MOVED Next to T. K. Allen's Machine Shop Will be glad to serve you in any way. Cups and Saucers 75c set Plates 75c set Still Agent for International Harvester Co. W. G. Tharrington Phone 234 South Main St. Louisburg, N. C. A garden throughout the year with a surplus of vegetables to sell -Is the plan to be followed by home demon, stration^club women of Gaston coun ty this year. "IH8URE AJfl) BE SURE" "BE SURE and with T. W. WATSOU :.24-tf INSURE" Subscribe to The Franklin Times B. HAGEN PIANO TUNING with W. E. White Furniture Co. Jno. W. Kinq Headquarters for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables COUNTRY PRODUCE A SPECIALTY Green O&bbage, Turnip Salad, Spinach, Kale, Rutabagas, Turnips, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Strawberries. HOME-MADE SAUSAGE HOME-MADE CAKES RED BAND FLOUR We now have it in stock, one of the highest grade Flour on the market and the Flour that won four Blue Ribbons at last North Carolina State Fair. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED Market St. Phone 101 Fresh?Tasty Choice Cuts of Meat Stop .optthe way. to a meal and take home with you one of these deliciotsly fresh outs. It will please your wife?and when you taste a morsel of our fresh Ineat ?you will agree-that the quality is hard to beat. We aim to satisfy, and if we don't never hesitate to tell us about it. Our choice of meats is so large that the most par ticular oustomer can find just what is wanted here. Call Phone 257 for Prompt Service?We Deliver Cash's Meat Market "Better Meats For Less Money" Main Street Louisburg, N. 0. | i HI. Bl'JiX high SCHOOL BRONCHO ~~*1 * Publicity Club Editors: Hugh Moody, Chief Editor Errna Strk-kinud, Senior Editor Margaret Williams, Junior Editor * Pauline Johnson, Sophomore Editor * Albertine Strickland * Section A, Ereshinan Editor * Deelmo Clay Section B, Freshman Eedtor Phil Griffin, Athletic Reporter George Fuller, Y. T. H. F. Reporter ? Sherwood Beddingfleld Science Clnb Reporter Minutes of the L. X. A. Society On Wednesday afternoon, February 6, 1929, the I* M. A. Society met In the auditorium for a short program. The society was called to order by the president. "Carry me back to old Virginia," w^s sung by the society. The roll was called and the minutes were read by the secretary after which i very interesting program was ren dered with Miss Esther Pearce as sroup c&ptaln. The program consisted of the --fol owing numbers: Piano solo by Bruce Dodd. Story by Bobbie Medlln. Reading by Moselle Ray. Duet by Crama Brantley and Ea :rice Richardson. Debate, resolved that examinations ihould be abolished In high school. Affirmative: Estelle Richards, Edith Olckerson." Negative: Katherine Wea vers, Ruby Horton. The affirmative side won with a wo to one decision. The society then adjourned. 1 iiie Dramatic Cine Writes Original i'lays The Little Theatre Dramatic Clnb members are writing original plays.! Many of the members have their plots j md. Bomq, parts written, but Only one lias been complete?. ,Tfils~dH? ~wa* written by Mary Lee Alford. It has : i great many chornses which are be.' ing composed by members of the clubv The local high school fans wltness ?d a very lively contest between the liome team and the Franklinton team tiere February 1. Both teams fought jn somewhat equal basis for the first lew minutes oif the game, but by the end of the first half the visitors were trailing with the little end of the score t>f 15 to 7. In the second half thej Bunn boys showed some real skill in basket ball. The final count was 331 to 15 in favor of the Bunn team. Dick-, erson lead the scoring of the evening! with fourteen points while Ward lead' the scoring of the visitors with five' points. | -- , , , -i rata Watch for the definite announce ment of "Eyes of Love" In next week's Bunn School News. "Eyes of Love" Is a dramatic comedy that has enough fun In It for the" whole family, which will be given at Bunn High School sometime soon. ? ? ? The Bunn High School team won over the Wakelon team tonight by a score of 25 to 16 In a very warm con test. Wakelon early took the lead through the long shots of Privette. The visitors held this lead until the beginning of the second half whenl the locals came back strong In both defensive and offensive work. The score at the end of the second half was 14 to 11 In favor of the visitors. White for Bunn was high scorer with a count of fourteen points. Strickland i for Bunn did some gooid defensive work. Privette led the visitors with a score of six points. ? ? ? Bunn. Feb. 8.?Bunn High School won another game within the week from the Bailey lligh Schpol by score of 25 to 11. The game was fea tured by good defensive work on both sides with some moments of rare of fensive work by the locals. At the end of the first half the locals were leading by a margin of 14 to 5. Dlck erson led the^ scoring of the evening with nine points. Flowers led the scoring of the visitors with six points. ? ? ? Vocational Agriculture Work The agriculture boys and teacher, Mr O'QuInn have been doing some pruning for the people In this com munity. We have had some days that were too rough to go out pruning. So on these rough days we stay In and take text book work. Every day that the weather is suitable we will be out pruning trees for people in our com munity. We are planning to do some spraying of fruit trees if any of the ncnpip want. It done. We are hoping they will. We can already see sev eral orchards that need spraying, but we don't know wbeth^f the people will want them sprayed or not. We also have culled a few flocks of birds. We will do more if we are Informed to do so. * * * The Soy Bean, Its Culture and Use The extensive utilization of the soy lean for forage and the increased use of the bean for oil and for human food have resulted In the Increase of acro1 age of the crop. Ttfe"' climate adaption of the soy bean are about the same as thpse of corn. The soy bean succeeds best in fertile sandy loam and clay soil. When sown on land not previously planted to this crop It should be Inoculated. Electric Service In The Ii6me HAVE THOSE ODD JOBS DONE NOW Extra Baseboard Receptacles, Switches, etc. installed. Floor or Table Lamp Rewired. Vacuum Cleaner, Flat Iron, Curling Iron, Sewing Machine Motor or Electrical Devices of any kind repaired. All Repair Jobs Called For and Returned. franklin Electric Co. Pljone 206 405 So. Main St. Louisburg, N. C. rhe best time (or planting soy beans s about that (or planting Corn. Soy >eans may be combined in many ways ?( crop rotation their crop value be ng sufficient to encourage the growth >( the beans as one ot the main irops. The large yield ot seed, the ease ot lai vesting it and the increasing de nand tor the bean "TofTFfahting pur. >ose (or (ood, and (or the production )t oil and meal, recommend the soy >ean (or seed production. The grow, ng ot seed (or (eedlng will produce it a moderate cost, at least part o( :he high protien corn certrates ne ;easary (or. stock (eeding and milk pro lucttoa. The straw obtained trom hrashing soybeans tor seed is a valu ible teed tor all kinds o( stock. The loy beans makes an excellent hay o( ligh (eeding value which is greatly -cllshed by all (arm animals. Some imes as high as 4 tons to the acre ire obtained. The variety and pala. ability o( the (orms In wintn the soy leans can be sowed make it a very lesirable article ot human (ood and ft its use as such is gradually increas ing^ 1 ? No insect or fungous pest lias' a sumed any great ecomoic importance in the culture of the crop. The soy beans can be served make it a very a disease caused by an eelworm or nematode which occurs in many of the lighter soils of the South. To TrtaWi'oyheaira-tm such Infertile sort is a very dangerous practice. * ? ? Cooperative Marketing Keeps Going Forward Just because our tobacco farmers of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina no .longer have a cooperative marketing organization, many of them fail to realize that the great, trium phant, world-wide movement for co operation goes right on without us. Meanwhile the cooperative association are learning better and better me thods of doings business. So much is being learned about the right ways to manage cooperative marketing that (Continued on Page Six) Does the gasoline you buy have these qualities? ^ 11 should, if you are a careful buyer... All gasoline (unless dyed) looks pretty much alike, but there are certain qualities that make one gasoline better than any other. "Standard" Gasoline is the best "buy" on the market today, for "Standard" has these outstanding qualities: Easy Starting?even in coldest weather. Quick Acceleration?necessary in traffic. Power, Steady and Reliable?lot hill climbing and long, hard runs. Mileage Efficiency?proved over and over byroad tests in every type of car. Safety to Motor?a fuel that cannot possibly injure your engine. Complete CombustionI?a fuel that burns cieanly, leaving practically no carbon, and burns completely, leaving no "loose ends" to seep down and dilute the motor oil in the crank case. Uniformity?you can set your carburetor on "Standard" and forget it, foe every gallon is like every other gallon, wherever you may buy it. Availability?"Standard" Gasoline has the further advan #.tage of being easily obtained, as Pur red "Standard" pumps , arc conveniently located throughout the length and breadth of this state. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey has had 59 years of experience in refining petroleum. It has a staff of oyer 300 men engaged solely in research work for the betterment of its products. So, you can safely depend on "Standard" Gasoline being kept at top quality. If new methods develop further improvements in gasoline, "Standard" will have them. Buy "Standard," the dependable quality gasoline. STANDARD Olb COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY There is no truly "anti-knock" motor fuel being sold, except at a premium price. The heat known "anti-knock" Kiel is ESSO, the Giant Ptiwer Fuel. It ia acknowledged by engineers to be in a class by Itself?a genuine "anti tek" fuel, specially made for use in compression motors, and In motors that are carbonized from long usage. ESSO coats more to make, and has >o be told at a small premiutn ovtr "Standard" Gasoline, bur ESSO ghrea an extra Engine performance barer be fore experienced. On sale 6nly at the airer gsSQ Puaipi Vith the ESSO .