over *' ? -r r;v.L-: New Six Cylinder since Jan.!*? , "Sweeping constantly ahead to greater and great er heights of popularity. ..making and breaking new records of success with impressive regu larity. ? ? i the new Chevrolet Sbdhhas established one of the most remarkable recotds iiuautomo tive history-^naore than 500,"OSO on Ae road sincevvJanuary 1st! ' Not only does thisNbifttiant accomplishment surpass the greatest record that Chevrolet has ever achieved in the past-Hbut it beings to Chev rolet the significant honor of having built in only four months a greater number of six-cyl inder cars than any other manufacturer has ever produced in an entire year! Even with such a record to focus attention upon f the outstanding value of the Chevrolet Six? ' many, people stilhdo not appreciate what "a Six in theg>rice range of the four" actually means! * To such persons, consideration of the features responsible for this tremendous popularity will proveatrevelation. So read the adjoining column carefully?and then come in and ask for a ride in this sensational six-cylinder car. roadster;.. -?535 T h e COACH {UftxNMu ?725 Tim 1 Icic A maM ThcSEDAN >CQC PHAETON..: ?>*?> , -^T ?Ik| ?BL1V?RV ;W!) COUPE '?5 3 1 ER vcifSs's. *..*400 ?.'675 'VI y ? SaS!i,..jW5 S5SKrr...'.?695 "'SSiSiSr' WSfSSr813.^ COMPARE the delivered price n* well aeitha list price in MOildertat automobile values. Chevrolet *e ddiraaifrirtt % include only ree?nwble ch?Hw for diMnty nndtnawclnft (Outstanding Feature of the New Chevrolet Si: 'tbatlhawcreated'ttfi tremendous Popularity d^dinder Smoothness Due tnithe finer inherent balance of its six-cylinder anotor*tthe new Chevrolet Six provides that smooth, ?quiet,.flexible performance which-U-characteristic of ?*the-?nly fine automobile.' At every speed, the power is '-delfotfed easily, freely and without annoying.*MKaifc>n. Getaway III sheer brilliance of performance, as well as in smooth ness aid quietness of operation, She-new.Chevrolet Six -.-is ?jef*lation. Acceleration is remarkably fast. And a ~ new^ aon-detonating cylinder head eliminates every trace of "lugging." Hie new.Chevrolet Six has speed, in abundance^dnit even nenn> important than it restful comfort -you experience at ^very-point on the pspeedometer. . You can open the throttle wide with a Better Than 20 Miles Pe*&Hlan > Thejnarvelous performance of the Qhevretot Siaevould be-exceptional in any car. But in theesewVhevfolet Six .. iX.i*ae*ual!y sensational?for here it is cotiblnedaith an eoonomy of better than 20 miles to the gallon of a gasoline! Excepiional Riding Comfort Another vital factor that has influenced oyer a half ? > ?0Slknp>pedpltr4nMheir selection'of fit he new Chevrolet Six is its raarvelou*tiding catoforti i It travels smoothly over sough roads lartid ith balanceea turns and corners Lisjsapqptional. ,e Beautiful FisherJBodies .lapttMover and roomier?finished in attractive, long lasting dolors?and upholstered in rich, deep-tufted : iabrics??h?i new Fisher bodies on -the Chevrolet Six infiatstMhsce into the low-price field an entirely new ''style and distinction. - n ssr> iW"W\sisxasi rlhllttsl si rfoveouepenaainmy ?*" Tested dor more tn?n a million miles on the roads of * the. General 'Motors Proving Ground-?the new Chevro let <&i* went into the hands of its owners thoroughly ,,h Six i fwtht poice range of the four I LOUISBURG MOTOR C?. , f unr 9TBXCT HOTOK C#? MUMm, jr. C. fk-* B ? I ? ;iNi ? iTiH 'E P?,InC*E m an g e of the fou.fi,