Is it thrifty to pay 50* 9 WHY pay 50c for ? half-pint of liquid insect-killer, when yon can get Black Flag Liquid, the deadliest made, for only 35c? Black Flag Liquid will quickly kill every annoying fly, mos quito, ant, roach, bedbug, etc. Money back if not entirely satisfied. BLACK FLAG KIUSB0G8 ^^uquit- QU,CKty Koch rUg aUo comM fa pamim /M. Sgm.Mr Mr. IfcNfa S?b?eribe to The Franklin Time* , Four Roses LEMON . Vanishing Cuam ?"? "4 ? ? bM lor Kv *??#? far* Nadir, - Complexion wlith?driuiofi ?? ooly k " ?jfllll of f* "7 tka *o?aa ifMMrfc. I..IM far *? PuHty of Ita produota. Srad got, day afaaoU at blrtk. poat oOea and lOo (xaapa) ?rgaatw, to r. Bn, SSO, ChaoSSZ V* ' ??f Barjaya of your (Mat ?!? MM Com Tiaa" and i?rlu af fbar &aaa faoa poodaf aad Vaabak^ qaaaa. TW 5K#iwa*?awii5r3eW C HA BEL, LMiabWf, If. Ct NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the eetate of J. A. Dean, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice Is here by given all parti qe holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of May. 1?M, or this no tice will be piead in bar of their re. covery. All persona indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. J ?Was May 29rd, ? ~ ! T. S. DEAN, * - ? V. E. DEAN. Executors. Q M. Beam, Atty. 5-24.Gt FOR FIRtrr tamtw JOB FRINTINQ CUASB 3 [ONH MO. WAN Staa4bt| Timber. Big or Small lofe. Irt fiffUgsre mfth you. BURGESS LUMBER CO,_ L9DOBBU. V. C. Time is Here Look Over The List Below 720 Double Warp Grass Bugs 9x12 only $ 5.00 ea. 720 Double Warp Crane Bags 36x72 only .. IjOO ea. 720 Double Warp Grass Bugs 27x54 only .. 50 ea. Japan Grass Rugs 9x12 only 4.00 ea. Hudson Taps Rugs 9xJ2 only 18.00 ea. We have on hand aa attractive selection of Axminster Rugs 9x12 with smaller sizes to match, if wou need them: call and look tfeem over. . SPECIAL: While they last, we offer one lot of pad ded seat Dining Boom Stool* or Chain, Spot cask $1.00 Full siz? Oak Rockers, A Dandy Buy at $3.00 ea. , Maple Porch Rockers at Very Low Prices. Porch Swings wMrw without foot rest . .#5.00and up Fibre Living Room Suits $45.00 and up j Ice Cream Freezers, All Sizes Now in Stock i Refrigerators, Side and Top leers, Full Line. Screen Doorfc and Windows, Extra Screen Wire. Florence and New Perfection OH Stoves. And ftioy are hard to beat. Try one. Felt Base and Goid Seal Congoleum Rags, . #7.i Size 9x12 $7 .85 and irp Attractive assortneut of Rockers eft the tight pstae. These Rockers will be good anywhere in the home. Look them over and get onr prices before yon buy. j^ee us before yon bny anything in furniture. It nay mean money to yon. own Furniture House IVftXJE, N. CABOLUA iALB OF RBULL, ESTATE AND PER SONAL PROPERTY Under end bp virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me In that certain deed of truat from W. J. Pernell and wife, on Jan. >7, IMS. and duly recorded In book 886 at pagJ 131, default bavins been made In the pay. ment of the note aecured therein, and at the request of the holder of said note, I will on MONDAY, JUNE 10. 1929. at or about Use boor of noon. eeU at pubMe auction to the Mgheat bidder for cash, at the courthouse door In UmtshaVfc N. C.. ct lhed tract of land and articles of penonai property: Beginning at a poplar on the ford Branch, the Pogram comer; thence S If W If poles, I links to a pine stump oa the south aMe of Woad; thence along the MwnnlalB road N B 1 2d W 20 poles N 31 1-Sd W 44 poles; ; N 403-44 N 444 W 22 poles, 181 \T 43 polea 6 links ta the center of the road where Hugh PernetTs line cross es the road; tbastee N Id E 44 poles to a stake with gum ami maple poiat era, Pernell's comae la HshMft"! comer of the Radford Branch; tip said branch as It meanders 71 poles t, the beginning, containing 48 acres, according to the survey of W. N. Ful ler, and being a part ef the J. T. An drews land, and being the lands ooa. veyed to W. J. Pernell by W. A. K. Williams and others by deed recorded in book 184, at page *21 Franklin County Registry. Also the folic wing described per njMmi nasumadw ? BOZiBi prupCTv? 1 Black Mare Male 1 Black Horse Male 1 Hackney 2.H. Wagon ; 1 Black Mare Male, named "Annie" i ODe-Horse Wagon and ail Farm ing implements, Harness, Plows, etc. This the 8tfa day of May, 1939. R. t Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, In book 224 at page 9; de. fault having been made In the pay nent of the indebtedness thereby se ared and demand made wpsn me to 'oreclose, I will on MONDAY, JUNE BR 1929, d or about the hour of mean at the , xrarthoaee door for FrpaBdin County It the Town of Loulsburg. North Car tllna, sell at public aaetfon to the ilghest bidder fur cash the lands < :rlbed as follasrs: That tract known as the Staler . Home f9acti MMiate la YoungsvElej] nahlps, ind FrankUhton Tow nshlps, bound- d J' >n the North by the lands of C. S. WU. lams and the Old Ooswiek lands, on he East by the dosflck, Mltchlner, Winston and S. F. Holden lands, on hr South by the White tapds. on the West by the R. C. Underwood, W. T. Yoong and C. 8. Williams lands, being' be lands deaerihed la the deed of trust ; ibove named, except snch parcels as , isve been conveyed to Wade and Ivey White, P. 6. and C X. Allen, eontaln ng 392 acres more or less and being lots No's. 3. 4, 6, 6, 7 and 10, made of Staley farm by M. S. Davis and B. B. Bgerton, C. E.'s. This the 8th day of May, IBM. BEN T. HOLDEN, 5.10-5t Trustee. RE-SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The leads hereinafter describe having been offered for re-sale on May 80th, 1929, and an npeet bid having been deposited as by law provided, and an order of resale having- been made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County in that ac tion entitled "Andrew Joyner, Jr? Trustee, vs Mrs. Bessie Fnrgurson". directing a of said land". Had undersigned Commissioner Wltl on MOMDAY, JUNE 17th, 1929, at or about the hoar of noon at the courthouse door In Loutsburg, N. C., seM at pnbltc aactlon to the highest bidder for cash the folio wing descri bed real estate, to.wlt: ? A certain lot ar parcel of land sit uate in the Town of Lenlsbnrg. N. C., ar.d beginning at a rook on the E eide of Kenmore Ave., the White thence 8 57 1-2 E 24 poise 16 Jinks to a stake, a corner In the line; thence N 32 1-2 E 6 poles to a stake; thence N 07 1.2 W Hf links to n stake near a red' Ol!k Oil Kenmore Avg., the Thomas corner; thence N 22 1.2 W ? poles along Ken more Are. to the beginning, contain ing 9 94-1000 of an acre;.,and being the same tract of land cenepgbd to' V Furgarson by J. M. Allen, at at, by deed anted Jan. lid. tOOC. a?* laesed ed In Franklin County Rcgbrtry, book 126, page ?; ami by dead of V. H. Fnrgnrson to Bessie Ihn. 14 1002, also secorded In Frank, tin County Resign I. This tbe Slst day of May, 1910. 0. m: tll.3t ? A?*INIBT*ATWra NOTICE ? Hating quallled as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Annie 111 ElilK deceased, late of Franklin County, If. .?, notice Is kdWf gives to All Far ties holding claim* against dald estate to I resent Mem to the nnder tlgnr-1 gdminlstntor on Of Whte the ,10th dny of May. 1930, oi this notice ?wF? he pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said es. [tats will please make Immediate pay ment. This 9th day ef May, 19 B. C. Ad Yarbofongh 4 Yarborough. Attorneys. FOft SALE Ford Runabout In good condition, >e M. B. CLIFTON, loutsburg. N. a 6-31-41 SOTrtS4? " Wmtr -8F MT*? and rltt T. W. W1T801 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROP ERTY Under end by virtue of the author ity conferred upon ue In a deed of truat executed by J. D. Kearney tun married) on'the 2nd day of April, 192t and- recorded In nook of mort gages >48, page 829, we will on Sat urday the 22nd day of June, 1929, 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Loulaburg, N. C.. Franklin County, sell at public auction for cash to the' highest bidder the following land to. wtt: That certain piece, parcel or tract at lent, containing 143.68 acres more or less, situate on the Frankllnton CreeBmoor rend about 3 miles South t front the town of Frankltnton, N. C., in Frankltnton township. Frank lin County, State of North Carolina, the same being bounded on the North by the lands of J. H. Oonyerg and G. H. Pergersoo, on the East by the | ???** of a. H. Pergersoo and Claude Cheatham, on the South by the lands of N!* Y. G " " - ? - - Guilty and on the Weet by the lands of N. Y. GuUey and Popes church and beginning at a point, cor ner tor Chnrcb lot In J. H. Cooyers linn and running thence along Con. yars line N 88 l-2d E 21 chains to iPergerson line; thence along Perger son line S 1 1.2d W C1.67 chs, thence S 87 l-2d E 12.12 cha to Cheatham line, thence along Cheatham line 8 1: l-2d W 3.82 cha to GaMey line, thence' along Galley line N 88 l-3d W 40.87 i Cha, thence N 8 1-td E 39.07 cha N 47 12d W 1.90 dm; N 16d W 2.35 chs,' thence along Popes church Mne N 47! t-2d B 6.42 dm, thence N 9 1.2d E 7.22 chs; to the beginning; and being the lands conveyed to J. D. Kearney by the remaining heirs at law of Dardlnella Very by deed dated , recorded in bank page Registry of Franklin County, N. C. This sale is made by reason of the toUnra of J. D. Kearney (unmarried) to pay odf and discharge the Indebted ness sueured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock'Land Bank of Durham. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale.: This the 17th day of May, 1929. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF DURHAM, Trustee. : Durham, N. C. Yarborough and Yarborough, Attya. 5-24 M j NOTICE OP COMMISSIONERS SALE 1 Under and by virtue ot n Judgment i of the Superior Court of Frankll.i ] Boanty, Neftb Carotins. mad? in Upee- < la) Proceedings Cop the sole of I and a j to create assets to pay Aebts of de l cedent, entitled P. D. Gupton, Admin. Istrator of C. B. Ospton, deed., ts E. ?< C. Gupton and Bthei Gupton, bis wife; i1 Mrs; Lena GupUm Jones and husband,), Jpnest Jtowman Joyaer; Ere. I, nerr Mabel Joyner and Joe , Jovner. nnDointin* the under-', loir Joyner, Kellon Joyner, appointing the under- jj signed commissioner for the purpose, I will offer for sale at tbe courthouse^ ioor in Franklin mautv. North Caro rnr itjmi ? - ~ , MONWAV, Jtufci 17th, tea, st +abBe auction, Ss the highest bid der tor csah, the (Mowing described real property situate la Franklin Ooanty, N. 0, via: ?sr rract: Begin at sweet gum free 16 feet S of MUl stone creek and M feet E of bridge, wad ran thence ST 8 1.2d E to poat E side ot road; S 101 J-2d E to walnut on edge of pond; 8 16 3-4d W ME feet; fl 8-dd B 160 feet to S aide ?( mouth of branch; S 49 l*2d W 142 (bet; 8 22 l-3d E 121 feet; S 31 1.4d W 364 feet to large poplar at mouth of bganch; S 38 l-4d W 423 feet to poplar side line tree; then N 884 V MO teat, N ?- 1>M B 1M feet, N 32d W 74 feet to middle of road; then along the road N 30d E 172 feet, H 44d E 209 feet to large white oak In edge of pond; then N 68 l-2d W 40 (eef to middle of read; then niong the road N 33 l-2d E 133 feet, N 18 8.4d fi 820 feet, N 81 l'-2d B 330 fe?t, N 22d * 88 feet, N 4d B 384 feet to bend ia{ creek opposite a large maple; thence 6-444 E 190 feet te the beginning, con taining 13.64 acres, less abont 1.84 sere in tbe pead, leaning about 11 acres. It Is the Identical same prop; erty contained and described in deed do C. B. Gupton dated 21st of May, 1910 of record Beck 278 pege i Franklin County Registry. Tract: Begin at rook In Bold, Harriet E. Dennis corner, (formerly C. B. Gupton) and ran thence N 2d I 80' E 18.99 chains to gum on bank off Meek; "thence along thejereek ? 37d W 4.18 chane, 8 46d W W 3.34 nhnlns,! S 44d 30' W 2.84 chains. S 40d I B chains. I?d W tX chains, 8 3881 "W 2 chains, more or less, to Harriet] ^Dennis Tine N 87d 46* E 96 pdles, morel or leas, to tbe point of the beginning,! containing 7.42 acres, more or less. I Speeial Bras sad lags Frank County Clark ot Court ogles, entitled I R T. Wflgamo et sis vs C. E. Gaptenj at als. It being the remainder ofj LoUing a portion thereof to Ifarrte E.1 I Dennis Boek 211 ftsge 410 Franklin] 1 This the 17th of May, 1929. ft r G-24-4t Commissioner. iHOTTCBrtrr BALE OF AUTOMOBILE)] UNDEB MECHANICS LIEN John Doe wffT tdke notice *hwt I der and kg virtue of seetlon 2017 of] the Retinal cf 1*91 4>f North Carolina the lien thereby given to mechan.l IS undersigned wflf on Monday, Jtrtyl 1st 1929, at Manners Garage In Pilot, N. C., at abostt the hear of ems stslnaf p. m. offer for sale to the highest bld dar for cash that Willys-Knight club tomobUe, motor No. Ml" Serial Mb,.., , storage, with the af and that sale will be made to the storage and labor charges. This May 24. 1919. |8-24.4t MAS8EY BROS. OARAGE. Iagirt wanted to null lfUR. sery stock In Franklin Oaaaty. Weekly pay. L1NDLBY NUR8BR-. MS, Pomona, N. C 8-14-21 jHflDBflB1 judley I wUh I could write a book in mem. orjr of every mother; they every one ao richly desbrve to be praised and hcaored. And the story of any moth ei'a sufferings, her sacrifices, and her achievements, would fill many worthy volumes. But I want to say lust a word about one of our sweet little mothers in Franklin County Who slip ped out Into the better world on Feb ruary 26. . Nellie Burnetts Bailey was born De cember 20, 1889, near Laurel, a daugh ter of Willie A. and Susan Edwards Burnette. She has spent all her life at or near her birthplace. At the age of thirteen she was converted and bap tised by the beloved O. M. Duke into the membership of the Mi Zlon Bap. tlst Church, of which church she was a loyal and devoted member to the time of her death. On April 16, 1911, she was married to ALonsa D. Bailey Of this union there were born four children. The living are Esther, 15; Vastl, 11; and Ruby Lee, 3. One son, Horace is dead. Other living rela tives are husband, father, mother, and Beven brothers and sisters: Mrs. Z. R .Allen, Mrs. C. G. Cash, W. B. and W. L. Burnette all of Loulsburg, Rte. 2;. and John W. Burnette, Elm City. Two aunts survive, Mrs. Alice Leon ard, Falls of Neuse, and Mrs. Rosa Pace. Raleigh. Mrs. Burnette's life was unusually modest and unassuming, and yet there was wrapped up In it the pure gold of a devoted' Christian mother's heart. If she had never done anything for us, le would love her just for her purity and sweetness. Bat after her short life has ended, so fuU of so ma labors of love for so many of us, our hearts feel the deepest sorrow at'her doing from us. ' It was a joy to go in her home. The Bible was open, Christ was honored, the family was being kumbly and glorously brought up" in "the nurture and admonition of the Lord. To know the goodness and godliness of her life, from baby hood to the grave, is to be inspired to walk in the way of life more care fully than we ever have before. Her life will live on and preach the Gos pel of Christ more eloquently than [twee of us who are privileged to stand In the pnlpBs. _ God he praised for such radiantly beautiful motherhood! My prayer is ror God's divine comfort for the deal I usband, the aged parents, the darling little girls, and for mere mothers like Lor In our homes and oornmanlMes. CHAS. HOWARD 3ALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ) Under and by virtue of the authorl- j ty contained In a certain mortgage , iced executed to the undersigned mortgagee And duly recorded In 1 franklin County Registry, book 2547 1 l?age 163, default having been made In he payment of the indebtedness there, in secured, the undersigned mortga see will on -J MONOaTyT^ULY 1, 1929, ? the eourtbouse door in Loulsburg, at Of about the hour of noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin ton , township, on the River Road about 6 ?,*. ."?* moi nmg aoo miles from Loulsburg, described as follows: Adjoining the, lands of Edmond Johnson and others, and beginning la the center of the Louisburg-Franklln ton River Rood, a stake on the north ' side, corner for Mrs. W. H. Allen in Robt. Alston's line; thence along the said road in the following courses 8 83d ?0' W 478.6 ft, S 6N16- W 297.3 L? 86d 36'* 633 7 ? tttd 10' W E^'.4 ' 8 84d W 2436 ft; N Sid 60' W 868 ft, N M W to a corner in the center of said road, a stake on the north side; thence S 4d 46' W 1996.6 ft to a hickory; thence S 88d E 3910.6 ft to a poplar on the baak of the1 branch; thence up said branch Its. aiaojUoe.C?rAes to * Poplar; thence N 9d 30 W 966 ft to the beginning* containing 164.7 acres, "and being a < Part of the tract of land cantered by ? Mrs. Sarah W. Morris to J; T. Phelps Jbe above property was conveyed to. ^" orby Wm. F. Joyner, Trustee. This May 24, 1929. r OREENSBORO JOINT STOCK ? ? ? LAND BANK. Mortgagee. O. M. Beam, Attorney. 6-31_6t SALE OF REAL ESTATE confne*!L.'nd by. Tlrtu* of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed Per.nUnt.^eC.?t?d Robert J. ?B.21nd- ??24 - _ . "U wvwm| 24na, 1 HXh du'T r^ordad in Franklin County Registry |n Book Wl, page 843. de fault having b.en miie in tiTepay" ment of the note seenred therein and the request of the bolder of ? saia note. I will on * *** MONDAY, JULY tat, 1929 1!.mI0,6\hor'<* noon, SOU at public auction at the ^.nhouse door Looiabnrg. N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, thsae eertaln loU or K ? c?riain iota or arcels of land altuated In the Town t Frankllnton, N. C. and daarvlhla j?s follows, to-wlt; C ^ tnhDmb?" 18 Md 17 >n Block ? J k ?"rvey of "New Weldon" Nads by M. 8. Davla, C. ft. and ra .corded In Pranklln County Itoalaiii W at Is- AndbSfSS same lota conveyed to AHsu Psrrv deed from 8. c. WUHame i.,id d#ad duly recorded in usii [try' P**e *^8' Kranktln County Regb. ThU the 28th day i 81 Et O. M. BEAM.' i_#t Trustee. MOTICft zrf- % 22J? ? Persons 'hi'vln claims against th. etiat. 0Y saiTd* ?*Md to eahlblt them to the nnda MaTtaSa 99 ^for# ,rd day "Vi 19M, or his notice will Km l?torot their ?55^ This the fid day of May. 1922 AMANDA PERRYAI HTON 6-8-6t pbopebmml comm DR. H. 0. PERRY Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Office 101 W. Nash St Tolephonea: Day 287; Night 287 DR. R. T. YARBOROUOH Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. 0. Office In Blckett and Ysr bo rough Building Office Phone 290 Residence Phone 28 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Offices Over Ford Building Corner Main and Nash Streets Telephones: Day and Night both No. It J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Flsst National Bank Building Day Phone 249 Night Phone 249-2 ' E. E. COUNCIL, M. D. White Level R. F. D. No. 4' _ Loulsburg, N. C. General DR. AROSE H PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office In Service Drug Oft, C. H. BANKS, D. D. S. Dentist liftuMmex, N. C. 0?ce over W. B. me Pernslture Co. & T. SMITH WICK .Dentist Loulsburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR. W. R. BASS Veterinarian Bifflfeurg. N. C. Offices and Heapltal Bast Nash St Phone Office 2324. Residence 339-J Special Atteetion to Small Animals DR. J. B. DAVIS Physlcdan and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main 8t relephone: Hours: light 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. fey 64 12 to 2 p. m. ?.? jl -te_8 ?? MBS N. B. TUCKER Registered Nurse Calls Answered Day or Night 0. L. BLACKBURN, D. 0. Chiropractor >01 N. Garnet! St. Henderson, N. C. Office Honrs: 9 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8 Chiropractic Is a natural, . safe and Scientific Health Service 0. M. BEAM Attorney _at-Law Offloe Oyer Poet Office In all Courts W. H. Yarbo rough Hill Yar bo rough TARBOROUGH YARBOROUGH Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav Office In Egerton Building Over Kline's 8tore Practice In Franklin and adjoining souHMes, end In the United States Bousts at Raleigh. R. B. White, E. H. Malone, J. E. Melons WHITE & MALONE Lawyers Loulsburg, North Carolina General practise, settlement of es tates, funds Invested. One member of the firm always in the office. M. STUART DAVIS Architect . Engineer Office First National Bank Bnlldiag Loulahurg. N. C. . JM. T. INSCO E Registered Land Surreyot, end Rotary Public N. C.. R. F. D. No. 1 MAIN ST. BARBER SHOT & P. Wheeler, Jr? Proprietor Lealibarg, I, C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on nth Street First class work gaar anteed. Glre ma a call. CTWiEIEWCB IK WILL i STBOALL'8 BARBER SHOP I Invite my enstomdhi and to give ns a chance to serve yoa. as we are all fixed up again after our fire and are In better shape to awme you than before. I'm here to gWjsae my personal service at gll times. Thahklng you tor a call, I am yonri to serve, 2-19-tf O. f. BTDGMffA Yadkin farmers have orgalimed a dairy men's eeaoolatlon te promote the eeaee in tills mountain caw Twenty-nine farmeri joined at first meeting.