YE&IT$A 4 S MILLIONS OF PEOWJ& DELiGKTnr.vytTH THE SUREKTLLER Evert day Black Flag Liquid delights new thousands with its splen did. It^never f"iE',F1*Tir .Pig i?ithiMkntHi witklu said special school taxing district whether or not there shall ha levied a special of not more Utau fifty cents on the one hundugl dollars valuation of property to supplement the publie school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposed special school taxing district by the Oounty Board ot Education; and In case such special school tax la voted It shall op erate to repeal and .abolish nil school taxes heretofore voted la any local-tax Or special charter district - located within the said special school taring ' istrict. The said election shall be held on the 15th day of July 1929, .the polling place shall be at D. T. Dickie's Blare In the said district A new registration shall be. made and IX T. Dickie is hereby appointed registrar and Thomas GUI and Nat Ayscae are hereby appointed pool holders la said ' election.. SPECIAL SCHOOL TAXING DIS- I TRIOT KNOWN AS EPSOM : "Beginning at a pointwhere the 1 Alert-Henderson Rood., crosses the i Franklin-Warren County line, corner I Df Gold Sand Special Taxing District; 1 Ihence in a southerly direction along 3 aid line to 0. Z.:.Kdwawl'a. nHH an i Devil Cradle's Creek, comer for Ing- < leside Special Tax District; thenoe up 1 ?aid creek to Dement'n old mill at I WUson'a bridge) corner for Ingleside 1 Special Tax District; thence south- "t westerly along said Ingleside Special I rax District to TooI'b Creek; thence t lown said creek to a point where said 1 ;reek crosses Hayesville-Frankllnton i rewnsfcip line; thence in a westerly I Urection along the -aid line to Vance ^punty; thence along the Franklin,- t fhnce County line in a northerly' dl- t ?ection to Warren County; thence i ilong the Franklin-Warren County t the beginning.'' I The registration book shall be open id from the 15th day of Jnne 1929 q hraugh the 6th day of July 1929, and be registrar will have said book at he said polling place each Saturday Lnrlag said, period froaa the lSth- day f Jane 19*9 through the 6th day of I uly 1929. By order of the Board of .County- ? 'emmissioners of Franklin County, f. his the 3rd day ot Jane, 1929. rv. C- L. McGHEE, Chairman. 0 Utest: C L C. HOLDEN, Clerk. 6-7-4t U It, JOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELECTION J .Upon petition ot .mora than the re- 1 luired number of freeholders in the ircpoaed Harris School District, franklin County, North Carolina, snm?_ >etitlon being in due form and duly 1 IP proved and indorsed by the County Board of Education of Franklin Coun ty, it Is hereby ordered that an elec. Ei be held within the said .district accordance with the provisions of krtlcle 17, Chapter 136. the Public Laws of North Carolina, Session 1926. which election shall be ascertained e will of the. people within the said (Strict whether here shall be levied in d district a special tax of not more 50c on every one hundred dollars nation of property to supplement c Public School Fund apportioned ir the Baid district The said ..elfc ion shall be held on Monday, Jul> 5th, 1929. The polling place shall be it .the Harris School Building in said (strict. A new registration shall be nade and H. T. Rogers Is hereby ap pointed registrar ahd Oscar Hagwood nd R. T. Harris are hereby appointed icll holders. The bonndaries of the said Harris Ichool District as fixed by the County loard ef Education of Franklin Conn, y. are as follows: "Beginning at a point where Crook-, - Creek crosses Youugsvllle and Har. 1s Township line, corner for Flat ock and Roberts School District line a the Loulsburd-Raleigh road; .thence a a southerly direction to the Wake 'ranklln County lines Including lands a both sides of the road not Included d the YoungsvlUe School District; hence In a southeasterly direction said, Franklin-Wakn. Co ntv Iln_. 1 Phillips' Mill . Pond.. corner, for torre 8cb 1 District, to the Raleigh ,'allfax Road, comer for New Hope School District; thence in a northerly IltacUoa along said Ralelgh.Hallfax Rtnd to the BIJab .Cartar'a corner;! .thence in an, easterly, dinectlon along toe New .Hope School.District line to "Iky Bunn District. Una; theses in s northerly direction- along the Buon Jtcw Hope School Dlstdetune to Rock t?prings School District lint to the fJjMlshorg Oraded-Behool Une; thence ;Sd a westerly direedoa. along the , Leulsborg (traded School line to hbatbwest corner, -of said Loulaburg Traded School . Disteiet on Campus Creek; thence fn a northerly directum 1 etiosg loulsburg (leaded School line ^ .Harris . and Ldetebsrg Township 11m; thence In a westerly direction ydeSK. said HarrhxLcatsbwrg. Town Chip line to corner dor-Loslsbarg, Har ?jrbt., Fraahlintoib-- and Yonngsvllle .TOwoehips, also corner for Flat Rock dOhooi Dlstrlet : thenee In, a southerly otion along , the eastern boundary be Flat Rock. School District to of beginning. It is horeby that.this territory em. all the territory in Panne. Har Yrmngsviile and WmnkltnUm ihip thOt. i?i not Included with within this territory, school, dstriet to "bb ??MhhS registration book shall be open ? from tbs . 16th day of. June IBM hrough the cash the following descri bed real estate, to.wlt: A certain lot or parcel of land sit in te In the Town of Loulsburg; N. C., ted beginning at a rock on the E aide of Kenmore Ave., the White corner; thence 8 67 1-2 E 24 poles 16 Unhs to a stake, a corner (A the said White lines thence N 32 1-2 E 6 poles to a ?take; thence N 67 1.2 W 24 poles 16 links to a stake near ? red oak on Kenmore Av{., the Thomas corner; thence N 32 1-2 W 6 poles along KsIt more Ave. to the beginning, contain ing 9 24-1000 of an acre;, and being tke same tract of land conveyed to W. H Furgurson by J. M. Allen, et al, by deed dabed Jan. 112. 1902, and reoord eti in Franklin County Registry, book 128, page 9; and by. deed of W. H. Furgurson to Bessie Furgurson on Jan. 14. 1902, also recorded in. Frank* lin County Registry. This the 31st day of May,-1919,,. Q. M. BEAM. ?$1.8t Commissioner. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order, of sale the Superior Court of Frapklin County in that special pro., ceedlng entitled "Nicholas Denton, etc., Kx-Parte". the undersigned Com mlssioner will M - MONDAY, JULY 1. 1829, [It being the first .Monday In July, at or about the hour of 12: o'clock noon, the courthouse door In Lonlabnrg, C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for ,cash e tract or parcel of land lying and being In Harris Towbj ?hip. Franklin County, N. C., bounded on the N. by the lends of W. R. Young; on the B. by the lends of B. A, Kemp; end on the S. bed W. by the lands of W. R. Young, more particularly de scribed as. follows, to.wltr ADJOININO the.lends of W. R. Young and beginning at a ping, cor ner of Lot No. 6; thence 8. 128 polee, 9 links to a stake; corner of Lot No. 4 In W. R. Yonng'a line; thence S. 89 1.4d B 61 ?olae. II links to a post oak, W. R. Young's corner; then ca ? 199 poles to n dogwood palatefl th'eooe N 1 t.4d E 9 links to the beginning, containing 183 acres, fhore or lets, and being the tame land conveyed to Sherrod Denton and Nicholas Denton by deed recorded in book 76, pegs 888, md-hpt Shewed Denton, to Teuton, recorded In book 27*, 189. Franklin County Regbitcy. This the 27th day of May. 1919 fife MOFEfflKHm COLUMN DR. H O. PERRY i ? J Physician i and Su rgeoD. . Loulaburg, North Carol Ina Office 101 W. Nash fit. Telephones: Day 187; Night 187 DR. R. F. YARBOROUGH Physician and Surgeon Loulaburg, N. C. I Office in Biekett and Yarborongh ? Building Office Phona 288 Ilesldence Phone 28 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Phyalclan and Surgeon Louiaburg, North Carollii Offices Over Ford Building Corner Main and .Nash Streets Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulaburg. N. C. Office fat First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 Night Phone 249.1 E. E. COUNCIL, M. D. White Level R. F. D. No. 4 Loulaburg, N. C. General Practice DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office In. Service Drug Co. 0. H. BANKS, D. D. S. Dentist _ Loulaburg, N. C. Dfftce over W. B. White Furniture Ce. ?D. T. SMBTHWICK Dentist Loutsburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR. W. R. BASS Veterinarian Loulaburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. 'hone Office 335-L Residence 339-J Special Attention to Small Animals DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon )ffice at Residence,' North Main St Colophons: Hours: light 64 8:10 to 10:10 a. m. lay 64 , 12 to 1 p. gt* f to g p. b; MRS N. B. TUCKER Registered Nurse Calls Answered Day or Night , Phone US C. L. BLACKEURN, D. G. Chiropractor! 01 N. Oaraett -8t, Henderson. N. C. Oll<* Hosr?: ? to-12, 0 to 4. 7 to I" ' Ihiropractlc Is a natural, safe and Sdentlflc Health Service a. at-beam AUorney_atJjaW\ . | Office Over Poet Office Practice In all Courts W. H. Yarboroogh Htll-Knrborough YARBOBOUGH > YARBQBQU0H0 Attorneys and Couasellomet Law Office in Egerto* Building Oyer Kline's Store Practice in. Franklin and adjoining counties, and in the United States Court# at Raleigh. I1 R. R White, E. H. Malone, J. E. Halone WHITE & MALONE T Lawyers Lonlsburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of ei tatea,. tpnds Invested. One member of the Arm always In the office. M. STUART DAVIS '? Architect . Engineer Office First 'National-Bank Building Loulsburg, N. C. JOfl. T. INSOOE Registered Land Surveyor, | aad Notary Public CaeUUas.N^Ot SL F.tP. No. 1 Main Street- First anteed. Give me e First-el ass jr or k guar eall.. a will nniaraHidK 8TBQALL'S BARBER SHOP I Invite my ?caatomerm and friends 16 give on a chance to serve you, aa We are all Axed up anaki after oar Are and are la better straps to serve yon than before. I'm here to give yon my personal service at all times. 1 Thanking yon for a call, 1 am yours to serve, O.T.? At COPY IN MARLY