School Supplies Wo carry a full line of SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Send in the children and let us supply their ? ?- -i ir'"? ^ ~ school needs. We are always glad to have the children * % come into otir store. They always receive respectful attention, and we wait on them . promptly. t t 11 ? LET US BE YOUR DRUOOIST. SCOGGiPCS DRUG STORE PHONS 310 Nash Street Louiahurg, K. 0. International Farm Implements I have the International Ttfdiag Caltivater., CoidV and look them over. I CAN" GIVE TOU EAST TERMS TO PA? FOR THEM. Don't fail to do this lor R wiM mean money to YOC. Genuine Chattanooga Plaw Cksting. My prices are the very best can be had. Over next to T. E. Allen 'a shop. Come to see me. Yours to serva, W. G. Tharrington South Main St. ?c- \ Col. Lindbergh and Bride CARRIED COLUMBIA PORTABLE No. 163 ON THEIR HONEYMOON YACHT. ANN TIE BO RECORDS WERE ALL COLUMBIA. The Columbia portable 162 it'a all the rage. Nothing like this clear, full-tone, richly dressed in strument has ever before been presented to the public. It creates a sensation everywhere. It has been bought by 'millionaires, school teachers, doctors, law yers, miners, preachers, labosers, actors, explor ers, farmers and people in every walk of life. Too. can find them at The Brown Furniture House with the latest records. Babe Ruth "The King ol Swat," buys Columbia Portable 163. Brown Furniture House YOUNGS VILLI, ANNOUNCEMENT! I am glad to say to my cuatomara and friends that I hare returned from the hoapltal and am ready to sire personal attention to your wants. I hare with me Mr. William An drews, (formerly with Bcoggtn Drug Co.) who will be glad to serre you. Rayford Qupton will also be with us through the fall. I am prepared to look after your grocery and notions trade and wW be glad to hare you call to see us 06 ten. Yours to serve, A. J. JARMAN wirman. Opposite P. O. Phone There le a ".Death Chamber" In the ?FLY-TOX factory. This chamber ie about the room else. It ie used to teat the quality of FLY-TOX as a spray to kill flies, moaquitos, bedbugs, roaches, etc. During a test a large number of young, healthy Insects are placed in side the cabinet. These insects are raised in incubators for testing pur poses. While the Insects are flying and crawling around, in the "Chamber ot Death," FLY-TOX is sprayed in side. Less than a teaspoonful is used. Instantly there Is a changsr Within Are minutes not a buzz is heard. Alt insects are dead. To make sure they are really dead, the insects are care fully removed from the "Chamber ef Death" and placed in incubators in an effort to revive them. If a wing flutters, the FLY-TOX tested never leaves the factory. This test is your guarantee ot FLY-TOX quality. It dees what you. want it to do?kill in sects in and about yout home. Yet, FLY-TOX is positively harmless to people. FLY-TOX was developed at Mellon Institute ot Industrial Re search fellowship. It will not stain. Has a perfume-like fragrance. These in only one FLY-TOX?insist upon the genuine in bottles with blue la fcsls. Jcflv. ? -. ? WW1UB 7" Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Alex Tharrington, de ceased, late of Franklin county, N. C- notice la hereby given all parties holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the Oth day of September. IPSO, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons lit-, debted to said- estate will please come forward and make immediate settle ment This September 6th, 1989. 9.8-dt J. J. MURRAY, Admr. - ? NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. S. Mitchell, de ceased. late of Franklin County. N. C, notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of September. IPSO, or thie notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please come forward' and make Immediate settle ment , This September 5th. 1989. 8-9-6t H. P. MITCHELL Admr. EARM FOR RENT Mar or five- horse farm for rent to good person for 1030, plenty oat- houses, herns etc.. apply to, M. T. HOWELL, 8iM4t R. 1., Loulsburg, N. C. TAKE* UP About August It, 1989 one dark hay horse male about 9 years old, weigh ing 900 pounds with small split in right ear. Owner please call and pay expense* and ijrt mule. Major Stokes, near l? M. West store. Route 4, Loulsburg, N. C. 8-30-2t cm won FOB TOUBTEFBB mo IT BOW WHILK IMS ABB HIGH, pQ|i |y i. W. NUHHUr A SIB Lomirttar*. If. C. SALE OF VALUABLE* REAL ESTATE Under and by rirtue of the power ot sale contained In that certain deed of trust executed by King Cotton Seed Company, Incorporated, to Virginia Treat Company, Trustee, dated Dec. 1st, 1922 recorded In Book 233, Page 437, et seq, Registry of Franklin Coanty, North Carolina, default hay ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and de mand for foreclosure haying been made upon the undersigned trustee ly the.holders of the bonds repre senting said Indebtedness, the under signed trustee will on Monday, the 16th, day of September, 1929, at or about the hour 0f Noon, at the Court house Door ot Franklin County, In LouJsburg, N. C. offer, for sale at publlo auction to the highest bidder fcr cash, the following described real estate: Lying and being situate In Franklin County, FTanklinton Township, State of North Carolina, more particularly described ah follows. The Montgomery Tract, being the tract conreyed by Mary T, Montgom ery to J. P. Bill, by deed recorded in the Registry of Franklin Coanty In Book 190,page 364; the Joe Sfanma tract conreyed by deeda dated April 17, 1914 and May 2, 1916, recorded lis Book 202, page 36 and Book 202, page 545 respectively; the Handy Wilder tract conveyed by deed datbS January 1, 1916, and recorded in Deck 202, page 629; one-halt Interest in the Montgomery tract having been conveyed by J. P. Hill to K. P. Hill by deed dated September 24, 1913, and recorded in Book 192, page 494; and all of said lands and all of said In terests therein having been conveyed to T. W. Bickett, Trustee by deed date April 17, 1916, and recorded in Bcok 213, pages 127, et seq, In trust to secure certain Indebtedness there in named, and all of said lands and Interests therein having been by the ?_rcclo8ure on the 30th day of \pril, 1917, to A. L. Hawse, and by >aid trustee conveyed to said A. 1> Hawpe by deed dated May 11, 1917, ind recorded in said Registry, and by ;be said A. L. Hawse and wife con reyed to the King Cotton Seed Com pany, Incorporated, by deed dated January ^ laio, kuu returucu m 8fcid Registry. And all of said lands, wblch are contiguous, having been recently surveyed are now conveyed under common boundaries dt follows: Beginning at a point 9 ft B of a cedar post, John Cannady's corner and running S 3d 30' W 29 chains to a stake; thence S 80d E 3# links to a stake; 8 4d 46' W 64.80 chains to a pine stump; N 86d 46' W 27.60 chains to a stake; thence N 73d 46' W M chains to a stake and pointers; thence N?E 46.06 ehains to a stake n old road; N 87d W 6.49 chains to a stake. Hick's corner. N Id 16' E 14.41 chains to a pine stump; N 82d W "-So chains to a stake; N 7d E 25.66 ehains to a stake on the hank of a branch; N 67d 46' W 19.60 chains to a stake; thence 8 17d 46' W 4.64 chains to a stake and maple pointers; S 864 46' W 20.61 chain, to , stake; S 2d 46' W 16.26 chains to a stake; N 88d 30' W 16.26 chains to a rock, Wilders corner; N 5d 46' E 24.16 chains to a pine stump; N 72d 46' W 60 links to a stake. Wilder's corner In the right of way of the Seabord Air Line Railway Company; thence along said right of way N 19d 46' E 4 chains; N Ud 30' E 10.67 chains; N 6d 30' E 66.94 chains to the center of Tar River; thence along the center of Tar River per tie and offset lines as shown on the plat of the W. P. Mont gomery farm as surveyed March, 1916 by M. S. Davis and B. B. Egerton as follows: 8 51d 16' E 2.71 chains; 8 82d 30' E 6.11 chains; 8 86d 30' E 3.73 chains; 8 84d 16' E 2.36 chains; S 80d 30' E S.22 chains; 8 74d E 2.83 chains; 8 76d E 3.30 chains; 8 54d 50' E 2 56 chains: 8 47d 16' E 4.84 chalnat 8 78d 30' E 2.70 chains; 8 81d 80' E 3.20 chains; 8 73d 16' E 8.72 chains; S 54d 45' B 4.07 chains; N 88d 30' E E76 chains; 8 82d 16' E 4.60 chains; N 83d 30* E 620 chains; N 70d E 2 66 chains; 8 76d 46' E 627 chains; 3 3d C 2.04 chains; 8 51d 30' W 2.40 chains; 8 S2d W 2.68 chains; 8 54d 45' W 4 chains; 8 20d 46' E 1.87 Chains: & 45d 16* E 2.18 chains; 8 7Sd 46' E 4.40 chains; 8. 78d 80" E 3.90 chains; 8 88d 30' E 4.19 chains; 3 86d 16" E 1.76 chains; 8 78 d 30' F 3.16 chains; 8 77d 16* E 3.93 chains; 3 74d E 8.SO chains; 3 70d E 3 90 chains; 8 67d E 3.30 chains to the mouth of a spring branch; thence up said branch as It meanders 8 21d B 3.96 chains; 8 8d 46' B 1.76 chains; 8 21d E 1.88 chains 46d W 606 chains; 8 6d 46' W 1.1| ehains: 8 33d 46' E 677 chains; 8 8d B 8.18 chain* to a Spanish Oak on bank of the branch; thence leaving said 1,-aneh 8 19d 16' W 3.66 chains to a sweat gumr thence 8 68d 80' W 6T0 chains to a. rock; 8 78d 30' W 2.87 chains to nn Iron stake; 8 ?d 46' R 220 chains to a rock; 8 27d 46' W 3 70 chains to an Iron stake; 3 ltd 46', w 7.63 ehains to a poplar In tks d'tch: 8 23d 46'df 7.60 chains to ao| iron stake; 8 86d 3< 86' E 26.07 chains to the place of beginning, containing eight hundred and ninety-live and one quarter 1896 1-4) acres, mors or lees. Bncoptsd from the above lands, however, It that tract of land con taining 8.8 acres conveyed by A. t, Hawse, at ala to Franklin ton Town ship schools by deed dated Sept. 21, 1928, recorded In Book 180, page 487, Registry of Franklin County, N, C., which has hew duly released from the Hen of the above mentioned deed of trust This 18th day of Aognst. 1889; Virgin to Trust Company. Trustee. 8- 23-4t White and Mai one Attye FOR RBNT Two horio farm, the W. U Thar rlngton home place near Woultoo, adapted to tohaeeo and cotton, goexf del gh bar hood, good dwelling and out bousoo. for standing rent, to party 3H?o can^tornt^ himself Apply *?? W.lX Terry, 111 & Trla. lty Are., Durham, H. C. 8-80-18 Automobile Light Testing - COMPLY WITH THE LAW OFFICIAL STATION For Franklin County, Louisburg's Oldest Garage BECK'S GARAGE Day Phone 311?Night 46 Louiaburg, N. C. CROSLEY RADIOS Radio Repair Work. Any Make. TO ALL ALIKE It makes no difference how 'CduWesyr^BMncTaladvice.and the best we have in service and accommodation are?given?to all depositors alike. Of course we are glad to get large accounts, but we wel come small ones too. MERCHANTS WNX JNO. W. KING A Modern Grocery and Market. A complete stock of Freak Fruits and Vegetables. Country Produce SPECIALS P and Q Soap. 4 cakes 16s Ortagon Soap, C cakes 16c Canned Herring. 3 cans 16c Rice. 4 pounds 16c t Minute Oatmeal. 3 pkgs- 16c Canned Tomatoes, 10 lb. can 43c ?Fruit Jars QL slse ?0o?1-2 Oal. stse $1.00 Van Camp's Pork and Beans 4 cans 15c SPECIALS , Mr* Sehlorer'a Pickled Onions, Chow Chow. Picooaiee, Sand wich Dressing, any bottle l*e FOR THOSE LIGHT FLUJTT BISCUITS AND ROLLS. TRT A BAG OF RED BAND FLOUR "Kitchen Tested" ?OTAJf COFFER 1*0 Pee Oeat Pure Amofi Crackled Tea Ktren with earnkaei at t We invite you to lnepect our Freeh Meat Market far yoer dally need*, FRESH PORK FRESH BEEF FRESH FIS Market St. Phone 101 Louiafcur*, IF.