feet to the point ot beginning, and being S*A.,A> 0"wh,?jl "Id Plantera Tobacco Sales Warehouse Is located " ?nd platted by M. 3. mi!' 9" Jul* !*<?>. 1923. This April 26, 1928. . E- H. MALONE. j 4-27-5* Trustee, SHAM8 STOC* Lake Mltchiner, one of ths best &sB la* lakes la Csatral N. a Amy oaa purchasing stock gets fea simple interest In ths lake, suhject to the Ul?* ?* ^ estate. Infor. motion, Dr O H Banks, Loulsbnrg, N ft* Prankllnton, N. a, O. C. Mltchiner, Franklinton, N. IL1M NOTICE OK SALE OF LANDS UNDER FORECLOSURE , Under end by' virtue'of the power of.sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by J. M Sykes and wife. Lillian L. Sykea, to Thoa. W. liuffin, Trustee dated Jtily 13, 1924. and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin Couu t> N.C, In Book 262, page 44. default having been made In- the payment of the^indebtedness -thereby secured and demands for foreclosure having been made on the undrslgned Trustee by the holder of said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on Monday. May 28. 1928, at about the hour of noon st the court house door at Loulsburg, Franklin CJounty, TfT~C. otter for sale at public auction to the^hlghest bid der for cash those certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being In Franklin County,. N. C., more particu. Inrly described as follows: F8RST TRACT: All that certain tract, piece and parcel of land con taining three hundred twenty nine and five-tenths (329.5) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Northern side of the Anderson Bridge Road about ten miles aoutheaat of I the Town of- Loulsburg, In Cypress jC'reek Township Franklin County, N. |C . having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof Trade by. Jno. J. Wells. C. E. on Oc tober 18, 1917, and being bounded as tollows: On the North by the lands of 8. R. Perry, on the East by Cypress Creek: on 8outh by the road leading from Anderson Bridge jP.oad to Seven Paths;- and on West ty the Anderson Bridge Road lead lug to Loulabury, M. C. This being the tractof land comprising the tract ci parcejjpf Jand conveyed to J. M. 'Sykes bySleW of Lillian J. Sykea and husband. J. M. Sykes dated De cember 29, 1917, recorded In Book 117 page 383 Registry of Franklin Coun ty, the tract or parcel of land con. 'eyed to J. M. Sykes by the Reeky Mount Insurance and Realty Co. dat ed November 24. 1913, and recorded In Book 218 page 44 Registry of Frank, lln County, N. C. and the tract or par cel of land conveyed to J. M. Sykea by deed of J. S. Howell and wife dat |t"d October 16 1916, recorded In Book 217 page 144, Registry of Franklin County, N. C? reference to said deeds Jafid records being here made for a firther description of the same. Second Tract: A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Cypress Creek Township Franklin County ,N. [C, it being Lot No. 4 of the J. a Rosa lends according to plat and survey of the same by.M. S. Davis, Surveyor, made September 17, 1918, duly re corded in Book of Maps 1 pags 56, Franklin Registry, said lots contain ing twenty.five and twenty-seven one .hundredths (25.27) acres, and la the I identical trget or parcel of, land eon. veyed to J. M. Sykes by W. H. Allen, Attorney in Fact, by deed dat?d June 25, 1923, and recorded in Book 254 page 246, reference to all of which records are hereby expressly made tor further description of thA same. Subject however, to a first lien deed of trust made to Raleigh Bank Big and Trust Company. Trustee, to secure First Carolines Joint Stock I-and Bank of Columbia, a a 38600 due On the amortisation plan, which deed of trust Is dated June 16. 1924. and . recorded In Bo$k 253 page 15 Franklin Registry. Said sale is msde subject to the prior deed of trust hereinabove re ferred to and all other encumbrances ct record. Including all taxes. -'This April 27, 1928. THOS. W. RVFFIN. r 4-27-5t Trustee EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix ot the estate o( S. A. Newell, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons havlhg claims against the estate of said d? ceased to present them to the under, signed duly verified, at Loulsburg, N. C., on or before the Sth day ot May, 1?29. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This May 3rd. 1928. MRS. NELLE S. > NEWELL, Executrix ot S. A. Newell, de ceased. " 5-4-8t NOTICE Having qunified as administrator eta, of the estate ot Anna Eltsa Driver, deceased, late ot Franklin County, N. C.. notice Is hereby given all parties holding claims against said estate to present them to the under, signed on or before the 20th day ot April, 1929, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement This April 19th, 1928. , W. T. BRYANT, 4-20-St Administrator, c.ta. NOTICE Having qualified is administrator of tie estate of R. J. Jotr.Ugan, t> ceased, late ot Franklin County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the under, signed on or before the 27th day ot April, 1929, or this notice will be plead tn bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make lmmdlate settlement This April 2<th. 1918. B .H. JOURNEIQAN. 4-27-Ot Administrator. COWS For Sale or Trade. A fine herd ot nice milk cows, some fresh, some mtng fresh soop. Prices Mage from |M.0? to 8128.00. See me at Justice or Phone 1108. W. P. HAYMAN. fi.18.tt R ?. Spring Hope, N. 0. FOR BALI One hundred thousand Potto Rico Potato plants. Can fill orders any day, Apply to . ?. 8. HAYMAN. 4-lS.tf *. Justice. K C. "NOTICE or SALE OP LAND IN THE TOWN 0* Y0UN08 VILLE, N. C., FOR DELINQUENT TAXES At o? about the liour of noon at the Mayor's Office in Youngs ville, N. on Monday, June 11th, 1928, it being the second Monday in June, I will sell at public auctiop to the highest bid der for cash pursuant to the laws of North Carolina and the Charter of the town of Youngsville, N. C.- $11 lands in the town of Youngsville, N. C., op which taxes for the year 1927, or any fraction thereof remain due with costs added as revised by sec tion 8009 Consolidated Statutes, 1919 and Amendments thereto, described as follows: ? Cheatham Bros., 6 lots Cross St. $ 93C38 Cost ' 1.20 Total 94.58 It. E. Pearce, 1 lot res College St, 1 lot Main St 9.00 Cost - 1.20 ^ Total Mrs A R Hatch, 2 lots Main St Cost ? i r ? 1, an i i 4' . i Total ? 13.95 John Winston, 1 lot E R R St T Cost - -Total 6.38 1.20 7.58 H S Hi^ks,.,, 1 lot Main St x . ? -Co8t 4.05 1.20 Total -I" 5.25 Joe Gailes, 1 lot Nassau St, 1926 .i 1-50 1927 == Cost 2.25 1.20 Total ? 5.25 This May 15th, 1928. ' i / 5-18-4t E. R. TIMBERLAKE, Tax Collector. __ NOTICE ^ Hating qualified aa administrator of the estate of Narctsa Taj born, de ceased, late of Franklin County, N. C.. notice is hereby siren all parties holding claims against said eatate to present them to the undersigned on 01 before the 37th day of April 1929, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recorery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make Immediate settle ment. This April 2?th, 1928. J. L. PALMER. 4-27-St Administrator. TYPEWRITER FOR SALE?I HAVE one of the newest make Royal stan dard typewriter 12-fn carriage that I will sell at fn attract ire price, either cash or on easy terms. Apply to W. B. Barrow, First National Bank. 5-18-tf IX.SO Per Tear in Advance. NOTICE Having qualified as executor oC the estate ot Alex Arnold, deceased, iato of Fran in County, North Carolina, th's Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de. ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 18th day of May, 1929, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement This May nth, 1928. V. W. ARNOLD. . Extr. G M. Beam, Atty. 5-18-6t BART CHICKS OF QUALITY THAT are bred to lay, [Heed low quality considered. White Leghorns, R. L Reds, Barred Rocks, O. T. Robert, son Poultry Farm,,R 1, Henderson, N. C. _ . - 2-3-tf "INSURE AND DE SURE" ?BE SURE and 'wttAvT.-W. WATSON 2.24-tf INSURE" Zeffem J3buVe then with aCrosby'" V*V-" Be there?as though you had a front row ' ?eat with the self-contained, light socket ' operated - a ; CROSIEY JEWELBOX [i A GENUINE NBUTRODYNB RECEIVER $95 ' ^ This i lectrically operated, powerful and selective radio receiver will bring every convention thrill right into your own home. It is totally shielded and perfected to such a degree that absence of overlapping stations and background noises Is just one of its matay advantages. 5 Days Free Trial f? convince you of the amazing performance of this new idea/radio.

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