MEN ONLY I YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR REV. GADDY SUNDAY 3:00 P. M. EE Franklin Times nur r ? KYEBYBODY BOOST L0C1UUM V l A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year YOLUMN LX. ? LOUISBUBO, N. 0., FRIDAY, JULY 19TH, 1929 (8 Pages) NUMBER 22 "SHOOT A NATURAL OR CRAP OUT" Bet. Carl E. Gaddy, Evangelist, Is Preaehlhg to Large Crowds Each Night at Planters Warehouse? Special Meeting For Men Only 8un M.iy Afternoon. Large crowds are being attracted to the Evangelistic Services being conducted in Planter's Warehouse l.ere by Rev. Carl E. Oaddy, a native ot North Carolina, often referred to as "North Carolina's foremost Young) Evangelist". The services began on j Sunday, July 7, and will last an In definite length of time, being held every * night and on Sunday after noons. Cottage and business men's prayer meetings are also being held In various parts of the town during tlie day. The services are further augmented by a large Junior choir, composed of fifty odd, voices. The music Is in charge of Mr. W. Furman Betts, of Raleigh. Monday night, July 15, was given over to the negroes, who rendered many "negro spirituals", enjoyed by a full house. Mr. Gaddy preach/ed on "Rest", proving that rest comes only through and by the works of Christ, wrought in the souls of men. tion, comfortably filling the ware house, heard the Evangelist preach a stirring sermon on "Hell". Sunday afternoon, July 21, at 3 o'clock, the Evangelist will preach his famous sermon to men only on "Shoot a Natural or Crap Out". Sunday night, Mr. Gaddy has promised to preach the sermon that has made him famous.' "The Heavenly Home". Larger crowds are being drawn to the meetings than at any time In d number of years. W ESTS HOOKED AT BARBECUE Despite the inelement weather on Thursday afternoon of last week, Miss Jewell Clarke entertained her house Gtdnsvllle, Ga., Miss Georgia Lee Gib. son, of Greenville, S. C.,Miss Augusta Hobbs, of Raleigh, together' with the house guests of Messrs Arthur and' George Ragland, Charles Herrlck ot Detroit/ Mich., and June Bobbs, of Raleigh, at g bountiful barbecue on the lawn of her aunt, Mrs. T. B; Leon ard. About sixty guests of only the younger set participated In the feast The cue was prepared in the good old Southern style* atad served with corresponding accessories?cold slaw, pickles, corn bread and teed tea. Mrs Leonard was assisted in serving by Mr. R. A. Bobbltt, Miss Lucy Baker and Miss Eliza Newell. J Ol'ISBl'HG MASONIC LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS The following officers have been elected for the ensuing year by Louis, burg Masonic Lodge: S. E. Wilson, Master. E. F. Grtffo, 8. W. M. C. Murphy, J. W. W. H. White, Secretary. F, J. Beasley, Treasurer. C. G. Oakley, S. D. A. W. Macon, J. p. U. G. Woodlief. T. 8. J. A. Wheless, J. 8. W. E. Beasley, Tyler. Daniel Lana^haplaln. d^Rnii Orphanage d?rmlttee: W B. Bar. row, R. R. Klssell, F. M. Fuller. Orphan's Friend Committee: J. A. Wheless. , 4 BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Elisabeth Fuller delightfully - entertained a number of friends at a birthday party on Wednesday evening flom 9. until II o'clock at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller, of Wood. As the guests arrived, they were served to delicious punch, and Invited to Join the fun. Just at the hour 10:30, the guests -were called to witness the cutting of the birthday cake. After Miss Fuller blew out the candles, each guest was allowed to cut a slice of the cake which contained the old-time symbols of marriage, batchelorbood, and rich es. The ring fell to Mr. Bennle Nlcb. olxon, the thimble to Mr. Graham Nelms, and the dime to Mr. Raymond Sturgess. . After enjoying Interesting games and dancing, deltclotfa, cake and Ica tteam were served. Beautiful little bsskets, filled with mints and nuts, vsre presented to the guests. Music for the evening was furnished by vlctrola and the Mabrey Brothers, of Essex. Those enjoying Miss Fuller's hos pitality were: Misses Mary and Anna Mae Sturgess, Lucille Hudson. Nannie Perry, of Lonlsbnnr, Marlamana Ham. let, of Essex, and Miaa Brlsaem; Mrs Aj H. Perry, Mrs. P. T. Fuller and Mrs. W. D. Fuller, and Measrs. Eddie ftupton. Raymond Btnrgeas, Tolbert Sturgess, George Fuller, Graham Nelms, Joeh Tbarrington. Leland Oupton, Thurmtn Qrlffln, ?. ?. Her. ring, Auetln and Edgar Fuller, Prank Road. Ran Wall, and Carl Picker, of Durham; Bennle Nicholson, Sam Al ston. Joe, Claude and Ralph Mabrey, tf Esses, Miss Ida Fuller. ' Friends you attract ara worth twice hi much at friends yon ml. INNCAL ENCAMPMENT AT LAUREL The regular Annual encampment of he O. A. 8. and R. A. 8. of the Tar Urer Association will be held at ??aural July 22 to 26, 1929, Inclusive, til member* of thoee societies of the Baptist Churches In this association ire Invited to attend. The camp will le chaperoned by Misses Sue K el ley, Bottle Tunstall and Mrs. Roger Flem. ng, of Henderson. Miss Neva Harper, if Rocky Mount, and Rev. Chas. B. -Jcward, Loulsburg. Mr. Fred Wolf rill be swimming Instructor. The tgular schedule will include In the norning: 6, get up; 6:16, hike; 6:46, nornlng watch; 7, breakfast; 7:20 ;lean room; 8, class; 9, swimming; 11, dress; 11:SO, story hour; 12, dln ler. In the afternoon: 12:30, rest ind study; 2:30 class; 3:30 swlmm. ng; 6, recreation; 6, supper; 6:30, lo as you please; 7:30, vesper service; 1:30 bed time, In addition to a picnic supper for he first night each person will need :o take with them one dozen each ipples, Irish potatoes, raw or cans lomatoes, one half gallon snaps, squash, cabbage and corn, one halt lozen eggs, one half pound each, lard ind butteis 2 cups meal, 1 can peaeh ?. 1 pound sugar, 1 gtoss jelly. 1 pound sliced bacon, 1 chicken, or 60 sents for hesf, 1 cake, 21 for Incldent tls, bible, note book, pencil, sheets, : blankets or quilts pillow and. cajse^. towels, soap, tooth brash, comb, wash pan, tin plate, tin cup, knife, fork and ipoon, bathing suit. LAWN. PARTY Quite a large number were enter, tained at a lawn party last .Saturday night, July 13th at the home of Miss Estelle Cattette of Ingleside, given by Dahlia and Grace Edwards and Es telle Catlette. The lawn was beautifully decorat ed with running cedar, Ivy and potted plants. After many Interesting games were played we were placed off in couples and invited out on the lawn through an archway of running cedar, roses. Queen Ann's lace, dahlias and holly-, hawks, where a beautifully arranged table had been placed, ta tbe center was .a bowl of summer flowers of va. rievrated shades. Then a delicious courge of gib and cake was served, the waitresses being Mrs. William Matthews, Mrs W. W. Jones, Mrs. T. IV. Edwards and Mrs. C. I. RdbeTSbh. After the course was served we had A social hour and then the guests de departed declaring they had a de lightful eveningr-? XTTEXDING FIREMEN'S CONVENTION Quite a number members of the toulshurg Fire Department and >?r.! tral others left Loutsburg Sunday and Monday for Hendersonvllle to at tend the Annual State Firemen's Convention. Among those attending are Chief J. S. Howell and wife, C. Ftce, R. R. Kiasell, B. H. Meadows. T'. B. Beasley, L. L. Sturdlvant, N. D. Medlin and wife, J. R. Winstead, Miss Avey Williams, C. H. Murphy and wife, E H. McFarland, G. C. Moseley, T. C. Alston, P. C.'Dickerson, H. C. Will lama. MBS. D. J. BCRNETTE BEAD Mrs. D. J. Burnetts died In her ninety fifth year, at her home near Centerrllle about fire o'clock, Thurs. day afternoon 'July, 11. having been In HI health tor quite awhile. The funeral services were held on Friday afternoon at three o'clock' con ducted by Rev. G. W. May* pastor of Centervllle Baptist church, interment being made In the old family bury, leg'ground near her home. Mrs. Burnetts leaves to mourn their loss her husband and three children, Mrs. Kearney Oupton, of Wood, Mrs. Robert Upchuroh, of near Loutsburg, and Mr. R. J. Burnette, of Centervllle. She also leaves a number of grand children and great grand children and a host of friends. Mrs. Burnette was f- kind and sym pathetic neighbor, a devoted wife and mother and. a true friend. Her life has passed into the Joy of her Lord, where she will wait tor her loved ones to follow. The pallbearers were Messrs J. W. Neal, Howard Griffin, Joe Lewis Wil liams, E. 8. Lancaster, Rufus Oupton and Norman Foster. Many beautiful flowers bespoke the tender love and esteem of a host of friends for the deceased. The community extends the deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, and would point them to their heavenly father, who doeth all things well. A FRIEND HOME COMING AT PROSPECT CHURCH Sunday July tl will be home com ing day at old Prospect Church on the Loulsburg Circuit. There will be services at 11 o'clock conducted by some former pastor or member Tfeer* will be a picnic dinner on the ground at ths noon hour and st S o'clock thsrs will be preaching service Which will mark the beginning of the revival meeting at this church. Every form er member and pastor and everyone J Interested In tbts church Is Invited to b# present for the ell day occasion. RECORDER'S COURT Only ? small docket In franklin Recorders Court greeted Judge J. L. Palmer, Monday Morning. It was disposed of as follows: State vs Son Dunston, assault with ieadly weapon, not guilty. State vs Claude Renn, assault with leadiy weapon, contlnned. State vs Claude Renn, operating1 sutomoMIe intoxicated, continued. State rs Ernest Mitchell, distilling and unlawful possession of whiskey, guilty, prayer for Judgement contin. ued to first Monday In October upon payment of costs. State rs Johnny Perry, abandon ment; guilty, judgement suspended upon payment of costs. State ts Robert Greene, Louts Bul lock, Son Dunston, affray, not guilty as to Robert Greene, guilty as to others, judgment suspended upon payment of costs and that Bullock mnst stay out of any pool room tor two years. BBCTAL ATTACK Tuesday night. Mr. Geo Manning wes brought to Louisburg for med'ea! attention, due to a brutal assault from a negro alleged to be known as Monk Wiifht, from which he received a Vroken rofsr bone and otter painful Injuries - The trouble, ft is stated, was due to the negro going Into Mr._ Manning's store at Ingleslde, 7 miles north of Louisburg. to buy some merchandise on time. When he was told that ha could not buy anything else on time because be bad not paid a former ac. -Count, tbe negro became enraged attacked Mr. Manning, who Is one of Franklin County's quietest and moat gentlemanly citizens. The negro jumped immediately into an automo bile and made bis escape and has not been apprehended.. Feeling Is running very high against tb^ negro for his brutal and unwar ranted attack on one of tbe county's best citizens. BRIDE ELECT WITH Among the many goctal eventauf the season one of the most enjoyable was a four course dinner party given by Mrs. Thelbert Fuller at the home "Hlilcrest Farm." Wednesday evening, July 10 at seven o'clock compliment ary to Miss Lula Fuller, whose mar. rlagg to Lewis Edward Thurmond of Atlanta Ga? will take place July 10. The home was a veritable bower of lovllness with its graceful arrange ment of summer flowers from Mrs. Fuller's garden. In the dining room dasies and gladiolas emphasized the color %cheme which was carried out In the place cards and nut cups The hostess presented the be with a couple of dainty pink and blue evening hankerchief's. BOBBITT?LEWIS Mrs. Josephine Bobbttt, of Rocky MounL and Mr. W. A. Lewis, were happily married-at-the Baptist Par sonage Monday evening at 7 o'clock by. Rev S. L. Blanton. Only a few friends being present to witness the ceiemony. The bride is a charming young lady from Rocky Mount and is a sister of Mrs. J. O. Sledge, of Loulsburg, whom she has been visiting. The groom 1s a proipercdt young barber and proprietor of one of Louls turgs popular cleaning and pressing establishments'. NEW DOCTOR Among the new doctors who suc cessfully stood examinations * before the State Board of Medical Examin ers at Raleigh Monday, we notice the name of one Franklin County young man, Mr. 0. R. Stamps, son of Rev. and Mrs. Mack Stamps. The Times Joins his many friends In extending congratulations. CORINTH R. T. P. U. The following program has been planned foLSunday night, July 21, by tbc CortntlPB. Y. P. U: Topic: Our Hope of Heaven. 8:00: Face to Face. Prayer by President. Song: Shall we gather at the River. Quit conducted by Ernestine Cott rell. - Group Captain in Charge. ~~ Chain Prayer. Introduction by Louvenla Edwards. Triumph Through Christ Our Cap tain. by Loise Staluback A Pilgrim in the Land of Promise ty Jlmmie Dqnn. Man's Fairest Hope by Ida Fuller. Heaven in Our Hearts by Hurley Ayscue. Heavenly Oocupatlon by Hallle Smith. Wait Patiently for Widening Vision by Mr. H. A. Faulkner. President in charge ^ Secretary's report. Business meeting. Song: On Jordons Stormy Banks. Prayer by Dabla Edwards. Everybody is Invited especially to attend. Come and learn the truth ebont Heaven. Some say that It requires tact to keep a cook and oftentimes a vivid imagination Is headed to call her one. lePRJEST TO INTRODUCE AN ELECTION BILL Segro Representative At Washington From Illinois Says He la Going To Continue Tour Through The Month , Oesplte Threats. E ' Chicago, July 15.?AP?Introduc tion in Congress ot a federal election law bill Is promised by Oscar DePriest Ltgro Representative at Washington from Illinois. In his first speech in Chicago on national racial questions since his el evation to Congress, DePriest told a negro audience last night his proposed [ bill would put national elections in thN hands of government election boards. DePriest was Introduced as the lone Representative In Washing ton ot the twelve millions negroes In the United States. "I am fighting," said DePriest, "not Icr social equality, but for equality ULder the law. .The prosperous col-, oied folks In the North must rescue the disfranchised black peons of the South before the negroes of America are free. "I am going to continue my tour through the Sooth, notwithstanding threats I have received. I'm going to try to teach the colored people of thetr rights under the constitution." BABT DROWNED Justice, N. C.?Theodore Rochelle Wheless, two year ten months old ba by of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wheless, wandered away from Mother and Nurse while they were canning at the child's grandmothers and fell from the dock of White Roak River, near Ewansboro, N. C., in water about eight }nches deep and was drowned, Sat urday morning, July 13, 1929. Mrs Vheless and nurse states that it had rot been fifteen minutes since the child had been eating (watermellon with the other children when they yrlssed him Theodore's grandfather was sent by the baby's mother to the 0ock to look for him while the other rvembers of the Truckner tamuy were ftusy looking else where. The child . was found: lying on his face as he had i lien from the five foot dock. All &.f first sid methods were used to try jki restore his life but In vain. Teddy, as he was called by his V-\ed ones and friends, was burrled at "Duke Memorial Cemetery Sunday Afternoon at four o'clock. Rev. A. A. Corey, pastor of church, in a very few simple words attemped to comfort the loved ones who were forced to give the child up. The pall bearers were E. F. Whe less, Z. T. Perry, R^sel and J. C. Iiunn. - The large crowd of people who at-1 tended the funeral "service, and the beautiful flowers showed, even though ?{Teddy was only a baby, the host of friends he bad gained through his happy smile and sunny disposition. Theodore left behind a mother, father, two brothers, Benjamin and Marlon Wheless DELIGHTFUL BARBECUE Mfg. D. F. McKinne. and daughter, Mrs. H. E. Stout, of Slier City, who Is visiting her parents here, charmingly entertained a large number of friends at a delightful barbecue at her beau* tlful home on West Sunset Avenue on Wednesday afternoon, Jul? 17. At tractive summer flowers and fern wo ked out a most beautiful decora, tire scheme. The guests, about one hundred in number, were seated, on the pretty green lawn where they were served delicious barbecue, slaw. Iced tea, and tuns. Mesdames, H. E. eleven, J. R. Weatherspoon, Marion Wyatt. and C. C Abernethy, all of Raleigh, were honor guests, and assisted Mrs. Mc Kinne In receiving the numerous vis itors. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT On June 28th. 1929 about the hour of 9:30 P. M. Bro. C. T.^-Newton was instantly killed by a passenger Bus vrhlle attempting to cross the hard surface. Therefore be it resolved that bre as a lodge of Jr. 0. U. A. M. humbly bow to the will of Him that doeth all thinks well. We know that we have lost one that was a good husband, Father, and neighbor. His sudden going must be a warning to all of us as well as his beloved family, and we hereby extend our sincere sympa thy to his family In the great loss and point them to Him that Is able to re ward and comfort when none other can. pledging ourselves to remember them before a throne of grace. That l copy be spread on our minutes. ?eat to the family, one to The Prank. Ihi Times and one to the Jr. Order Journal, for publication. J. R. Pearce.' * J. B. Stephenson," W. H Hudson. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Miss Florin* Boone announces the inarrlag* of her sister, Miss Gertrude Soon*, to Mr. Montgomery P. Spelr >n Monday, JUTE nth. 1929, at Ral. ilgh, H. a They wilt be at home af :er the fl"t of August at Wtnterrllls, ?. 0. 1 11 BIRTHDAY PARTY Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 5:30 clock Little Miss Nancy Carlisle rlffin entertained with her first irthday party at the home of her trents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Griffin on unset Avenue. Ice cream,, cake and dnts were served and balloons were Iven as favors to the little guests. Those invited were: Misses Jane urgess, Mary Nelson Smithwick, lartiia Thompson, of Franklin, Va., lartha Grey King, Elizabeth Lee, of umberton, Frances Lee Kissell, Vlr inia Howard, Eleanor Beasley, Doris tout of Siles City, Talmadge Thomas, >orlg Beasley, Robecca Beasley, Betsy obb, Mary Frances Boone, AthalieJ oone, Elizabeth Egerton, Anna Mary !nglar, Kathryn Beasley, Martha Ann (riffin, of Raleigh, Frances Ann Earle, leien Welch Tucker, Eleanor Glenn, f Gatesvllle, Betsy Blue Person, Jizabeth Alston, Masters Mack tamps, of Welch, W. Va? Eaton Hol en, John Perry, Billy White of Ral igh, James B. King, Jr., John Hodges, 'heatham Alston, Jr., Robert Beasley, oe Barrow, Harold Lewis, Jr., of Kin l?, ,, i ? .' ? t PLEASANTS?ARRENDALE Hayesville, N. C., July 15.?The narrtage of Miss Clyde Ellen Arren. ale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Arrendale and Mr. _Miles Otis TeaagnTsT^I"touisburg, N. C., 'was xlenmlzed at the home of the bride's iarents Sunday morning at 8:30 ('clock. Dr. J. A. Sharp, President (f Young Harris College, Young Har ?Is, Ga., was the officiating minister. I he ring ceremony being used. The rows were spoken beneath an altar >f Rhododendron, Potted plants and uountain flowers were used in deco ating the home Miss Edwlna Dailrymple, of Frank in, N. C., presided at the piano and cndered a preliminary program ?blch consisted of "The Dawn Is Halting For Hie Sunrise," followed )y "At Dawning" by Miss Maude Rice }f Conover, N. C. Miss Sue Halgler sang "I Lore You Truly." The brl ;'al party entered to the strains of the ttidal chorus from Lohengrin. "To i Wild Rose" was softly rendered [inring nig mummy Miss Ruth Arrendale, sister of the hiide, was maid of honor. She wore| a gown of Orchid Georgette, and car ried an arm bouquet of Butter Fly and Larkspur^^^^^^^^^^^^^H Mr. David C. Rankin, of Marshville N. C . was best man. | The bride approached the altar up71 nn the arm of bar father by whom she was given In marriage. She wore i beautiful White-Grepe gown held on t- bands of pearls. Her Tulle veil was attached to old lace, and held In place with a wreath of orange blos soms. She carried a shower boquet of Bride's Roses and Valley Lilltes. The bride la a graduate of Young Karris College, Young Harris. Ga., also George Peabody College, Nash, vllle, Tennessee. The groom is a graduate of N. C. State College, Ral eigh. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Hultt and children, of Eufola, N. C-, Miss Irene Seitz, of Hickory, N. C., Miss Maude Rice, of Conover, N. C- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rankin, Marsh ville. N. C., Mr. and Mrs. John Cllne end little, daughter Maxlne, and Mr. Carl H. Cllne, of Newton, K. C., Mr. and Mrs. J: M. Gupton and eon. Miss Mamie Pat Ward, and Mr. Maurice Hoffman, of Salisbury, N. C., Miss Edna Dalrymple, and Mr. and Mrs. George Dean and children, of Frank lin, N. C.; Miss Esther Wallace, of l.ockhart, 8. C., Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLaln. of Tiger, Ga., Dr. and Mrs. J. A Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Worth Sharp >cd baby, of Young Harris, Ga. The bride and groom left lmmedl ilely after the'ceremony for an ex. [ended motor trip to Washington. Richmond and other eastern cities. L'pon their return they will be ' at tome at Balls Creek, Catawba Coun [y, N. C.. where they both hold p'oel :ions in the Balls Creek Consolidated School. '.' BAPTIST CHIKCH Sunday School at the Baptlat Church Sunday morning at 9:45. The mbject of the Sunday morning ser it St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mr. Thos. B. Wilder, of Aberdeen, vas a visitor to Loulsburg yesterday. ? ? ? lis C. C. Hudson and Mrs. Bettle Taylor visited Plymouth, yesterday, see Mrs. P. N. Wiggins and daughters, diss Lucie Oosteneau and sons and fvelyn Wiggins, of Charlestown. W a., are visiting her sister, Mrs. B. H. I'eadows. e e e Mrs. B. W Ballard, who has been letting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. R. P. 'arborough, returned to her home In Tanklinton this week, accompaned by Ittle Martha Yarborough who will Isit some time with her. ? ? ? Miss Kate Ballard, of Raleigh, who as been visiting her sister Mrs. Dr. :. F. Yarborough, left Tuesday to join Warrenton party to make an extend, a tour of Boston. Cape Cod, New ork, Niagara and other points. AMONG THE VISITORS (OME IOC KNOW AND SOKE TOD DO NOT KNOW. 'arsenal Item* itoil Folk* Ail Their Friends Whs Travel Hera k?4 There. Miss Beverla Pearce is visiting at Cnfleld. see Mr. Hill Varborough visited RaL ugh Friday. see Miss Mary B. Spencer visited Chap l Hill Monday. ? e e Mrs. A. J. Cooke, of Beaufort, is rt siting Mrs. M. E. Foster. e e e Miss Elisabeth Clifton, who has been >n a visit to Ocracoke, has returned "ome. ? e e e Mrs. Annie Lee Horner is visiting Friends and relatives at Baltimore and Nor folk. ? , . ? e e Messrs. Joe Pearce and George Shelby spent the past week-end in Baltimore. : Miss Marie Meade and Mrs. W. B. Johnson are attending a house party ?a ni.i, ??j - - - ?? 1 1 ' ' w tiicnnrona. i *???? -? Messrs. H. C. Taylor and Forrest Joyner returned Sunday from a trip to Norfolk, Va. ? ? ? Mrs. John Uzzell left Monday to sj.end some time with friends and .elatlves in Norfolk. ? ??si?a Mr. and Mrs. John Garden, of Nor folk, Va, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clifton the past week. ? e ? Misses Adelaide and Elizabeth John son gjid Mr. M. L. Hoyle visited Chap el Hill the past week. Miss Verlle Bobbitt. of Norlina. visited her aunt Mrs. C. C. Catlett, r.sar Loultburg this week. 1 been visiting in Warrenton and Hen derson, has returnsd home. ? ? ? Misses Mgy Alice and Annie Maye Ramsey left the-past, week to visit their parents at StarksvUle. Miss. ? ? ? Mr. G. C. Harria left Thursday for VsJdosta, Ga., where he will be con nected with a tobacco warehouse, ? ? ? Mr. Jobn D. May, who has been in the government hospital at Ports mouth, hag returned home much ina pt oved. Mr. and Mrs. a. C. Richards and eon. Billy, of Columbua, Ohio, in r.aking a visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mohn. ? ? ? Messrs. C. F. Collier, R. E. L. caster. J. A. Bledsoe, Y- C. Wlllia and B. C. Shearltf spent Sunday at. Ocean View. e ? e Miss Mary Margaret McLeod. who Is attending school at Chapel Hll). spent the week-end with Miss Elisa beth Johnson. ? e e ? Mrs. T. W. Watson and daughter. M:ss Anna Gray, attended a meeting cf the Welfare Council at Chapel Hill the past week. see Misses Josephine Perry, Temple Varborough, Luclle Hudson, and Lacy Plummer Jones are attending a house party at Plymouth. ? e e Mr. A. W. Macon, who has been re ceiving treatment at a government ).< spttal at Portsmouth. Va. returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mr=. W. C. Webb, and Mr. end Mrs. E. F. Thomas and little daughter. Talmadge, spent Sunday ct Virginia Beacb. e ? e Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Cooke returned Friday from Enfleld, where they were culled on account of the serious ill ness of Mr. Cooke's sister. ? ? e Mr. Cbarles H. England, of the Conservation and Development De partment of North Carolina, waa a visitor to Louisburg Wednesday, e e e Mrs. H. A. Kearney and little daugh ter returned Friday from Rocky Mount, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Saunders, e e e Judge and Mrs. O. M. Beam and children left Tuesday for a short mo tor trip to Natural Bridge. Va.. and through the Shenandoah Valley. ? e e Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mohn and fant ly, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards and son, spent Thursday in Ptnehurst and the week-end !h Morehead City see Mr. Charles E. Brown, of Mt Ver non. N. T? who has been visiting Mr. 11 d Mrs. T. W. Watson left this week t?. visit relatives at Warrentoo before returning to his home. e e e Misses Mary Neal Sander* Helen sunders. Elisabeth Winston. gg ocky Mount, and Rosalind Holltagn nrtiN cf Dunn, who b%vu been vtail ig Miss Gertrude holdea. bnee m. i mod home. i