THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor A Mgr. ?TAR DROPS? ?Loulsburg tobacco market la gaining In popularity. 0?Cotton wag worth 17 1-2 centa a sound In Loulibt#g yesterday. ?Paving College Street from main to Elm was completed tbls week. ? ? ? ?Quite a large number of people were In attendance upon Court this week. , ?Mr. C. A. Ragland la making a big Improvement tc& bis residence on -North Main Street. 1 ?Remodeling of . the residence of Mr. J. s. Dennis on Nash Street has been about completed. '* * ? * V -L J ... ?Quite a lot of eomplaint lsNtelng Oiade "about the, burning of the gar bage on the trasE pile near the puri fication plant/ ? ? e ?The usual "Sunday services both morning and evening will be held at St. Paul's - Church- next Sunday ac cording to announcement of Rev. J." D. Miller, rector. Alt-are Invited. ?Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Griffin, of Rocky Mou^t, announce the birth of a son, Clalbourne Eugene, Jr., in Park View Hospital. Mrs. Griffin was be fore her marriage Miss Virginia Per ry, of Louisburg. ?Mr. J. R. Pearce reports ithe cap ture of a 80 gallon still outfit about two and a half miles West of Youngs villa oyyly Wednesday morning. He was assisted by officers-!. B. Young, E. R. Timberlake, John Taylor and Fred Duke. ?Mr. Robert Wheless, of near Rock Springs, brought to the TIMES of fice Monday a sweet potato vine in bloom and a stalk of corn with two distinct tassels. The potato vine is very nnusual. It is of the Jewel Yam variety, and had several blooms. ?Deputy Sheriff B. B. Brantley reports the capture-of a 30 gallon copper still outfit In Dunns township on Thursday of last week and also cuugbt Allen Perry at the still. Per ry was allowed to give a $300 bond. Brantley was assisted by D. P. Prlv irt and J. M. Stallings. Mr. C. C. Hudson, local repre sentative for the Motor Sales Co., of Henderson and Warrenton, Informs the TIMES that his Company has leased and will soon occupy the room# formerly occupied by the Buick "agency on Main Street at Hender son.. .;Th? place is now undergoing remodeling and will be one of the most convenient and attractive places of tta lrtnd dn Henderson. EDWARD BEST FAIR PROGRAM! The following program has been arranged for Edward Best. District Community Fair to be held on Ooto ber 25, 1929. 9:30. Parade by Schools. 10:00. Address, Prof. T. E. Browne. 11:00. -Viewing Exhibits. 12:00. Lunch. 1:00. Stunts, etc. 2:00. Baseball gaihe, girls. 3:00. Baseball game, boys. 7:00. Community Singing. PRICES FOR TOBACCO ADVANCE Lmilsburg Market Becoming Especi ally Popular With Growers During the past week, alt grades ot tobacco took a decided advance in price on the Louisbtirg tobacco mar ket, especially the cigarette and smoking types. Many are receiving averages around fifty cents a pound and the entire sale Monday averaged $18.74. With the Increased prices came an increased demand, which added Interest In the sale ot this seo tlons leading market crop . The Loulsburg market Is becoming more popular each day among the many growers and the sales are in creasing In values. Get your next load ready and come on to Loulsbi$rg. MRS. R. C. COLLINS DEAD Mrs. Roger Collins died at her sis ters' home, Mrs. J. R. Moore, near Hickory Rock Baptist church Mon day afternoon Sept. 23, 1829. The deceased had been In ill health for 7i about four years or more. ' She was ? great lover of home, and a devoted wife, therefore devoted most of her time with her home. Mrs. Collins before her marriage was Ulss Clara Bradshaw Bobbltt. daujjhter of Mr. and Mrs. Reddin Bobbltt who died two years and three months ago. Mrs. Collins was born April 16. 1897, died Sept 23, 1929. She was united to the church at the age of twelve. In 1916 she qioved her membership from Sandy Creek to Hickory Rock Baptist church, where ?be remained until' death.' Clara, as we called her,-was a most estimable woman, having won friends of all her acquaintances through her sympathetic and pleasing disposition. She was a christian woman, who! got much pleasure In bearing witness for her Savior. She greeted every one she met with a smile, and had a word for everybody. Clara felt as If she hadp't ever done enough for her friends, always had a willing hand to help In anything she cou)d do. Jan. 18, 1920 she was married to R. C. Collins, to this tynion no child ren'were born. She leaves three Sisters and two brothers, Mrs. P. D.I Gnfeton of Henderson, N. C.: Mrs. O. F. Ball. Mrs. J. R. Moore, C. E. and J; J. Bobbltt, of Louis burg, N. C.; and husband. The funpral services were held from thq old home place on Wednes day afternoon. Conducted by her pastor Rev. Clyde Tales of Wake For est N. C., who spoke words for the living, how we should live. It was responded by Rev. O. W. May of Cen terville. Rev. J. J.Murray and S. L. Blanton of Loulsburg. The interment was made In the family cemetery at horn* The pall-bearers were P. D. Girpton, 0. B. Ball, J. R. Moore, Hay wood Ball, Walter and Royal Strange. Honorary: P. E. Dean, Arthur Inscoe, Cble Bartholomew, John Inscoe and J. J. Dean. Kind and tender expres sions of love and sympathy was shnwn by the many friends in attendance. She will be long remembered by her many friends. The floral tribute was prcfute and beautiful and carried by her nelces and girl friends. Misses Mildred Bob bltt, Cora Bobbltt, Josephine Ball, Mhry Helen Gupton. Oupton, Lillian Johnson, Ruby Tharrlngton, Genevia Bartholomew, Mamie Swan sen, and Zenobla Bafcer. The bereaved family baa the sym pathy of the entire community. * A. L. B. IHUtlS M Alt IK JEXNIMIS On Monday, September the .eigh teenth, in nineteen-bundred and twen ty-aeven, God lent a l'ttle bud to earth, to live with Willie and Mattle J timings. Thia little flower waa In the form of a baby girl. They called her Doris Marie. pittle Dorla waa bright as a sun beam in the home. It seemed that her mission here waa to scatter light end radiate happiness whereever she went. Always she waa ready to smile tot those she loved, and all who knew her loved her. But her mission here waa short, risking her stay on earth a visit. That visit will always be remembered with tenderness, for the sunshine that she spread. Lit/tie Doris had been slightly 111 for about a week when she calmly closed her eyes in sleep to awake in Jesus. At this time she was two years, twenty-rfwo days old. Her death occurlng on the ninth day of October.-?~ To us it la a mystery that one we love so well should be taken from us. But, "God works in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform." She leaves to mourn - her loss her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Jennings and little Infant brother, Willie Jun ior, of Franklinton, besides a number of relatives and friends. The little body was laid to rent in the cemetery of Maple Springs Bap tist church. Rev. Stamps of Louls burg and Rev. Mr. J. O. Ball of Franklinton conducted* the funeral services. Friends and relatives gathered aronnd the little grave of Dorla, to pay a last sad tribifte. The many Rowers were tokens of love to her. The family has the heart-felt sym pathy of friends. ? MULE STRAYED A dark bay mare mule weighing about 850 pounds atrayed from my home the past week. Any informa tion leading to her recovery wiil be appreciated. Call phone 2112 C. T. HUDSON, . 10-18-lt R 2, LouisbuJ-g, N. C. mmirhnr, PERCOLATOR -. | '? g. u for P^CcOUPONS^Sr a ^ from \i " '? __ A OCTAGON! SOAP PRODUCTS f I ? ??? w J5 _ MJurjn \ Present this certificate with 10 coupons from the ^?18 7 products specified and you will be given credit foe 0>Ut>0a^r*f<*b 0 15 EXTRA COUPONS oU Tj,.***'0e i, J Thta certificate it good only if accompanied < by 10 Coupons from OCTAGON TOILET '"?a 2? ?a*Y ') SOAP. OCTAGON FLOAT1NO 80AP. S^s StS^oS. <) OCTAGON SCOURING CLEANSER. < OCTAGON SOAP CHIPS. C The 10 Coupons may be taken from any one of roa'fto^T'. ) the above or may be aasorted in any way you wish. Co?***]?** \ OcumomTnmtomDtvnrnm*. WYort S... J?r?rr Clr?. N.J. / COLOATtPAUfOUVEePEET CO. TkU ?mJ?I offer U for m limited time only* I? OCTAGON lU'Y Mill OlALITY SMI FIIH I'ltl Mil MS H. C. TAYLOR Hardware, Stoves, Rugs, Furniture THIS COUPON IS WORTH $4.00 TO YOU THIS COUPON IS WORTH $4.00 TO YOU! This Is our method o( advertising. Instead of spending fabulous stfms in national publications, this coupon is issued for savings thus effected, and we pass It on to you. Present to dealer named below and you will receive our regular $6.00 Egyptian Diamond Ring for $1.00. EITHER LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. - A $6.00 VALUE FOR $1.00 Do not compare Egyptian Diamonds wltb ordinary Imitations. They can not be told from genuine dia monds. When shown recently In New York City, these Egyptian Diamonds created a sensation. Limit. Two Rings to a Customer. Positively None of these Rings sold at This Price After Sale. When ordering by Mall Add 15c Postage. None Sold to Dealers. Limited Tim* Only Bo*. Sold to Dml.r. s. P. BODDIE, DRUGGIST Us* Before October 22od List Your Needs From New ArriTals Santa Clara Prunes Evaporated Peaches Sun-Maid Raisins Co. Dried Apples California Grapes New CocoanutB California Peas Navy Beans Big Hominy Pearl Grits Cream Cheese Shreded Cocoanut New Cereals Imported Fruits Visit Our Sanitary Market Choice Cuts Western Meats All-Pork Sausage Fresh Brains Chesapeake Oysters Fresh Carolina Fish Fresh Liver Country Hams Pickled Pigs Feet Bacon "Strips Star Hams Smoked Middlings Simon Pure Lard fresh Eggs Norway Mackeral ? Southern Rose Lard Summer-time Vegetables Stringless Snap Beans New Turnips All-Head Cabbage Green Peppers Franklin Sweet Potatoes Carrots Cobbler Potatoes Domestic Tomatoes And Bon t Overlook Cooking Stores Heating Stoves Stove Boards Stove Pipe Coat Hods Stove Shovels Fire Grates Kitchen-ware Table-ware Household Paints Floor Polishes Floor Mops School Stationery Electrical Supplies Harvest Twtne Corn Knives When you see a smile you naturally think of OUR FRESH GROUND COFFEE. L. P. HICKS ON THE BUSY CORNER LOUISBTJRG, N. C EPSOM SCHOOL XEWS ??? Community Fair The Community Fair held on the school grounds, Thursday and Friday Oct 3-4, was a great Success. The exhibits were very good and showed that our community is getting the Idea or living af home, more and more. Girls Baseball Team Because the weather is to hot to start Basket Ball, and as moa* schools in the County have girl baseball ttams, the girls decided to try their -H"1* at lf ft'ey. have only practised one week but showed up splendid at the preliminary held at Gold Sand last Friday, October 11, to see which schools would play at the County .fair. Epsom "played Franklinton. The scores being 28-31 In favor of Epsom. ? ? ? Better Speech Clnb The tenth and eleventh grades have organized a Better Speech Club. Mary Eleanor Jones is president. Bverytlme a student hears a mistake in some ore's English, he writes it down on a slip of paper which is banded to the president. " Once each week the ciass period is used in discussing these mistakes. This makes the mis takes more noticeable. ? ? Glee Club Miss Elizabeth fuller, our music two weeks ago. Many showed inter trt and everything seems to be pro gressing nicely because their voices ner of ibe building, wben they are practising. If its shoes that is 43, F. N. Spiv ey. 10-18-IT FARM FOR RENT A good two horse farm near Frank linton on Highway SO. new six room house, for rent for 1930 with or with out team, shares or straight rent. Apply. at once to J. H. WILDER, 10-18-2t R 3. Frankiinton. N. C. Beat quality at Lowest prices, F. N. Spivey. 10-18-lt Buy texas steer shoes for service at F. N. Spivey's. 10-18-lt ta The Franklin Tidies THE LOUISBURG, N. C. Oct. 29-30-31, Nov. 1-2 The Best County Fair In The State Best Exhibits - Shows of Interest Amusement Eor Everybody Balloon Ascension Daily THE FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR A. H. FLEMING, Secretary

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