THE FHANKLM TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor A Mgr. ?TAR DROPS? ?Monday was an especially cold day for June. ? ? ? ?Mr. M. L. Hoyle has taken a po sition with the Franklin Times. ?Their many friends are delighted to see Mr. and Mi's. H. D. Egerton, who are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Jones, in Loulsburg and looking so well. ?The many friends of Senator and Mrs. W. M. Person Will learn with much regret that Mrs. Person fell while descending the steps at the Sir V,'alter hotel in Raleigh the past week, breaking the small bone in her left arm and otherwise suffering painful bruises. Sen. Person was in Louis burg yesterday and stated she was resting nicely. MISS DOROTHY ROTH ENTER. TAINS Honoring Miss Naomi Ellisbery, of Raleigh, Miss Dorothy Roth enter tained a number of little friends at a delightful Rook and Bridge party, on Tuesday evening, June 4th. At the conclusion of the gamfe, it was found that Marguerite Tonkel and Edward Stovall held highest score. Those enjoying Miss Roth's hospi tality were Naomi Ellisberg, Billie Newell, Douglas Perry, Marguerite Tonkel, Mamie Davis Beam, Christine Collier and Edward Stovall. Delicious refreshments were served. NOTICE OF SALE OF FRANKLIN COUNTY NOTES Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon me~by, resolution" of the Board of Commissioners for the Ccunty of Franklin at its's meet ing on June 3rd, 1929, I will on the 12th day of June, 1929, in the office of tbe County Accountant for Frank lin County in the Courthouse in Louisburg, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder three negotiable prom issory notes of Franklin County in the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOL LARS each and aggregating $30,000. 00 All of said notes will bear date of June 12th, 1929, be due and payable December 12th, 1929, and bear lnter est from maturity at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, said notes both principal and interest being payable to bearer at the National Park Bank of the City of New York, N. Y. Seal ed bids will be received and may be . filed with the said County M. on the 12th day of June, 1929. The right to reject any and all bids is re served. i-""' - This the ;3rd day of June, of the Board of Commlssoners 6-7-lt for the County of Franklin. TAKING A MOVIE OF AM AFRICAN NATIVE BATTLE v Cast Jack Templeton: A Lieutenant of the U. S. Army. Hal Palae: A close fr(en<d of Jack's. Sam Crawford: An enemy and rival c-f Hal and Jack. Frank Fager: Sam's chum and cro ny. Scene I. Near the Equator in the Eelgian Congo River Basin near the village of Katalo. > The fleet composed of three native canoes and on<- motor-boat was mov ing slowly up the river. Jack: Let's fix our cameras and All them with film for the coming bat tle. Oh, by the way, I Just received some news of the coming battle. They are terrible fighters for the Red Pyg mies are very savage. Hal: I am beginning to feel shivers rcn up my back. We have twelve men and all have Hfles except two and they can m^n the small machine gun in the motor-boat. I'll bet we will make those Reds hop If they get after us. Jack: Ha! Hal We have a small - battle ship, Hal: Hark! Listen! Do you hear those tom-toms? They are coming. Shut off the motor apd let's see if we can see them. Wow, what a mob of Reds. Jack: (After they had passed) Oh boy, I'm glad I did not meet them in the path. Scene II. A tree In a Held where the Battle Is expected to come off. Sam: We fooled them that time. Wc beat them to it Frank:' We "sure did. It is about time for the coming battle to be fought I believe It is going to storm. And after a while a terrible storm comes up and delays onsj* tribe while the other advances sfeadlly. Jack, Hal and their company gain a favor able position near the battle. The other party tries to change their position and are caught, killed and made into soup for the Reds are cannibals. Scene III. The Battle. Jack: putting this extra lens feature on. It is a kind yon turn down and it looks like yon are on the ground and looking into their faces. Hal: I'll bet this film will make a big bit on Broadway and everywhere! else it goes. Jack: Here they come! The first line advances and recoils. The second line pushes forward with a shower of spears and arrows only tp receive shower after shower. They are Anally driven off leaving more than half of their number dead or dy ing on the battlefield. Scene IV. Homeward bound. Jack: Oh boy, what a night Hal: And how. Man, Man, those Reds are very good shots with a blow gnn. Jack: (As be swings the Eagle about and headed for the Sues Canal) Well here goes. Hal: I am sorry those guys got made Into white man soup. .1 am go ing to t?y. and get some Alssienarie* to try and get those natives to bo Christian*. JOE FARRAR ALLEN. 7th Orade, Agge 12. FOR REST?1 furnished rooms, with or without board. Mr*. JNO. W. KING. 5-7-lt ? LOST?A tan hand tooled man's pock. et book In Winner Theatre, at Bod Drug Store corner, or between Bod dle's aad Mr*. A. M. Hall *. Con. talned earfls bearing name of T. K. Stockard. Liberal reward If re turned to Franklin Time*. C.T-lt NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELECT ION Upon petition duly Indorsed by the governing school boards of at least a majority of the school districts with in the special school taxing dlstri t. to be known as EPSOM SCHOOL TAXING DISTRICT, said petition having been duly approved by the County Board of Education of Frank lin County, it Is ordered that an elec tion be held In accordance with the provisions of Article 18 Part 7, Chap, ter One of "An Act to Amend the Con solidated Statues and tft Codify the Laws Relating to Public Schools" en acted by the General Assembly of North Carolina at its regular session in 1923, at which election shall be as certained the will of the people within said special school taxing district whether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty cent* on the one hundred dollars vcluation of property to supplement the public school fund, which may be apportioned to., the proposed special school taxing district by the County Board of Education; and in case such special school tax is voted It shall op erate to repeal and abolish all school taxes heretofore voted in e:i7 local tax or special charter UlstUi.t located within the said special school taxing lstrlct. _ ' i he ^aid election shall be held on the 15th day of July 1929, the polling place shall be at D. T. Dickie's Store in the said district. A new registration shall be made and D. T. Dickie is hereby appointed registrar and Thomas G1U and Nat Ayscue are hereby appointed pool holders in said election. . j SPECIAL SCHOOL TAXING DIS. TRICT KNOWN AS EPSOM Beginning at a pointwhere the Alert-Henderson Road crosses the franklin Warren County line, corner of Gold Sand Special Taxing District; thence In a southerly direction along said line to O. Z. Edward's mill on Devil Cradle's Creek, Corner for Ing Lbide Special Tax District ; thence up said creek to Demea:^. o.d mill at Wilson's bridge; corner for Ingleside Special Tax UMriuU?laeace -aouth V-esterty along said Ingleside Special Tax District to Tool's Creek; thence down said creek to a point where said creek crosses Hayesville-FrankUnton Tcwnshtp Jtpe; thence In a westerly dlrootlon along the ?ald line-to Vance County; thence along the Franklin Vance County line in a northerly di rection to Warren County; thence along the Franklin-Warren County line to the beginning.'* The registration book shall be open ed from the 15th day of June 1929 through the 6th day of July 1929, and the registrar will have said book at the said polling place each Saturday during said period from the 15th day of June 1929 through the 6th day ot July 1929. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, this the 3rd day of June, 1929. C. L. McGHEE, Chairman. Attest: S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 6-7.4t NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELECTION Upon petition ot more than the re quired number ot free-holders In the proposed Harris 8chool District, Franklin County, North Carolina, r petition being In due form and duly approved and Indorsed by the County Board of Education of Franklin Coun ty, it is hereby ordered that an elec tion be held within the said district <n accordance with the provisions of Artlcle~T7, Chapter 186, the Public Laws of North Carolina, Session 1925. at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within the said lstrlct whether here shall be levied In said district a special tax of not more than 60c on every onb hundred dollars valuation Of property to supplement the Public School Fund apportioned Yot<IISqH0.k! If You Use Happy Feeds WHETHER FOB TOUR HOR8E8, COWS, HOGS, CHICKENS. YOU CAB BUY BO BETTER THAN "HAPPY." MAKE THE "HAPPY" TEST, THEN FEED THE BEST. For Sole by G. W. MURPHY & SON LOUISBCBO, N. C. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. H. a. PERRY , Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office 101 W. Nash St Telephones: pay 2S7; Night 187 DR. R. F. YARBOROUOH Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office in Blckett and Yar bo rough Building Office Phone 298 Residence Phone 38 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Offices Orer Ford Building Corner Main and Nash Streets Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Office in First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 Night Phone 249-3 E. E. COUNCIL, M. D. ? White Level R. F. D. No. 4 Loulsburg, N. C. General Practice DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drug Co. C. H. BANES, D. D. S. Dentist v Loulsburg, N. C. Office over W. E. White Furniture Oa D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist Loulsburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR. W. R. BASS ? Veterinarian ? Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St Phone Office 338-L Residence 33S-J Special Attention to Small Animals DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main St Telephone: Honrs: Night 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. Day 64 12 to 2 p. m. ' v- 6 to i n. m. MRS N. B. TUCKER Registered Nurse Calls Answered Day or Night C. L. BLACKBURN, D. C. Chiropractor 501 N. Garnett St, Henderson, N. C. Office Honrs: 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Chiropractic Is a natural, safe and Scientific Health Service G. M. BEAM Attorney-at-Law Office Over Post Office Practice In all Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough YARBOROUGH ?and? YARBOROUGH Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Building Over Kline's Store Practice In Franklin and adjoining counties, and In the United States Courts at Raleigh. R. B. White, E. H. Malone, J. E. Malone WHITE A MALONE Lawyers Loulaburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es tates, funds Invested. One member of the firm always In the office. M. STUART DAVIS Architect . Engineer Office First National Bank Building Loulsburg, N.-C. JOS. T. INSOOE Registered Land Surveyor, and Notary Public .* Casta]la, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1 MAIN ST. BARBER SHOP L P. Wheeler, Jr, Proprietor Loulsburg, H. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on Main Street First clan work guar anteed. Otve me a call. U YIAJLS XXP1JUXKCB IK WELL DrlUlar, Pump and Aeeeseerles. White Pump smd Well Ce, Kerltna, H. 0. 747JU BTBGALLtl BARBER SHOP 1 Invite my customers and friends to give us a chAnce to serve you, as we are all flsefi up again after our fire and are In bettor sKUpe to ierve you than before I'm here to give you my personhl service at %U times. Thanking you Mr a call, I am yours to lePra, , lOfi-tf O. T. STEOALL. DON'T N FOROBT TO SEND - for the said district. The said elec tion shall be held on Monday, July 15Uy.l929. The polling place shall be si' the Harris School Building In said district. A new reglstntiou shall be made and H. T. Rogers is hereby ap pointed registrar and Oscar Hagwocd nd R. T Harris are hereby appointed pcdl holders. Thei boundaries of the said Harris School District, as fixed by the County Beard of Education of Franklin Coun. tjf afe as follows: "Beginning at a point where Crook s' C/eek crosses Youngsvllle and Har. lis Township line, corner for Flat Peek and Roberts School District line to the Loulsburtf-Raleigh road; thence In a southerly direction to the Wake Franklin County line, Including lands on both sideB of the road not included in the Youngsvllle School District; thence In a southeasterly direction along said Franklin-Wake Co ntv Un to Phillips' Mill Pond, corner for Ptarce Sch 1 District, to the Raleigh Halifax Road, corner for New Hope gdhool District; thence In a northerly direction along said Raleigh-Halifax Road to the Bijah Carter's corner; thehee In an easterly direction along the New Hope School District line to the Bunn District line; thence In a northerly direction along the Bunn New Ho^e School District line te Rock Springs School District line to the Louisburg Graded School line; thence in a westerly direction along the Loklaburg Graded School line to southwest corner of said Louisburg Graded School District on Campus Creek; thence In a northerly direction along Louisburg Graded School line to Harris and Louisburg Township line; thence In a westerly direction along said Harrla-Louisburg Town ship line to corner for Louisburg, Har ris, Frankltnton and Youngsvllle Townships, also corner for Flat Rock School District; thence In a southerly direction along the eastern boundary of the Flat Rock School District to the point of beginning. Lt Is hereby nde^stood that this territory em braces all the territory In Dunns, Har . is, Youngsvllle and Frankllnton Township that Is not Included with in the boundaries of some special tax' district within this territory. This roposed school dstrlct to be known s the Harris Elementary School Dis trict,'1 The registration book shall be open <1 from the 15tt dpy of June 1929 lirough the 6th day of July 1929, and be registrar will have said book at he said polling place each Saturday uring said period from the 15th day of June 1929 through the 6th day of July 1929. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Franklin County, this the 3rd day of June, 1929. C. L. McGHEE, Chairman. R O. HObBE-N, Clerk. - ?-T-4t SODA! Plenty of } of Soda! Let us supply You The Spot Cash Co. D. F. McKlNNE, President PAY CASH and PAY LESS Atwater Kent Screen-Gkid RADIO Bear it here? or at home ^~^BT the fed of the enormous power. Test the longer reach?go a-roaming with radio as you never did before. Try the new needle-point selectivity?get the station you want?distinct from all others. Revel in perfection of Electro-Dynamic tone. Marvel at the simple operation. Look Ulrid* and see the workmanship which makes such beauty of performance. If you can't come today?phone for a demon stration in your home?without obligation. Do It now 1 - . In this beautiful cabinet, the new est model of the most famous radio In the world. jrow... ?N convenient terms at Headquarter* %2>. The gerno Grid Uhb ?< Model U. Lea Model F-4 Eke-1 too-Dutaiel W. L White Furniture Co. LOUISBVBO, KOETH OABOLINA

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