and learn what marvelous performance you can get in a low-priced car If you are one who has always believed that truly fine car per formance can only be had in a high - priced automobile ? come take the wheel of a Chevrolet Six and go for a ride! Here, in the price range of the four and with economy of better than 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline, is offered a type of overall performance that will literally amaze you? ?marvelous six-cylinder smoothness that eliminates vibration and body rumble? power that takes you over the steepest hills?acceleration and speed that make every mile a delight?and handling ease and restful coihfort that leave you refreshed at the end of the longest drive! . i Vv 'W Emphasizing this outstanding six-cylinder performance are \ the beauty and safety of smart \ new bodies by Fisher. Styled J by master designers whose art 1 has lent distinction to some of the world's finest motor cars.. and built of selected hard- \ wood and steel?the strong- \ est, safest and quietest com- ^ bination of materials known ' to the body builders', craft? \ ?they represent, in every detail, \ an order of coachcraft never be- > fore approached in a low-priced automobile. We cordially invite you to come in for a ride in this sensational car. Learn for yourself what smooth six-cylinder perform ance can now be secured in the price range of the four! CHEVROLET The COACH '595 ? '525 ROADSTER The PHAETON The COUPE . . . The SEDAN . . The Spa CABRIOLET The Oonvt LANDAU The 8?di IWlTHT The List Dellrery Ch??1? The Ton i H I with Cab AUprices/, o. b. factory ?< Hint, Michigan y COMPARE the delivered price as well aa the list price In considering auto mobile values. Chevrolet's de livered prices include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. **? '525 .*595 "" *675 mfBSLn '695 The Convertible *723 Th*8ed'n .'*595 Pf. . *400 "*{&-. ,'.'.'.'>545 '650 Louisburg Motor Company MAUI 8TKERT MOTOR CO, Frmaklfatea, *. C. SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF T HIE F 0?U R