THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ?TAB DBOP8? ; ?Work begun Tuesday on the new Ford gales rooms on Market Street. ? ? ? & - -?Tte New State Highway from Lonjtsburg to Henderson has been given a temporary number of 501. -*Rev. J., D. Miller, rector St. rain's C'hurCh announces services for nex,t Sunday as Holy Communion at 11 J. m* and Union Church Services at l'p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. All are cordially Invited. j COTTON BLOOMS Cbtton blooms were sent in the past week by the following: " <V F. Lancaster, near Ingleelde,' Friday, red. G. B. Alston, colored, of near Laur el. brought in two red blooms Krtday STRAYED OR STOLEN One male setter dog, white, with brown spots, recently sheared, an swers to nape of Grippe, strayed or V7as, stolen from the home of my father, Mr. D. E. Best, of near Maple, ville, on Tuesday. Liberal reward for information leading to his recovery. 7-19-2t E. L. BEST. *****???***?# * HOKE DEMONSTRATION DEFT. ? ? ?? DAISY CALDWELL, Agent ? ? ???*?????*?? Twelve members were present at the regular meeting of the Centervllle Club Tuesday afternoon. ? ? ? Mrs. Q. W. Perry was..hostess jtd a. pleasant and Instructive meeting of the Mapleville Club Thursday. .Those who will attend the State Short Course from this club are Madames W. H. Perry, J. A. Dennis, S. B. Nash, O. W. Perry, and Mc. Stamps. There are in the office a few clear glass, square pint and quart fruit jars. These will be given in half dozen lots to club members who will exhibit canned products at community, coun ty. ot state fairs. ? ? '? . The annual meeting of The State Federation of Home Demonstration will be held at State College on ' Thursday of Farm and Home Week (July 25th) beginning at 11 A. M. Recognition ot Master Homemalters will be at 8:30 that evening. Club members?wHi?ttnd?meetings well worth while. t Twelve were.prlssenl.At the meeting, of Bunn club held friday afternoon on the school building porch. Bunn is to be well represented? at tha.State Short'CoUrse. ~ ?- ?? Farm Women's Short Course The program of the Woman's Short Course (Farm and HOme Week).-at State College July 22 to 27 promises tn he nne of the most interesting ever held. ; - . ,i ;? The cburse In foods includes lec tures by Miss Mary Thomas on Food makes the Difference, Poeture and Its Relation to Health, lectures by mem bers of the State Board of Health on Pellagra.its Cause and Cure; and Per. iodic Health Examinations. Demon strations will be given In bread mak ing, cake making, desserts, and The All Purpose Meal. There will be clothing demonstra tions in, Make a Dress That Fits, Make Your Qwn Hat, Dress Finishes, The Right Dress for the Right Time, and Renovatlpi), of the Sewing Ma chine. House furnishings includes lessons on Floors, Making Better Use Of Our Resources, Lighting and Lighting Flr tures, and Flower Containers -and Arrangement. There will also. bs. demonstratHBflrih Fine Laundering and in the selection of teltlleg. There will, be a series of lectures and demonstration In Landscape Gardening by Miss Georgia Plland. There will be classes in Poultry. One of the best thlngrf on the pro gram are tw0 lectures by Dr. Carl Taylor one on "The Home Maker and Her Job" and one on "Living With Our Children." 4.H Cluh Girls To Vamp At White Lake July HOth-Aug Srd. Arrangements have been made for the 4-H Club Clrls' camp to be held at White Lake, Bladen County, July 30th to August 3rd. A seven room cottage, new and well screened, has* been secured. It la furnished with kitchen equipment and army cots. The water of White Lake Is clear as crystal, the white sand beach slopes gently with much shallow water mak ing it an unusually safe place for In experienced swimmers. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Justice, Mrs. Wlllard Coo per and others help with camp. A program of camp activities will be published later. Expenses will be 13.26 and provi sions for those who go on the truck or $2.00 and provisions for tlfflhe who furnish their own transportation. The thick holds twenty. A place on It can be reserved by depositing the 11.26 with the home agent. Reserva tions will be made In order of the re ceipt of the deposits. Make your res ervation as soon as possible so you will be sure of It. As here.tb-fore club members and mem bers are eligible, to attend ramp. The following la the list of the pro visions required. Clip this out and keep It. Picnic lunch for first daylhdlnner, ldc-. j-nles, 1 dos. potatoes, 1 dos raw tomatoes (some under ripe), About 1-2' gat. inaps, or squash, or cabbage, or corn. I 1-1 dos. eggs ?-* lb. lard, 1.2 lb. batter. 2 cups ' t meal, 1 can peaches. 1 17; -"I I glass Jelley. Jsm or pros' 'h. 'on of ham 1 cl^cke- ?)T ** ? -fng. nothing salt and u,..ola, bed clothing (a sheet and blanket or quilt will probably be enough) spoon, fork, tlu plate and cup, and a flour sack or similar bag to keej> these In. There will be no occasion to wear anything but, camp clothing so leavA your dress clothing at home. I ? ? ? <f Hernial.Centennial Officers of the Federation, Chair men of the various committees, and the home agent desire to thank all, those who worked so valiantly In car-' rylng out the Home Demonstration Clubs' part In the Sesqul-Qsatennlal Ce]#brttI<5ffT Ts * will "be seen by the treasurers report below the expenses of the rto^te were?mors than paid for by the amount .cleared by their re freshment stand. Total receipts 4*om refresh. ment stand $ 130.12 Hhpenses of stand: 10 gal Ice cream $ 12.00 LemonS ? 5.50 Coca Cola ? 9.60 Bvhjk t 7.50 SugaF 1.38 Tea ,80 Pigs 23.00 Soaking _i. .? 6.00 Ice 1 ...... 1.00 Cups and Cones 4.70 Hauling 2.00 Lietterlng 8,50 Bunting 2.00 Tacks, Nails, etc. i .65r Yotal r 3 78.53 Cleared on stand t 51.69 Expense of Floats: Oarpenter ... 'r\ 4 8.25 Helper 2.00 Lettering* 10.75 Wall Board ? 1.80 Lumber ? 1.40 116 roll Crepe Paper 5.80 53 yds. Cloth i 7.18 86 Flags _i 3.30 T|cks, Nails, etc. .90 Total ...? t 41 ttUUJ) OUTLOOK SEEN FOB HOG PRICES Raleigh, July 16?Though priced of fat hogs have been a little above the average during tlje last Jew months, the Outlook Ib for still better prices throughout /the .year. ' "From reports which we have re ceived from the Bureau of Agricultur al Economics at Washington, It ap pears that there were over 47 million pounds less poiVin storage on June first of this year than on the * same date last year," say W. W. Shay, swine extension specialist at State College. "Then-" tbo, the supply on June first, this year, was over 58 mil lion. p6unde less than cn May first of this year. During May, the 86 lead ing markets report 6.4 prr cent less ? pork received than the average of five years for the month. Local slaughter war 13.9 per ceat less than May of one year ago and the stocker and feeder shipments were much less than .thsi, aifftroo/. nf t J1 ?-*?*? Mr.Shay finds also that the spring pig crop whs about 8 per cent" below that x>p 1928. In the Corn Belt, the decrease was 6 per centptrot greater than this In all other sections. This decrease of 8 per cent is equivalent to about 4.200.000 pigs which means that we have the smallest pig crop since 1925. 1 For these reasons, Mr. Shay be. Ileves that the hog grower of North Carolina is In a favorable position. He says that the hog is still a "Mort gage Lifter" in the hands of system atic feeders who adjust the number of hogs they raise to the amount of corn In prospect as a feed for them. One county this year has sold over $100,000 worth of fat hogs to eastern markets and this money cdmlng at time when general crops were being planted has been of Incalculable ben efit. ' The Shay method calls for the breeding and feeding of hogs so that they ready for the high mar kets of April and September. If this plan Is followed faithfully. Mr. Shay believes that good profits will he made from the enterpHee. When sn automobile refuses to budge, therb are always plenty of peo ple willing to step on the starter, but none ready to crank. Farmers and business men of Stan ly County recently made a tour of the county to study the boII Improv ing crops and the new dairy Indus try. raiaizraannnnrawzrai Lay. P?y? Your Hens will pay you .dividends if fed on "HAPPY LAYING MASH" For sale by G. W. MURPHY & SON Lotiieburflv N, C. ?'SkBu '"ii ? . PROFESSIONAL COLUKN DS. H. 0. PERRY Physician and Surgeon Loulaburg, North -Cerollaa Office 101 W. Nash St Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DR. R. F. YARBOROUOH Physician and Surgeon 1 Louishurg, N. O. Office in Bickett and Yar bo rough hiumimj Office Phone 288 Residence Phone 28 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Loulaburg, North Carolina Offices Over Ford Building Corner Slain and Nash Streets Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J.O. NEWELL, M. D. " Loulsburg, N. C. I Office in First National Bank Building Day Phone 219 Night Phone 218-2 E. E. COUNCIL, M. D. White Level R. 7. D. No. 1 Loulsburg, N. C General Practice DR. ARCH 6. PERRY General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drug Got C. H. BANES, D. D. S. Dentist Loulsburg, N. C. Office over W. E. White Furniture Co. D. T. SMITHWICK Dentist?. Loulsburg, N. C. Office over Rose's Store DR. W. R. BASS Veterinarian i Loulsburg, N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St Phone Office 835-L Residence 3S0-J Special Attention to Small DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main St Telephone : ,. Hours: Night 61 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. Day 61 12 to 2 p. m. MRS N. B. TUCKER Registered Nuree Calls Answered Day or Night Phone 328 ? ?? 0. L. BLACKBURN, D. 0. Chiropractor 501 N. Garnett St, Henderson. N. a Office Hours: 9tol2.2to4.7to8 Chiropractic is a natural, safe and Scientific Health Service GEO. D. TAYLOR, JR? Lawyer Loulsburg, N. C. Offices in First National Bank Build ing. 0. M. BEAM l Office Over Pont Office Practice In all Courti W. H. Yarborough Hill Yar borough YARBOROUGH YARBOROUGH Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Otflce In Egerton Building Orer Kline's Stora Practice In Franklin and adjoining counties, and In the United States Courts at Raleigh. R. B. Whits, E. H. Malone, J. E. Malone WHITE A MALONE Lawyers Louisburg, North Carolina General practice, settlement of es tates, funds Invested. One member of the Arm always In the office. M. STUART DAVIS A/chltect . Engineer Off)c# Slrst National Bank Building Louisburg, N. C. JOS. T. INSOOE Registered Land Surveyor, * and fatary Public Castalla, N. C., R. F. D. No. 1 MAIN ST. BARBER SHOP L P. Wheeler, Jr, Proprietor loolsbarg, H, C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on Main StreeL First class work gaar tnteed. Give me a call. 15 TEARS BXPERIEIC1 ? WELL Drilling, Pump aid Accessaries. W^Ke Pump mt WeU Co, NoHlus, STBOALL'S BARBER SHOP I. Invite my onstomere end friends to give us a chance to serve you, 'as ws are ell fixed up again alter our lira and are la better shape to serve roQ than before." I'm hers to give you my personal eerv'ce et all times. Thanking yon for a call, 1 am w\ ? yours ?o serve 1-15 tf v. f. J THRALL. The Rutherford County Jersey club ba? purchased a pure'bred bull to be m?e In one community of the county. T?TiiriiiiiJHjiLraranLn!nm^ Jim Dandy Coffee 30 cents ?t i - --?r arT?"~~^g ? . '*.? rr Mason Quart Fruit Jars $1.00 per dozen Mason Half 6a). Fruit Jars Sl-25 per dozen Jar Tops 30c Rubbers 10c Buy Flour How Yours to serve, A. J. Jarman tua w. Nut si Otpeslte P. 0. Ptiu 118 "ISSIJBE A1CD BE 80BE* - -BE SUES ud wltt T. W. WAT80H 1A4 tf IHSUPB* DANGER Warning to The Public! Influenza is prevailing, parti ally on account of people wear ing damp or wet shoes, half i'oje we have purchased a stock of (water proof full or whole | Pppco Soles which we can gua tee to keep your feet dry. r'riee only a fraction higher ' an half soles. LOUIflBURG SHOP , J. LEHMAK, Proprietor. Next to Tar River Bridge DR. J. C. MANN the well known Eyesight Spec ialist and Optician will bo at Parrlah Jewelry Store, Looie borc. N. O. evejy flret end third Thursday. Office boors 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Over twenty years dally experience In examining eyes. Hie next visit will bo Thure dey. August 1st, 1929. " FOR SALE! '' f< We hare listed tor sale follow lag properties: Nice lot, N. Main St, near col. 1 lota facing Graded School grounds. Lot N. Church Street M acres farm land Cypress . Creek owns hip MS acres farm land, growing Umber, Cedar Rock Township. ? 71 scree farm land Cedar Rock Township , 1 nice dwelling town of Louis, tfcrg. Franklin Insurance 6 Realty Co. We well all kinds Iain. ..>oe and Bonds?See as for your needs. * . ? _ jd accurate sorvtos JI3K AC Bee Brand Insect Powder *7* or Liouid Sprat] ~ O ^ Hi 11 ? w. Kjrftf. ? U-]fc (I JS. Ga-Mi P_~ir.M hi*. IBi^ Me. Vk ?d HM Gasoline Every car of gasoline we sell is sampled by a government agent and tested by tho State Oil Chemist and meets the stand the laws oL the STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. We sell only Quality Products ir and solicit your patronage on that basis. Fred's Filling Station F. B. LEONARD, Proprietor LOX7I8BURO, North Carolina \ Keep my business up and I will keep prices down. International Farm Implements ?I have the International Biding Cultivator. Come and look them over. I CAN GIVE YOU EASY TERMS TO PAY FOR THEM. Don't fail to do this for it will mean money to YOU. Genuine Chattanooga Plaw Casting. My prices are the very best can be had. Over next to T. E. Allen's shop. Come to see me. f Yours to serve, W. G. Tharrihgton Phonfe 234 South Main St. Louiaburo

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