My new stock includes anything you may desire for ( rny occasion, morning, afternoon or evening. | I have a complete line of graduation gifts, school badgges, medals, etc. I make a specialty of College Seal jewelry. A call will be appreciated. JEWELRY REPAIRS ? If you have a piece of jewelry of any kind that needs repairing bring it to me and you may be sure it will get the best attention at the lowest prices. I am tfell established and prepared to handle any kind no matter what the conditions might be. L. W. PARRISH 1 I JEWELER | Court Street , 1 Louisburg, N. C. j "ANTIQUES" Electrify your favorite old oil lamp or that anti que vase. Make a nice table lamp from that oil lamp, vaeo or email statue, ?? ?? If .you have something you want electrified don't say iitan't be done. An inquiry* should at least be made. If it is repair work, wiring or special work, call *? . E. M. Bailey, Phone 206. Franklin Electric Co. PKone 206 405 So. Main St. Lonisbnrg, N. C. Kt-'f If You Want A home of Your Own BEGIN BANKING YOUR MONEY Now! It is not such a hard matter to own your own home or to be financially independent. It is simply a matter of deciding to save and bank a certain sum of money each week or month?AND THEN DO IT! Stick with it, allow no exceptions?that will be the hardest part, for a time?then it will become natural?just a **?0 'iy/L Soon you can make the first payment on that home yon want so much, and pay out on it with your regular savings. Don't procrastinate longer?start your savings ac count now and you are started on your way toward owning your own home. THIS BANK WILL WELCOME YOU! =_ OUK RALEIGH LETTER (Continued on Page Four) H' by Judge W. A. Deviu who pre sided at the trial o( the case, former Bai cltcr Wulter D., who proaa cuted the defendants, and a large number of Wayne County cltixene, all of whom expressed the opinion Jthat there was grave doubt as to the guilt of Foster whose sentence had been commuted to life Imprisonment by Cevernor Cameron Horrtson In 1921. A meeting of the new Board of the Department of Conservation and De velopment has been called by the Gov ernor for Thursday, Hay 2nd, In this city. This will be the first meeting for Jos. J. Stone, Greensboro, and W. C Ewlng, Fayettevllle, who were na med to succeed George L. Hampton, of Canton, and Frank H. Stedman, of Fayettevllle. The Department reports that the State leads in per cent gain in new indusrles and presents care fully worked out statistics to substan tiate the claim. The figures show a production record of 91.154,000,000 In goods, leading* every other southern state and second In increase among the Important manufacturing states. According to Director J. W. Harrel son, one of the major items of busi ness to be brought before the meeting on Thursday will be the Inland fish eries regulations over which the Bosun) has large discretionary powers. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The lands hereinafter described having been offered for sale on April 8th, 1929, and an upset bid having been deposited as by law provided, and an order of resale having beem made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County In that ac tion entitled "Andrew Joyner, Jr., Trustee, vs Mrs. Bessie Fhirgurson" directing a of said lands, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, MAY 20, 1929, at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse doog In Loutsburg, N. C., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following descri bed real estate, to.wit: of land sit uate in the Town of Louisburg, N. C., and beginning at a rock on the E side cf Kenmore Ave., the White corner; thence S 57 1-2 E 24 poles 16 links to a stake, a corner In the said White line; thence N 82 1-2 E 6 poles to a stake; thence N 57 1.2 W 24 poles 16 links to a stake near a red oak on Kenmore Ave., the Thomas corner; thence N 32 1-2 W 6 poles along Ken more Ave. to the beginning, contain ing 9 24-1000 of Tan acre; and being the same tract of land conveyed to W. H Furgurson by J, M. Allen, st al, by dtied dated Jan. 113, 1902, and record ea In Franklin County Registry, book 128, page 9; and by deed of W. S. Furgurson to Bessie Furgurson o'jn Jan. 14, 1902, also recorded In Frank lin County Registry. This the 1st day of May, 1929 E-3-3t Commissioner^ Little wonder the woods are beam ttful. We read in the papers that posses' are always scouring gnem. "J. T." Says: Capt. Joyner, who won the race, Is the man they all liked best I They "didn't Torget that smiling lace, ~ And that's what feathered his nest. It's "your honor,'* and don't forget, ? And a hard "old bird" to fight; He wpn with ease?not even a bet? They knew things be all right. "Your Honor," the time, please. J. T. Howard. Don't blame. the Hen if she doesn't produce eggs for you as you think she should. More than likely she's starring ? not for want of enough feed, but for the RIGHT feed. Give your hens Quaker FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH and you can't go wrong. For this feed has an oatmeal base ?con tains everything your birds need to enable them to lay regularly. Come in and see this great egg mash. FOB BALE BT L. P. HICKS L0UI8BITM, 5. C In grandfather's day they fought 11 duels tor honor. Today they fight ' heavyweight prise fights tor millions. Science has produced a super.oys ter, and may we presume that one In aJ>owl of soup will give It more klckf H6w much better It Is to belong to the construction gang, than the wreck ing crew. ? ale Subscribe to The Franklin Times Straw Hats Yours to serve, A. J. Jarman 101 If. Mask St Opposite P. 0. Phone 11S "IHSTJKE AITD BE 5UHE ? "BE SUBS aid with T. W. WATSOS 2.24-tf " IH8ITPE" rc DANGER Warning to The Public! V parti ally on account of people wear ing damp or wet shoes, half -fv lefr'-ftpe not water proof,"tfaere fore we have purchased a stock of water proof full or whole Pnnco Soles which we can gua rantee to keep your feet dry. Price only a fraction higher than half soles. L0UI8BURQ REPAIR SHOP J. LEmUX. Proprietor* Next to Tar River Bridge DR. J. G MANN the wall known Eyesight Spec ialist and Optician will be at Parrlsh Jewelry' Store, Louis, barf, N. C., every first end third Thursday. Office boors 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Over twenty years dally experience in examining eyes. His next visit will be Tburs. day, May 2nd, 1929. FOR SALE! We bare lilted tor ail* follow ing properties: Nice lot, N. Main St, near col. leg*. 1 lota facing Graded School gTonnds. Lot N. Church 8treat 48 acre* farm land Crpresa Creek ownahlp 888 acres farm land, growing timber. Cedar Rock Township. 78 acres farm land Cedar Rock Township 1 nice dwelling town of Louis, ttarg. Franklin Insurance & Realty Co. We sell all kinds Ininranee and Bonds?Sep as for roar needs. Prompt and accurate service. The Store of Greater Values / - . ? ? ' ? ? ' r , ? . . , , ?? . ? ?r ???.?_. - ?- - - ? _ 7 ? ? v IN LOUISBURG I? L Kline & Co. Incorporated We promise you at all times the best values thg_t Tnoney can" buy, and should you ever find that we overcharge you on any purchase that you can re place for less money elsewhere, we will gladly re fund the difference upon proof of lower prices. We will also cheerfully refund the purchase price of any iten)J.hat c^es not give you entire satisfac ? .j.'iiiim This store stands ready to serve you in the best manner possible, and we assure absolute satisfac tion in every transaction. We appreciate your patronage and welcome the L. KLINE & CO., Inc. . . i V * Louisburg, IT. Carolina Auto Repair Work > Two First Class Mechanics NOBE MEDLIN C. E. STRICKLAND Both Well Known to the People of this County Your work will be appreciated and satisfaction guaranteed. Radio Repair Work, any make. Come to See Us. ALL REPAIR WORK CASH GASOLINE AND OIL EIGHT HOUR BATTERY SERVICE Car Greasing and Washing. FREE Crank Case., Service. Louisburg's Oldest Garage BECK'S GARAGE Day Phone 311?Night 46 Lonisburg, N. 0. International Farm Implements I have the International Riding Cultivator. Come i and look them over. ? I CAN GIVE YOU EASY TERMS TO ' )' ? * PAY FOR THEM. t0 YOl Don't fail to do this for it will mean money t? YOU. Genuine Chattanooga Plaw Casting. ? My prices are the very best can be had. Over next to T. K. Allen's shop. Come to see me. Yours to serve, W. G. Tharrington T. Phone 234 South Main St. Louiaburg, JT. C.

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