The Franklin A3 ADttKllMM. MEDIUM THAT BBHUS MESCUTS ?? ' * ? 4. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION " y r SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Year VOLUMN LX. LOUISBURG, N. 0., FRIDAY, SEPT. 13TH, 1929 (10 Page*) NUMBER 30 lOUISBl'RG CHAMBER co?wri holds meeting The Loulsburg Chamber of Com merce held lt'e regular monthly meet lug in the Court House, at 7:30 p. m., September 10th with President F. .Beasley, presiding and twenty one members present. ???? President Beasley reported that the Finance Committee, appointed by the chamber of Commerce to asslBt the Franklin County Historical Assn. In it's Sesqul Centennial Celebration, . i aised $350.00 toward financing the ceiebiation. A motion was made by S. P. Boddle, that , the-Chamber en tend It's thanks to President Beasley for his efficient work. The motion carried and a rising vote of thanks was .tendered Chairman Beasley. M. S. Davis, Cbmn, reported for the Roads Committee that a small stretch of road from Ransoms Bridge to the Junction of the Halifax High way and the highway to Rocky Mount was in an unimproved condition and that this committee had taken the matter up with Messrs. Gardner and Collie with the view of having this bit of road put Into an improved condition by the State High way crew that is at work In that vrcinity atTfrwwHtr A motion was made by L>. L. Joyner that Mr. Daiis hare full authority i from the Chamber of Commerce, to proceed with his efforts to secure Im provement of this piece of road. The motion carried. A motion by M. S. Davis prevailed, instructing the Secretary to write Mr. Hill a letter of hanks for his support and assistance to the Chamber of Commerce in its requests for various road legislation in Franklin County. The Marketing Committee reported that the Southslde Warehouse had been leased to an able and active ? group of tobacco warehousemen. The Sect, was instructed to write to Mr. Fred Morris of Frankllnton, and to thank him and all others re sponsible for it, for the repainting ' ot the Louisburg Sign, which was de spoiled by unknown parties. Also to offer to reimburse Mr. Morris for the expense mvoivsa. ,?, L. L. Joyner, reported that the Town of Louisburg Is having auto mobile Courtesy Cards printed, which are to be -distributed by, our Police - .Department. E. H. Malone moved that the Sec retary write to every tobacco man In LouUburg and request their attend ance at Chamber of. Commerce meet ings, and tbelr co-operation with the Chamber In It's efforts to build up our tobacco market. The motion car ried. The following Committee was ap pointed to formulate plans for a bar becue to be given to the tobacco men in tbe near future, and to present their plan to the Chamber of Com merce at It's next regular meeting. S. P. Bod die, W. R Mills, T. K. Stoc kard. A discussion -of the pending Adver tising Budget and plan resulted in1 Instructions being issued to the Pub licity and Finance Committles to get to work In the carrying out of the accepted plan and budget. There being no .? farther business the meeting adjourned. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas,-Our Heavenly Father has seen fit to remove from our midst the beloved wife of our felkiw-Kl wanlan, Arthur H. Fleming. And whereas, the consecrated chrls-. tlan life of Mrs. Flaming called forth the admiration and esteem of all our cltlsens;' And whereas, many of us have suf fered the loss of our dear ones and well know the meaning of sorrow; Therefore, be it resolved: that we extend to our beloved Brother and his children our heart-felt sympathy and hereby publicly show our respect and affection tor the departed wife and mother, and assure our Brother that we sorrow with him in his loss. Done by order of The Klwanls Club. R. O BAILEY, Sect. OFFICER WIOOS SHOOTS UNRULY NEGRO !_ Jack Egerton, colored, wanted for the larceny of a cow and other char ges, was shot through the shoulder early Wednesday morning by Con stable A. S. Wlggs, whllle resisting arrest. Jack had evaded arrest tor some time, but was Anally located near Sheriff F. W. Justice's home In Harris township, and Officer* Wlggs, Of Louisburg, and Clarke, of Frank llnton, went out to make the arrest. Jack resisted, ffghtlng manfully un til tbe shots from Officer Wlggs' gun took effect, when he gave under and was brought to jail, where medical attention was given. RET. J. POWELL TUCKER AT PILOT The TIMHS is requested to an nounce that Rev. J. Powell Tucker will preach at the Baptist Chnrch at Pilot on Monday night, September leVI lAth. Rev Tucker is wall known to the Rarlo andlen ceof North Carolina having broadcast from the Baptist church at Raleigh on Sunday morn 'ng' tpr quiU ? while Mil cms is cordially tnvtted to hear him on this occasion. A ROE DOCKET IN N RECORDERS COIRT 'Judge J. L. Palmer bad quite a tavy docket before him In Recorders 'ourt Monday, and a Court house acked with spectators and witnesses, 'he docket was disposed of as fol jws: Elate vs Vance Medlin, disposing of oortgaged property, continued. State ts Joe Barholomew, unlawful lossession of whiskey, former order if the Court compiled with and dis harged. State vs Vance Medlin, assault with leadly weapon, continued^ State vs Marvin Pa'ttflfe carrying ohcealed weapon, caplasand contln led. State vs Iola Perry, unlawful pos lesslon of whiskey, continued. State vs Nick Oupton, bad check, cullty, prayer for Judgment continued. State vs Herman Fuller, operating mtompbrie intoxicated, not guilty. State vs Ray Strickland and J. R. Pearce, affray, guilty, judgment sus pended upon payment of costs. Appeal is to Pearce. State vs B. P. Strickland, nuisance, tuilty, Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Melvln Young, assault, jury trial requested and set for Sept 16. State vs Blair Fuller, assault with aeadly weapon with Intent to kill, re ferred to Superior Court. State vs Henry Smith, disturbing public worship, guilty, 6 month on roads, upon payment of costs, capias not to issue until Wednesday then only In Franklin County. State vs W. A. Wall, operating au tomobile Intoxicated. State vs Nick Williams, disturbing public worship, nuisance, 4 months on roads, to be suspended upon pay ment of costs. State vs Herley Prlvttt, assault with deadly weapon, continued. State vs Willie Jones, alias Willie James, larceny, guilty, 4 months in jail, Commissioners to hire out. State vs Lewis King, assault with deadly weapon, guilty 4 months on roads, suspended upon payment of |2f Btateva DP. Woodllef, carryinj concealed weapon, continued. Qtate Ts D. P. Woodlief, assaul with deadly weapon, continued. State vs. Buster Predtly. larceny guilty, 4 months on roads, suspendec upon payment of costs. State ts Turner Driver, unlawfu possession of whiskey, guilty, < j months on roads, suspended upoi payment of $25 and costs. State vs James Pitts, unlawful por session of whiskey, guilty, 4 monthi on roadB, suspended upon paymen of $26 and costs. State rs A. D. Privitt, assault witl deadly weapon, continued. State vs Spurgeon Hartsfleld, carry lng concealed 'weapon, continued. State vs Drover Toung, operatinj automobile intoxicated, continued. WEN'S BIBLE CLASS TO BANQCB1 The Hen's Bible Class of the Louis burg Methodist Church will hold it annual banquet at the church nex Wedneslay night, September 18th All members are especially urged t< be present and bring with them the! wives or sweethearts. Regular services will be held Sun day at the Methodist Church witl Pastor Daniel Lane preaching. Hii morning subject will be "The Dn changing Christ" and the evenlni subject "The Great Affirmative." All are cordially invited to. atteni these services. THEIYE8 ENTER SPOT CASH CO. STOW Thetves entered the store of thi Spot Cash Co., on Monday night, bu were evidently frightened away be fore they had gotten any merchandise that could be mused. Entrance was evidently mad) through a window to the concrete storage room then through anothei window Into the main store room The exit must have been madi through the same route of entrance and no doubt was hastened by the sound of the fire alarm or other out side Influence. A complete and careful search the next morning, when the discovery wai made, revealed no evidence of anj goods Uken. Blood hounds were placet) on the tracks but no tract could be found of any value. MISS CLABKE HONOREE On last Saturday night. Miss Vic torla Adcock entertained at a lovelj bridge party in compliment to Mist Jewell Clarke who left Sunday nigh! to resume her studies dt~Brenau Col' lege, Gainesville, Oa. The pretty home of the hostess' sister, Mrs. C A. Ragland, was thrown en suits ant) gorgeously decorated throughout witl a profusion of late summer Jlpwers. Nine Ubles engaged In four spirit ed progressions by the younger set VHien scores were totalled, the ward fell to Miss Margaret Turner; l bottle of perfume, and to Mr. Steps Allen, a knife The consolation went to Mist Heielle AIM. ? Miss Adcock was assisted in serv ing an Ice course by Mr. Oeotgt Ragland. i mi ?'i* no r'ea^ i. ft. m.tlla Ttia? NORTH CAROLINA AVIATOR PLIES HIGH WITH MARINES Lieut. Hapne D. Boyden (center), from Statesville, N. C? is winning (am? as an aviator in the Marine Corps. He took part in the National A.viatlon Meet at Cleveland, 0., where groups of blrdmen thrilled the spec tators by their expert flying. Lieut. Boyden, who was recently awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in Nicaragua, led one of the plane groups. Other members of the Marine flying .trio are: Chief Marine Gunner E|lmo Regan (left), and 8ergeant Benjamin F. Belcher (right), whn were with the airplane, squadron at Cleveland. PRES. C. C. ALEXANDER AT CHAPEL EXERCISES The first Chapel exercises of the. new school season of Loulsburg Col-! lege were held Tuesday morning j Sepptember lQth, at 9:30 o'clock at' j the Methodist Church, at which time' Jir. C~ XL. Alexander, President of] Loulsburg College, was presented to, tbe students and faculty who spoke a few words of acquaintance. Rev. Daniel Lane, pastor of the Methodist Church .and College Chap lain, who presided. In a brief talk on I Dr. Alexander's past career introduced tbe new President to the college fac ulty and student body and they to ! him. With ho special message for < the occasion. Dr. Alexander expressed his faith la* Loulsburg College with the Statement, "If I did not believe In Loulsburg College I would not be here now". He plead with the girls to look upon him as a guardian and assistant not an official to be shunned with fear. Also, he urged the stu denta not to waste their time and opportunities but to work with de termination to accomplish the alms which they are sent to achieve. "How. ever", heeaid, "I do not want you to go around wlth<d serious look'en year face all the time but I want you to have fun and laugh as well as work. Let the years you spend here at Loulsburg College be the happiest years of your life" A hymn was sung" and Dr. Alexan der concluded the exercises with a short prayer of dismissal. CONSTABLE HARBI8 SHOOTS NEGRO Constable R. L. Harris, of Cypress Creek township, shot and seriously wcunded Horace Branch, colored on last Saturday night at Meade's Camp, near Justice. Information received ] here shows that Constable Harris had gone to Jack Trator's colored, home to arrest him and while waiting for Trator to return lome. Brancs came up. Constable Harris flashed a light at Branch to see who he was which seemed to enrage Branch whp sprang to attack tbe officer. The officer drew him gun and ordered Branch to stbp, bnt Branch grabbed the gun*and pressed the attack when the officer fired the balls taking effect In the body. ?? | Officer Harris took Branch imme diately to a hospital la Rocky"'Mount tor medical attention and at last re ports he was reeponding to treatment nicely. ?? BAPTIST CHURCH TO BOLD SERIES OF SERVICES The Loulsburg Baptist Church will begin a series of services on Sunday, September ttth. The aeries will edntlnue through October ?th The Rev. Saakey L. Blanton. Pastor, will do the preaching. The music will be Under tbe direction of Dr. R. 81 Green and Mies Margaret Wilder Hours of service will be announced later.' Tie services will be evsngcl c ?h spirit ensd purpose It Is that tbe people of Loutaburgj AJiSOCJfCEJreJiT PABTY Misses Mary and Edith Yarborough were hostesses Saturday afternoon -to [a large circle of friends from theft hume town and from other parts of the State, honoring their niece. Miss Eleanor Scott Yorborougb, whose en gagement -was-announced during the afternoon. - The bride-elect, Mrs. T. W. Blckett, <>f Raleigh, and Mrs. J. B. Yarborough, mother of the bride-elect, greeted the guests in the reception hall. Miss Yar borough was becomingly attired In a lovely tan chiffon gown, Mrs. Bickett in black and white chiffon. The living rooms were thrown en suite, where tables were placed for bridge. Lovely fall flowers in profu sion had been artistically arranged throughout the house by Misses An nie Parry Neal and Helen Pollard. Exquisite asters in pastel shades, huge dahlias and other colorful flow ers made a pretty background for the occasion. Soft lighting from many shaded lamps fell enhanclngly upon the ancestral portraits and old pieces of furniture. The guests arrived; a spirited game of bridge ensued. At the conclusion of four progressions, the prise for high score, a lovely string of beads, was presented to Mrs. Harold Oriffin, of Wendell. A delicious ice course and brlde's caka were served, and on each plate was placed an attractive hand-paint ed card in shape of a bell with an adjustable clapper, on which was re vealed the announcement of the en gagement of Miss Eleanor Scott Yar borough to Mr. William Thomas Cross, of Gateevllle, October lltlf. The hosts of friends surrounded Miss Yarborough while Mrs. R. T. Yarborough In lovely phrase toasted the bride-elect. At the same time she presented her with a beautiful ? bride's book, the gift of the hostess es, Miss Mary and Edith Yarborough. and also a surprise gift In gold from her kinswoman. Mrs. T. W. Bickett. Assisting In the serving were Mis ses Tempe Yarborough. Eleanor Col lie, and Annie'Perry Neal. and Mrs. J. Albert Wheleee. The out of town guests Included Mrs. T. W. Bickett, of Raleigh; Mrs. Harold Orlffln, of Wendell, and Miss Helen Pollard, of Petersburg. Va. Miss Yarborough Is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yar borough, of Loulsburg, and ,'is well known and popular throughout 'North Carolina and other statee. STCDENT8 BIB MOHH T ABE WELL The student body of, Loulsburg College met on the steps of the re stored building Thursday night, and sang some farewell songs for Mr. Mohn, who to his utter surprise was. presented with lovely parting gifts from the faculty and students. Mr. Mohn, the former president of Louls burg College, accepted In a few wbrds it gratitude for the courtesy and al so wttfc a commendation of the Ool ite*. that had meant so much to him. to tbs new president. The East Bend 4-H club lo Yadkin raalised flTAp from aa tee ??m supper held recently to ralaaj they for club purpodee. THE FRANKLIN COUJfTY FAIR Preparations are being made (or, the Fifteenth Annual Fair to be held In Loutsburg, beginning October 29th. The Fair is about tine week later than last year, which will give the County people a better chance to har vest all their crops and thereby make better exhibits than ever before. The buildings and grounds are be ing- put in shape for the big County event and the prospects for the best Fair ever held are brighter than in any previous year. Many new Directors and Assistants have been added, and more interest is being shown than ever before. Many changes have been made in the Premium List, and in many instances the amouiit of the premiums have been largely increased. The following is a list of thd Di rectors and their assistants and the Directors have acted wisely in se lecting some of the best and most public spirited people from all parts of the County to assist in making the 1929 Fair a grand success. The first named in each department is the di rector: Field and Garden Crops?F. U. Wolfe, S. E. Wilson, H. F. Mitchell. O: "H. Purgerson, H. H. Mullen. Flowers?Mrs. H C. Taylor, Mrs. H. G. Perry.. Mrs. F. Ib- Leonard: Mrs. R. A. Bobbltt. Mrs N. B. Tucker. Sheep?A. W. Wilson, Mrs. S. T. Wilder, M. Stamps, Mortimer Harris, K H. Perry. Poultry?G. L. Winchester, B. B. Pruitt Durwood Dickie, Roger Moore, Albert Carr. Arts and Crafts?Mrs. W E. White, Jr., Mrs. J. A. Hedges, Mrs. L. P Hicks, Mrs. C. M. Howard, Miss Kath erine Pleasants. Horticulture?T. D. D'Quinn, J. A Fioone. Miss Sallie Harris, Phi Tom littson. Fiona Id Mitchell. Cattle?Dr. W, R. Bass L ,L. God frey, J. D. Newman, W. J. Galloway, M R. Sykes. Swine?J.. J. Wolfe, W. Dean, Thurman Griffin, Warerly Ivey, J. D. Newman. I Art Needlework?Mrs. G. B. Cobb, TOW, Mr* W: B> Tuchcsv Mrs. J. W. Mann. Mrs. S, S. Meadows. Pantry Supplies?Mrs, J. 8, How til, Mrs. H. H. Hilton, Mrs. Luther Wells. Mrs. P. W. Simmons, Mrs. 8. J.?Edens _ Canning Department?Mrs. W. ? P. Wilson, Mrs. T. H. Dickens, Mrs. Jim Newman, Mrs. F. W. Hicks. Miss Daisy CaJdwelL_ 1 Premiums to Schools?E. L. Best The management has ever had it In mind to make the Fair an Agri cultural and Educational success, and Judging by the success of the past Fairs, this has been accomplished. The schools of the County, under the direction of Supt. E. L. Best, have always made most wonderful exhibits and this year it is expected they will eclipse anything done in the past years. The Fair Is always Franklin's Home coming Week and hundreds of people wait until Fair Week to come back to Franklin County and Home. Special entertainment has been provided for the week in addition to the many exhibits of agriculture, cat tle etc. A Midway full of clean amusements will be on the lot to fire Joy to all the children and grown upe. Special music. Auto Polo and other acta will be seen and enjoyed by all. Fair Week Is Franklin Cbunty's Legal Holiday and unusually large crowds always attend the Fair. TO PATE COLLEGE STREET The contract for paring College 8treet from Mdln to Elm Street was let to Mr. E. S. Waters, of Beaufort, at an estimated cost of $7,297.15, in cluding the six Inch concrete drive way, side walks and curbing, at a special meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held Friday morning, September 6. This street la the one bordering the southern side of the College campus, and will be a very big Improvement In the streets of Loulsburg. THE BAPTIST CHrifH The Rev. Sankey L. Blanton. Pas tor of the Baptist Church, will speak Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, on "The Nature of Man." The sermon topic for the 8 o'clock hour will be "An Adequate Evangelism." ' Visi tors are always invited to attend andj participate in the services of thjsj church. THE WELCOME 1*5 The Welcome Inn Is the name for a modern dining room to be opened September 16th. in the Burt building by Mrs. H. M. Rtovall. The building Is now undergoing remodeling pre paratory to Its occupancy by this new eating establishment. GETS STILL ASD LIQUOR Officers A. 8. Wtggs, of Franklin, and Watson, of Vance, assisted by J. B Rowland, Jack Rowland, John Rowland and Ernest Fuller, captured a 60 gallon complete still ouOt near Bobbttt. but In Franklin County, on Monday morning. Together with It thay confiscated 16 gallons pt whin Lay ,||ii lllltrftfffll fchoilt frflrifl hkl r?J gsToTbfWr AMONG THE VISITORS SOME YOC KNOW AND SOME IO*i DO NOT KNOW. Personal lUm Abool Fulks AM Tbelr Friends Who Travel Han And There. Mrs. J. W. Perry spent Tuesday in Rooky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Oakley?visitwl" -r? Rcxboro Sunday. e a a ? Clerk of Court J. J. Young visited Raleigh yesterday. Mr. J. Jt. Gaptt visited his wife in Mebane the pasj week-end. Capt E. F. Griffin and Mr. H. W. Terry visited Tarboro'Tuesday night. Miss Olivia McKlnne spent tie past week in Raleigs visiting Miss Sidney Currtc ~^ a a a Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Griffin, of Rocky Mount, spent the past week-end In Louisburg. - Miss Ila Bullock, of Rocky Mount, .visited Re<fc and Mrs. Daniel Lane the past wo*. a a a Rev. Daniel Lane left yesterday tf> attend a Sunday School Educational meeting at Greenville. was the guest of Mrs. E. F. "Oiomas Tuesday and Wednesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowden, of Norfolk, visited friends and relatives in Louisburg {he past week-end. ? ? 9 Miss Jewell Clarke left Sunday r.ight for Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga. where she will pursue her course, ? ? * ? i Mrs. A. F. Johnson and children. Miss EHsabeth?Johnson and Miss Pattle Beasley. visited Raleigh_!EU9fc. . ? ? ? , Mr. and Mrs. Red Holt, Miss Mar garet Smith and Mr. M. L. Hoyde Lvigiled relatives ia____Se|tslnnX---ttie astweek^end. * ? ? Mrs. W. O. Lee and little daughter, | Elizabeth Bobbitt, of Lumberton. are visiting ttrj. Lee's parents. Mr. and I Mrs. R. A Bobbitt. ? ? ? , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Perry, of near I Loulsburg. attended the funeral of their cousin the late Rev. J- M- D?n" lei in Warrenton Friday afternoon. ? ? ? I Mrs Esther H. Bragg and little Misses Virginia and Frances Sholee. of New Bern, spent several days this week with Mrs. Bragg's sister, Mrs. W. W. Webb. ? ? ? I Miss Elizabeth Webb was taken to a hospital in Raleigh Friday for an operation for appendicitis. Her ma*? friends will be glad to know she Is 1 getting along nicely. I ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Person visited Mr. D. F. McKlnne and Miss Elizabeth Webb, who are both confined to Re* I Hospital on account of recent opern | tlcns. Both are reported as doing nicely. ? ? I Mr. R. G Bailey has returned from Durham and Roxboro, where he baa been at the bedside of both his father and Mrs. Bailey. He reports her con dition elightly improved and she will be home within another week. Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mrs. R. h. Bobbitt hare returned from a two weeks motor trip and visit through the Valley of Virginia, Natural Bridge and Washington. They were accom panied hqme by their sister, Mrs J. S Tomlinson. of Washington, D. c. 1 ? ? ? Congressman E. W. Pon. of Wash ington. D. C.. and Supt. G??rSe *?"" Pou, of the State Prison. Raleigh, were visitors on Tuesday at the bed side of Mr J. E. Thomas, who con tinues somewhat indisposed at h home of hie sister, Mrs D. 0. Pearce. I ? ? ? Mr Malcolm McKlnne and dau*?? ter. Miss Olivia McKlnne. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry, attended the funeral of Mr Perry's cousin, the late Rev. J M. Daniel In Wyrenton Friday afigtpoon. Rev. Daniel died suddenly Thursday morning at mm home In Rockingham. delightful barbecue disxeb One of the most delightful occa sion* of the season was a ??rt>^? dinner given by Mrs. K- ? AlUm and Miss Ida Mae Yow^ at Mrs^ Al lan's home on North Main Struts. one o'clock. Friday. The? delicious ?eo wee served on the beauUrul la" **? der the Immense shady mapiinner ??? friends enjoyed tKis diauer and the KmHtallty hoateseee. Governor OM? <*"* Went E. C. jHL -?"Tile to bo held ?TlJj

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