THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?TAE DROPS? ?Cotton wu worth 18 6-8 ce%ts a pound in Louisbtfrg yesterday. ? ? ? ?Mr. B. B. Perry Is remodeling hie residence on Church Street. a ? ? ?A flue son was born to Dr. and Mrs. w. R. Bass-on Thursday of last weel^ ?It is reported that Mr. Adrian Harris chuSETa 7-pound chub out ot Lis pond near his home the past week. ?Mrs. T. T. Davis, of Inez, and her mother, Mrs. A. E. Richburg, of Ral. e gh, were the week-end visitors of Mrs. R. H Griffin, of Centerville. ? * ? i ?Dr. J. O. Newell' has leased the 1 store room on Nash Street formerly used by F. A. Roth Co. as a storage room and will equip a modern office. ? ? ? ?Dr. W. R. Bass reports that the Farmers Creamery made 42kl pounds of butter during the month ot May, 4127 of which was sold on the local market. -? a-e strong, Mounting high and soaring leng; - While qui faRbwUhsteady eye. Sees beyond a changing shy, Glories born of cloudless day. Let us seek them, while we may. .While we may^kO^tables write. And a mighty scepter sway Let us win It while we may. While we may! Time lingers not, Fast he flies on noiseless toot. Wisdom's counsel la to seise Passing opportunities. Deeds today! To.morrow's scheme Is a vain, delusive dream. Fortune, liketbe potter'a day Should be moulded while it may. Welner Roast to Graduating Class - The Grade Mothers of the 1th grade, Mesdames T. W. Watson. E. W. Fur gurson, H. M. 8tovalI, Will Cooper, J. T. Pruitt and R, G. Person took the graduating class to the High Bridge near Frankllnton for a welnle roast. Each student Invited a guest and Mrs. Bailey. Misses Allgood, Lucas and Mr. Holllday, High School teachers, were the honor guests. The class voted It one of the very jclllest, happiest occasions of thdtr lives. ? e ? High School Debate The High School Debate in chapel shortly before school closing was very interesting to those who heard It. The debators argued the question with pep and forceful facts. Debate. Resolved that Strikes and Lockouts should be forbidden by the law. Affirmative, Rachel Wheless, Jose, phlne Perry. Negative, Christine Liles, Lucille Hudson'. President, Mary HarVls Freeman; Secretary, Kathleen Watklns. Decis ion went to the affirmatjye. Objectives of Grade Mofbers Carried Over The Tifcl , . The Grade Mothers report, read at last P. T. A. did not reach Its full completion until the last,day of school but went over the top with 100 per cent completion of plana for the year. The flrst objective was to put In every room a good plctvVe, framed. The second objective covered a wide scope, that bf placing Th every grade rcom the most necessary and useful equipment, which choice was to be made by teachers ot the grades. Summarised these are some of the Important presentations to grade rooms by grade mothers, pictures,, bulletin-boards, ma ting tables, book casaa, books, a '.i; ml some globe, hectographs, pencils, colors, primary supplies, a history of ill the Presidents In ssvtral volumes, mugaslnee, flowers, potted plants, wall vases, window boXea, aubscrlp. tlon to "Currant Events", a linoleum rug and cooking utensfls to flconom cs Department, calclmmhig and dee cratlon of Ec. room, a trip to Raleigh 'or grade, etc. In addition to theeg, there have been treats, and simple observation >C Hallowe'en. Thanksgiving, New fair, Easter by grade mothers, alto lether an expenditure of nearly $tM. see .. The Old District He hoot The Old District School presented inder the auspice- nf the Psrent reachere Association in the School mdltoiium, May WM * how! lug success. <. Nothing put on by the school this year provoked so much laughter and fun. Every character was Individual and amusing. 'Miss Jeruslia Ann Perkins, teacher (Miss Fisher) played a heroic part in iuultolliag the uuruanagable children of this District School. Patience Petigrew (Mrs. E. S. Ford) and-Polly Petigrew (Mrs. A. W. Per. son) twins, attractive in roie, were also bewitching In costume. Little Lord idauntleroy (A. W. Per. son) was "too cute for anything." Golfl Brick Twins, ^(Messrs. A. W. Wilson and E. L. Best) were the most taking characters on the stage. Absolute guarantee of success for any show in the future, A. W. Wilson and E. L. Best as Gold Brick Twins. The splendid audlenqe that witness ed tffe play was most gratifying to those who had put so much effort in getting up the play, and the proceeds from it 1165.00 was the biggest suc cess of all. This money represents the initial fund toward the purchase of school stage curtain. (To Be Continued Next Week) How to poison the cotton boll wee vil Is told briefly in leaflet 37 Issued by the United States Department of Agriculture at Washington. Seeds for the fall crop of cabbage, collards and tomatoes need to be planted during tbe second or third week of June. Two hundred farmers of Alamance county attended a soil improvement meeting on - -the far in of - Olaude Thompson. The Swiss government has insued a warning that Mount Arblno is mov ing dangerously and wlH probably cause one of the great landslides in Swiss history before long. Now that May has passed, the next legal holiday will be July 4th. m oice COLOR at MO extra ms. See our special display in j newest motor car color design j At no extra cost?a Choice of Colore on any model, from a variety so wide you have almost individual distinction. Come to our ^ special color show and see for yourself the great nunfber of color combinations from which you may choose. And, remember, this is only an additional feature to the great array of values with which Essex the Challenger has swept the field. *695 AND UP at factory Toy jycnt car w{H probably cove* i ftnt paynant Tkm H. M. C. PvrdwzM PLm offer* da IbwK term* THE CHALLENGER NASH STREET MOTOR CO ? HQRTH CAROLINA . Saturday is Southern Goodyear Day TSo Uhutratioa it from tm, artitPt tketeh of tko completed Godtdom Plant \ A Red Letter Day in Southern Tire History The South ha* gone Goodyear and we're organising a little eel ebratiop of oar Own to mark the early opening of Goodyear'e great new tire plant at Gedadea^ Thla plant will be the moat mod ern tire factory In the world, the last word in equipment and fa culties. Ita capacity la 5,000 tires per day?Southern made for the Southern trade. And we're going to offer apodal yaloeg In Goodyepq Saturday in h great one day sale. Together with other Goodyear dealer* in thi* vicinity, we hop* to eell Sat urday more than a day's output to (how oar appreciation of the opening of this plant and to ?how that it is none too large. Goodyear tire* Pathfinder, All Weather or Double Eagle??are definitely superior in tread and earca** a* we can show you. Help us to celebrate and help yourself to wonderful tire, value* by coming in to see us Saturday. Look At TktM Bargains 30x3 V6 hthflitdtf ? ? ? . .. .$5.50 29x4.40 Pathfindec .?.4v? ? ? ? ? ? $6."50 30x4.50 Pathfinder $7^5 I 29x4.50 Ail-Weather $9-95 | Other Sin* Equally Low.* LOUISBURG SERVICE STATION Good Golf Gasoline Greasing and Washing <1 J CLAUDE COLLINS, Manager