I? EVERYBODY BOOST LOUI9BURG The Fr anklet Times AS ADVERTISING JfEDIlM THAT BRINGS KESIXTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager _ THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNIOtyU SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN ' ? LCUI3BURG. N. C., FRIDAY, DEC. 21ST, 1928 ? (8 Pager) : NUMBER 44 P E ASLEY-CROSS W E D D I N tJ ? iiusually Beautiful Ceremony At the Methodist t'hnreh Saturday An unusually beautiful wedding of State wide Interest was solemnised lure Saturday aftempon at 6 o'clock . when Miss Edna Beasley, the charm ing and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Beasley, of Loulsburg, became the bride of Mr. Dwlght Cross, a popular young business man of JI-inters ville. Rev. Daniel Lahe, pastor of the Me. thodlst church here, assisted by Rev. J. W. .Grler, pastor of the Presbyterian church of jtuntersville, performed the ceremony in which the bride was giv en in marriage by her brother, Mr. Fieher J. Beasley, of Loulsburg, H. J. Cross, of Cherryville attending his brother as best man. The bride was elegantly dressed In a gown of beautiful white satin with long tight fitting bodice and full skirt, charmingly becoming and terminating in an uneven hemline which dropped gracefully to-the ankles. She wore also a beautiful necklace of Imported crystals. Her handsome veil of silk bridal tulle with point lace edge was caught back with sprays of orange blossoms, being made corpnet style. Tbe gorgeous train, made of grograin taffeta, was embroidered in pearls and orange blossoms. Her slippers of white satin were prettily adorned with lace end orange blossoms in keeping -??'t.li her costume. The bride carried 'oyely bouquet of bride's roses and < <ds showered with lilies of the v >7. ' Fradonia Brown, attending " sisley as maid of honor, was drt: -' In a lovely gown of orchid taffeta -rith tight fitting bodice and full skirt. She wore silver hose and slippers to match, and carried a large bonqust of.Columbia roses, showered with valley llllles and tied with a big tow of ribbon. Mrs. T. Max Watson, of forest City, picter of the bride, as dame of honor, word a beautiful, evdnlng dress of yellow crepe-back .satin trimmed In gold taffeta, with tong bodice and un even hemline falling gracefully to the ankles In tbe back. She carried a pretty arm bouquet of yellow pernet roses tied with a big bow of ribbon. Mrs. Watson also wore in her hair a tiara of rhlnestone .while dainty gold slippers and hose completed her cos Elizabeth Baskin and Mary Wilaon, ss bride's maids were dressed In gor ge ous evening dresses of pink trim med In tulle, both wearing silver hose and slippers and carrying shepherd's crooks, tied with bows of tulle to ?match. Pretty little Eleanor Beasley, niece of the bride, acting as rlngbearer, wore a dainty costume of blue tulle ovor thffeta, trimmed with silver, and white slippers and hose, while little Robert and Rebecca Beasley. twin niece and nephew of the bride, serv ed as pages. \he little girl being dress ed. In cream tulle over green taffeta stitched In silver, carrying a colonial corsage 6f roses, and the little boy dressed In a suit of white crepe, both wearing white slippers and hose, i F. F, Hastings, of HuntersVUle and J. B. Beasley, brother of the bride, Of Louisburg, were the groomsmen, while C. N. Hibberd, of Durham and AL W. Macon, of Louisburg, acted as -ushers. uust before the wedding party en tered, Mrs. H. R. Dobson, of Spartan burg, dfesaed In green taffeta and tuyevand we&rlne a shoulder corsage of pink roses, sang "All for You," and -"Constancy." As the wedding party entered, Mrs. ?O. Y. Yarboro, presiding at the organ, played the Wedding March from Lo hengrin. Little Mary Fuller- Beasley and William Lee Beasley, Jr., first ushered in a group of friends of the bride among whom were Ethel Starnes of Hickory; Willie Cockrane and Dana ?Cross, 'of Huntersvtlle; Catherine'Phil lips, Lyda Bishop and Louise Crow ;?T, of dfer, of Durham; Annie Harris, Lucy and Tllsdbeth Tlmberlake, - -Hdlen Smithwlck, Lucy Burt, of Lohlsburg, and Hazel, Lela and Beatrice Beasley, of Apex. As these friends were seated the ushers came In, then the brides maids and the groomsmen, following these the dame or honor and the maid ?o. honor. Just aftef the flower girl, the bride entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. F. J. Beasley, and the groom entered with his brother, Mr. H. J. Cross, as best man, -the two ministers entering from the rear of the altar-at the? same time. During the ceremony Mrs. Yarboro softly played Shubert's Serenade, Song of In dia, and Love's Dream. The party then left the church In reverse order as the Wedding March by Mendelssohn wos softly played. The church was beautifully decorat ed in green and white, the altar rail ing being entwined with smllax which wound Its way gracefully up oyer the choir loft. The chancel was made beautifully green by' immense ferns which made a most exquisite back ground for the large white chysanthe mnms In tall white wicker flower bas kets on the inner side of which stood two tall silver candelabra, each ^on talning seven white burning cand On their bridal tour , the bride and groom will first visit Kitty Hawk where they will attend the dedloation of a tablet commemorating the spot frrm which Qrville Wright made his eriy flrrt aeroplane flight twenty-live years ayo. From there they will visit Wash ington City, New York and other north ern cities, making the trip by automo bile. They will be at home after Jan. nary 1st In Huntersvtne, near Char I lotte. The bride is the, popular and ac complished daughter of?ltf? and Mrs. J. O. Beasley, of Louisburg, who hav ing completed her education at Duke University has taught for the past several years near Charlotte and Greensboro. .. "* The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cross, of Huntersville, a very prominent and successful young business man, being a popular Che vrolet dealer of that. section. - An informal reception was held at the home of the bride just after the wedding. Among the ? out of town guests \at.1 tending the wedding were the follqp-' ing: Miss Dana Cross, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cross, Mr.tester Cross, of Hun tersville; Mr. g.nd Mm. IV. B. Cross, of Oastonla; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cross, of Cherryvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman, of Charlotte; Mrs. Charles Macon, of Kington; Mrs. Wiggins and Mrs. Plummer Jones, of Wake For est; Miss Beatrice Beasley,'of ATpex; MY. Blair Beasley, of Franklinton; Miss Lyda Bishop, of Durham; Mr. T. Max Watson, of Spindale; Mr. W. C. J3erryhlll, of Charlotte. Bift Hogs , The following big hogs have been reported killed {n Franklin county the past week: , H. G. Finch two weighing 420, 430. J. T. Finch two weighing 320 and1 3t0. | Charles W. Gupton, Sandy Creek township, one weighing 490. 1 J. R. Burnette, Cypress Creek town ship, two weighing 179 and 327. i A. F. Vlck, Cypress Creek township,: two weighing 315 and 362. H. M. Wood, Cypress Creek town- i ship, three.weighing 316, 330 and 479.' S. G. Griflln, Cypress Creek town ship, six weighing 224, 232, 242, 242, 276 and 577. Mr, Frank Layton of Near Caatalla,; reports the killing of fhTSe hogs weigh Ing 260, 270 and 298. Public Installation of Officers' The Laurel Council No. 109 Junior Order U. A. M. will hold a public in. v stallatlon of officers at the Gold Sand i High School aiMltorlum on Friday i night, December 28th, 1928 at 7:20 j o'clock, at which time the newly elect J ed officers trill be Installed. ? splen-1 did program Is being arranged and i splendid speakers will be secured./ f< The public Is coydlally Invited to < attend. . _ ... . JI JOUNTY OFFICERS REQUIRED TO GIVE surety BONDS I The Board of County Commission: crs met in special session on Tues day with Commissioners McGhec-, Sturdivaut and Waison present. After the fotmalities of opening business was disposed of as follows; J. A. Hodges. County Auditor, made 'the following tecommendations which vdrn1 annrrtvafl ? ^ ? \ were Approved ? He recommended the following to be appointed ?to collect the insolvent taxes for; 1920 tp 1926: I Dunns and Harris?B. B. Brantley. Youngsville?Tom Young. Franklinton?Ed Hight. . * Hayasville?Frank Ayscue. Sandy Creek and Louisburg?K. E. Jeyuer. ' . Gold Mine-^-X .ft Wood. v? Ceddr Rock?Jim Lancaster. Cypress Creek?Bob Harris. That a commission of 25 per cent be allowed. That when the appoin tees' find unlisted property and secure the listing of the same they be al lowed the penalty allowed by law. He also recommended that a bote in the . amount of ten thousand dol lars. j>e sold on January 4th, 1929 ,to tqnew a part of the $25,000 note, due January 9th. This note to be given in anticipation pf collection of taxes. Upon motiOn it was ordered that the County Accountant be*1nstructe?l to advise each county ofTicer to make a* written report covering every re. commendation to, be filed with the Clerk to the Board by 10 o'clock on the morning of each regular meet ing T. W. Watson made report on bonds for county officers and tie cost of same. ' ? Upon motion all county officers were required to give bond in some Indemnity bonding company, and that one half the cost of all bonds be paid by the county with the exception*or the Sheriffs Tax Collection * bond, ?which amount will be taken care of by the county and that appropriation be set aside for this purpose. No other business coming befbre the Board adjournment was tajten. Installs Stop Light rjtii The city authorities of Louisburg are installing an automatic electric stop and go light at the ^ossing of Main and Nash streets, the busiest rcrner in town. This Is a timely in stallation for the safety tffippublic at this crossing as It is a dangerous place on account of the heavy traffic. ? Surry county farmers are investi gating their milk supply with the idea of Inviting the Kraft-Phenlx cheese company to. establish a branch plant In the eoynty. 1 ? MISS LOUISE TAYLOR WINS LARGE PRIZE ?Inner Piled Up US Million Votes; , Darnings In Contest More Than <75 Dally I Those who thrill a little to the ro. ^uunce In life will enjoy hearing the story of 23-year-old Miss Louise Tay : lor, of 5 North Caldwell street, Char ilotte. Miss Taylor tomorrow will be pre. j seated the Charlotte Observer with. I a $1,900 building lot and a check for I f 3:ooo. She Is the winner of the Observer's grand prize in Its r'ecent circulation latest Tn which eight automobiles and four cash prizes were the other awards.?.Charlotte "Observer. Miss Taylor is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Taylor, of Louisburg, and has .many friends here who ex tend their congratulations. \ J List of Jurors The following is a list ot jurors drawn for the January term of Frank. 1 in Superior Court: FIRST WEEK Dunns?D. D. Pearce, A. E. Wil liams, Will D. Pearce, Z. B. Johnson.' F. R. Mitchell, S, W. Brantley, Avon' B antley. I. O. Pearce, "P. D. Alford,1 J. fl. Bunn. .Harris?Julius Pearce, J. W. Card. Yungsville?C. H. Roberts, O. M. P'ldges, N. J. Hart, W. P. Faulkner, C G. Sanderford. . " Franklinton?J. S. Layton, A. H. Vann. J. R. Dent. E. W. McGhee, T. B. Conyers, J H. Harris, Jr. 'Tayesville?W. S. Ayscue, O. J. Wel don. v. d Sandy Creek?H. N. Edwards, W. C. Burnetts, D. E. Griffm. ? Gold Mine?Bryant King, P. W. Gup ton, Ri'R. Radford. H. B. Shearin. Cedar Rock?Z. V. Wheeler, N. C. '"lowland, Jr., Joe Mann Wheless. Cypress Creek?W. H. Deibridge, T. Pierce. Louisburg?C. C. Hayes. L. H? Cot trell, N. M. Perry, Jesse G. Moon. R. P. Neal. SECOND WEEK Dunns?F. C. Richardson, J. B. Al ford, J. S. Williams. Harris?W. N . Tlmberlake, J. V. Pearce, Richard T. Harris. Youngsville?Theo Dickerson. Franklinton?R. L. Conyers, W. G. Wilder. Hayesvillej?J. E. PernelV O. W. Weldon. Sandy Creek?E. A. Champion, Alex Dickerson. _ . Gold Mine?N. H. Grltfln. CSdar Rock?C. L. Bowden, G. B. Smith, Sol West, R. H. Leonard. Louisburg?W. O. Lasslter, 1ST. O. Inscoe, S. B. Nash, B. B. Perry. j Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Beasley Entertain I Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Beasley enter, tallied more than three hundred I friends at a brilliant reception here Friday night in honor of Miss Edna Beasley who was married to Mr. i Dwight Cross Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. ? . . I As the guests arrived they were greeted at the door 'by Mr. and Mrs. j Blair Tucker. Thence they were[ shown by Miss Eleanor Collie into the guest room where They mJgJht put; away their wraps. Thei^uests were; 1 then presented to the receiving line J By Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White and in-: troduced to the bridal party. Those in the receiving line were Mr. and j Jits. F. J. Beasley. Miss Edna Beas-1 ley. Mr. Dwight Cross, of Hunters- j ville; Miss Dana Crosv^Mr. Fred Has tings^and Rev. J. Grter, also of lluntersvilib; " Mr. Herman J. Cross, ^f Cherryville; Mrs. HT R^Dobson, of Spartahburg; Mr. and Mrs. T. Max Watson, of Forest- City; Miss Lyda [Bishop and Miss Brown, of Durham, and Mr. C. N. Hibberd, of Durham. | Mrs. Dave McKinne ushered the ^'isitors intb _the lovely dining room Rrhere they were-served brick ice [cream of pink and, white and green with dainty block iced cakes by 'Misses Sophia Clifton, Margaret Hol. dcn, Elsie Woofdridge. Margaret Wil der, Mary Fuller Beasley. Little Wil liam Lee Beasley, Jr., and Fisher Be.fsley, Jr., served pretty green and Ip'nk mints to the visitors. - | Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Perry showed the guests to the punch bowl where Miss Mary Wilson and Mrs. Joe Beft Peasley graciously served punch. Mr. 'Norwood Fuller showell the way to the bride's book which was presided over by Mr. and Mrs. W. E. White, Jr., in which every guest present was asked to register. The three front rooms of the pala tial home of Mr. and Mrs. Beasley on Sunset Avenue which were thrown oren for the occasion were beautiful, h?f-d with candles and soft lights. The L'i'ag room was especially pret ty aiftl attractive, with its large white bridA's cake in the center of a table over which hung a beautiful chande. 1,'er from which green and pink mallne extended to the four corners where it was tied into soft bows. Pink can dles glowing in 'silver candlesticks lent enchantment to the scene. Thanks We wish to^ express our apprecia- j tlr.ns to alT iSur friends and neighbors j' for the many kind and thoughtful 1 things they did <or us during the sick ness and death of onr husband and father. They will always be tenderly remembered. Mrs. C. H. Perdue and family. COLLEGE REOPENS ON JANUARY 15TH The trustees of Louisburg College in session here Friday, decided to re open the college op January 15. It tfas closed temporarily some time ago on account of the burning of the Ad ministration building. Harm will be made for the girls whc had quarters in- the Administra tion building by "completing the Franklin County building. S. S. Toler, Rocky Mount contractor, who did the original work on the Franklin Coun ty building, has been contracted with to finish the building for $35,00(1 and will commence work Monday morn. !ng. He agrees to complete the work as set out in the contract in thirty days. . Franklin county people have been canvassed for the collection of final p.edges and between eight and nine thousand dollars has been raised. The drive will be kept up as between fifty and sixty thousand donates was due on the Franklin county .pledges when the present canvass was commenced. The Franklin county building, when completed, will' house nearly one hun-. dred girls. The trustees plan to press the drive for the remainder of the million dol lars fro,a und-rtaking some tinse ago, part to be used in erecting buildings and part to be applied to the endow ment fund. Three hundred thousand dollars has been given or pledged, leaving a remainder of $7> 0,000 to be obtained. The immediate goal is to get. the churches of the North Caro lina Conference to pledge $350,000. Every district-lias a campaign in (pro gress. The other $350,000 will be raised in the form of special gifts. . ? The trustees expressed themselves, as very hopefdl. regarding the out look for the institution. Those pre sent for Friday's meeting were: Rev. A. J. Parker, of Hillsboro; Chevies S. Wallace, of Morehead City; Rev. F. S. -Love, of Raleigh; _Rev. S. A. | Cotttn, of Weldbn: W. iTCRhilght. of V.'eldon; W. E. White, of Loujsburg; John T. Evans, of Raleigh; F, B. Mc Klnne. of Goldsboro; Judge' E. H. tranmer, of Southport, and Rev. T. M' M.. Grant, of Wilson. Entertains Book Club Mrs. F. J. Beasley was hostess to ibe Twentieth Century Book Club and a number of. visitors at her home De Iccmber 11. Pink roses and ferns were used in the ropms which were thrown .cnsuite. Italy wa3 the topic for the afternoon and the following papers I were read: Northern Italy. Mrs. W. B. Tucker. Home. Ancient and Modern, Mrs. R. I.W. Smithwick. | " Southern or Greecian Italy. Mrs. J. B. Beasley. Mis? Margaret Wilder beautifully | rendered a piano solo. At the con clusion of the program Mrs. Tucker j presented to Miss Edna Beasley an | attractively bound cook book of tested rec'pes contributed by the cljib mem bers. A dainty piece of lingerie was also presented by the hostess. DeiH clous refreshments ..were served con sisting of roast turkey- with dressing, cream potatoes and - green -peas, can die-; ;ams, pickles, hot rolls and cof fee. followed by cake and cream car rying out a color scheme of pink and white. Visitors included Misses Collie, Alt good and Bradley, Mesdames F. M. Fuller. "Bi' B. Perry. C. M. and J. Y. Beasley, S. C. Williams, of Franklin ton and T. Ma\ Watson, of opimlnle. Help To Buy Health When the storms or fire destroy homes and take their toll of lives, the hearts of all Norih Carolinians go out in deserved sympathy. Every day in. the Past year was darkened by the' shadow of sorrow for some one .who had lost- a loved one by tuberculosis. An average of over seven people a day was claimed by death in North Carolina from tu berculosis last year. , The Tuberculosis Christmas Seals could have given life to some of these men, women and children had they been reached soon enough. Thous ands of people are alive today and will say, "Merry. Christmas." because of the work- of the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal. . You help to buy health for some one when you buy seals. Services At St. Paul's Sunday Rev. J. D. Miller, rector, announces that -there will be morning prayer at XI o'clock at St. Paul's- Episcopal church next Sunday, evening prayer at 7:30 .p. m. and Sunday school at 10 a. m. ' There will also be services Christmas day at J.1 a. m. Alt are In vited to attend. Services On Louisburg Circuit Rev. A. L. Thompson, pastor Louis bur^ circuit announces thai the pas ter will meet his regular appoint ments Sunday. December 33. Preach ing at Shtloh at 11 a. m. and at Ptney Grovfe at 3 p. m. The sermon will be ayChristmas message. Everybody Is lnyltsd. ': ? t" 8n pt. E. c. Perry visited (foRday,

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