/ KVEHYBODI BOOST L0C18BUB6 'J H E 3 P] RA] n: KJ UIN TIMES 1 AM 4UVCB1ISIMG MEDIUM THAT BBIM6S KE9ULTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ? THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION m ? SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year * VOLUMN LIZ. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIpAY, JUNE 29TH, 1928 ? (8 Pages) NUMBER 19 SMITH POSSIBLE NOMINEE ON THE FIRST BALLOT Democrat* Staging Biff Convention At Houston; Claude Bower* and _ Senator BoMnsen Hake Grant Speeches; Tribute* To Bryan and Mar*ball; Jf. C. Delegation Has Stir UP Claude O. Bower* of New York, tem porary chairman and. carefully delect, ed keynote speaker, touched off a veritable powder key of Democratic enthusiasm. He tore mercilessly at the record of two Republican admin istrations, those of Harding and Cool idge, to sweep his auditors in the crowded pavllllon into outbursts of applause as he went down the line on the oil scandals, farm legislation, fake prosperity, unemployment and all the other allegations of Republican misrule, upon which the Democrats ptopose to base the light tor election of their presidential ticket. Senator Joseph T< Rdpinson, of Arkansas, assailed the Republican ad ministration of the last seven years, warned against inclusion of a wet plank in' the Democratic platform, and made a bid for farm support in his speech .accepting the permanent chairmanship of the Democratic na tional convention here today. In addition to Governor Smith, sev. en other candidates were presented formally Wednesday night for the con sideration of the convention. They were: Senator James A. Reed, of Missouri. Representative Cordell Hull, of ?inessee. ?ator Walter I. George, of Geor. i Woolen, of Indiana. / . -r Senator Gilbert Hitchcock, of .iska. Qldo"" Senfttor Atlee Pomerene, of Representative W. A. Ayere, of Kmsas. wnii'jm ?r t0, two sreat Hgjpocrats. ^il.lam Jennings Bryan and Thomas Marshall, former Vice-President were paid by the Democratic Conven tion Wednesday night when it passed memorial resolutions of respect to ^oth men. Josephus Daniels, former Secretary o: the Navy, read the resolution on Bryan, pointing out that for the first time in 62 years a Democratic con vention met without the presence of the Commoner. , Charles R. Greathouae, of Indiana, presented the resolution on Marshall expressing sorrow over the death of the venerable leader of the Hoosier tizen?CraCy *nd 8FW>t Amerlc?? cl 8tr?n&th???d numbers ouUide Sam Houston Hall and with members representing them within the delegate ranks, organised women threw them. selves today lfito the platform light, adding to their renunciation of war and child labor appeals a summons for AJ1 nominees favoring enforce ment to define clearly what steps are practicable and possible to that end." i TiW0 newly"arrlTed women's organ lsatlons, the Women's Democratic to n of New York and the Ameri ca Women's Council of Justice of St Louis, entered the Houston Hits today to supplement the League of Women Voters, the National Woman's Party and the National Woman's Com mlttee for Repeal of the 18th Amend ment. The fair complexion of Democratic harmony broke out with a crash at the second day's session,, but the dis ease was Checked without serious re" suits. , A demonstration for Governor Al fredIE. Smith, set off by the speech of Senator Robinson, of Arkansas permanent chairman, at the first ses sion Wednesday, precipitated counter fights in Southern anti-Smith delega tions In various parts of the conven tion hall. The antf-Smith majority in these delegations forcefully con tested attempts of a few Smith men to carry the State banners into the parade, which moved jubilantly up and down the aisles. The North Carolina and Tennessee delegations were there in front W O Saunders, a Smith delegate, seised the North Carolina banner and tried to push into the parade with R ,R: EWdtt, who is pledged to Cordell Hull, tried to wrest it from him. A scuffle ensued. Police crowd ed about. When the smoke of battle cleared the top of the banner, with the State name upon it was torn oft and trampled on the floor ..T,hVb*,?n?r. of th? ?Iternates. who sit in the back of the hall was brought up. Angrily the two men shouted at each other as other members of the and P?1,c? crowded about and triid ta stop the lighting. 8aun ?e.r* j extr,cated himself and Joined the r >ch about the hall No soonei A this row been Quell, 'ed than another broke out in the Teun sv.V??IWUon Just across the aisle. Former Mayor Crump, of Memphis, reached for the Tenneesee banner. His effort to take it was resisted by several other members of the delega tion. Crump, a stocky man, finally got possession and rushed, like a plunging full back, through the line of protesting delegates aad severaL policemen. The officers started afterA him, but he eluded theta and the ban-f ner joined the others in the parade. Enough convention votes are pledg.il ed definitely to Governor Smith tol bring about his nomination, probably I on the first ballot . i ? Mt today when the Oklahoma delegation swung as a I Recorders Court Monday's session of Franklin Re corders Court was a short one. Only two cases were tried and they were submissions. One case was nol pross ed and three continued. The docket disposed of was as follows: State vs Bryant King, carrying con cealed weapon, nol pros with leare. State rs Nelson Massenburg, dis tilling, guilty, 4 months on roads, ex ecution not to Issue upon payment of $50 fine and costs. ' State vs George King, operating au tomobile Intoxicated, guilty, 6 months on roads, execution not to issue upon payment of $50 fine and costs and the revocation of driving license for 90 days. The following caseB were continu ed: Stair vs Ernest Macon, nuisance. State vs Major Williams, nuisance. State vs Nal Radford, larceny. Children Want Homes The Chlldrens Home Society, of Greensboro announces that It will heve ready for adoption during the next sixty days, the following attract ive children: ~ . 5 baby - girls, ages 1 month to 2 years. 5 baby boys, ages 2 months to 4 years. ? 8 boys and girls, ages 5 years to 10 years. Applications are desired from re liable childless families who will meet our requirements. Send for ap plication blanks to Children's Home Society o( N. C., Inc., John J. Phoenix, State Superintendent, Box 14.7JU Greensboro, N. C. The White Lake Camp Much interest Is being shown throughout the State of North Caro I Una in the Young Tar Heel Farmers Camp at White Lake, in Bladen Coun. i ty. Ovet 75 schools hare made ap plication for a total of over 2,000 young Tar Heel Farmers who wish to spend a week at the camp. North , Carolina is the only State whose de. partment of agricultural education has made provisions fqr a State camp I for high school boys studying agri culture. | This camp is under ex*>ert super vision and is all that a camp should be. A daily program keeps each boy busy with wholesome recreation, en I tcrtalnment and instruction. Parents | who have boys enrolled as students ? ot agriculture will do well to help the beys attend this camp. A week spent at the Young Tar Heel Farmer Camp at White Lake should mean as much to any boy as any two weeks in schoo1. A group of boys from Bunn have already returned from the camp. 1 Frankitnton, Gold Sand and Edward Best schools have made arrangements to be in camp for the week beginning July 16. The cost will be very small and the trip will be worth many times j its qost. Epworth Leaguers Feted Wednesday night the Loulsburg High Epworth League ot the Metho dist church entertained at the home of Mrs. A. W. Person the High Ep. worth Leagues who are attending the Epworth League Conference. As they gathered at the home they were served punch after which the guests played various games and eu Joyed several contests. Delicious refreshments consisting of Ice cream and cake,- were served. The evening not only provided plea sure for. the forty visitors but for the hosts aswell. "New Testament Religion" The above will be the subject of Rgv. Daniel Lane, pastor, at the Me thodist church next Sunday morning. At the evening service he will preach from the subject "Our Life Preserver." Sunday school will be held at the us. ual hour. All are cordially invited to attend these services. ?' B. Y. P. U. To Give Program Rev. J. A. Mclver, pastor of Louis, buig Baptist church, announces that there will be no services held at that church on next Sunday at the 11 a. m. hour. That Sunday school will be held at 9:45 as usual and B. V. P. XJ. at 7 p. m. At the evening hour, 8 p. m., the Junior B. Y. P. U. under the di rection of Mr. J. A. Williams, di. rector, will give a special program, 'the public Is cordially invited to at tend. i Religion That Saves , The pastor ot the Loulsburg Cir cuit will fill his regular appointments Sunday, July 1, preaching from the fotlowing subjects: ? Leah's Chapel:. "Religion That Saves,' 11 a. m. * Prospect: '-The Secret that Can't Be Kept," 3:00 p. m. Bunn: "The Closet Door," 8 p. m. unit to Reed, of Missouri, the New .Yorker picked up more than enough Votes from Ohio to put him over. In addition, some of the Kansas delegates, pledged to Ayres, showed signs of restlessness and there were predictions that they Would hop into the Sthith camp before completion of the first roll call, expected Thursday night. ... DOCTOR E L -* RUSSELL LECTURES! Before Annual Conference Kp worth Leafie la Beetiea At Leibtaiy College This Weak; Other PnaL neat Clergy Present The North Carolina Epworth League la In aeaalon at Louisburg College thla week with above three hundred In attendance. The flrat aeaalon waa held on Monday evening after regis tration and sapper and most Interest ing programs have been In progress daily. Dr. Elbert Russell, Professor of ??hool of Religion, of Duke Uni versity, &aa been In charge of the leo ture courses and has delivered some exceptionally strong disburses. Dr. J. W. Frank, a missionary to Japan preached a wonderfuly strong sermon on Wednesday night. The rrams and courses of stu. dy throughout the w?,ek Uav j !>een as follows: * ; U ' Monday, Jane ii 10:00 a. m.-7:00 p. m. Registration. 6:45 p. m..7:45 p. m. Supper. 8:15 p. m.-10:15 p. m. Fellowship meeting. , Dally Schedule 6:45. Rising bell. 7:00 to 7:25. Morning watch. 7:30 to 8:00. Breakfast. 8:30 to 9:15. Bible study. 9:20 to 10:05. Mission study. 10:05 to 10:15. Recess. 10:15 to 11:00. Methods, t 11:15 to 11:45. Business. LI:50 to 12:45 Problem hour or lec ture. 1:00 to 2:00. Dinner. 2:00 to 3:00. Rest 3:00 to 5:30. Directed recreation. 6:00 to 7:00. Supper. 7:10 to 7:35. Vespers. 7:50 to 8:45. Song service and lec ture. 10:15. Lights out. Friday Evening, June 29 Commencement exercises, 7:30. Consecration service, 8:00. Rev. E. L Hlllman. Courses Bible Study: 8:30 to 9:15?"The Gospel of Matthew/' Erdman. Rev, R. F. Munns, Rev. A. J. Hobbs. Rev. W. P. Watkins, Jr.; Rev. J. H. Miller Bible Study: 8:30 to 9:15?'TBI Church and Its Sacraments," Chap, pell. Rev. Daniel Lane, Rev. R. M. Price, Rev. B. O. Merrttt. Bible Study: 8:30 to 9:15?"Spiritu al Life,"' Parker. Rev. B. B. Slaugh. ter, Rev. E. L. Hlllman. Bible Study for Intermediates: 8:30 to 9:15?'Jesus the Master," Koehler. Miss Eula Rackley. Mission Study: 9:20 to 10:05?"New Africa,"' Frazer. Rev. J. W. Frank, Rev. R. F. Munns, Rev. B. B. Slaugh ter. Mission Study: 9:20 to 10:05?"Pro. bibitlon In Outline," Warner and Johnson. Rev. W. P. Watkins, Jr., Rtv+Jf. O. Merritt. "New Paths for Old Purposes,"? Bur ton. Rev. L. C. Larkin, Mr. AJIen J. Carter, Mrs. L. M. Hall. "History of Southern Methodist Missions," Cannon. Mrs. H. B Branch. Mission Study for Intermediates: "Africa Today,"' Mrs. B. F. Boone. Methods: 10:15 to 11:00?Spiritual Life. Rev. J. H. Miller and Rev. R. M. Price. Social Service, Mr. Allen J. Carter. Recreation. Mrs. H. B. Branch. Missions, Rev. L. C. Larkin and Mrs. L. M. Hall. ^ Officers of Administration. Rev. A. J Hobbs. Jr. Intermediate Methods, Miss Eula Rackley. Junior Leaders, Mrs. L. C. Larkin. The_ conference officers are Rev. T. McM. Grant, president: Rev. L. C. Larkin, vice-president; Miss Eunice Blair, secretary; C. Gehrman Cobb, treasurer; Mlrig^Xatalie Coffey. Inter mediate superintendent; Mrs. L. C. Larkin, junior superintendent; Miss Blanche Barringer, director of recre ation; Mrs. G. H. Armstrong, era agent; Miss Blanche Barringer, life (service superintendent; Rev. E. L. {Hlllman, dean; Rev. Robert E. Brown, editor of Advocate Page. Loulsburg is delighted to have so many visitors present and a most cor. dial welcome Is being extended them. Birthday Party Tuesday afternoon at four-thirty o'clock Mrs. Jack Brown entertained at a birthday party for little three year old Stanley Brewn In honor of little Louis and Dare Silver, of Dur After the little guests had enjoyed several games and . contests on the lawn, which was beautifully decorated In roses and sweetpeas, they were given favors and served to vanilla ice cream and spiced cookies. Those present to enjoy the after, noon were: Dorothy Roth, Frances Griffin, Harold Tonkel, Vera, Velma, Annie Lee and Virginia Schoonover, William Stovall, James and-Christine Collier, BUlle and Clarence Bass, James Person, Reuben Kissell, Marie and Horace Hilton, Glen and Billed Person, Josephine Rouse, Rose Ma lone, Mary Ann Clifton, Edith and John Llndsey Harris, Helen and Oil. bert Wagstaff, Blllle and Lucy New ell, Herbert Scoggtn, Sophia, Eula Grey, Virginia and Wilson Splvey, Dorothy Dennis, Jane Murphy, Rebe. kah, Martha Holden, Carl Allen, Glenn Hudson,'Ed Perry, James Johnson, Betsy add Allen Cobb, Jack Williams, Robert Strickland, Buster and Char lotte Collins, Josephine Hayes and Qene Harris. DR R. C. BROWN TO SPEAK HERE Before Colored WeUlare AmmWIoi Suaday; Madam Nell JL Heater, Celebrated Colored Soloist To Blag; Other Peatares of Hack leterest; Hold Meeting At Hills High School 'the scene of the Franklin County Welfare Asoclatlon will be changed to the W. R MUle High School audito rium Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Madam Nell M. Hunter, famous colored, soprano, will make her debiet before her first Franklin county au. dience. The coming of this noted singer who is now appearing before the var ious summer schools throughout the State will furnish musfc lovers in and near Louisburg to a rare treat In a recent Metropolitan appear, ance Madam Hunter delighted thous ands of hearers at Manhattan Casino, and then added lustre to her tame by refusing the Battering offer of 3200 per week tor a permanent engagement oi* Broadway New York. Accompanying this singer of repute will be Madam AM>ie Williams Logan, colored, celebrated as a pianist, and musical director at Shaw University, Raleigh. ' The speaker of the occasion will be Dr. Roscoe C. Brown, colored, U. 8. Fubllc Health Service, Washtngt n, D. C. Dr. Brown has spoken In al. most every large cltyjn America, but his brilliant exposition at the Sesqul Centennial. Philadelphia, In 1926. be. fore an audience of 17,000 people cli maxedhis career. The program Sun. dav afternoon will be varied, and vo cal choirs and spirituals will also be lr evidence. The Welfare Association in Franklin county had Its inception through the Influence of Editor A. F. Johnson of the Franklin Times, who is judtly proud now, as he sees Its steady And upward p-ogress under the adminis tration of Superintendent E. C. Perry land the lccal chairman. Dr. J. B. Dav. ilk. Hundreds of persons have expressed their intention of coming here Sunday from many nearby points, anfd a not at<e gathering is expected from some of , the larger centers. These condi tions jpade it necessary to seek larger quarters than the county court house, an i -hence the meeting at the Mills j Hljtj^chool. Silver Tea The Young Peoples Service League of St. Pauls Epscopat church, gave a silver tea, Wednesday night at Oak. hurst, the country home of Mr. A. F. Johnson, to which all the members of the church were Invited. According to the invitations each one was to bring a penny for each year of their I age, and should they prefer not to hare their age known, they were to give as much as they felt they could. A program of stunts. In which ev eryone took part, was enjoyed by young and old alike. Among those who won prizes were: Mr. Hill Yar borough who pinned the tall of the elephant in its proper plaap and Jdr. Maurice Joyner who won the suitcase race, Mrs. S. B. Berkeley won a prize tor the lucky name drawn from the bcx. After all the pennies had been droo ped Into the box, a sum of eighteen doifars was --esented to Mr. Maqrlce Clifton, treasurer of the vestry, to be used toward defraying the church's indebtedness. The guests were then served to iced tea, sandwiches and candy. The occasion would have been in (i mplete except for the beautiful music furnished bv the Louisburg or. chestra. Franklin County Agriculture In One Week Conference The teachers ot agriculture of Franklin county are attending a one week conference for agriculture teach ers which is being held at State Col. lege under direction of Mr. T. E. Brown, director of State College Sum mer school and State Director of Vo cational Education, and Mr. Roy* H. | Thomas. State Supervisor of Agrlcul. tural Education. This conference is devoted largely to a summary of the past year's work and to making a definite program for the coming years work. Mr. Thomas and his assistant supervisors are very active in mak ing a definite objective to be reach ed daring the coming year ad well as planning a five year objective. Although taking only a small part of the time on the program, the Young Tar Heel Farmer Camp- at White Lake has created much interest. North Carolina is the only State in the United States which has a camp for its students of vocational agricul ture. The following teachers ot agricnl. ture are attending this conference: Q. D. O'Qulnn. Bunn High School; F. U. Wolfe, Gold Sand High School; C. R. Bohanan, Franklinton High School; J J. Wolfe .Edward Best High School. Fiddlers Convention To ( Be field At Wurrenton -A big fiddlers convention and square dance will -be held on July 4th. 1988. at 8 o'clock p. m., at the high school In Warrenton, N. C. This convention Is hqld -under the auspices ot the Womans Club, the American Legion and Kiwania Cluh. of Warrenton. Ev erybody is invited to attend. r Junior B. Y. P. U. Service | The following program will be ren dered at the Baptist church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. President in charge, Glenn Hudson. Soft music, Btllie Newell. Song. Prayer, Miss Collie. Duet, Lucille Hudson and Christine Idles. Business. ,? Song. 1 Drill on Bible reading and memory woik, Miss Allene Godfrey. Group Captain in charge, Christine Llles. Poem, Helen Person. The Pioneers. Christine Llles. The Home Mission Board, Lucille Hudson. Play: The Leaflet Family. Cast of Characters: John, Ernest Wells; First Leaflet, Lucille Hudson; Second Leaflet, Helen Person; Third Leaflet, [Virginia Joyner; Fourth Leaflet, Dor lothy Wiggs; Fifth Leaflet, Christine [Llles. Prayer, Buster Foster. Mission fields and workers, Mr. Wil. Hams. Sword Drill, Miss Allene Godfrey. Patriotic service. . Salute to te flag, led by Ernest Wells. Song, America. Poem: My Country, by Ernest Wells Talk on B. Y. P. U., Mr. Williams. Prayer, Mr. Carter. Everyone is cordially Invited to at tend. Mrs. Jones Entertains Mrs. J. B. Jones entertained i num ber of friends Wednesday evening in honor of her visitor, Mrs. Bradley, of Florida. ? Delightful refreshments were serv ed and as the guests left, they ex pressed jhelr pleasure at being pre sent. I Mrs Beasley Entertains Auxiliary S Mr.A^'r Iain ' Mrs C- * Cook., Chap *? rr,e **"2? s as Mj^one,A?erlCari8 Creed- ??. J E. ; Cooke.'"*5 the fla8: Poen>- M". c. K. F??? 1116 Fla* Code, J tier Poem' Mrs F. Forrest Joy * "?? F,?. IgMusic: Selected. Mrs. J. E MlUone PeonTa" i!?' ?Wsley'8 Adrlce to Young ,or <** f^r.i.Spansled Banner. At the (^aclusion of the Droirram Itt*C """ ?" ?" w.s ..p'r.srr.^1"' Iw^rSSe-1^ Ta^KOUS co??'ttees square committee underThe^abld df* rection of Miss r vnT u.V, d dl" s"et"ou^foP7sress Plan?s h^febeet ntL temporary blooming and lariiL-srsaSSS I town officials make this work L . 'Tk,.!"""* ?'"? Letters were read from Ward R a fb'oys1 thereWfMie fkeen appreclati<>n the, things r f?rK6Ten the smallest' inings done tor them. Plana wer?' !i. gCJ^ed f?; rmemberln? them dur if * Jul? and August while the meet lMStoWsernddaCl^,tll,red- U Was decld I Mrs r it r? of 9mokea etc.. and ' A n a Cooke, chairman and Mrs A. B. Perry and Mrs. J. Forrest Joy attend~*fn aPP?inted a committee to I attend to thia matter ee^h momK?-' Imitt^4 U M called on by the com-' inTA^r^fwf.C?fTen.tleQ ,n Charlotte1 wh i . j a*so taken up and all the sSSKrTlSi W#.re urgad 10 let prooer credentials0might ^ ?u"lstod The most attractiye Dart of ?k? Program was re.erred for th. i?t ! soldier kien? B*a*ler dressed as a !?!?& faring Old Glory on hlsi shoulder, presented each guest with' Mr. W L SSLl!?-Url?!dWah,Ch Um,l gp Poem. "The I^?|?2S?'! ^ytss^z^sssx'i scu'ire committee. tnbk-rih. u, Tfce ronton, mas* J , AMONG THE VISITORS somi IOC Know a5d son iron DO ROT now. r?n*ui iuu ink r*ik? m Their FrkUi Who Tra*?t Im lad Ikm. FridayW ^ Beaaley ylaited Raleigh ? ? ? w Monday8" H' *al0ne T""ted Itow* ? ? ? . Mr?. C'j,C' Hudson visited W&rrea ton Wedxlasday. ? ? ? Mr. R ,H. Davis visited Rocky Mount Saturday. ? ? ? Mr. H. C. Taylor is on a vacation touring the nort^prn states ? # ? Mrs. Willfo Hester, of liaJqeiaad Taylor" Mr' and Mra' & P. see Mr and Mrs L. S. Bryan and lit. past^eek her PeoP'e here the * * * } adMpr.a^d f'8 R" * B0bbttt ed Friday from a visit to Lumbkr ton. ? ? ? bJwTi uand M"' Adam G. Tyner. of Raleigh are visiting her people near town. / ? ? ? Mrs. R. H. Davis, who has been home"* 'a Wr"miaglon' returned ? ? ? Miss Beulah Lancaster has return Mount?m " Week8 Vl*" t0 Rockr ! * * * ? Supt. O. C. Hill and Mr. J. E. Tho mas spent Tuesday in Raleigh on business. ? ? ? I Messrs. B. H. Saunders and J. F. Raynor, of Rocky Mount, were visit ors to Louisburg Saturday. ? ? ? Supt. E. C. Perry and Mr. and Mrs | Coteman Smith and Mrs. John Hedge peth. visited Rocky Mount Tuesday ? ? ? I Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Foushee and child ren and Mr. J. T. White, of Burling ton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs H. B. Buckhanan. ? ? ? * ?- Clifton and daughter. Miss E.iaabeth. left Monday for Beat. ?v' ' Ky,. to attend the marriage ot her son. Maurice. Jr.' e ? ? m Mm. JrH;kCa3b attended the funeral 2L. . br?ther- Mr John Cash, who ?. . .. Granville county this week. Mr.^ J. E. Cash also attended the fun. f ' 1 L" Palmer te't Tuesday for Henderson to assist the Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court in Vance con duct the court in the absence of Col. 1 Henry Perry, Clerk, who is on a trip to Europe. . ? ? ? j Mrs. Plummer Jones, of Wake For ?n!i ~ ?of MiIbro?k. and Miss Aleah. Mrs. C. M. Cooper ~a relt8, Mr8' W w Parker, of Henderson, were visitors to friends in Louisburg Sunday. I ? ? ? Mr and Mrs. W. B. Tucker and daughter, Helen, returned home Sun day after a visit to Mrs. Tucker s peo ple at Hertford. They were accom .panted on their return by Miss Lina J. Welch, who will visit them. ? ? ? t Mr- Jfred May. editor of the Lenoir News-Topic, was a visitor to Louis burg the past week. He was accom panied by his father, Mr. Ad May. They had been to Bayview on a fish ing trip and were returning home ? a ? Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ragland and children. Mrs. Fred Leonard. Misses Jewell Clark, Victoria Adcock, Eu genia Perry and Euieila Hill. Messrs Howard Cash, Edward Crudup Perry and James Wheless are on a vacation at Morehead City ? ? ? Messrs. G. M. Beam, Ben T. Holden, E. H. Malone, Q. S. Leonard. J B. Sturdlvant, H. P. Speed. B. S. Pace and Col. C. L. McGhee went to Raleigh - Saturday to attend the tax injunction hearing. A ruling will be handed down by Judge Harris on July 1st. ? ? ? Messrs. W. M. Hyre. of Adrian, V. Va., and Mr. Harold Abbott, of Buck hanan. W. Vs., uncle and brotttfT of Mrs. H. G.-Perry, were visitor* at the home of Dr. H. O. Perry tMp weak, returning to Weet Virginia TueeSy accompanied by Mra. Perry tiro sons, Douglas and Darrel, wE will visit Mrs. Perry's relatives and friends Lc and around Buckanan tor a tew weeks. Protracted Meeting at Bock Springs A protracted meeting wUU ^egtn it Bock Springe church next Sunday eight, July 1. end yon are Inritedto ittend and help make it a rerWal meeting. Senrices each day. in the afternoot ind at night. The preaching ta to he lone by the paeter, Rer c. M. RolUos. The train that broke alt he other day hi England of t 16I mile* without etepplng ntraat to the old acooaai i contraat to the era accomi fain that osad to aaake Ml Tery mile.

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