SHOES MARK THE MAN! Pride in Personal Appearance, is a trait in the character of any man, that invites confidence. The proper footwear is an important factor. AMERICAN GENTLEMAN shoes by Hamilton Brown are fully qualified in style, service and pattern. Sold by Wright Clothing & Dry Goods Co. BUNN, North Carolina Agent For "i Fad a Radios NONE BETTER / How About a Demonstration at Your Home? S. P. BODDIE, Druggist MAIN STREET Le3i88TOfc&, If. 0. We are still Filling Prescriptions Every car of gasoline we sell is sampled by a government agent and tested by the State Oil Chemist and meets the stand ard required under the laws of the STATE OF NORTH CARO LINA. We sell only Quality Products and solicit yonr patronage on that basis. Fred's Filling Station F. B. LEONARD, Proprietor frt, LOUISBURO, North Caroline Keep my business up and I wiU keep prices down. BLOCKADE!! SETS FIRE TO OFF1CEB0' CAB AS THEY RAID BIO STILL United State* prohibition officer* as well as county deputies active In waging war on the hlockadera are facing a new menace on their raids, which appeared In this section Thurs day when a negro distiller of sympa thizer set Are to a government auto mobile and burned it up while two agent* were breaking up a still. The burning of the automobile, a high-powered touring car, occurred ca Uranvllle-Warren line when Agents McOuffle and Dtddlck visited a block ade whiskey plant They left the machine at a house occupied by a negro woman, found the still half a mile away, and returned after break ing up the plant to find their auto mobile nothing but charred machln eiy. Officer }>fcDuffle stated that the only Information obtained about the atfalr was given them by the woman She told them she saw a strange ne gro approach the car, lift the hood end later was seen walking away from the scene as the machine burst luto flames. Bloodhounds were obtained and put on the trail of the negro. They fol lowed a route through woods and fields some distance until the trail was lost on the highway. It* Is thought the negro Joined his com panions In an automobile. It la the first tlrnu that blockaders have retaliated against officers by burning their cars In this section of the State. A few years ago, however, Officer McDuffie lost a government car by burning In Martin Coilnty.? Itileigh Times. J. H. COXYERS DEAD Mr. J. H. Conye.a died suddenly Saturday afternoon at his home near Franklinton. ' Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. C. L. Dowell, ol -Wake Forest. Buriai took place at the Winston family burying ground Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. He leaves a wife, who was Miss Swannie Beacham and six sobs and one daughter, who are as follows: Snm Conyer, of Doublin, Ga.; Billy and Walter Conyers, of Richmond. Va.; Mrs. Kenneth H. Patterson, of Henderson: Frank Conyers, of Ral eigh; and Haywood Conyers, who lived with his father. Several half sisters and brothers and one whole sister?Mrs. Vlck Holden, of near Youngsville, also sur vive him. Mr. Conyers was born and lived in this county all his life, and was well liked. The pall bearers were C. C..Holmes, B. L. Bragg, G. T. Perry, H. F. Fuller. J- W. Danlel. L^S..Kearney and G.H. Pergerson?Franklinton News. PUBLIC SCHOOL .. ENROLLMENT FIGURES Raleigh, Sept J.?Approximately 110,000 boys and girls were enrolled in the public high schools of the State during the session just closed, it was learned today at the office of the State Superintendent of Public In struction from a summary of the fig ures taken from reports of these high schools. A total of 96,739, or 88 per cent cf the 109,975, ?? were white boys and girls. The remaining 13,236 were Negro pupils, 3,779 In rural schools end 9,467 In city schools. More than 61,000 of the white children attended rural high schools,, and over 35,000 attended city schools. Five years ago, 1923-24, there were only 32,415 rural boys and girls and 26,369 city children, a total of 68,784 boys and girls, seeking high school education. The large Increase of 89 per cent In number of rural boys and girls taking advantage of the oppor tunity of a high school education In dicates., according to school authori ties, the holding power of the recently erected rural high schools. "Form erly", they say, "most rural boys and girls left the elementary school pro vided for them without seeking the advantages of a high school educa tion, whereas now these same rural boys and girls in Increasing numbers go on to the high schools provided for them." This past year, there were 35,410 white children In the eight grad* 26,333 In the ninth grade, 19,859 in the tenth grade, and 15, 137 In the eleventh grade a total of 96.739. or nearly 7.000 more than In 1927-28. Buncombe County leads the State In having the largest number of rural white boys and girls, 2,394. enrolled In public high" schools. More than one-fourth of the rural white high school enrollment in the following eleven Counties: Buncombe. 2.394; Mecklenburg, 1,635; Johnston, 1.599; Union, 1,608; Guilford, 1,476; Ruther. ford, 1,461; Robeson, 1,308; Harnett, 1,159; and Forsyth. 1,181. DIES SUDDENLY SUNDAY Herbert Uttlajohn, colored, aged about forty-fire years died almost suddenly about ten-thirty o'clock Sunday Morning near the home ot Dr. Darts on South Main street. Her bert had started borne and just as he turned Into mineral springs road from Main street near Dr. Darls he re celred the fatal attack. Dr. Darls bearing the noise made by Littlejoha went out to Inrestlgate and seeing him falling ran out and rendered medical attention bnt to no arall. IB Herbert's pocket was found a little box containing a small pink tablet, which Is supposed to contain some narcotic frotn which an orerdose pro duced the fatal results. It being stited that be had been In the habit of tak ing these for headache for sometime. Quits a large number rlewed the remains of the deceased before they were restored to his home. The* of Esso are constantly being tested in the **Sutndardr laboratories on uknock-testing" machines like that shown in this picture. This is one of the many precau tions taken to maintain in Esso the lowc?t of all knock ratings. PING, PING, PING, spells Lost Power ESSO is much more than an "anti-knock" fuel. It is a power fuel such as you have never used before. Esso is made from special stock. To this base is added a special combination of anti knock compounds, includ ing tetra-ethyl lead. If your motor knocks you are wasting power. But you will find you simply cannot get a gas knock from your motor with Esso. It has the lowest of all knock ratings. Try Esso today. Learn why more motorists prefer Esso at a premium than any other brand selling at regular prices! THE GIANT POWER FUEL STANDARD OIL COMPANY O F NEW J E RSEY Your tongue tells when you need alotaL Coated tongue, dry mouth, bad breath, muddy don, groggy nerves and sour stomach suggest its use. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority contained In a certain deed of trust executed cn the 2nd day of August, 1926, by Lewis Perry and wife, Mary D. Perry, to The Raleigh Savings Bank and frost Company, Trustee, and record Mi in book 246, page 635, in the office 3f the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C., default having been made In the conditions of the said leed of trust, the Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, alii on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23. 1929, | at 12:00 o'clock noon at the court house door In Loulsburg, N. C-, offer lor sale at public auction to the high set bidder for cash, the following de icrlbed tract of land: All that piece, parcel or tract pf and containing 61.63-acres, more or less, situate, lying and being about 100-yards from the Castalla-Warren on Highway, about 17 miles north east from the town of Loulsburg. N. In Oold Mine Township, Frank lu Co., State of North Carolina, and laving such shapes, metes, courses tnd distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof nade by Jos. T. Inscoe, surveyor In November 1906, a copy of which la ittached to the abstract now on file vlth the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Uank of Raleigh, N. C., the same ba ng bounded on the N by Smart's 1 ranch; on the S by the lands of lames Thomas; and on the W and '.orthwest by Smart's Branch, and telng the tract of land conveyed to -cuts Perry by deed of R. H. Griffin >nd wife dated Dec. 1, 1906, recorded n book 162, page 262 and 263, Regls ry of Franklin Oosnty, N. O.. to rhlch reference Is hereby made. This the 21st day of August, 1922. HE RALEIOH SAV1NQS BANK and TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. -2S-5t O. M. BEAM. Attoraey. ? FOR RENT One Ave room dwelling on Kenssore venae for rent w-ww.v H 0. TAYLOR. Closing Out ALL SUMMER GOODS To make room for oar New Fall Merchandise. No article in oar big stock has been spared from the price slashing. We mast have the room and mast get rid of the goods we have. Its your chance to make a big saving. Come in and look over the tre? mendous bargains, and lay in a supply of things yon will need later. This is no special catch sale, bat a bona fide stock mov ing sale, with prices reduced to the point where the goods will go. Make our store your head quarters ween in town. P. A. Roth Co. The Store That Satisfies or Yomr Money Back LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA

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