'IYIBTBODI BOOST LOC18BUBG The . Franklin Times '? k Z..." ^ SR AI>VER1 ISUIfi MEOIITI THAT BBL3GS KESCXT3 ? 7. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE ? TATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION Per Year VOLUMN LX. , ~ LOUISBURQ, N. 0, FRIDAY, MAY 10TH, 1929 (10 Pages) NUMBER 12 TO RETAIN HOME AGENT WORE Beam Turns In $2,371.70 Net Delinquent Taxes Board Refuses Sheriff $960 But Pays $600 Due For Collecting Taxes? Receives Many Reports?Adjourn to Meet Again May 81st. The Board of County Commission, era met in regular session on Monday with all members present After ap proving minutes of former meetings business was transacted as follows: Mrs. Jane McKlmmon was before the Board In regard continuing the Home Demonstration work In Frank lin County. As a result resolutions were passed continuing this work for the coming fiscal year, that Miss Cald well's services are acceptable to Franklin County and that Mrs. AJta Shilling be commended for her splen did work and tor continued services through the State department. The Sheriff was ordered to make advertisement and sale of all proper ty upon which taxes for 1928 remain unpaid on the first Monday in June. Report of the County Accountant T. W. Watson made his report which was accepted. John P. Bross' request for reduction in tax on car was rejected. J. Z. Terrell filed his report from the Welfare department which was re ceived. Q. JB, r Barham reported fourteen, prisoner' in jail. J. B. Sturdlvant filed reports of Mrs. Alts Shilling, Home Agent, and Dr. S. P. Burt, acting Health OfTIcer, both of which were accepted. The Sheriff was required to provide a list of all delinquent tax payers oth er than those who have listed real es tate and file same on the first Monday G. M. Beam tendered his check for $2,371.70 balance due on collections of delinquent tax suits which was accep. ted.?? -* ?* ' - ' A. W. Sandling made report on con dition of bridges which was received and filed. 1150 was transferred from the emer gency fund to the Mother's Aid Fund. A' motion preralled that the County participate on an equal basis with the State on the Mother's Aid fund the coming year. An agreement was made in the mat. ter of the Ford notes, providing that one-half and all interest and costs be paid at this time. T. W. Watson moved and Barham seconds a motion that the Sheriff be paid $950.00, balance due on collection of taxes for 1928. A roll call vote re corded Watson and Barham voting aye, Terrell and Sturdlvant, no. J. B. Sturdlvant makes motion, sec. otided by Terrell, that Sheriff be paid $600.00 balance due on collection of taxes for 1928. A roll call vote recor ded Terrell, Sturdlvant and McOhee, aye, Watson and Barham, no. Applications for Constable for Lotf lsburg township was referred to T. W. Watson as there was no vacancy. The Board approved the purchase of road machinery for Harris town, ship. Q. M. Beam was Instructed to as certain from Senator W. M. Person his intention as to when the increased salary to Deputy Sheriff W. N. Fuller should begin and: the County Account ant was ordered to draw vouchers in accordance therewith. Mrs. B. T. Holden and F. J. Bsasley were before the Board seeking an ap. proprlatlon for the Sesqul Centennial. The matter was referred to Q. M. Beam for legal opinion. In the mattsr of W. O. Kearney, dog. It was ordered that no funds are avail able for treatment for rabies. The demand for payment for sheep killed by dogs by Moses Nee!, was referred to J. A. Hodges for lnvesti. gallon. A resolution asking the Highway Commission not to establish other roads across Franklin County, except such as will be beneficial to the Coun. ty and with the Boards consent was passed. The request tor reduction on land value for tax for timber sold by J. P. Tlmberlake, was deferred. A request from the Children's Home Society of Greensboro was deferred! because of no available funds. Report of Johfi Hedgepeth, Super-' Intendent of County Home was recelv -ed and filed. He report# 6 white, It colored Inmates. After allowing a number of ac. counts the Board adjourned to meet again on May 31, with the Board of Education. ' The minutes of the special meeting h6ld on April 19th, 1929 were as fol lows: This being a special called meeting In reference to amount lost by W. H. Ailen Co., on school contract: Upon roll call the following Commissioners were found to be present: C. L. Mc. Ghee, Chairman; T. W. Watson, J. Z. Terrel, C B. Barham and J. B. Stur dlvant Upon motion of T. W. Watson and seconded by J. B. Sturdivant the fol lowing resolution was passed by a roll call vote, Watson, Sturdivant and Bar. ham voting aye, and Terrell, no. Be it resolved by the Board of Coun ty Commissioners for the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina. First, that the Recounts filed with this Board for balance due for the erection of school buildings at Wood, Harris and White Level In the said county, be and the same are hereby approved and allowed to the amount of forty, eight hundred dollars and twenty-six ^ents. J&sflnd^.Ttat It Is found m jl fact by the Board that the erection of said school buildings were absolutely necessary for running a six months school term and providing equipment for the same within said county of Franklin, and that the spld sum of forty-eight hundred dollars and twen. ty-six cents Is justly due for and on account of the erection of said build, lngs. Third, that the said County of Franklin Issue and deliver to the said W.-H. Allen Co., Inc., Contractors and Builders, of Louisburg, N. C? in set tlement of said balance tor and on ac. count of the erection of said build ings, Its negotiable promissory note payable to bearer in said sum of forty eight hundred dollars and twenty .sir Cents, bearing date of April 19, 1929, dqe and payable December 1st, 1929, | bearing interest from' date at the le gal rate of 6 per cent per annum, and ,that said note b^substantlally In the following form. (Then followed the form of the note.) Fourth, That the full faith and credit of the County of Franklin be and the same is hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of 'the said note and interest thereon at ! maturity. All in accordance with and provided for In Chapter 81, Public Laws of North Carolina, session 1927. On motion of C. B. Barham and sec. onded by T. W. Watson, all Commis sioners voting aye,, the County Ac countant was authorised to pay the ' Clerk of the Superior Court $2fi.OO per month, as Clerk to the Recorders ! Court, begglnnlng March 1st, 1929. I This completing the business before the .meeting adjournment was taken. 'POPPY DAY' As "Poppy Day" draws near, the minds of our "people torn to the men in the hospitals who are still paying the price of the World War. These men who are maimed In body and mind: who possibly will never be any better. Our minds also turn to the little children of these men, who also taust suffer unless some one remem bers. Every year the American Leg ion Auxiliary, sponsored by the Am erican Legion, puts on the sale of Veteran made .poppies. These popples are made by the men who have lost their arms and legs, who have been wounded and gassed and who have lost their minds In that horrible tur moil of the World War. The men who make the popples receive a cent a piece for them, and there are very few who can make as many as 800 a day. The American Legion Auxiliary sells the popples and every cent of the proceeds go to help the disabled man and his family who are In need, even in want. Not a cent of the poppy money can be used for office upkeep, dinners, salaries, etc. It has all been pledged to the disabled ex-service man and his family. When you pay a quarter or a dime for your little red flower bear In mind that this money will be used by people" who are under bond to see that It Is only used for an ex-kervlce man who Is In dire need' of assistance because of physical dis ability Incurred because of his ser vice. Peanut growers of Scotland County have made a cooperiMe order for seed, limestone and landplaster to be seed In growing the crop this season. COL. C. L. McGHEE ELECTED PRESIDENT To Hold Exercises on Sunday, June 2nd, 2:30 P. M. To Sell Membership Badges This Tear ?Making Preparations For Excep tionally Interesting' Exercises. The Franklin County Memorial As sociation held It's regular annual meeting Tuesday afternoon, May 7th. The meeting wag for the purpose of making plans for the annual Memor ial exercises which will be held June 2nd, .and for the election of officers for 1930. The meeting was called to order and presided over by 1st Vice-President A. F. Johnson. The first business in order was that of the election of officers for 1930. A nominating committee consisting of Mrs. R. C. Eeck, Mrs. f). T. Fuller and T. K. Stockard, selected and presented candidates for the various offices to the members present. The following officers were unanl mously elected: President, Colonel C. L. McOhee, Frankllnton. Lcuisburg. 2nd Vice-President, Miss Mary Kear ney, Frankllnton. 3rd Vice-President, Mrs. David Spl vey, Youngsvllle. Treasurer, Mrs. B. N. Williamson, Loulsburg. ? ? Secretary, Mrs,. Hugh W. Perry, Loulsburg. Chairmen of the various Standing Committees are to be selected and ap pointed by the President Elect. A motion prevailed that the n^wly elected officers take charge of the As. sociation immediately after the annual Memorial Exercises each year. A motion prevailed that the Finance Committee Conduct the sale of mem bership badges in the F. C. M. A. ten days prior to the date of the annua'. Memorial Exercises each year. badges -to he-sohh for- 26c ench, And every purchaser becoming a member of the Association. MR. J. A. DEAN DEAD Mr. J. A. Dean, one oI Franklin County's most popular and successful planters and cltlxens, died at his home near Cedar Rock early Saturday mor ning, after a brief Illness. He 'was seventy years of age, and leaves be sides his wife, nine children, Messrs. J. Wilson Dean, T. Spencer Dean, Wil liam Ricks Dean, Clifford T. Dean, Ed ward F. Dean, Mrs. Arthur Vlck, of Nashville, Mrs. Harrel Braswell, of Whltakers, and Misses Eula and Lu cretla Dean. He also leaves two bro thers, Messrs. T. P. Dean and W. T. Dean, and one sister, Mrs. Kate Yar. boro. * *9|M#Ei The funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, conducted,by Rev. J. S. Hop kins, and was largely attended. The Interment was made in the family cemetery near the home. The pall- j bearers were nephews ef the deceased and were as follows: Jlmmle Whe less, Jackson Dean, O. Y. Yarboro, Marvin Davis, John Wheless, J. A. Boone, Taylor Boone, William Boone. The honorary pallbearers were: C. T. Stokes. O. B. H. Stalling*. J. R. Earle, W. O. Stone, J. T. Inscoe, J. B. Glas gow, Q. S. Leonard, Charlie Wheless, F W. Wheless. M. 8. Clifton. F: J. Beasley, G. W. Murphy, E. L. Best, C. P. Harris. The flora! tribute was especially large and pretty, speaking a most ten der message of love and esteem fjr one who had contributed so much to the progress of the community aud county. Mr. Dean was a devoted husband and father and a kind and sympathetic neighbor, who will be greatly missed In his community The bereaved family and relatives haw the deepest sympathy of a large tost of friends. TOWN ELECTION QUIET AFFAIR Possibly the quietest election ever held In Loulsburg was held on Tues day when Capt. L. L. Joyner was elec ted Mayor and Messrs. W. E. White, A. W. Person, G. W. Ford, F. H. Allen, Malcolm McKlnne, Dr. A. H. Fleming, Commissioners by a rote of 61 out of a total registration of 700. There was no issue Involved In the election this year and therefore a lack of In. teres t. TO REBUILD AT MAPLE VILLE To Follow New Law Making' Budget Board Makes Setttement With W. H. Allen Co, for Wood, White Level. Hickory Bock and Harris School Buildings?To Meet Again May 31st To Arrange Budget. The Board of Education met In reg. ular session on Monday with A. F. Johnson, J. H. Joyner, Mrs. T. H. Dick ons, W A. Mullen and E. L. Green present. The minutes of April the 8th and April the 16th were read and approved. The final settlement of M. S. Davis, architect, was deferred until the first Monday in June. C. P. Harris, W. R. Perry, Amos Wheless, Sam Fuller and Walter Strange came before the Board and presented a petition signed by resi dents of the Mapleville School Dis trict asking that the Mapleville School b-? rebuilt. The Board granted the pe tition and plans for rebuilding will be made the first Monday In June. The secretary and E. H. Malone were instructed to sell the Red -Bud school building. J. H. Joyner was In structed to Investigate the damage that has been ddne the old building at Gold Sand, finding out from the prin cipal and janitor the ones responsible for the damage, and to make what re pairs necessary for the protection of fhe building. The high school text book adoption made by the County Committee, on April 12, 1929, was approved. E. L. Green and the secretary were instructed to make plans tor taking care of the truckB during the summer months. It was ordered that between now and the first Monday in June the secretary would receive bids on coal year 1929-30. The bids must Include analysis of composition, and delivery tv Uje school buildings. For the pro nf ?h? Board And bidders, the ' Board reserves the right to have all weights checked by a representative from the Board. The Board decided to meet Friday, May 31st to make the school budget for 1M9-3* and the county commit stoners were notified of this meeting and were asked to meet with the i Board at t P. M. on that date. In pre. paring the budget, the superintendent was Instructed to follow the State Sal ary Schedule In the employing ol teachers and the 1929 law In the num ber employed. A number of routine accounts were allowed and adjournment was taken. The Board of Education met in spec iai session on April 16th with A. I*. Johnson, Mr T. H. Dickens, J. H. Joyner, W. A. Mullen and E- L. Green l resent. The object of this meeting was to make final settlement with the W. H. Allen Co. on contract for White Level. Hickory Rock, Wood and Harris school buildings. The W. H. Allen Co. pre sented an Itemised itatement of extras that were placed in these buildings amounting to $6,135.27, which were not included in the original contract. The Board In conference with the architect, M. S. Davis, went over each of these Items. A motion made by J. }l. Joyner and seconded by W. A. Mullen, that the W. H. Allen Co. be allowed $2,217.85, was carried, this Item having been ap. proved by the architect, M. S. Davis. A motion made by J. H. Joyner and seconded by W. A. Mullen, that the W. H. Allen CO. be allowed $613.15, was carried, this Item having been approv ed by the architect, M. S. Davis. A motion was made by J. H. Joyner and seconded by W. A. Mullen, that the Item of $947.45 for extra brick us ed In the Wood School building plus contractor's percentage of 15 per cent making a total of $1,089.56 as approv ed by the architect, M. S. Davis, be allowed. A roll call vote was reqaested by E. L Oreen and was as follows: J. H. Joy ner, aye; W. A Mullen, aye; Mrs. T. H. Dickens, aye; E. L. Green, no. The ayee having a majority the motion was carried. A motion was made by J. H. Joyner and seconded by W. A. Mullen, that hevtag allowed the total of $3,829.66 as approved by architect, M. 8. Davis, on extras on these school buildings, that the petition of the W. H. Allen Co. for reimbursement of loss In the construction of Harris, Wood and ( -v White Level-Hickory Rock school buil. dings, be referred to the Board of County Commissioners without preju dice or recommendations. A roll call rote .was requested by E. L. Green and was as follows: J. H. Joy ner, aye; W. A. Mullen, aye; Mrs. T. K Dickens, aye; E. L. Green, no. The ayes having a majority the motion was carried. It was further agreed and under stood that any part of the $3,820.56 al lowed as extras, that could not be paid from the appropriation for th? construction''of these buildings, would have to be included in the budget for 1029.30 and paid sometime after July the 1st, 1929, the beginning of the new school year. The W. H Allen Co. agreed to accept the above amount, $3,820.56, In full settlement for all extras and altera, tions. An itemized statement of all extras presented by the W. H. Allen Co. amounting to $6,135.27, together with the signed statement of the architect, M. S. Davis, approving the amount of $3,820.56, are on file in the W. H. Al len Co. folder in this office. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. -? ? - MEETING OF THE CHAIRMEN OF THE WOMEN'S CLUBS A meeting of the chairmen of the different Home Demonstration Clubs oi Franklin County, was held in the county "HsU-Of-History," over the First National Bank, Saturday after noon, May 4, at 3 o'clock. The meet ing was called to order by the county President, Mrs. T.~ H. Dickens. A very interesting feature of the program at the meeting was the ex amination of a printed framed pro gram of the Centennial Celebration of Franklin County, which was held fifty Plans were discussed concerning the part which the Federated clubs will take in the Sesqui Centennial which is to be held here on the 4th <5f July. Suggestions were called for, and many interesting ideas were advanced. Mrs. Ben T. Holden, President of the Historical Association of Franklin Obunfy, and Mrs. H. <5. Taylor, of the] general supervising committee, met with the clubwomen, and were very helpful and encouraging, A motion was made and carried that refreshments be sold by the clubs of Franklin county to help defray ex penses of floats, etc. to be used on the occasion. A committee was appoint ed to look after the baildlng of the booth, decorating and equipping same, and general oversight during the day. This committee is as follows: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Nash, of Mapleville, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly White, of Bunn, and Mr. and Mrs. peter Dean, Louis burg, Rt. 4. A motion was also made and carried to the effect that the pres ident of each club appoint a commit^ tee of six from her club, to serve one hour during the day. The following refreshment committee was appoint ed: Mrs. C. C. Pippin, Chairman, Mrs. Willie Mitchlner, and Mrs. W. S. Per son. A general committee, composed of Mrs. Alta Shilling, Mrs. H. C. Taylor, and Mrs. H. H. Hobgood was appoint ed. It was suggested that the demon stration agent be made advisory mem ber of each committee. The chairmen of these clubs feel that they have made a good beginning and they hope to carry out the Presi dent's desire that each, one give her whole-hearted help and co-operation to this work. The members of the committees thoroughly appreciated the interest and timely advice offered by Dr. D. T. Smlthwick, County Historian, who lsj giving so much of himself and his j time to this work. MR. EDWIX COOKE DEAlt Information reached Loulsburg Wed nesday of the death of Mr. Edwin Cooke, the youngest son of the late Judge C. M. Cooke, which oecurred at A hospital In New Jersey. The re j mains were expected to arrive In Lou. ! t'burg yesterday afternoon and the In. terment to be made at Oaklawn cem etery today. Mr. Cooke was about 40 years of age and leaves besides his mother several close relatives among I whom are two brothers. Messrs. W. C Cooke, of Spartanburg, and C. M. Cooke, of Marlon. AMONG THE VISITORS SOU TOD KNOW AND SOU TOO DO HOT 0OW. PwmuI Items stni Felks Ail ? Tkelr IriMO Who Travel Hmi III There. Supt. E. C. Perry visited Henderson yesterday. * * * Miss Kitty Boddie attended a dance in Chapel Hill the past week. : 1 Clerk of Court J. J. Young visited Raleigh on business Wednesday, e e e Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Parker paid Ral eigh a shopping visit Wednesday, e e e Mr. M. C. Winstead, ot Milton, eras a visitor to Loulsburg this week, e e ?' Mr. Sam Parks Is spending a couple ot days in Richmond on business. < ? ? ? Mr. T. K. Stockard left yesterday tor Greensboro to visit his brother. ? ? ? Senator W. M. Person, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. see . - Mr: R. M. Heart?!!, 61 Sanford,' waa~a business visitor to Louisburg Wednes day, ? 5? see Mr. J. M. Gregory, of Pittsboro and Raleigh, was a Louisburg visitor on Monday. e e ? Judge G M. Beam attended Federal Court in Raleigh on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. John Bailey, of Woodpdale, spent the week-end with his brother, Mr. R. G. Bailey. ? ? ? Mrs J. A. Beam, of Roxboro, waa the week-end gnest of her daughter, Mrs. R- G. Ballev _ Miss Anna Gray Watson spent the iaat week-end at Chapel Hill attend ing a fraternity house party. ? Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Meade, Misses Marie Meade and Alice Smith spent the week.end in Richmond. ? e ? Misses Margaret Wilder and Kate Allen were in attendance at the Wake I'orest-Carolina game on Tuesday. ? e e Misses Billle Perry and laictlle Per son returned home Monday after hav ing spent the week-end in Henderson. ? ? ? Messrs. J. R. Allen, Webb Loy, Har ris Turner and Harry Hoffman attend ed the Carolina game at Wake Forest Tuesday. Mr. L. B. Peck, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with his wife and baby who are visiting at the home of Mrs. G. D. Taylor. Mr. Edward Bailey and Miss Ft nnle R^we Brown, of Richmond, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas the past week-end. ? ? e Misses Elsie Wooldridge, Elizabeth Webb and Ethel Bartholomew wltness ec the Wake Forest.Carolina game at Wake Forest on Tuesday. ? ? ? Mrs. H. L. Oliver and little daugh ter, who have been spending ?ome. time with Mrs. Oliver's sister, Mrs. J. B. King, will return Sunday tJ their home at Appalachicola, Fla. ? ? ? Chief of Police B, H. Meadows, C. E. Pace and W. J. Jennings went-to Foyt Bragg Sunday to take Private Wil liam Perranlt, alia^ Bill Gary back to Army authorities charged'with deser tion. ? ? ? ? Messrs. S. P. Boddie. Hill Yarbor ough. R. C. Beck and Dr. D. T. Smith wick attended State Congrees S. A. R. in Raleigh the past week. While there they contracted with the Wynne Radio Co., to erect and operate eight ampltflers In Loulsburg at the Seequl Centennial. ? ? ? MOTHER'S DAY AT METHODIST CHURCH There will be special Mother's Day rvlca at the Methodist Church Sun y morning st eleven o'clock. L*dl?a will be on hand with red d white flowett for those who do do not have mothers living, in on r that we mpy nil weer appropriate ?vers in honor of mother. ["here will be special svanauHpWe vice Sunday night at 7:48. Tow i cordially Invited to - t*