The Franklin Times 1 ^NMp AM itUKllSiKt ?emus tiiir BE13GS SESULT8 A. 7. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE S^ATE, THE UNION ^ SUBSCRIPTION fl.50 Per Yeai VOLUMN LX. LOUISBURO, N. 0., FRIDAY, JULY 5TH, 1929 tf^agee) NUMBER 20 BEAUTIFUL WBD DING CEREMONY Solemnized at Maple Spring)* ohen Miss Annie Harris Became Bride of 'Mr. Clyde E. Rodwell. ? A lovely June Wedding of State wide Interest was solemnized about twilight Saturday evening, June 2#th., when Miss Annie Fleming Harris, daughter of Senator and Mrs. Clyde Peebles Harris, of Loulsburg, became the bride of Mr. Clyde Ethelbert Rod well. Jr. of Warrenjon, the ceremony taking place at Maples Springs Church. Near, Lonlsburg. Rev 8. L. Blanton, Pastor of the Loulsburg Baptist Church officiated,' using the beautiful and Impressive Ting cere, mony. The entire front of the church wi filled with lustrous evergreens, upon whose "dolt cool background there stood out Immense white cluster of Queen Ann's Lace. Lovely green ferns also served as decoration In the rostrum while on either side of the alter, in tall sliver candelabra, beau tiful white tapers burned. To com-, plete the decorations, tall glowing ta pers were arranged In holders on ei ther side, the entire length of the church. Especially beautiful and appropri ate music was rendered prior' to the ceremony! "Shuberts Serenade" and "Venetian Love Song" were played by Mrs. A. H. Fleming, and "At Dawn, lng" was sung by Arthur Fleming. Jr. Mrs. Herman Rodwell, of War ren ton, sang "Still Unexpressed"; while a quartette, composed of Mrs. W, E. White. Mrs. Bruce Berkeley* Mr.. Malcolm McKinnle, and Dr. H. R Johnson, softly sang the Bridal Chor us from Lohengrin as the bridal party entered. Mrs. C. P. Harris, mother of the bride, dressed In orchid chiffon, and carrying an arm bouquet of pink ros es, entered just ahead of the bridal party and took her place with the family in the pews to the left at the front especially reserved ffor the hHHu's fpTO'ly, >h* to the right having been reserved" for the groom's family and those in front between the two aisles for the ipz*;,lal~ljrlehds of both parties from Warrenton and Loulsburg. The ushers in full dress entered next by way of the left aisle, and ' were followed by the bridesmaids, the dame of honor, and the little flower girl, who took their places in the front of the chnrch on either side of the altar, the bride entering mean while on the arm of her father, Mr. Clyde Peebles Harris, while the bridegroom entered, accompanied by his brother, Mr. Raleigh Rodwell, of Henderson, as best man, meeting at the altar where a beautiful marriage ceremony was performed. Mendell. som's Wedding March was played softly ae the bridal party left the church. The Driae wore a ueaumui su?u of lace and tulle, fashioned with a lopg ttghtflttlng lace bodice and tulle skirt over white satin. She wore al so a lovely bridal veil trimfced with dainty orange blossoms, and carried a corsage oi pure white Calls Ullles. The Dame ot Hohor, Urs. H. L. Candler, of Henderson, sister ot the bride, was dressed In sheer pink chif fon, with a pretty corsage of pink gladioli to match. The bridesmaids, Misses Margaret Wilder and Mary Malone Best, cons Ins of the bride, were dressed respec tively in beautiful gowns of Jade and taffeta, made with the long tlghtflt ting bodice, dipping somewhat In the back to form an uneven hemline. They both carried arm bouquets ot snapdragons and roses. Gene Candlsr, little niece of the bride, acted as flower girl, wearing a dress of pink organdie and carrying a basket of rose petals. Those acting as ushers were Mr. Clyde Harris, of Wilson, and Mr. Mor timer Harris, of Loulsburg, both bro thers of the bride, Herman Rod well, ot Warrenton, brother of the groom, and Brodle Jones, ot Warrenton. The bride, the daughter of Sena tor and Mrs. C. P. Harris, of near Loulsburg, Is a member ot one of Franklin County's most prominent families, and is a most attractive and accomplished young lady, having re calved her education at Meredith Col lege. The groom Is a prominent young business man, of Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Rodwell left after the bridal ceremony on a motor trip up through the Valley of Virginia They will be at home to their friends In Warrenton after July 7th. U5I0H CHURCH SERVICES The white churches ot Lolsburg will hold union services on the even ings of the Sundays In July. The morning services will not be affect ed by the change. The first of the union serviqjs will be at the Methodist Church Sunday July 7th at t p. m. The preacher for that service will be the Rev. B. L. Blanton, Pastor of the Baptist Church. The service for Ju ly 14th will be at the Episcopal Church with the Rev.Mr. Miller prea ching. The servioe for July list will be held at the Baptist Church with the Rev. Mr. Lane preaching. The last of the union services will be held at the Methodist ?hureh on July Itth with the Rev. Mr. Miner preaching, j * TO LOOK AFTER TRAFFIC * Chief of Follee B. H. Meadows * Informs the TIMES that he has * been especially Instructed to en. * force the traffic laws In Louis. * barf strictly, and wishes the eo * operation of all drivers of anto * mobiles and tracks. MBS. TIH6IXU SPITE Y DEAD Mrs. Virginia Spivey died In her eighty.fourth year at the home of her son, Mr. F. N. Spivey about 11 :M o'clock, Saturday night, June 39th,1 having been in 111 health' for about' Are months. Mrs. Spivey had been previously making her home with her daughter, Mrs. S. W. Young, of Lonle burg. 8he was a member of Leah's Methodist chnrch. The funeral services were held on Monday at 11 o'clock at the old home place of Mrs. Spivey's mother, about six miles south of Loulsburg, Inter, ment being made in the old family burying ground. The services were conducted by Rev. A. L. Thompson, assisted by Rev. Daniel Lane, of Loulsburg. Mrs. Spivey leaves six children, Mrs. S. W. Young, Mrs. W. A. Young, Mrs. C. H. Wheless and Messrs. F. N. Spivey, W. B. Spivey and A. E. Spivey, all of Franklin. County, and fourteen grandchildren, and?onw great-grandchijd. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Ben Harris, of Arkan sas. and one brother, Mr. N. B. Young of near Buna. The pallbearers were. Messrs. A. W. Person, W. J. Cooper, 0. J. Hale, K. B. Medlln, H. O. Harris, S. M. Washington. ' Many beautiful flowers :bespoke the tender love and sateem of a host of friends for the deceased. Mrs. Spivey was a kind and sympa. thetlc neighbor, a devoted mother and true friend and Christian woman. Her life has passed into the Joy of her Lord,. the memory of it must prove a perpetual inspiration. The community ektends the deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and mends. - ? > t~ 90 BEGOT SUNDAY Her. Cart E. Gaddy, Evangelist, With Prof, Furman BetU, of Raleigh as Chorister, at Planters Warehouse. Rev. Carl E. Gaddy, well-known evangelist of the south and middle west has arranged to come here and pat on a community revival In the Planters Warehouse. Mr. Gaddy comes highly recommended as a strong Gospel preacher of the Old Time Religions type. He is. heard by great crowds wherever he goes and will no doubt be heard by a good con stituency of Loulsburg. Prof. Furman Betts of Raleigh, Is known by the people here as he has assisted In meeting heretofore. The people who love singing will be glad to assist under his leadership. All singers are especially Invited to take a place in the spacious choir that Is being arranged lp the warehouse. The services beginning at eight o'clock. There will be two serylces on Sunday one at three and one at eight P. M. Let all the Christian people rally to tte services to do what they can for the salvation of the lost. DELIGHTFUL BABBECUE Mrs. S. P. Burt and daukgters, Uiss Lucy Perry Burt, and Mrs. A. H. Veasy, of Golds bo ro, were hostesses to a large number of friends at a delightful barbecue at her home on Church street, on Thursday evening at 5:80 o'clock. The home was at tractively decorated with summer flowers and terns. The hostesses served delicious bar. becue. Iced tea, slaw, pickle, pota tos, and chicken to about one hun. and fifty guests. TO ENFORCE FISH AND GAJfE LAWS Mr. M. W. Haynes. of Tarboro, rep tesentlng the State Department of Conservation and Development, was In Loulsburg Tuesday looking after violators of the fish and game laws. He says that the law prohibits tha use of drag eelns, dynamite or set nets In any of the streams or ponds in Franklin Count]* He statsd further that the Department was going to use every effort to have the law carried out In Franklin coun. ty. PR. BUBT ENTERTAINS HWANT8 DIRECTORS Dr. 8. P. Burt was host to the Di rectors of the Loulsl)drg Klwaals Club at a most enjoyable barbecue supper on Thursday nlgit, June >7. Barbecue, pickle, chicken. Ice cream and r?ke were served to tLe following guests trho were present to enjoy the occasion: Meerfrs. K. K. Allen. P. 8-1 Alien, M. 8. Clifton, Jake Frtedlander, A. H. Fleming, H. H Johnson, 8. F. Buddie and 0. M. Beam. Farm men and women of North Car. ollna have a cordial Invitation to at. tend the exercises of the annual Farm and Home Ween at Stfite College, Ju ly 12 to IT. I REV. T. M. GRANT ELECTED PRESIDENT Blorth Carolina Epworth League Ao nemblj?Mo-t InterMtlng and In. atrnctlve Meeting Came, to Close Friday night. ? ? Credits were awarded two hundred and forty-three students at the North Carolina Conference Epworth. Leaguo Assembly which met at Louisburg College this week. There were three 100 per cent leagues, three 00 per cent leagues, four 80 per cent leagues, and fire 70 percent leagues which receir. ed certificates of Efficiency. The Greenville league received the seal for having the largest number of delegat es present at the Assembly. Twenty-three students as follows re. ceived diplomas, which represent three years work at the Assembly. Elisabeth Albritton, Hookerton, N. C.; Mrs. W. A. Beasley, Durham; Margaret Curtis, Cory; Annie Lee Cutchin, Whltakers; Mary Mercer Dunn, Plnetops; Susan Exum; Snow Hill; Anna Belle Hicks, Snow Hill* Mary Cooper Hooker, Kln. ston; Blanch Jackson, Middleburg Clair Llnd, South port; Iola May nard, Henderson; Rev. S. E. Mercer, Elm City; Anna Rebecca Mltchener, Rocky Mount; Hellen Mtdgette, Bel haven; Addle Plnnell, Warrenton; Mary Pulley, Tarboro; John Shannon , ?ouse, Elizabeth "City f Ellen Stephen son, Raleigh; Mary Lee Starling, Dur. I ham; Winifred Tucker, Henderson |Mrs. Geo. Tyson, Durham; Lucille IWoodard, Greenville; Mary Louise | Wright Hamlet. I The following are the officers elec ted for the new year. President, Rev. |T II. Qnnt; vice-president. Rev. 1* i C. Larkln; Secretary, Miss Blanche iBcrrlnger; Treasurer, Gehrman Cobb; I Era Agent, Mrs. W. A. Beasley; Edl itor of the Advocate Page. Rev. E. C. ,Crawford; Dean, Rev. E. L. Hlllman; Superintendent of High League, Mrs. B. F. Boone; Supt. of Junior League, .Mrs. L. M. Hall; Rev. R. L. Jerome, 'Supt. of Life Service; Rev. J. C. Phil. Hps, Recreations. District Secretaries are Mrs. Geo. Tyson, Durham; Rev. H. B. Banal Elizabeth City; _J._ Eatt.erson, Fay ? ettevtlle; Rev. P. H Fields, Raleigh; Rev. A. J. Hobbs, Rockingham; Miss .Eula Rackeley, New Bern; Rev. B. F. Boone. Washington; Weldon has no appointment yet; Rev. E. C. Overton, .Wilmington. " - " ,?/. Rockingham District won first place I for having the best stnnt on 8tunt Night, Washington District took sec ond place, and Wilmington third. "The Old District School" put on by the faculty was a grand success, i The play "The Love Pirate" given by the students on Friday afternoon was fine. ! Before the close of the Conference a committee was appointed to draw | up resolutions of appreciation to the I people of Loulsburg. i Pres. Thomas Grant said. "This is the best Conference we have ever had." to locate nr louisburg The many friends of Mr. Dunham i Taylor. Jr.. who has been practicing ' law In Farmvllle. will be glad to learn that he la ' returning to Loulsburg 'where he will practice his profession. He will occupy offices over the First National Bank. COLORED WELFARE PROGRAM The following Is the program tor the meeting of the Colored Welfare Asso ciation to be held on Sunday 1 after noon, July Tth, at 3 o'clock: Music by Allen's Chapel Choir and Quartette. \ Address by Rer. J. M. Taylor. Music by Concord Choir. Music by Concord Quartette. Recitation by Miss Elder Smith. A special lnritatlon is extended to white people. ?Rer. Daniel Lane announces hU subject for Sunday morning service at the Methodist Church as "Keeping the Faith." Also that the Union ser vice will be held at the Methodist Church Sunday night with Rev. S. L. Blanton doing the preaching. Kranberg castle the home of Ham let in Denmark has been restored. The scientist who said that nothing ever wholly disappears, could proba ibly tell us today what became of all the old familiar brewery signs that hung outside the saloons. All kind of medicine Is advertised to limber up stiff Joints, but sitting on a tack will tarn the trick much quicker. Many people now are resting up for heir summer vacation. No matter what you plant In your garden, you should be able to get some chickens out of it. Business men of Bertie Coonty ere co-operating with the county agent to .put in a supply of the Implements i ' ? - recommended for the cultivation of tobacco on the ridg* Dgvlsson farmers report an excel lent tobacco crop but poor stands of corn and cotton. The wheat harvest I rain pjso disappointing due to cold, BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS The Board of Education met In reg ular session Monday with A. F. John sec. Mrs. T. H. Dickens, W. A. Mullen, J. H. Joyner and E. L. Green present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Bids on the Maplevllle School buil ding were received as follows: W. H. Allen Co., $2,629.21; E. B. Moore. $2,250.00; Stallings Ginning Co., $2, 020 00; F. M. Parrlsh, $1,849.00. The contract was awarded to F. M. Par rish for $1,849.00. A petition from the Flat Rock Dis trict with the required number of signers, asking for an election In the district on a 50c local tax to supple ment the pub]|c school fund of the jdBatrict, was presented. This 50c tax, if voted, to be levied in lieu of all oth er local taxes now levied In the dis trict. The same was approved and sent to the BoaTd of County Commis sioners. A petition from the Inglestde Dis trict with the required number of signers, asking for an election in the district on a 50c local tax to supple ment the public school fund of the district, was presented. This 50c tax, H voted, to be levied tn lien of all oth er local taxes now levied in the dls. trict. The same was approved and sent to the Board of County Commis sioners. Bids were received on coal for the schools for 1929-30, and contracts were awarded to -F. H. Allen, schools Berth of river; E. M. Mitchell, Youn gsville School and Robt. White to other schools south of river. The secretary was Instructed to ccntract with the Standard Oil Com pany for gas and oil tor the trucks lor the ensuing school year. The Board decided to take care of itdi compensation Insurance through ap insurance company. 'The Board decided to Join the State Organization of County School Board Chairmen. It was decided to wait until the first Monday in August to fill the vacancies on the local school boards. There being no further business, Ithe Board adjourned to meet again the first Monday In August. ~ MISS DArfiWTRITXIF hoxored One o( the seasons most delightful entertainments was celebrated Thurs day evening, June 27th when Misses "Pete" Hill and Louise Cooper were - hosts to Miss'Hess' Daughtrldg, oT ; Rocky Mount, house guest ot Miss i Cooper-'1' I The hospitable Hill home was ex ceptionally attractive with a wreath of Queen Ann's Lace dyed in pastel shades which was arranged in the various rooms, while the artistic dec orations and galaxy of vart-colored lights formed scene of brilliancy on i Delicious punch was served during the entire evening from a huge ice bowl which was made especially at tractive by xennlas frozen in the block ot ice and being left open at the top. formed a unique punch bowl. Banked aflth ferns.and other foilage this made one corner ot the porch unusually pretty. * A delicious ice course followed dancing and other enjoyable features of the evening. Out of town guests were: Misses [ Bess Daughtrldge. Rocky Mt? Maria Prrham. Henderson. Mary Wheless. Rocky Mount. Messrs. Bill Evans. Ed die Finch, Cleveland Moore, Rhodes Blue, John Hill Hicks, Peter Bunn, George Buchan. Dooker Smith, all of Henderson, Poss Wilder, At Newell, | Frank Jarman. Earl Cooper- of State College and Ed Bartholomew, of Ral eigh. About SO guests enjoyed the hospi tality of Misses Hill, and Cooper. MOTHER'S EYES ARE GROWING DIM Mother's eyes are growing dim she can but scarcely see us now, but we hope some day to meet her in that home beyond the sky where no eye grows dim with seeing and where there are no good-byes. Mother's eyes are growing dim In the twilight of to-day, but we hope that the beacon light from yonders light-house Is sending out its rays to light the pathway for her feeble feet, as she Journeys on this way. Mother's eyes are growing dim and I know that soon we'll miss her, but R won't be long before we too witl pass this way, but If we are faithful and true then we can forever be to gether with him who doeth all things well. Mothers eyes are growing dim with Fears so many and yet so few. Four score years and three she's lived ret* we all still held her dear for what she's meant to us. we know that soon we must say farewell, but not for. that thou hath given to ua these many ever to the one we lota so much, we thank thee dear Lord for our mother years. Mother's eyes are growing dim she la so feeble mow- but we feel that we can but Justly ask one thing more may thy protecting hand be ever near to aooth her feeble brow. Mother dear I know we will miss yon when from earth to heaven you've passed, then each day with blm Divine you will await our' coming some other ttme. MOTHER'S BOY. Subscribe to The Franklin Times W. 5. DICKENS ELECTED COTTON WE 10HEK LOI WBI'BG Approves School Boorct ? Xakee W'hoi Time Health On leer Possible ?Other Routine. The Board of County Commission ers met In regular session on Monday with all members present. Alter reading and approving the minutes of the previous meetings the follow ing business was disposed of: T. W. Watson repons jail in first class order. J.'Z. Terrell made reports for Pub. lie Welfare department showing It tn good condition. C. B. Barham reported five prison era tn jail. It was also reported that four prisoners were sent to Durham County gratia. J. B. Sturdivant made his report which recommended R. J. Young, Youngsville, J. H. Cooke, Frankltnton and W. N. Dickens, for Loulsburg, as cotton weigher at their respective! places. He passes the question of whole time nealth officer to the Board Sad recommends Indexing of. Vital Statistics records, and tiled reports from Miss Daisy Caldwell, Home Agent, and Dr. S. P. Burt, acting Health Officer. R. J. Young and J. H. Cooke were nranlmoosly elected cotton weighers fcr Youngsville and Frankltnton res pectively. t- - W. M nirkann Tnwwor ? r Mm vv. . t/icacuB, vwrg" dOyucr, P. Moore filed applications for cotton weigher for Louisbnrg. Upon ballot. W. X. Dickens was elected. The settlement pf Sheriff F. W. Justice for year 1928-29 was accept ed as presented. I Upon motion the Insolvent list was returned to the Sheriff for collection. Upon motion it was ordered that the insolvent list be published in the Franklin Times and Frankltnton News for two weeks each. The petitions for elections for spec ial school tax in Rat Rock and In. gieslde Districts were granted. An appropriation of $250.00 was made to the First Battalion Head quarters Company at Youngsville. McM. Furgnrson was allowed B drawback on 11,999 worth of property error in listing. 22,509 was placed tn the Budget Tor the Health Department (It is under stood that this Is to match a like amount from the State tor a full time Health officer, however It does not -exceed the-last years budget.) A formal resolution was passed to borrow money to take care of the County's finances until the taxes tor the psesent year begun to be collect ed The school badget as presented was passed. Report of John Hedgepeth, Super, lntendent of County Home, was read and approved. He reports 3 white and 10 colored Inmates. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to meet again on Monday, July 15th. _ SAJC HARRIS GETS LEG BROKE5 Sam A. Harris got his left leg bad. lr crushed Saturday afternoon about 3:00 o'clock wfcea Peter Williams, colored, driving a Chevrolet road, ster. failed in an attempt to make the turn from Main Street into. Tarboro Road and ran jam up to the porch of Henry Yarborough's store building on the" corner, where Harris and Wai ter McDowell were sitting. McDow .ell managed to get out of the way, but Harris not being able to eecape. re. ceived such injuries to his left leg that he was rushed to St. Agnes Hos pital, Raleigh, where his leg was am putated. Williams stated that in trying to pass a car which was coming down Main Street, he was not able to make the turn. Eye witnesses say that Vllliams was driving too fast to take the tarn. Williams was arrested by Chief of Police Ben Meadows, and was bound over to the Superior Court by Mayor L. L. Joyner, without bond, pending the outcome of the Injury to Harris. Harris Is one of Louisburg's wdr. thy colored citizens. Later?Reports from Raleigh Tues day night announced the death of Sam A. Harris, whose leg was crush ed in an automobile accident on the streets in Loulsburg Saturday after, noon. Death followed the amputa tion of IMs leg on Monday morning. PBE-SCHOOL CLIJfC Loulsburg Klwanls Club. Franklin County Board of Health and the var Icus Parent-Teacher Associations In the county will hold a series of Clin ics over the county for the purpose cf examining school children begin, ning on July 15th. A full program will bee announced In next week's Franklin Times. Get yourself ready to give full co-operation to this great work. The Babylonian compass was laid out In accordance with the winds rath* e: than stars, according to a German professor. LOST A suit ease containing a lot of la. dies clothes, shoes, wrist watch and other articles on Sunday night, Jane 30. between Margaret and Justice. Finder will please return same to me at Margaret and receive reward. R. K. PERRY. R L Buna. N. C. AMONG THE VISITORS SOU IOC MOW AHI? SOU IOii 00 HOT now. 1M liilu ili Their Friends Whe Travel Supt. E. C. Perry visited Raleigh Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Tucker visited Gteensboro Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. Geo. Griffin visited Washing ton the past week-end. ? ? ? Mrs. B. C. Perry. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Alston visited Raleigh Monday. ? ? ? Maj J. W. Jenkins, of Henderson, was a visitor to Loulsburg Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. Luther Pittman and family, of Baltimore, are visiting his people here. ? ? ? Mrs. R. H. Davis returned Monday trcm a visit to relatives at Wllming icx. ? ? ? h""h HiK?:.rerr7 and brother, Mr. Harold Abbott Waited Rz/eigh Tueo. day. ? ? ? Mr. Hhrold Abbott, W..Va^ is 0 Perry. a ? ? p O. Smithwifik ?nd family of Philadelphia, are Waiting hla parent. ? ? ? r ? ^"'mberlake, of Winaton ASwfgjg*8 "er ^^bter. Mrs. ' ? ? l*i? ??: k" /?hn80Q and children and Miss Elizabeth Johnson Waited Rock* Mount Monday. ?ocay * * * Mary, BUI and Genoise Stuart, of aid Dorothy Wlgga this week. Mrs. Willie Hester, who haa been Waiting Mr. and Mrs. R. P TayC haa returned to her home In FIorfafaT ? ? ? - Perry And annn lUna piadys Taylor and Mr. Harold a? tott Waited friends^ Wilson Sunday. *"? 9,yde Burgess and little dan fF' u"? Har-e" returned the wile. * * TU,t 10 ? a. ? h.*1?' H ^ Barrow has returned to hli b^.e w.m WI?,toa-3alem. She i Wl^ ^ *"? Mrs. A. I e e e L,^f, .L' w Lancaster and wife, of [Raleigh, were Wsltors to Louisburr Sunday, guests of Mr and Mrs. Jam* J. Lancaster. ? ? ? ^ tTMr,3- Jack Brown and little son Stanley, left Sunday for St. * *' to ***** **?r eister and will itar some time. ^ ? ? ? J" S' Lancaster and family, of Rocky Mount, were Wsltora to Loola bar, Sunday, guests of his brother" Mr. James J. Lancaster. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. William A. Andrewu and sons, of California, and Miss Ea Iter Andrews, of St. Louis, Mo., are Wsiting relatives ln< Loulsburg. ? Mrs. Julia P Scott. Miss Sallle anlTa? h, ind Mrs' *? F- Griffin ^d SuSdfr f1"' MCT C*rly'*- turn ed Sunday from a Walt to Wrights, ? ? ? I Mrs J. A. Tucker. Misses Ida Tuck Mr J^UrT "d Flor? McLaurin and Mr John Tucker returned home JYt ~y .f.r?? ? motor trip to New York. Washington, and points in Canhda. Bo,wyer- "ho Is spending the summer with Dr. and Mrs H a t0 b's home In Dan Wile. W. V'a., the past week on ac de*,h ?f hh> "aad-fathl SugS; ^rry*CCOn,Pan,,d by *r PEOF. A. H. YEA1EY TOl LOCATE HEBE A(?*pta PesMeo ef Terkaioal Advb. ^^^'nrtnlu-OareUmi Chemfcai Goldsboro, June 13.,-A. H. v.. .of Ooldsboro. who has been for the IJTVk n yeprs agriculture Instructor ,nt the Rosewood high school, three miles from Goldsboro. has accented the position as technical advisor for DanrVIt*oU'C"?"n* Cfc"nical <*>? ** Oreanaboro. Monday ha will bS>,to?r~?>r0- Wh- he%lll kl^ offtc* ** PO?'?lon Is quite a promotion over the one in the school | Mr. Yesiev was two mrs ago ee lectsd as raastsr agriculture Instruc tor of the sooth. after having been ?sleeted as master agriculture u. structor 0f North CaroUan.?O boro Dally Now*. ? Pro#. Veasey la a ?oo.ln Jaw of c townsman. Dr. S. P. ~ bounty extends