The Franklin Times 43 AbYtilllMlJG XEDICH THAT BRIJGS UESCLTS A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STAT?, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year IT VOLUMN LX. .. LOUISBURG, N. C., FRIDAY, AUG. 9TH, 1929 (10 Pages) ~ NUMBER 25 A. W. MOHN RESIGNS AS PRESIDENT LOUISBURG COLLEGE Louisburg Citizens Present Supt. E. L. Best To Board Of Trustees As Successor ? Strong Besolutlons Adopted At Muss Meeting Wednes day Night. " The people of Louisburg and Frank, lin County have learned with great rtgret that Dr. A. W. Mohn, who ?? President of Louisburg College for the past seven years, has accomplish ed bo much for that institution, has re. signed. During his encumbency as President of Louisburg College, Dr. Mohn has placed it in the very fore front of Junior Colleges in the South, both In point of equipment and of scholastic standing. Indeed, no col. lege anywhere has been doing any finer work In the way of the Chris tian education of young women. When it was ascertained that Dr. Mohn could not be Induced to with draw his resignation, there was a spontaneous movement among the friends of the college here and at other places luuklug luwaidatfrepos slblllty of securing Professor Edward I. Best as hi* successor. Prof. Best is well known In educational circles in North Carolina, and his genius for organization and administration has been convincingly demonstrated. A committee of .citizens visited Rev. J. H. Shore, President of the Board ol Trustees, at Weldon, on Tuesday, in order to express to him the unanimous desire of the people of this county that Prof. ,Best be secured as Presi. dent of the College. They were in formed by Dr. Shore that the Board of Trustees had the Interest of thf College deeply at heart, and would be g/ad to receive suggestions and re commendations of all friends of th< college as to the choice of a sncces. sor to Dr. Mohn. He stated that al! care of a largoly increased attend ance at the next session, and that tht n< w president would be promptl: chosen. ' - 1 " - ' ~ A citizens mass meeting was hell V. ednesday night, ami strong resolu tions requesting the election of Prol Best were unanimously adopt qd, am a committee composed of F. J. Beas ley, President Chamber of Commero of Loulsburg, Dr. H. li. Johnson President of Loulsburg k.wanis Club A. F. Johnson, Chairman Board o Education -of Franklin County, Mri M. S. Clifton, President Alumnae As a relation Loulsburg College, Uri Ben T. Holden, President Franklli County Historical Association am Mrs. A. W. Person, President Parent Teacher Association, were appolntei to bring these resolutions to the at teDtlon of the Board of Trustees. Th people of Loulsburg anu Franklli County hold Prof. Best in great ad miration and confidence. They hay been witnesses to his magnificent ed -ucatlonal work and are eager to bea testimony to hit splendid qualtfica tions for the position of President o Loulsburg College. They feel tha under his administration the growtl and usefulness of the college wouli be continued and a future of splendii service to the young women of thi South assured. Professor Best ha thorough knowledge of the plan which pr. Mohn has been carrylni out during the past few years, am li is felt by the friends of the collegi here that there is no man anywhen so well qualified as lie to bring thesi plans to full completion and develop merit. In fact, be served with grea satisfaction as President of the Col lege, during Dr. Mohn's six monthi leave of absence last year. The resolutions passed were ai fellows: "Whereas the resignation of pr. A W. Mohn-has created a vacancy li the position of President of Loulsburf College, and Whereas the people of Loulsburf and Franklin County feel a deep in terest in the continued success anc usefulness of that splendid instltu. tlon, and realise the great lmportanci of .a wise choice of a successor U Dr. Mohn, therefore Be It Resolved: 1. That we respectfully call thi attention of the Board of?Truatees ol Loulsburg College to the eminent fit ness In every way of Professor Ed ward L. Best for '.the responsible po. sltton of President of Loulsburg Col lege, and beg- leave to recite some ol lis qualifications therefor; He Is In the very prime of lift which has been spent in whole-heart, ed devotion to the cause of education He has been for the past sixteen years at the head of the educational system of Franklin County and In that capacity has accomplished a work which has won for him the un limited confidence and gratitude ol those whom he ha* served and has attracted the admiration bf the friends of educatlou throughout the State. He has demonstrated under the severest tests an axecutfve ability and s genius for organisation shd ad. ministration which render him an Ideal choice for the presidency of ? growing and progressive college He poetesses bath energy end tact. and bis oaretmsl character is sash Jf DR. A. W. MOITN I . to command the respect and confi dence at alt with whom he Is brought into contact and of the . public at large. He is a profound and painstaking scholar." An impressive and convinc ing speaker and is a leader with the gift of being able to inspire those among whom he warts with some thing of his own high enthusiasm and worthy idepls. Having been for about ten years a member of the Faculty of Louisburg College where he organized Its De partment of Education building same from a class of ten to about one hundred and fifteen members and having been elected by the Board of Trustees and having served as Chair man of the Theulty and acting Pteei of absence of President Mohn, Mr P.est would bring to the position of President a- thorough knowledge Af the needs and affairs of the institu tion. 2- We believe that at this import ant moment in the life of Louisburg College, he Is ciearly indicated aa the man best equipped and qualified to j [preside over its destinies and to carry on successfully the work so brilliant, ly and ably begun by Dr. Mohn. 3. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to th# Board of Trustees of Lcuisborg College. THREE INJURED, ORE SERIOUSLY, IN CRASH Burlington, Aug. 3.?Three men were injured, one of them probably fatally, when the automobile in which they were riding struck a rock on. the highway, skidded and turned over on No. 10? south of the city late yerterday afternoon. . F. O. Banks, 66, suffered a fracture 4t the base of his brain, fracture of bin left shoulder and right collar bone, also cuts and abrasions. He has not regained consciousness since the accident. F. S. Hedrlck had both hones of his left forearm broken, in addition to minor cuts. Dr. C. H. Banks, a den tist, received a severe laceration on hit left arm. and minor cots and abrasions. His condition Is satistac. tory The three men were returning from Lexington where Mr. Hedrlck former, ly resided, en-route to Loulsburg where the Banks brothers reside. Mr. Hedrlck now resides at Frank, l'.nton, it i ssald. Following the accident the men were removed from the scent to Raln ey Hospital. * Mrs. F. O. Banks was also badiy injured about the fsce and was taken to a hospital In Grrensboro. Latet reports from all indicate im provement. TO PrBLIRH RECORD JULY 4TH CELEBRATION There has been so much favorable comment upon our efforts to cele ( I biate appropriately our 160th Anniver sary and desires expressed for pres ervation of what has been produced. I bave fully decided to undertake the publication of the first edition of Franklin County History. I am In It for a photograph of every mem ber of any cemmlttee and marshals who took any part In the July 4th activities. A good kodak will do. I think we will make this edition large ly a photographic record Of course l.prh pageants and all speeches will he published. D. T. 8MTTHW1CK, Sec'y. CARD OF THANKS ?We wish to take this method of ex rreeslng our sincere thanks to our rlends and nelchbora for their kind. Jitsa and help during the slckneee end death of onr husband and father. Mrs. S. P. Roe, ? W E. Roe and family. Forty-two t>f the etatee produce ap plee In oommerclal quantities. AFPonrrs school COMXrWEEMEJ The Board of Education met In reg. ular session on, Monday with A. F Johnson, Mrs. T.H. Dickens, J. H. Joyner, E. L. Ureen and Vf. A. Mullen piesent. The minutes of last meet ing were read and approved. The following vacancies on the 3chooI boards were tilled: Bunu, representing Pine Hidge, B. S. Pace. Gold Sand, representing Wood, Alex Wester: Sandy Creek, W. H. Gupton. Cedar Rock-Cypress Creek, repre senting Hickory Rock-White Level, J. I,. Dorsey; Justice, C. H Stalling:;; Seven Paths, Arthur Strickland. Youngsville, representing Youngs. ville, T. C. Harris. Mapleville, S. B. Nash and W. E. Strange. The vacancies at Epsom, lugleaide and Flat Rock will be filled the first Monday In September. The secretary was instructed to purchase Fords for the school trucks that may be needed for 1929-30. It was ordered that white flag be placed on the front cf each school truck so that automoblllsts. could know at once that this was a school truck and would, therefore, have no excuse If they ran by It Whethertlng. coma read or not. It was ordered that the- Red Bud school building be sold to G. B. Smith for $75.00. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. DHOLE TIME HEALTH OFFICER ' At a meeting of the Franklin Coun ty Board of Health, held in the office of the Board of Education on Wed. ctsday, July 31st, the Board unanimously decided to put on a whole-time Health Officer with the understanding that the State would co-operate. with onehalf salary of same. Dr. R. F. Yarborough was elected Health Officer with the un. course, in some institution In the wort, ? ? Dr. S. f. Burt .gave an interesting report on the work of his committee, "Communicable Disease Control." He Also gave a report on the Pre-achool clinic held recently In the county, in which he reported over one hundred children were examined. L. L. Joyner and E. L Best made short reports from their committees, aud it was reported that die TCiwanis Tonsil and Adenoid Cliu.c would be neld during the latter part of August. The following members were pres ent at this meeting: Chairman C. L. Mr Ghee, L. L. Joyner, Dr. S. P. Burt and E. L. Best, Secretary. In a meeting of the Board of Health in the office of the County Commis. sloners, on August 6th, C. L. McGbee. L. L. Joyner, Dr. S. P. Burt, Dr. H. H. Johnson and E. L. Best oelng present, the secretary read a letter from the State Board of Health, stating that on account of the lack of funds, the State was unable to co-operate In providing a whole-time Health Offi cer for the year beginning July 1st, 1929. A motlou was made that a committee, composed of Dr. S. P. Burt, Dr. H. H. Johnson and C. L. McGhee be appointed, same to have a personal conference with the Secre tary to the State Board of Health, Dr. Laughlnghouse, io see II arrangements cannot be made to carry on the work of the whole-time Health Officer this year. i. E. THOMAS RESIGNS Information comes from Raleigh that Mr. J. E. Thomas has resigned his position as State Executioner giv ing as on* of his reasons that he hasn't the heart to pus^i in the switch to electrocute a prisoner he comes in contact with daily in his duties as 'Warden. At present Mr. Thomas is ill and is confined to his rooms. His. many Mends In Franklin County., will be glad to learn that last reposts show, ed him Improved HOI/T-AMTH Mian Bernlce Smith and Mr. Henry Holt were married at Bennettsvtlle. S. C. on last Sunday morning at 9 o'clock In the pretence of only a tew Intimate (rlenda. The bride la one of Loulsburg's charming young ladles and the groom la the popular proprietor of the Loule burg cleaning and preening works. They returned to Loulsburg Sunday afternoon. DR. GREEN LOCATES IN LOIIHBI'BG Dr. E. 9. Green, eon of the lete E. 9. Green, who ha* successfully pra tlced his profession of dentistry at Monroe for more than fifteen years, has returned to Loulsburg and equip, ped offices over Doddle Drug Co. Dr.' Green's friends are delighted (o harp him hack and bespeak for him a liber. J al share of patronage. One of life's Inconsistent loan rde that the banks will loan Plenty bf money to the men .who don'f need It. A wife who calls her husband an ungr '"*j1 Wfjstch gets Angry when aiH*.ue else does. TO REPAIR ?IDE STREETS The Board of Town Commissioners met Saturday in regular monthly ses sion for the transaction of business. Oh roll call there were present. May. or Joyner and Commissioners Ford, Allen .White MiMnce and Person. The minutes of tho last meetint were read and approved. Mr. McKlnne reported that the Township Road construction crew could be secured at a price cl $25.00 per day with a big truck tor haultng gravel besides the tractor and gr.uie- and crew to" tractor and grader. It was ordered that Mr. McKlnne employ the ga?g and work two streets at thts time aha If the cost of same was satisfactory Pther streets would be worked later. J It was reported by Mr. Person that one acre of gravel could be purchased from Dave Pearce for $50.00. The Clerk was ordered to make a contract with Mr. Pearce for gravel on one acre of land for a period of three years at a" price of $50.00. Attention was called with reference to screens in Pool Rooms and the Chief of Police was instructed to force ordinances in effect with ref erence to the regulation of Pool RoomB. ' The Clerk was ordered to reim burse B. H. Meadows $15.00 for Police duty which a as paid him fflf htfUTOH"1 account of being awav to fby Fipe mens Convention. The report of B. H. Meadows was read and approved. A bill for indemnity insurance for employees was referred to the Town Attorney for an interpretation of the compensation law to be given the Board at their ncit monthlv meeting: No further business the meeting adjourned. rARADES STREETS IN PAJAMAS Dutch Mosely put Loulsburg in the class with Elizabeth City and New Ycrk Saturday when he paraded the streets dressed in a new suit of Pa. Jamas It didn't produce the kick In ~LcuisDurg that Editor Saunders ac tions did in tha Cin?? n. ?p pprently it was accepted- that Dutch had just treated himself to a new suit of cool cloth. The big broad stripes and well creased and pressed coat and trousers failed to impress the public with the- -fact that they were just plain pajamas. MR. A. W. MOHN ...... RESIGNS PRESIDENCY Mr. A. W. Mohn, who has proven such an efficient president for Louis burg College, tendered his resigns, tlon to the Trustees at a recent meet lug to take effect as soon as they could secure a' satisfactory successor. Mr Mohn explained that while he was much interested in Loulsburg. College he felt that in justice to him self and family he should avail him self of the more lucrative offers made him. We understand he expects tc enter work of conducting boosting campaigns for institutions of like kind. In this field we are sure he will be even a greater success in life His Many friends in Loulsburg will leam of his resignation with much regret but wish for him and his ex. cellent family the best of success at any place they go. DELIGHTFUL DINNER Supt. and Mrs. John Hedgepeth, ot the Fraq^Iin County Home, enter tained the members ot the Board ol County Commissioners and Board oi Health, and a few invited guests at a most delightful dinner on Monday on the occasion of the annual Inspec tion of the Home by the two Boards. Rolled ham, fried and stewed chick e't, vegetables, pickles, salads and good eats were In abundance and were prepared in that delightfully ap petising manner so well known by Mrs. Hedgepeth. All enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Hedgepath to the *ullest end were especially de lighted to see the Home in -such a pt-mslng condition. It was especially noticeable that the grounds had been greatly Improved and is now becom ing one of the beauty spots of Frank lin County and a pride, to Its people. TRAFFIC COPS VISIT LOCISBURO Last week a squad of Highway Pa. irolmen composed of one Lieutenant end three patrolmen, visited Louis hurt end acquainted the people of thin section with the traffic laws. Trucks were stopped for carrying too hsary load*, cars were sent In to hare lights and brakes repaired, minors were made to stop driving where they w'.ge mads to stop driving where they wore leaving their car* to be sent for. and thos* driving without licensee or wl h Improper licenses -were dealt with. Thursday night when they made a wholesale coup In the heart of town, onlookers said It looked almost, like a circus parade passing through, when the cars were sent off to the several garages. On this nlgtt "the saragea reopened and were kept bqsy urtll late at night. ? Thli visit by the Patrolmen will, no doubt, b* quite a benefit to the auto niobnisti ? ;> a . , E. L. Bryan of Durham county haa < onirartad to sell hla 3,000-bushel sp elt chop for $150 per buahst. KECOKDF.R.S COl'BT Quite a good number ol cages were disposed of in Franklin Recorder's Court Monday by Judge Palmer and prosecuting attorney B. F, Griffin No cases were of great public impor. tance. The docket was as follows: State vs Ernest Wilson, assault with deadly weapon, guilty of affray, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Edwin Jones, assault with deadly weapon, guilty affray, Judg ment suspended upon* payment of costs. State vs Buck Driver, larceny, transferred to Superior Court. 8tate vs Charlie Stone .carrying concealed weapons, guilty, fined $l(ft> and costs. State vs P. C. Dlckerson, assault with deadly weapon, pleads guilty, VIayer for Judgment continued for 12 months upon payment of costs. State vs Frank Ellington, violating prohibition law, pleads guilty to un. lawful possession of wine, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Marvin Patton, carrying concealed weapons, continued. State vs Jim Evans, operating au tomobile intoxicated, pleads guilty, 12 months on roads, to be suspended upon payment of $50 fine and costs. TOO not driving a car tor tweivS State vs Mlnter Gilliam. Reuben Ailen, Archie Gupton, Charlie Pearce, distilling continued. State vs John Baddy, unlawful pos. esslon of whiskey, guilty, 6 monthB on roads, to be suspended upon pay ment of costs. State" vs DeWltt Kearney; vibrating prohibition law. guilty. 3 months on roads to be suspended upon payment cf costs. State vs James Towns, operating automobile Intoxicated, pleads guilty, 6 months on roads, to be suspended upon payment of $50 fine and costs, end not drive cat for 3 months. State vs James Towns, unlawful judgment suspended upon payment of GRADED SCHOOL OPENS The "fall-term ot the Loulsburg Pub. lie Schools will open on Monday Sept. 1, and" the State Law requires fEaf each child from the ages of 7 to 14 he in school each day the school la in session unless excused for certain ? reasons. - In too many -Instances pa rents keep children out of school for trivial causes for the first week, some times even for a month, at the begin, nlng of school. This is a great handi cap to the child; he then enters sc hool behind the other children, and this alone Is the direct cause ot many failures. Last year, as every year, we had a number of failures; some of these children have promised to study and get ready for promotion in Sept; but it is to be feared that they have adopt ed the plan of one boy who came to school for an examination and said he had been studying. When asked how much he bad studied, he replied that be had done" a tot of studying. Upon further inquiry it was ascer tained that he had begun his so. call ed study the day before he came to ichool tor examination. He did not win promotion. Parents, if your child was not pro. meted last spring what effort have you made to get the child ready for promotion at the beginning of school? I know you want your child to make ail the progress possible, but it is a serious blunder to place a child in a class that is too difficult for him, and we will not knowingly do this, even to oblige our best friends. The Supt. will be at the school con tinuously from August 23 till the opening, and will give such tests as are requested. But if a child failed last spring and has done no study this summer there Is little use in try. Ir.g to get promoted now. .If after school opens, we find that a child can do more than the regular ' work of the grade, we will gladly arrange for extra work and sometimes trans, fer to another section of the grade or even to another grade. ; REVIVAL AT SHILOH The revival meeting at Shiloh church on the Loulsburg circuit will begin next Sunday with service at 11 O'clock. There will be services each night through the week at 8:30 o'clock. The public Is Invited to attend. The pastor. Rev. A. L.-Thompson will do the preaching. MKETISe OK W0.W\V8 CLUB There will be a meeting of the Woman'* Club, at the home of Mrs. ?f. U Palmer Monday morning Aug ttrt lith at 10:30 o'clock. M?s. J. L. Palmer, Preaident. THE BtPTlST CHrBOH The subject of the sermon to be delivered Sunder morning at eleven o'clock by Rev Sankey L Blaa'on at tlje Baptist Church will be "How Much Christianity Hare Wet" The stihjert for the evening sermon at ? o'clock will he "Margins of Religion". Sunday School at t:ll a. m., B T. P. t'. at 7 P m. The general public la Irrited to all ae'rrtcea. RE-APPOINTS BOAD TRUSTEES Commissioners Hare Way of Routine ?Board ?f Erualizatiou Of Home Matters. The Board of County Commission ers met in regular session on Monday with all members present. After the formal opening business was disposed of as follows: J. Z. Terrell filed! bis reports, in cluding the full report of the JSupeE lutendent of Public Welfare. Also that the report of the County Ac countant tor the expenditures the previous year would be made in a few days and publication was ordered. He recommended payment to the State of the account for Indigent pupll^ amounting to $330.41. * T. W. Watson reports having three -depository bonds aggregating $125, 000. That the court house and jail la in first class condition. The vacant property adjoining the Fuller stable was leased to Hodges Green Motor Co., for five years at. $10 per year'SlJd improvements, prop erty to be returned within this time upon sale. Upon motion the following were ap pointed road Trustees for Loutsburg Township fne -pt nppnslta thflir names, from May 1st 1929: F J. Beastey. one Tear; ~W."H. Perry, three years; C. A. Ragland, two years. C.. B. Barham reports eight prison ers in jail. J.. B. .Sturdivant submits report of Home Agent. Also that of Dr. R. F. Yarborough, county Health Officer. The chsirmyn reports satisfactory sales of notes upon contemplation of tax collections. Also contract for State Highway from Loutsburg to Vance County. Franklin County was alloted $21, 348.90 from the State Equalization Board tax reduction fund. W. W. Cooke was appointed Regis trar of Vital Statistics for Franklin ton township. ? ? ?W. A. Wheless was granted a ra fund of 6. 95 for tax on property list en In jipw?l ibhnbl 1st iHntrM nn$~ being in such district A. W Sandling reports eight bridges washed away and -buitt back." - The Sheriff reports collections from land salsa of $267.95 and iusolveaU $693.16. C. B. Barham reported the special I school tax election for Harris Town. ' ship, defeated. ThB special tar .1 ftion in Hayesville Township was car. rled. Tbe Commissioners?and Board of Health made their annual Inspection of the County Home and found every thing in good condition and the in mates satisfied, happy and well cared for. The Board with the assistance of the Sheriff drew the jurors for the August and October terms of court. The Superintendent of the County Home, reports eight white and 10 colored Inmates. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned to meat again on August 9th. - The Board of Equiliiation met and transacted business as follows: To equalize values the land of,J. N. Wester was changed from timber land at $30.00 to cut over land at $10, eight acres being involved. In Franklinton township lands of J. O. Green were ordered listed as follows: 240 acres cleared, at $30, 125 acres, pasture at $15, 185 acrei, cut over at $20.60 acres waste at $10, building at $3500. M. C. Pleasants household and kitchen furniture at $800 subject to exemption $300. S. W Young's automobile was Hat ed at $400. KILLS HORSE IN AUTO ACCIDENT While returning to Louisburg Sun. day afternoon near Banks Store. Mr. H. G. Harrison driving a Bulck, Mr. W. P. Wilson driving a Ford and Mr. B B. Tom I in son driving a horse to a bnggy collided, and as a result the horse was killed, the cars slightly damaged, and luckily no one Injured. It seems that all parties were travel ing towards Louisburg. the horse and buggy in front, Wilson next then Har rison's car. Mr Harrison wanting to pass blew for the road and started by. As he pulled up beside Wilson's car. Wilson decided to pass the bug gy turning out and colliding with Harrison's car, the impact throwing the Ford against the horse and turn ing the . Ffcrd over. As a result the horse was injured so that he was later killed, the For<| was righted and sent to Franklinton for repairs, Mr Harrison coming on to Loulsbarg. OFF FOB OtROCOKE Taey are off for Ocrocoke for a I week, 'Smiling" Wesley Williams, K. Kelber Allen. "Do Ftlly" Pleasants. "Sniffle" Taylor, Jr., "Electrician" ! "Hairy" Hatlon and "Handeonte' Pengcln. It la their first trip to tho Island and we hope they can with stand the night life, here'* luck boy*. Tliey were piloted down to the AtUtiv tlc In a Hudson Sedan by the Pharma cist Hohert Pleasants. The sbov? item, supplied by the boys, evidently Indicate* the spirit tn which they left and the Times hops they will enjoy every minute and re fhh t? eyen better, pptrlts.

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