btbbxbooi ' BOOST L0C1SBUM I;he1 P] RA] n: IS CI N 1 1 % 1 1 J BBDiGS KESCLTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION 11.50 Per Yeai VOLUMN LX. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH, 1929 (10 Pages) NUMBER 17 < HKAPER TO STAY OUT OF COUBT No doubt the several defendants In Franklin Recorders Court Monday found It a great deal cheaper to con. duct themselves property and remain away from Courts, which is very evi dent from the many fines Imposed by Judge Palmer. The docket was quite a heavy one and was disposed of as follows: State vs Vester Pearce, housebreak ing and larceny, defendant discharged. State vs James Ellington, larceny and receiving pleads nolo contendere, prayer for judgement for 6 months up on payment of costs and not driving car for six months. State vs Raymond Ellington, larceny and receiving pleads nolo contendere, prayer for judgement continued for 6 months upon payment of costs and not driving car for six months. State vs Vester Ellington, larceny and receiving, pleads no contendere, prayer for judgement continued for 6 mcnths upon payment of costs and not driving car for six months. State vs Randall Perry, larceny and receiving, pleads nolo contendere, prayer for judgement continued for 6 months upon payment of costs and not driving car for 6 months. State vs John Robert Bullock, as sault with deadly weapon, pleads gull, ty, prayer for judgement continued upon payment of coats. State vs Claude Davis, assault with deadly weappn, pleads guilty, prayer * - judgen? " * for judgement continued upon payment of costs. State vs Quint Dowry, distilling transferred to Superior Court. State vs Eld. H. Wilson, distilling, pleads nolo contendere 6 months on roads. Capias to Wake and Franklin County to to Issue before 10 A M. June li, upon payment of $50 tine and c.istJfc??'? State vs A. M. Lyman, distilling, pleads nolo contendere, 8 months on roads. Capias to Wake and Fianklln County, not to issue before 10 A. M. June 11, upon payment of $50 fine and costs. State vs Lonnie Lancaster, assault with deadly weapons, guilty, defendant having paid damage to automobile judgement suspended upon-payment of costs. State vs John Thomas Bullock, lar. cieny and receiving, pleKOg guilty; prayer for judgement continued (or 12 months upon payment of costs and not to drive car for 12 months. State vs R L. Peoples, bad check, guilty, find $50 and costs, appeal. State vs Graham Cooke, disposing of mortgaged property, pleads gpllty, judgement suspended upon payment ol costs. State vs U. Crews, assault with deadly weapon, guilty, judgement sus pended upon payment of $27.35 for re pair of car and costs. State vs Clellan Warner,'distilling, pleads nolo contendere, 6 months on roads. Capias to Wake and Franklin County not to Issue before 10 A. M. June 11, upon payment of $50 fine and costs. MR. ROBERSON WITH FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mr. S. L. Roberson, who has been with the Parson's Motor Co. for the past several years, has accepted a position as assistant Cashier of the First National Bank, tendered him by the Board of Directors of this Institu tion at the meeting held on Wednes day afternoon Mr. Roberson Is an efficient and capable accountant bar ing had eight years experience In banking and the bank Is to be con gratulated upon securing his services. J. 0. U. A. X. GIVES FISH FRY The White Level Council of the Jun ior Order U. A. M. gave a delightful Fish fry to Its members on last Sat. urday afternoon June 8th. There were 150 pounds of fish fried, and served with breads, coffee and lemonade were seryed also. There was plenty for all and some left so we sent trays to the members that could not be there, only a few were absent Three visitors were there to observe the supper but were served also, these being three young ladles, Misses Ruth Benton. Lessie and Mary Susan Oupton, of which they seemed to enjoy very much. Near 6: o'clock all departed declaring agood time and wishing for another Fish try down on the rock near L. L. Guptons. Or The "Sally Murphy" School Spring. MR. W. B. BARROW RESIGNS BANK POSITION Mr. W. B. Barrow, the popular as sistant Cashier of the First National Bank resigned his position effective June let and has taken a position as Cashier for Mr. C. A. Rogland Road Ccntractor. Mr. Barrow Is a moat ef. flclent and capable young man and will be fully equal to the Important duties of his new position. PEARCE BROS. STORE AT - YOUNGSVILLE ROBBED Ivey Reed, colored, was placed In jail Tuesday morning by Constable A. S. Wlggs as a result Of an Invee. ligation mads of a robbery of Pearce Bros, store at Youngsvllle Monday night. Constable Wlggs was called and responded with his blood hounds which traced the parties from the Store to Reed'S home. ? It Is understood right many articles were taken from the Store but had not been found on Tuesday. i AIRWAYS SIGNS PAINTED Splendid Reports From Sever al Committees To Co-operate With Franklin County Historical Association In Work of Sesqul Centennial ? Other Activi ties. The Loulsburg Chamber of Com. merce met in regular monthly session at 7:30 p. m., June 11th. President F. J. Beasley presided and about 35members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Committee reports and other reports were heard as follows;, T. "W. Watson reported that the Franklin County Commissioners had decided to continue the Office of Home Demonstrator, and that Miss Daisy Caljlwell had been appointed to this office to begin serving June 1st. The Roads Committee reported by T. W. Watson and M. S. Davis, Chair, man, that the State Highway had ta ken over the road from Franklinton to Creedmoor, and would tar surface it. This road will be taken over with in sixty days. The State Highway has taken over the road from Hen derson to Loulsburg for maintenance. The aontemplated road from Wake Forest, throt&K FrUUklin Ctiuhty," td Spring Hope, will not be built, but the road will go from Wake Forest to Zebuion, through Wake County. The Reads Committee was congratulated for it's timely and efficient work. The Finance Committee had no re port to make. A. W. Green reported that the Air ways Stgn had been painted. "Phis sign consists of letters 20 feet tall and an arrow, painted in yellow on top of the Loulsburg Motor Co. Storage House in South Loulsburg. The sign is visible clearly from an altitude of 6.000 feet. A lengthy discussion of the Sesqui. Centennial Celebration, which is to be held July 4th, was in order. A motion by S. P. Boddle prevailed that the Chamber of Commerce ap point a committee of three to tender eration of the Chamber of Commerce to the Franklin County Historical As sociation. F. A. Roth, G. T. Meade and Miss Lyase Hall were appointed upon this committee. A motion Dy r. a. Kotn prevauea thrt the Chamber of Commerce ap point a Committee to assist the Prank, lin County Historical Association in financing the Sesqal.Centennlal Cele bration. The President reserved the appointment of this Committee until a later date. A motion by Miss Lynne Hall pre vailed that suitable badges be worn n by every member of the Chamber ol Commerce on July 4th, and every member act In welcoming and Inform ing the guests of the Frankl'ln County Memorial Association. The matter of closing the stores on July 4th, was referred for action to the Mercantile Committee (J, Fried lander, Chairman; David Hahis, R W. Smith wick.) A- motion by T. K. Stockard pre. vailed, .that the Treasurer reimburse S. P. Boddie, fifteen dollars prise mo ney, which he had paid to John J. Wolfe. This prize was given In the County.wide cotton production con test The money to be paid out ol Dues Fund.. Dr. H. Q. Perry moved that members Kif the Chamber of Commerce be so Iclted to Invite a fanner or farmers, ' to' a barbecue to be arranged In the future, and that the member Issuing this Invitation pay for himself and his guests, and that the guests invited be made, honorary members of the Loulsburg Chamber of Commerce The motion carried and Dr. W. R. Bass was appointed by the President to choose his committee and execute this plan. A member may Invite as many farmers as he may choose. M. S. Davis moved that the Indus tilal Committee confer with the Town Commissioners and make an effort to secure an extension of the water line to the city limits so that It will afford fire protection to the Colonial Pins Companies property and other prop erty in It's vicinity. The motion car ried. Chief of Police B. H. Meadows sug gested that a welcome tag be provld. ud and given to the Police Department for distribution to visitors and stran gers. The Secretary was Instructed to provide these tags. PARKS?HAMtfENT Mr. and Mrs. Bam Parks are expec ted to return to Loulsburg on Sunday (rem thetr wedding trip to points North. Mra. Parks was before ber marriage last Sunday, Miss Lillian Hamment, of Baltimore. Mr. Parke la the owner and operator of the Rendesvous, and has won * number of friends in Loulsburg since coming here several months ago. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY MELTING The American Legion Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. J. E. Malone Jr. June 18. IBM at 8:80 P. M. This Is the last meeting we will have until Sep tember and all members are urged to bear this In mind and attend this meeting. MRS. ft. W. PERRY SEC'Y. DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL It was with a great deal ot enthusi asm that-, the Dally Vacation Bible School, which Is being Jointly con ducted by the Methodist and Baptist Sunday Schools ot Loulsburg, opened at & o'clock on Monday morning June 10, the Baptists enrolling 58 and the Methodists 56 on the opening day. The number enrolled Is increasing greatly each day, and the children are becom ing more and more eager to attend aud to be present on time. This school which Is for children from 6 to 16 years of age will be held from June 10 to June 21, in co-operation with the Nationwide Movement'. The school Is In session three hours each day from 9 to 12 o'clock, during which time serious study and wholesome play are indulged in by the children under the leadership of competent teachers. This being a joint affair, classes are held alike and. at the same time at both churches. All of the be* glnners, however, meet at the Baptist Church and follow a different program from that used by the rest of the classes. The Program as a whole con sists of handwork, Bible stories, Char acter stories, and drills. The children in the school have several Interesting events to look for ward to. On Friday, June 14, there will be a join tmeetlng of the two Sunday Schools in the Baptist Church, at which time the Baptist Sunday school will present the program; on TrMay, jine'"?!," tEe Bapllsts^Tn meet with the Methodists who will give the program. There will be a big picnic on Friday afternoon, June 21; and on Sunday night, June 23, at the regular service hour, the Com. mencement Exercises will take place ft which time the children and teach, ere will show the parents just whal they have done during the two weeks in hopes that it will increase theii enthusiasm and Interest In the school It is the intention of the Sundav Schools to make this a permanent part of the religious educational pro gram of the churches to take place once every year. The Faculty at the Baptist Church is composed of Supt. W. R. Mills Mrs. R. H. Bobbitt, Mrs. C. C Hudson Miss Lucy Tlmberlake, Miss Mariat Perry. Miss Flayial LiJes. Miss Jlanct Weaver, Miss Jewell Clarke, Mrs Hor ace Hilton, Miss Elizabeth Tlmberlake Miss Gladys Taylor. Mrs, F. V. Joyner Miss Alene Godfrey, Miss Louise Cot* 1 per. Miss Betty Mohn, and Rev. 8. L Blent on, Principal. - 1 The faculty at the Methodist church is composed of Miss Helen Smithwick Primary Superintendent, Miss Ava Harris, Miss Lucy Smithwick, Mrs. 0. Y. Yarborough,; Miss Loulta Jarman Junior Superintendent, Mrs. Al. Hod. ' ges; Mrs. J. Eh Malone, Intermediate Superintendent, Mrs. Daniel Lane. The Athletic directors are Mrs. C. , C. Hudson. Chairman. Miss Lucy Per. ? ry Burt, Miss Lucy. Tlmberlake. Supt. Eh L. Best is Supervisor ol the school. Southern Goodyear Day "Opening of the new Goodyear tire flint at Gadsden, Ala., marks an im pressive forward stride in the indus trial development of the South. It is significant of our future that the world's greatest rubber company sees in the South its best opportunity for expansion." These are the words of the Hon. Bibb Graves, governor of Alabama, in commenting on the celebration of Southern Goodyear day tomorrow. The new plant is the fourth manu facturing investment of the Goodyear company In the South, in addition to many distribution and branch estab lishments. The company already op. erates a 60,000 spindle tire textile mill at Cedartown, On., Is building another 60,000 spindle mill at Rock mart, Ga. and recently purchased a third 60,000 spindle mill at Atco, Ga. Gov. Graves' statement was wired today by Sup't F. A. Steele of the Gad sden plant to Louisburg Service Sta tion, Goodyear dealers here. "Southern Goodyear Day is a busi ness celebration," says Claude C. Col lins of the Louisburg Service Station, "bnt it has a real interest for car own. era too. "This Is the first time a major tire company has actually built tires In the South. It means a lot, we think, that it is the one tire company that commands outstandibg leadership In the Industry. Tou will see that where Goodyear points the way, others will follow. I make that as a prediction and want you to check me up on It. Just watch." The local Goodyear dealers, In lea. gue with other dealers all over this, the Raleigh torrltory. have pledge themselves to sell in one day?to morrow?the equivalent of one entire day's output for the new factory?6, CC0 tires. SERMON TOPIC FOB NEXT ' SUNDAY AT BAPTIST CHUBCH The Rev. B. L. Blanton will preach on "Christian Greatness" 8_unday morning at 11 o'clock at the Louis, burg Baptist Church. The subject for the evening sermon at 8 o'clock will be Building a life. s The Daily Vacation Bible School will continue through June 81. All children to attend from 9 A. M. to 18 M. A competent faculty, under thd direction of Mr. Blanton. Is giving Valuable instruction in religious edu.1 cation. V. ? New Home Ford Agency For Looisbnrg Contracts were completed the past week for the erectroh of a new build ing, on the old Riverside Warehouse lot on Market Street to accomodate the new Ford Agency In Louisburg. The building will be approximately 80 x 80 feet and will consist of - a basement and a floor level with Mar ket Street. It will be only a one story building, but will be equipped espec ially for the Ford products. The front will be of face brick, with large and showy show windows. Modern and" approved shojv rooms and offices will occupy the froht of the first floor, and storage and garage rooms will take up the remainder of the space. It Is expected that work will begin at an early date and that the building will be rushed to completion . ?This will be one of the most deslra. bit locations in town when completed and will complete the replacement of (he burned section on Market Street, except a small portion to the rear of these bulldlngB, which will proba. bly be reconstructed for storage space at a later date. w RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Resolutions adopted by the Worn, an's Missionary Society of the Metho dist Church, of Louisburg, N. C. Whereas, It has pleased our heaven. [1> Father, In Us infinite wisdom to call to her eternal Reward our belov ed sister and co-worker. Mrs. Celestla Smith, one of the pioneer members of our society, whose unswerving faith, fulness and loyalty and the beauty of whose sweet Christian spirit, will keep her memory alive in all our hearts: therelore, be it resolved: first that while we, the members tot the Society, fee I a deep senst of the loss which we have sustained in her death yet, we tow in submission to the devine will, and rather rejoice In the ricli example afforded us by the ripe Chris tian character to which she attained, and the saintly life which she led In our midst. Second, That we seek to follow the example here set before us, closing up the breach In our ranks and carry i| lna on the. work , that she ha; laid Third, That we extend to the be reaved family the deep sympathy of the society with the prayer that the heav -eily father may comfort and east air them In their lose; ? ? Fourth, That a copy of these be "re corded In the minutes of the Society, s copy be sent to the family and anoth. er copy to the Franklin Times. Mrs. M. S. Davis Mrs. J. M. Allen Mrs. O. T. Meade 8ASDY CREEK ITEMS There was a very good service al Sandy Creek Sunday and a very good dinner. Ereryone seemed to enjoj themselves thoroughly. We were sorry to hear that out 8unday School teacher, Mrs. H. G Conn, had been siCk and we hope she jwlil soon be well (or we miss her so much. We have just learned that Mrs Frank Edwards Is taking treatments at Mary Elizabeth Hospital at Raleigh and hope she will Improve rapidly. Mr. Dean Hurley preached at Mt. Zlon Sunday afternoon about the world war, a very Interesting sermon. A very large crowd attended. Mlsa Clayton Burnette ot Centervtlle May Whlttey of Nashville spent Sun. day night with Mrs. W. F. Edwards of Loulsburg. Mrs. N. C. Mullen, Miss Carol Par. rish and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards spent Monday at Raleigh. Miss Lola Leonard left Monday for Summer School. We will miss her very much. Miss Lola Aycock. has gone to Ral eigh State Hospital' for training. A great many of our girls are leav ing us this summer. F. E. ? RET. W. C. BALL TO PREACH Rev. W*C. Ball, of Frankllnton will preach at the^Methodlst Church in Lcuisburg next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., In the absence of Rev. Daniel Lane, who Is at Memphld, Tenn., under treatment Rev. Mr. Ball Is a splendid preacher and It Is expected quite a large number will be present to hear hlnr. MT. GILEAD COMMTMTT SEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hlght motored over to Castalla Saturday. Mr. J. F._ Gupton has recovered from a short Illness. Miss Gertrude Oupton has been vis iting Miss Carol Parish. Misses Thelma and Gertrude motor, ed over to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Sledges J*st Saturday night . . Mr. Clarence Oupton has been flll. tng the road ditch with pine bushes to keep the road from washing away the past week. Mr. George Hlght motored over to Hf nderson Last Thursday. Miss Mavis Gupton has Improved right much with her spell of appendi citis. Last Sunday was chlldrens day at Mt. Zlon. Hope every one enjoyed It One. We are expecting a chlldrens Day at Mt. Gilead soon. Everybody is en. vlted to attend. R. B. and 8. B. AMONG THE VISITORS HOME IOC KNOW AND SOKE IOI DO ROT KNOW. Person*! Items Aboat Folks ill Their Friends Who Travel Hen And There. Dr H. G. Perry visited Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mr. A, R. House, ot Zebulon, visitor to Louisburg Monday. Mr. Douglas Perry returned Satur day from a trip to Plymouth. ? ? ? Mr. E. M. Bailey spent the past week end with his parents in Roxboro. Mr. C. H. Staunton, ot Wilmington, was a visitor to Louisburg yesterday, e e ? Mr. W. W. Webb Is spending this week in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, e e e Mr. L. P. Johnson, of Rock Mount, Was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. Mr. E. Meridith ot Washington, N. C., was a visitor to Louisburg Tues day. Mrs. W. P. Neai and Miss Annie Perry Neal spent Friday in Raleigh shopping. ? ....... . , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. D. Egerton, of Rockingham, were visitors to Louis burg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Carter spent the past week-end with her people, in South Carolina.? e e a Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Powell, of Hen derson, were the guests ot Mrs. W. C! Webb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nash, of Shelby, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Nash, of near Louisburg. Mrs. H. W. Jetton and children oi Charlotte, visiting mother Mrs. J. D, Hore nehr Castalia. . Ddr, A. W* Macon left Tuesday for Portsmouth, Ya., to enter the Noral hospital for treatment. ? ? ? - Capt. H. W. Perry left Sunday foi Charlotte to enter the Government hospital tor treatment. Mrs. Florence May Underslll, ol Anderson, S. C-, visited relatives in Louisburg the past week. Rev. Daniel Law left Friday to) Memphis, Tenn., to receive treatment at a Government hospital. Mrs. C. P. Harris, Miss Annie Har ris and Miss Margaret Wilder were Raleigh shoppers on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Alford and child, ren, of Spring Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry, the past week ? ? * i ~ Mrs. J. W. B. Thompson and Dangh. ter, of Franklin, Va_, are visiting hei parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grimm and chil dren, of Oxford, were the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Person last Sun day. Mrs. A. F. Johnson and children and Misses Adelaide, Elizabeth and Sa. die Johnson visited Henderson Tues. day e e e Mr. W. J. Shear hi, Jr., left Sunday for Raleigh, where he-will take a bus iness course at a local business Col. lege. V Miss Lucy Clifton Boddle returned the past week from Holttns. Va. where she was a "graduate of Holllns College. Mr. J. R. Perry of Washington D. C., visited friends and Relatives in end near Loulsburg on Monday of last week. ? ? ? Misses Gibson and Ruth^Scarboro of Eagie Rock left yeste -'lay alter spending a tew days with Mrs. E. F. Thomas. : 1 Mr. W. J. Webb and son. Mr. Frank Webb, of Blackstone. Vs.. spent the past week.end with Mr. and Mrs. W. W Webb. Miss Olivia McKinne returned the pest week from Chapel Hill, where she has been attending school at the University. Mesdames R. Q. Bailey and mother. Mrs. J. A. Beam, of Roxboro. are spending a few days with relatives at Roxboro and Shelby. Miss Elisabeth Newell returned Sunday from Enfield wher she has been the guest of Miss Luclle Law rence for several days. see i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anderson and children, of W-inston.Salem. visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sledge, of near Loulsburg the past week. ? ? ? Br. A. C. Bayer, of Buchanan. W. Vs., arrived Wednesday to spend the Summer with Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Per. ry, and will assist Dr. Perry with his BOD WELL?HARRIS Invitations reading as follows have been mailed: Mr. and Mrs Clyde Peebles Havls rjques: the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Annie Fleming to Mr. Clyde Ethelbert Rodwell on Saturday, the twenty-ninth pf June at half after seven ICctock In the * ? evening Maple Springs Church Louisburg, North Carolina. Enclosed 'were cards reading: "Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peebles Harria request the pleasure of your company Saturday evening, the twenty-ninth of June, from half after eight until ten o'clock, At Home." No Invitations will. be . mailfVi to friends in Louisburg or Franklin County. Miss Harris is the daughter of Sen. and Mrs. C. P. Harris, of near Louis burg and Is a most charming and at tractive young lady, very popular among her host of friends. The groom is a prominent and pop ular young business man in Warren ton. The coming events attending the wedding of this popular young couple will be watched with much interest by their many friends. MAKES BIG LIQrOK HAUL Prohibition Agent S. L. McDuffy, assisted by Constables A. S. Wigga, and F. M. Ayescue and Mr. Paul Beag le} made two big whiskey hauls the past week, when they destroyed two still plants near Red Bud. The first was located on a branch about 600 yards back of Mr. Lonnie Lancaster's home, and the second about 400 yards below the first on the same biTych. 60 gallon eopper still outfits were de stroyed at both places and twenty gallons of whiskey at each. At the first about 2000 gallons of beer was destroyed and at the second about 700 gallons was poured out. LAY CORNERSTONE JFXIOE ORPHAN'S HOXR Durham, June 1U-?Officers of. tfcfi National Cuuncll of "the Junior Order United American Mechanics will par ticipate In the exercises at the laying of the cornerstone, June 16, at Lexing ton. N. C.. of one of the order's homes for orphans. ?? Opening at 2:30 p.m.. the exercises will be presided over by E. A. Ltewe lyn. National Councilor, who will later lay the cornerstone with the assist ance of the National board of officers. After the invocation by the Rev. E W. Sturtevant, National chaplain, ad dresses will be made by President Charles E. Brewer, of Meredith Col lege College. Raleigh; D. W. SorralL State councilor of the Junior Order, ard James L. Wllmeth, Nation secre tary. Music will be furnished by the boy's band and the girls' glee club from the order's home at Tiffin, O.. while Lexington children will stag a number cf sacred songs, and "Carolina." The National board of officers. In addition to Messrs. Llewelyn Sad Wll meth. consists of Omer C Stubbs, vice councilor; ' Thomas H. Walters, jun iors past national councilor, and Charles Relmer, treasurer. State officers, besides Mr, Sorrell. are E. V. Harris, vice councilor; W. I . Cohoon, junior past State coun cilor; Sam F.. Vance, secretary, and Gurney P. Hood, treasurer. W. id. Shuford. of Lexington, Is the superintendent of the home at tfiat place. *- _. practice. ? ? ? Mrs.' Clyde Burgess and Mttle dau ghter will leave next week (or a short vacation trip to Hamptonvtlle. They will be the guests of Mr. Burgees* relatives while there. ? ? ? Mr. Pete Hoffman, of Baltimore and Loulsburg is spending a few Mays here with friends, (e has two frienda of his from Baltimore with him also. Messrs. Robertson and Chandler. ? e ? Messrs. Bruce Shearin and W. J. Stearin, Jr., accompanied Mrs. P. W. Shearin and children, who have been visiting Mr. ahd Mrs. W. J. Shearin, to their home In Charlotte the paet week. see Miss Kitty Blddle, after attending the Kappa Sigma house party at State College, and the finals at Tome School Maryland, has gone to Chapel H1U to be a guest at a house party given by the Zeta Pel fraternity. ? Mr. end Mrs. Raskin H. Hunt went to Klnston the past week-end. There they Joined a party and motored to Wrightsvllle Beach at Wilmington, N. C. for the week-end. They returned home Monday afternoon. ? ? e Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas and little daughter spent the past week-end With friends in Lexington. They were accompanied home by Mrs. C. O. Bedford and son of High Point who are tbelr guest* for this week ? e e Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Tumor. Mrs. W. C. Webb and Miss Bernice Smith were entertained by the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company at a dinner party given at the war ren ton Hotel nn Monday night.