Be Fair With Your Doctor Bring your prescriptions to us. We believe that the best is none too good for the sick. Therefore we use only the purest and best drugs throughout our prescription Depart ment. . . .. i ' -PHONE 310 SCOGGIN'S DRUG STORE Louisburg's Leading Drug Store Nash Street Louisburg, N. 0. WANTED ? TO BUY Logs and Standing Timber^ BURGESS LUMBER CO. LOUISBUBG, N. 0. ? . MONEY TO LEND 5 Per Cent Interest 5, 7,10 Year8 Time NO PAYMENTS DUE IN SUMMER No stock to buy, no application-lee or other fee to i? paid unless loan is made. Chicamauga Trust Company W. L. LUMPKIN, Local Representative Louisburg, N. G. Franklinton, N. C. Printing That Gets Attention A large bulk of the mail that the postman delivers goes into the waste basket nn read. The kind that meets this fate is the kind that fails to "catch the eye." It does not lure the reader. Printing with a Pull Is printing that is attractive and artistic. Ij; compels attention. That is the class of printing which is pro duced in this office. The next job you want, let us do it. \ You'll be Proud of It The Franklin Times Printing That Pleases Phone 283 Louisburg, N. C. \ WHAT'S WRONG AND WHERE? AS? 7 MISTAKES IN THIS PICTURE j arc you at flnd!n3 mistakes? The artist h .s ?ntj; : .r ?'?> tfvcr^! obvious ones in drawingllte abcvs picture Some o EDWARD BEST DTJCAJIO (Continued From Page 6) for salt." Newell?"Thats the stuff that makes 1-otatoes taste bad when you boll 'em and don't put any In it." Visitor (watching baseball game) "What's the score, boy?" Brad?"Forty two to nothin' and d y side is in the field." Visitor?"Is youj- side losing?" Brad?"Losing! Why, man alive, we.-haven't bent to bat yeU" "J. C." said his aunt, "did you en joy the book I sent you on your birth day?" "Haven't looked at it yet." "Why^" how is that?". "Mama-said.-that I'd-h&ve. to. wash my hands .when I read it" "Russell," said his mother, "I hopej you have been a quiet boy in school this afternoon." Russell?"That's what I was. I went to sleep right after lunch and the teacher said she'd whip any boy in the room who woke me up." Clarence-?Did your watch stop when it dropped on the floor?" William Parrish?"Sure. Did yoi think it would go on through?" "Here boy," said the wealthy motor ist "I want some gasoline and please get a move on! You never get any where In the world unless you push. Push Is essential. When I was young I pushed and that is what got me where I am." Clayton,"Well, guv'nor, I recon you'll have to push again, 'cause there aint a drop of gas on the place." ' *lw'f "Aw," said Elmo," you're afraid to fight" "No, I'm not" protested Leon, "but if I fight ma'll find out and lick me." "How'll she Know?" "She'll see the doctor going to your house." Miss Upchurch?"The first date in history was about '000 B. C." Mary Johnson?"Who tad it?" KAUPP GIVES PROGRAM FOR POULTRY COURSE The eight annual poultry ahort course for fanners, farm women and commercial poifltrymen of North Car olina to be held at State College dur ing the week of November 18 to 23 will be well attended, according to present indications. Dr. B. F. Kaupp, head of the poul try department and In charge of the short course, says that he has receiv ed a number of Inquiries within the last few days. The course will con sist of three one-hour lectures each morning during the week followed by n laboratory perlodearh afternoon. Instruction will cover such import ant matters as Judging for egg pro duction, hatching, brooding, produc tion of broilers, growing out pullets for winter egg production and other features. Considerable attention will be given to sanitation and disease prevention. Visits will be made to nearby farm and commercial plants and those who attend will have the opportunity of working In the lab roatorlea and at the College poultry plant. \ In addition to Dr. Kaupp, Dr. WU liam Moore, state veterinarian will be on the program. C. F. Parrish poultry extension specialist; R. S. Dearstyne, disease investigator; W. F. Armstrong, associate professor of pouiltry husbandry; U. C. Salter, poul try marketing specialist; and assist ants Foley, Greaves, Gauger and Fou r>e will have charge of different parts r' the short course. It is pointed oi|t that women as well as men are invited to attend. Dr. Kaupp says that rooms may be obtained near the campus for $1 a ]{