EVEBYBODI BOOST L0U1SBUB6 The Franklin Times AY ADYCB1ISIYG XEUIL'M THAT BBLYGS BESGXTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION ' SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year , ?. V Mi VOLUMN LIX. - LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1928 (10 Pages) NUMBER 34 B A I L E Y MAKES TOLERANCE PLEA! Delhers Address Before Democratic Kally In Loulsburg Characterizing Herbert Hoover, who appears to be both wet and dry, as tire most amphibious candidate In the annuls of politics in this country, J. W.-Balley, of Raleigh, spoke at a De. mocratlc rally here Friday night to a courthouse full of enthusiastic hear era. Mr. Bailey scored the Republi can party and made a strong plea for a sense of religious freedom that will permit no penalty on any man be cause of his faith. "The man who raises the religious question In American politics" Mr. Bailey declared,' "offends against the Constitution, against his country and his God. Country and God demand that the soul shall be free?In order that religion may be pure. American poli tics are devoted to practical ques tions of economic welfare. Set up this religious Issue and sectarian riv alries and lealousness will engage the minds of our people for generations to come. We will cease to go for ward. We will go backward. We will undo the magnificent progress of 150 years of politics devoted to prac tical questions of public welfare. "The fact that Governor Smith Is a Catholic has nothing to do with his candidacy. Men who believe in the principle of religious freedom and lr. our Constitution will give the fact l ot the slightest weight. We will '? "t no penalties upon any man be ?e of his religion, and good Amerl < : will not permit any man to be made his longest stop. Tobacco Prices Higher i The prices (or tobacco on the Lou. , isburg market have advanced the past | week to the point that all concerned | are especially well pleased. There I Is a good demand (or all grades and ?nany (armers are selling on the local ? market. Rocky Mount Fair ' Rocky Mount, Oct. 8. ? Rocky Mount's fifteenth annual (air which begins here Monday afternoon, Oc tober 15, will be,, in every respect, the largest ever undertaken by (air officials. * Not, In the color(ul history ot the , institution, have so many and varied , attractions been assembled (or one fair. Last year offfctals Increased the department dealing with exhibits and added to the amount o( money given in prizes, but this year they have done more than that. The new (air book shows that several hundred dollars more than was offered last year will be distributed this year In premiums alone. The Rubin-Cherry shows, the mid. way attraction this year, is to the carnival world what Rlngllng Broth, era and Barnum and Bailey Is to the circus world. There Is not larger. The carnival at present Is playing at Richmond and will stop here enroute to another engagement "further south. All o( the summer the shows have been In Toronto playing to the Inter, national exposition there. The con | tract calls (or 22 separate shows and {eleven varied rides. Because ot the j size o( the attraction, (air officials were torced to rearrange the section o( the ground ordinarily devoted to midway attractions.. Forty cars arc required to transport the show. There will be races, tree acts sev eral times each day, fireworks, ex. j hlblts (rom all sections ot the lo cality, ? (orty piece band (or all the | concerts, an address by George Gor. |don Battle, noted New York attorney, and a tootbal game In addition to the regular (air teatures. The (air I promises to be the most colortul In j the history ot the association in Rocky Mount. N. Y. Chambllss, secretary ot the asoclatlon, who is in charge ot the (air organization, stated today that every arrangement had been complet. jed and that the (air would get under way Monday evpntng. Never, he said, has there been a greater assemblage of noted attractions than this year. Attendance at the (air this year un doubtedly will be larger than last year and the officials are preparing, to care (or a greater number of spec tators and have arranged parking space for one thousand or more au. tomobiles within the (air grounds. The (air will last throughout the week cf October 15, beginning the 15 and running through the 20th. COLONEL NOLAN i FAILS TO SPEAK Colonel J. Q. Nolan, who came to Louisburg Saturday as an anti-Smith Democratic lecturer, accompanied by a Republican trom Edgecombe coun ty and greeted by a scattering ot lo cal Republicans, ot which there aro not a great number, departed trom town without making his scheduled lecture when he heard that some of the younger Democrats of the com ' munity did not wish to hear him on i"Tammanylsm, Alienism and Alcoho lism.'' __ I i Nothing of a formal nature was jdone about the ""Colonel." The offi cial organization ot the Democrats in the county were perfectly willing for him to have a hearing, if he could ? get anybody to hear him. It was seme of the younger order who are | taking this campaign seriously and 'very much to heart, who intimated I that they were not going to stand by I and hear Alfred E. Smith abused. | They were prepared to put a stop to lit. and both Chief of Police Meadows j and Deputy Sheriff Fuller told the 'colonel frankly that there might be disorder, although they were willing to go to any length to protect him if ite wanted to speak. The colonel decided that he didn't care to speak and departed from tovn some time before the hour of his public appearance in the court house, either to hear the colonel or erably aroused ovfer the incident, and a crowd had collected at the court house. ither to hear the colonel or to see what happened to him if he was not heard. Circulars describing the colonel's eloquence and partiotlc fervor were distributed last night af ter the address of J. W. Bailey. Franklin County W. M. U. The W. M. U. of Franklin county will meet with the Bunn Baptist church Saturday. October 13th. 1928:) Every society in the county is urged j to send delgates. Pastors and all In terested workers are also invited. The following program will be ren dered: 10:30 Song service. 10:35 Devotional. 11:00 Roll call and business. 11:15 The Standard of Excellence, Mrs. J. S. Howell. Loulsburg. 1 11:46 Ruby Anniversary Aims and. Plans for Tar River Association. Miss Llllle Harper, Loulsburg. 12:15 Round table discussions. | 12:45 Lunch. 2:00 Missionary sermon. Rev. C. B. Howard, Oupton. Corn is down and damaing; cotton bolls are rottening; and tobacco is molding in the packhouses of Beau tort count, says the county agent Subscribe to The Franklin Times FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR | BIGGER AND BETTER! The-Franklln County Fair, from all Indications, will be the biggest ever held In this part of the State. The people In the county, realizing the value of a real county fair ,are co ocratlng in every way to make it the best fair that will take place In this part of the Stale. From a small beginning, the Franklin County Fair J has grown to be one of the biggest in the State and is considered by out-' aiders to be of more educational value than any of the others. The seven school districts will put on competitive exhibits and all of the vocational teachers In the county will combine to give the people the first hand information in regard to the wonderful work that is being done by \ocational education. This of course Is a regular part of the county school ?work. J In looking over the premium list] We notice that hundreds of dollars are offered in premiums to Franklin ^ county peoi)le only, and this is one reason why our fair is of so much in terest to the people in this county. The Fair Association Is the sole sponsor of the Franklin County Pig Club, which now has more than two thousand pure bred hogs in Franklin I county and many of these will be on exhibit at the fair this year. The W.'T. Stone Shows, otte^of the largest carnival companies making the South this year, will furnish the amusements for the mid-way and many other features Including a para chute drop from an airplane each-dsfy will sdd much to the pleasure loving people who attend the fair. MASONIC DISTRICT AND EDUCATIONAL MEETING District Deputy Grand Master Frank A. Roth, of th.e 19th Masonic District of North Carolina consisting of Vance, Warren and Franklin counties an nounces the program for the Distfict Meeting to be held with the Louis burg Mjsonic Lodge Number 413. on Thursday, October 18, 1928, a^ fol. jlows:- - ?? S I 2:30 P. M. Business meeting. | 4:00 P. M. Address by Dr. W. E. | Wicker. / 7:30 P. M. Barbecue supper. ! 8:00 P. M. Presentation Past Mas ter Jewell by/John H. Anderson past Grand Master. I 8:30 P. M. Master Mason Degrees conferred by William G. Hill Lodge, Raleigh. 1/8:30 P. M. Third Degree lecture ' with picture slides by J.' L. Emanuel : Past Master William G. Hill Lodge. 10:00 P. M. Address by R. C. Dunn, Grand Master North Carolina Ma sons. I All Master Mastfns cordially invit ed. Welfare Report The report ot E. C. Perry, Super intendent of Public Welfare of Frank ltn county for the month of Septem ber shows that this department has ; been wide awake and hustling. The lirst case listed in this report Is that !of two little colored boys whose moth er Is dead. The superintendent plac. ed them with Cornelius Splvey. Four cases in the report show that homes have been found for children* eight In number wbdse mothers were dead ?and whose fathers had. run away. A [ badly burned colored girl, whose pe"o. ? pie could not or wuld not have her [treated, has received treatment, j An appreciation has been sent to the N. C. Orthopaedic Hospital at Ga3 tonia for the admission of a little col ored girl. Among the adult cases, a warraht has" been Issued for a colored man who has deserted his family; Otter, i Neal, Lillie Bowles and Narcissus! Newell, a colored woman who has pe. I lagra and whose husband has desert.' id her, have been sent to the county! home; Georgeajina Griffin and Mary Dtckerson, both Inmates of the coun. ty home, have been placed in homes. A warrant has been issued for a ne- ] 1 gro deserting his sick wife. A white , woman has received treatment at a I hospital for rheumatism. One white | woman has been sent to the State. Hospital at Raleigh and application' has been made for another. A coffin was furnished a colored woman who had died, her husband having run ( away and there being no one else to buy it. j Besides having attended to these many cases, Supt. Perry has visited the jail and the county home and re- j ports, these in good condition. Drifting The above is the subject of a ser.' mon to be preached by the pastor at Shiioh Sunday at 11 a. m., Octo ber 14. Preaching also by the pastor at Ptney Grove Sunday afternoon 3 o'-1 clock. Subject, "Following the Guide." I Revival closes at Leah's Chapel Sunday with one service at 7:30 p.1 m. At Home The Louiibdrg College faculty will ] be at home to' their friends on Tues day afternoon, October Hie sixteenth frbm four to five o'clock. \ FRANKLIN COUNTY FOLK HEAR JOHNSON Chairman Advisory Committee Ad. dresses (lab At Louisburg Senator T. L. Johnson, Chairman of the Democratic Advisory Committee, addressed the Young Men's Demo cratic Club ot Franklin county Wed nesday night in the court house. There was a large attendance (rom all sec. tions ot the county. Senator Johnson painted a word picture of the remarkable progress of North Carolina since Chas. B. Ay cock was elected Governor in 1900, claiming as ponumental achievements the building of the public school sys tem that compares favorably with the most progressive states of the Union, and a State wide system of highways that has made North Carolina the un challenged leader of all the Southern States. "But we have done more than this" said Senator Johnson. "We have not only made it possible for every 'boy and girl, regardless of condition lln life or circumstances of fortune to burgeon out all that God put into his soul by giting him an educational opportunity, hut we have to a very rare degree translated in terms of public service the Christian precepts lot Jesus of Nazareth. The lame were made"to walk; the blind to see again, and the erring youth has been re claimed." Senator Johnson here call r?iFthe roll of the charitable and cor 'reeticmal institutions. "The girl. or. I vhose brow sin has stamped its scarlet letter of disgracS has been licked up and sheltered in Samar. rand and redeemed to a life of use. fulness and service" said he refer ring to the Institution for reclaiming '.erring girls. X Senator Johnson here paid tribute to O. Mai Gardner as a man 17 be-eminently At to lead the great Democratic party to new and even ! nobler achievements, predicting his election by an overwhelming ma ; Senator Johnson-Mit discussed the 'candidacy of Governor Smith for I President, describing him * "J*? who- by merit and worth had lifted himself by his own boot straps from | the East Side of New York, as a little boy by selling newspapers, to within the very shadows of the White House. He rediculed the attacks ! upon Governor Smith by F/ank Mc Ninch and others on the prohibition question pointing out that we have ! abundant laws in North Carolina to protect adequately our homes against intoxicating liquors. Even if Gover. 1 nor Smith's views on the liquor ques. ' Hon are erroneous they can in no wise affect North Carolina. He charg jed Dr. A. J. Barton with insincerity and read his report as Chairman of the Anti.Salbon League, in which Dr. Barton charged President Coolidge rnd his secretary of the treasury, An drew Mellon with failing to enforce the prohibition laws. Just prior to the address of Senator | Johnson the young men and youmt I women of Louisburg township formu lated their organizations by the elec tion of officers as follows; I- Young men: "TV. D. Jackson, pres - ident' R. W. Alston, active vice.presi. 'dent;-J. B. King, secretary. I Young women: Miss Susie Meadows chairman; Mrs. J. R- Earle. Jr.. sec retary; Advisory Committee Mrs_M. C. Pleasants .Mrs. S. J- Parham, Mrs. vc K Allen. ' Mr R. G. Bailey, County Chairman Lf the Young Men's Democratic Cluta ? ' lcoorts the appointments of the tol lowing chairmen for the townships |Iiai)unos township?Mr. Edward Mul ^Harrls township-Mr^Charles V. 1' Youngsville township?Mr. Frank Timberlake. Franklinton township?Mr. Frea |^Hayesville township?Mr. Frank M.. I A>Sandy Creek township?Mr. Josh Tharrington. Howard Gold Mine township?Mr. J. Howard ?"cedar Rock township?Mr. Spen. ^Cypress Creek township?Mr. Mort. imLouteburg township?W. D. Jack S?The Young Womens democratic Club of Louisburg township will bout a meeting Monday night in the court house at 7:30. All ladies are invited to attend. * I HONORABLE WALTER ' ? ' MCRPHT TO SPEAK ' Arrangements have been torn- * pleted by which the Hen. Wat. * ter (Pete) Mnrphy will speak * te the voters el Franklin Conn. * ty op the political Issues of the * day during the recess of court * Tuesday, October 16th, IMS. ? Mr. Murphy Is easily one of the ? best speakers hi the State and * Is a favorite among Franklin ? county people. Chairman Ma- * lose, makes this announcement * with mnrh enthusiasm as so * many requests ham keen made * to secure him for at least eae * speech la Franklin county. < *