THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. Johnson, Editor & Mgr. ? ?TAR DROPS? ?Cotton sold for 17 1-4 cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday. ? ? ? ?The work of grading and paving Bull Run Alley is progressing nicely. ? ? ? ?The banks will close on Thurs day of next week to observe Thanks giving. * * * ?Business generally will be sus pended in Louisburg on Thursday of next week so that all may observe Thanksgiving. ? ? ? ?St Paul's Episcopal Church will hold morning prayer at 11 a. m. next Sunday. At night the Episcopal con gregation will worship with the Meth odist Congregation in welcome to their new pastor. Services will be held on Thanksgiving Bay at 11 a. m. All are Invited to attend. AUTOMOBILE AM) GARAGE BUR.NS On Friday night about 9 o'clock a Chevrolet automobile belonging to Mr. J. F. Pope, and a garage belong to Mr. J. T. Pruett ji^Bt east of Fox Swamp were destroyed by fire. Reports indicate the car was about burned up before the fire broke out of the garage and was discovered. By the heroic work of neighbors and the Louisburg Fire "Department other nearby houses were saved. MRS. \ 1RB0K0I GH J^tlERIAl>Sj Upon a recent date, Mrs. \V. HJ Yarborough entertained the Major | Green Hill Chapter of the D. A. It.' at the Welcome Inn Tea Room. The program consisted in discussion of the correct use of Flag, beginning a se ries of lessons on same, and patriotic reading of the history of the Capitol Funding at Wishington. Miss Temple Gee Yarborough rendered a lovely piano selection. At the conclusion of the program delicious refreshments were served?Chicken Salad, Glace apples, hot rolls and coffee, follow ed by ice cream and cake. Each guest was presented attractive favors containing mints. Those present were Mrs. L. L. Joyner, Mrs. W. H. Pleasants, Mrs. S. P. Boddie, Mrs. W. H. Yarborough, Mrs. B. B. Perry, Mis ses Mary Yarborough, Annie Willis and Lucie Clifton Boddie and Miss Temple Gee Yarborough. WATER REPORT The following is a report on the| condition of the Louisburg water. ? - Received?11-14-29. : ? Reported?11-18-29. Sediment?0. Color?5. Turbidity?0. Odor, hot?0. Odor, cold?0, Alkalinity?3. Parts Per Million. | Alum?.2 Parts Per Million. Chlorides?4.5 Parts Per Million. | Nitrites?0. pH?6.0. B. coll in 1 c.c.?0. B. coli in 10 c.c.?0. B. coll in 50 c.c.?0. Total bacteria count per c.c. at 3Sd| fc-l. ' Count on 'r.ctoso litmus agar per J c.c.?0. Acid-producing bacteria per c.c?0. C. A. SHORE. M. D. Director. M. L. S.Analyst, <4 LEGION Al'XELLLLBY ENTERS NOVEMBER WITH MANY MEMBERS Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 1#.?The American Legion Auxiliary entered November with a gain of nearly 30, 000 members over its strength a year ago, according to the membership fig ures at national headquarters here. "?he highest previous membership cord of the organization was ex ceeded by 26,321 members are requir ed and the goal set for the 1920 growth was also exceeded by a sub stantial margin. In all except ten states the auxil iary has been shown a growth In membership this year and the major ity of these ten only a few more mem bers to record a gain. The enrolling cf members for 1930 has begun with Indications of further growth next year. If you can't find our s>.cre look for the least store with bluest bargains. F. N. Splvey. 11-22-lt Plans have been made to organize h local livestock association in Beau fort County. This coupity Is one of the largest shippers of fat bogs of any In the State. Now that heavy frosts have come, cotton Is opening rapidly in Cleve land County and Indications are that a good crop will be produced. WANTED Colored man to work for wages. StiTt at once. Dr. W. R. B???, Louts .btirg. N- fin! Tftwt. Mr. Et f. Thomas visited Warren ton Monday. a a a Supt. E. C. Perry visited Rocky Mount the past week. ? ? ? Mr. John Glenn, of Gatesville, was in attendance upon courj the past week. a a a Mrs. B. H. Meadows left yesterday to enter a hospital at Henderson for treatment. Mrs. B. W. Ballard, of Fraaklinton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Yarborough. r a?a???? ??? Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Bass attended the funeral of Mrs. Bass' sister at Wendell Tuesday. Miss Olivia McKinnet _ student at University, name heme from Chapel Hill and spent the week-end. * w a a . : Dr. E. M. Perry and daughter, Ethryl, of Rocky Mount visited friends and relatives in Louisturg Tuesday. , : - ? a ? _ Miss Bonnie Dare Fogleman, of Greensboro, was a guest of Miss Irene P. Gupton, at her home at Wood the past week-end. Mr. E. F. Yarborough, student at University, Chapel Hill, spent the past week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Yarboroifgh. DOBCAS CLASS?BAPTIST CHl'BCH u Let uc?every Dorcas member Strive to live as Dorcas lived; Be to others as devoted. Love Gods needy as she loved. May our class be ever ready, Faithful work for Christ to do; Be to Him devoted ever, And to one another true. Dorcas members, ours the privilege, Her great work to carry on; May we of her name he worthy, And a "well done" may each win. M. P. Come ? fo see us whether you buy or not we are lonesome, F. N. Splv ey. 11-22-lt Pushing up the yield of corn from 16 bushels an acre to 90 bifshels an acre through the use of limestone and legumes on a field of bottom land In six years is the enviable record of J. B. Echerd of Alexander County. Subscribe to The Franklin Times 11.60 Per Year In Advance. ? IMPORTANT TO CONTRIBUTOR ? ? ? * Owing to the fact that THE * * FRANKLIN TIMES has a large * * number of contributors of news * * articles, all of whom It greatly * * appreciates, and that It takes a * * great deal of time to put their ar- ? * tides In type, we are asking that * * yon send In your articles early la " * the week. He are delighted to * * get the articles but physical laa- * * blllty to put them In type la.tlme * * to print caases many to he left * * out, or carried over. ? * He hopc >oa wlH continue to * * contribute and will co-operate * * with as by sending la yaw news * * articles early. ? a" e ? ? he ?????? S.f ? ? PAY MORE ? When You Can Buy It At Big Dress Sale Now You Can Save Money $4.95 Value Dresses ? Special $2.95 $6.95 Value Dresses ?*.... Special $3.95 $12.95 Value Dresses, Newest Styles and shades, all sizes Special $8.95 $19.95 Value Dresses, Newest Styles and shades all sizes Special $12.95 Ladies' and Misses' Coats at Lowest Prices Possible - 1 lot Coats Fur Trimmed, all sizes, values to $20.00 ? Special $2.95 $12.95 Values Ladies' Sport Coats, good heavy aH wool materials ,. Special $7.95 . Better Coats At Big Reductions:?We must move them. Coats that formerly sold up to $69.50 must go at $14.75 to $49.75 HOSIERY ?A3HjREATER savings? 39c Silk Hose Special 19c pair 50c Ribbed Hosiery Special 25c pair 35c Children's Hose Special 19c pair $1.50 Silk Full Fashioned Hose Special $1.00 pair 250 Ladies' Felt Hats, plenty of different styles all new colors, values to $2.00 Special TODAY 89c each Underwear at Kline's Saving Prices Children's Unionsuits, regular 65c value Special 39c Children's Button Type Unionsuits, regular $1.00 Value '.^L....... Special 59c Children's Jersey Bloomers Special 45c Ladies' Jersey Bloomers Special 45c Shoe Department Offers Special Values Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords Special $1.95 Ladies' Dress Pumps and Oxfords, Values to $2.95 Special $1.95 Dress Pumps and Oxfords, Black and Browns, some have crepe bottoms, newest styles, values to $5.00 Special $2.95 pair L. KLINE & CO. INCORPORATED i ? . "Where Thousands Save Money" LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA Stomach Trouble If you suffer from res, bloating, heartburn, add, or sick stomach, because of dyspepsia, try the Dtotes 15 Minute Test. Absolutely harm lesa Works fast Five positive digestive elds In pleasant tablet form. No soda, dopes or laxative Get Dtotex from your druggist for only flOc. Try It See how fast It works. Money back If It doesnt give stomach comfort In 15 minutes, and soon help restore good diges tion. 4 Tbe 20 Jersey animals entered at the North Carolina Stnte Fair by 4-H calf members from Alamance Coilnty won 2225 In premiums. Buty texas steerd shoes from. F. N. hplvey. 11-22-lt By growing turkeys on land where poultry bad not been confined, Mrs. K. E. Mcltae of Anson County made a success of the venture this season. More than 300 bushels of beardless barley has been planted In Montgom ery county this fall. Tbe supply of seed was not equal to the demand. Our stock of clothing and shoes are ber, what we need Is customers. F. N. eplvey. 11-22 It FIRST GRAND PRIZE IN THE FRANKLIN TIMES SUBSCR IPTION CAMPAIGN FORD TWO-DOOR SEDAN $626.00 Equipped from HODOKS-OR EEN MOTOR CO.