TURNER'S CAROLINA ALMANAC ^ For The Year 1929 9 _- . 1 ~ PRICE 10 CENTS BEASLEY BROTHERS Phone No. 80 Next to Franklin Times Louisburg, N. C. Tobacco flea beetles are best con trolled In the plant bed. Make It tight and plant a trap bed round about, caution tobacco specialists. If the hens on your farm are not producing profits, the stock Is likely at fault. Sell the poor layers and re place with good stock. if ARM LOANS Loans on improved farm lands are now offered farmers of Franklin County at a rate of 5 1-4 percent interest. No bonus charged. These loans may run over a period of 33 years and be repaid on the amorti zation plan, or same may be repaid earlier.. ? ? ' " %r \ Louisburg National Farm Loan" Association A. F.JOHNSON, President Look Forward Now To 1929 \ OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US FOE SYSTEMATIC THRIFT IN 1929. PLAN .TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE GROWING WITH REGULAR DEPOS ^ ITS DURING THE COMING YEAR. At Your Money To Work Now: In our Savings Department, or on our Certificates of Deposit; we pay four per cent, and all deposits made on or before January 5th, will draw interest from January 1st. You can Call or Write ?L... Citizens Bank & Trust '9* Company HENDERSON, n. o. ~ v* RESOURCES , _ $3,000,000.00 j I ON EDGE Worried A Lot "1 took Cardui at intervals for three years, and have bean in good health since last foil," says Mrs. Noble J. Hayes, of Waterloo, S. C. "My Improvement after taking a course of this medicine was really remarkable. 71 am much stronger and can accomplish so much more work now. My weight increased twen ty pounds, and my color is good. "For a long time I had been feeling poorly. Some days I dragged around the house and had not enough energy to do my housework. ? "I worried a lot about myself. I did not seem like myaelf, and my nerves were all on edge. I did not sleep well, and my appe tite left me. "I found Cardui to be an excel lent tonic. After I had taken it a few weeks, I began to pick up and to gain in. weight and strength " I At all drug stores. SALT OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, made in the spe cial proceeding entitled Lidy Myers and husband B. O. Myers, Luna Mc Leod and husband L. H. McLeod, Lu. tle Pittman and husband K. D. Pitt man, Emily Inscoe and' Margaret Inscoe. Petitioners, vs W. M. Pinnell, Lucy Pinnell, Estelle Tucker and bus Land John Tucker, and Josephine Griggs, Defendants, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 14 (lay of January, 1929, at or about the hcur of 12 o'clock noon, sell at public auction at the court house door in Lcuisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate: 1. A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creda Township, FrVtnkllc County, North Carolina, con tatniug forty-two (42) acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of C. R. Mer. rit, Peter Foster, the old County Hone tract, and others. 2 A certain tract or parcel of land sftrate In Sandy Crtei Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, con taining llfty-four (54) acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. D. fil ler. Mrj, D. T. Fuller, the road lad ing from Moulton to Trinity church, and others. 3. A certain lot or parcel of land situate in the Town of Louis be g. Franklin County, North Carolina, ou Spring Street,,.adjoining the Metho. dist Parsonage, Mrs. Ina Harris ana S. S. Meadows,'and fronting 60 feet on Spring Street. * ? This sale is being made for parti ion among tenants In common. This December 12, 1928. HILL YARBOROUOH, 12-l4-5t Commissioner. RE SALE OF HOUSE AND LOTS Under and by virtue ot the power and authority vested In me In that certain deed ot trust executed on the :6th day of October, 1826, by J. D. Wlnfree, which said deed of trust Is duly recorded In the office of the Re. B'eter of Deeds for Franklin County books 2S1 at page 498; an