The Franklin Times il IDTUIUUG ?EDira THAT BUS68 HESCXT8 L F. J0HN3CN, Editor and Manager THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 Per Yew VOLUME LXI. LOPISBPBO. N. 0.. FJIDA^ APRIL 18TH, 1930 (12 - v -rages; NUMBER 9 CROWD ATTENDS SALE PERSON PROPERTY Mneteen Lot* Sold at Satisfactory Price Before Stopper By Bala? Remainder to be Sold May 1st An especially large crowd waa present at the Bale splendid building lots by the American Auction Co.. and Mr. J. T. Prultt, on Tuesday, when nineteen of the eighty fire lots of the sub-divlslon of the late Joseph J. Person home place, on the corner of Main Street and Halifax road, were sold for the neat sum of above seven thousand dollars. The sale was go ing fine, very satisfactory to both the owner and the selling Company when the heavy rain caused the en thusiasm of the crowd to scatter for cover. At this time announcement was made that the remainder of the lets would be offered on May 1st. The sale thus tar Is considered highly successful and very satisfac tory by Mr. Prultt and the American Auction Co., who extend their appre ciations to the large number for their presence and Interest on Tuesday. Watch for the announcement of the resumption of the sale, in the next isr.ue of the Franklin Times. The splendid music furnished by the band adde^l much pleasure for maty -te attendance. ?... Wake Forest Alumni Holds Banquet The Franklin County unit of the Wake Forest Alumni Association held i's annual banquet here last night. Dr. B. -F. Sledd of the College Faculty delivered the principal address of the evening. lie was introduced by J. O. Purnell cf Franklinton. Dr. Sledd declared that Wake For est College was the result of the prayers and labors of the- Baptists o{ North Carolina and that it had ever been true1 to Baytist Principles. The speaker sketched the history of the 601 lege from the time he became a member of the Faculty in 1888 to the present. He called attention to the crises the college had passed through and de clared that it faced a serious chal lenge to-day. The College has been a source -of power and light for the past hundred years, said the speaker. He pointed out that Wake Forest had trained many men who because of poverty and lack of opportunity would never "have Bad a college education had it not been for the Baptist in stitution. He called upon the Alumni to see to it that the young men of this State should have the sort of oppor tunity Wake Forest offers. The local Aluunl Association has over fifty members in Franklin Coun ty. They heard Dr. sledd enthuslas t'cally.' It was decided to hold an other banquet in the fall of this year. The President of the Association, Rev. Sankey L. Blanton of LoulBburg, presided and acted as Toastmaster. Louisburg Wins Triangular Debate The Negative team of the Mills High School, In Louisburg, made a splend id victory over the Franklinton High School affirmative In that portion of the triangle debate held between Louisburg, Franklinton and Roxboro, Friday night at the auditorium at the high school in Louisburg. The de bates between these towns were de layed on account of Illness of the de baters. Louisburg teams also won over the Roxboro negative. Those composing the teams of Louisburg were affirmative, Beh. T. Holden and Doris Strang*, and the negative. Tem ple Yarborough end Rlolse Jennings. These debaters will go to Chapel Hill to enter the finals to b* held next Thursday. Mr. J. H. Oupton Dead Mr. June Oupton died at his home near Oupton .on April t, 1930. He had been In bad health for some time, but was confined to his bad only a few days. The end came on Sunday pfternoon about six o'clock. He was 71 years of age, and leaves one sister Mrs. Anna Parrlsh, one son, J. W. Oupton, one daughter, Mrs. TV. L. Oupton and five grand child ' n-n, also a jAimber of relatives and friends, who will greatly miss him. The remains were laid to rest on Tues day afternoon In the family burying ground at the John H. Oupton home place near Oupton. Burial services ware conducted by Rev J. r. Roach, Pastor of Sandy Creek Baptist churoh. Easter Cantata "The Dawn of th? Kingdom", an Faster Cantata will be rendered by tba choir of the Methodist Church. Sunday "evening at 7:30 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited to corns and oujoy this musical program. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Richmond H. Boons of Castalla, announce the birth of a son. Gray Richmond, on April 4th, at Parkview Hospital, Rocky Mount Mfs. Boone was formerly Kiss Mar guerite Waters of Kinston. President Gets Poppy Five-year-old Loit June Allen, orphan daughter of a world war vet eran, pin* the first "Buddy Poppy" of the Spring campaign on Mr. Hoover** The coat The money from the sale of the poppies goes for the relief of disabled veterans and their dependant*. Play At (Sold Sand "The Ladies of Cranford" w:I be Presented at Gold Sand High School, Tuesday night, April 22, 1930, at 8 o'clock. jj. The clay is a sketch of English life fifty years ago. There are humorous characters, one of whom is, "The Honorable Mrs. Jamieson" the elite of C ran ford.? The cast of the play is as follows: Miss Matilda Jenkyns^the Rector's daughter?Mrs. M. M.- Person. Miss Mary Smith?her visitor?An nie B. Murphy. Miss Jessie Brown?a new resident ;--Jessie M. Luper. Miss Pole?A friend to Miss Jenkyns ?Lucy Wells. j ' Miss Betty Barker?a retired Milli ner?Mrs. J. L. Foster. Mrs. Forrester?born a Tyrrell? Mrs. W. D. Fuller. The Hon. Mrs. Jamiesaa?A leader in Society?Mrs. M. E. Williams. Martha?Maid to Miss Jenkyns? Mrs. R .W. Guptcm. Peggy?Maid to Miss Barker?Mrs. W. S. Person. " Mrs. Pnrkis?a country woman? Miss Sarah Tharrington. Little Susan?her Daughter?Lupy Stuart parrtsh. Jenny?a country girl?Emtty B. Person. The play is given under the aus pices of the Parent Teacher Associa tion. everyone is Invited to go out and enjoy a rood laugh. Easter Services The following Is the program for Esater services at Gold Sand High School, Sunday, April 20, 1930: Morning Service?Sunday school, 10:30 A. M. Song?by audience. Pra/cr. Song?by choir. t Devotional Reading. Special Music. Class Period. ^ Song by choir. Secretaries report Roll call of churches. Business. Special Music. Recessional. Dinner. Church 1:30 P. M.:? Song by choir. Doxology. Prayer. Song?by audience. Scripture Reading. " Special Mnsic. Sermon. Closing Song. Everyone cordially invited to come and bring a basket of good eats. Farmers in one community of Lin coln County will home-mix more than 200 tons of fertllaar this season, says Graham Morrison, county agsnt. Dr. J. Henry Highsniith Talks To Kiwaniansl The address of Dr. J. Henry High smith. head of the high school de partment of the State Board of Edu cation, before the Louisburg Klwanis club on Friday night was rilled with Interesting public school information as he told of the educational pro gress in North Carolina from 1M0 to now. He told of the larger advant ages offered today and the neces sarily greater cost showing that while the cost of living bad advanced since 1900 to a point that a dollar then would buy as much as $2.22 to day, considering the greater advant ages offered and the larger number ot children taught the school cost had not kept pace with the advance in living costs. He made the point that while he had heard and read a great deal of complaint about high taxes he had heard of no one selling bis automobile to pay taxes, taking the position that it was more import ant to the Individual and the State to prcperly equip the1 child for a bigger, More useful and prosperous life than to ride about the country in auto mobiles. His address was strong and convincing, and was much en joyed and appreciated. TBe program was in charge of 1'resident Bill Mills and the meeting was largely attended. IXGLESIDE ITEMS It is not unusual for a man to read his c-wn death notice or abituary, through erroneous reports which sometimes get in the papers. Men have been knowu to read the nice things said of them with pleasure and pride, burt under strong protest that tbey were not dead. On the other hand It would be hard to conceive of the utter disgust and contempt that one must entertain toward another for] the apparent wilful and malicious cir culation of a false report that a man had died eC his own hand. The vic tim of this report, in his humiliation, evidently believes that such as that would be' incapable of enumerating from any other source than the one from whence it came. Mrs. C. S. Merltt died at her home near Ingleslde Monday morning April 7, at 7 o'clock. The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Paul Cordell, Pastor cf Corinth Bap tist church, of which Ahe was a mem ber. The Interment was In the family plot at the home.- Mrs. Merrltt, "Who was in her 30th year, had been In de clining health for several months. She was a^daughter of the late John and Ollie Faulkner. Hahy rrtends and a lerge family connection were present to pay their last respect to one whom they loved. In addition to her hus band and a 9 year old son, Ollie. Mrs. ] Merrltt is survived by one brother | John Faulkner, In the U. S. Navy, and i two sisters, Mrs. Glenn Strother, ot| Franklinton, and Miss Emma Faulk ner of Henderson. Chicken and other theives are still quite active in their night prowling work. Mr. Melvtn Wood had four set ting hens stolen from bis benery a few nights ago. Three of the hens 1 ad Just been set, and the fourth was about ready to hatch. Melvln will welcome a return of the thieves to his premlces at any time they may choose to come. Piano Recital Miss H. May Crenshaw, teacher of Piano in Louisburg College will pre sent Miss Mary Cranmer in her dc ploma recital at the First Methodist Church on Thursday evening, April 24th at 8:30 o'clock. Miss Cranmer will be assisted by Miss Elms Currin, Mecxo-Soprano, pupil of Mrs. Mohn. The friends and patrons of the Col legs are cordially invited to attend. Card Of Thanks We wish to thank oar friends and neighbors, for the many kindnesses shown ns during the sickness ahd death of our father. J. W. G UPTON. MRS. W. L. GUPTON. American Legion Auxiliary Meeting The Jambeg Unit No. 105, American Legion Auxiliary held its regular monthly meeting in April with Mrs'. E. C. Perry and Mrg. B. N. Williamson, Lostesses at the home of Mrg. E. C. Perry. Due to the-,land sale and the unexpected storm the meeting was somewhat interrupted, hnt it wag well fttended and much interest mani fested. The meeting was called to order by the President, and the Chaplain led in I rayer?the Pledge to the Flag was then given and the Preamble read. Mts. W. L. Beasley read a most in teresting article about the poppies which are being made by the disabled men in the hospitals for sale on poppy day and after this was read there was a discussion of ways and means for tiiis Unit to handle popples. Mrs. F. B. Leonard is Chairman of the Poppy Committee and Mrs. W. H. White, Miss Victoria Adcock, Mrs. R. A. Bobbin, Mrs. J. Forrest Joyner, Miss Lynne Kali, Mrs. C. C. Collins and Mrs. B. N. Williamson were appointed to serve Or this committee, it being the con census of opinion that a large com R ittee should be* appointed for this Important phase of the years work. It was moved and passed that the Auxiliary send check to the Rehabili tation Chairman to purchase flowers "for rnrr "troys at Oteen for Easter. A report wag made on the Flag sale ?4! flags being placed on homes and the thanks of the Auxiliary was given the Committee, Mrs. B. N. WHliamson, Mrs. J. W. Mann and Mrs. J. Forrest Joyner, for their zeal in carrying this work on. The President reported that rt the request of the State President the had wired our Representative Hon JJ. W. Pnu to support the Johnson bill tew in Congress and that he had re plied favorably. An article taken from the April t umber of Good Housekeeping entit led "Something to Join" was read?al so it was stated that an interesting article also appeared in the April "Woman's Home Companion about th? American Legion Auxiliary, whlct show's that-people and. begining-tc realize something of the meaning ol the work of this organization. Th? hostess served delicious sandwiches and ice tea and the meeting adjourn ed to meet the third Tuesday in Maj with Mrs. H. H. Hilton and Mrs. C C Collins. * Dr. Kilgore Nominated For Director At a meeting of delegates of tbf sixth District of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Associa tion held in the Court house here Wednesday morning. Dr. B. "W. Kil gore was nominated to succeed him self on the Board of Directors of that institution. The delegates refused to name two candidates, as was former ly the custom, and named Dr. Kll gore unanimously. The district is composed of Wake, Franklin, Warren, Granville, Vance and Person Counties. The first three counties, having prac tically all the voting power, were the only ones represented. Mr. R. T. Me(jin. representing the Association head offices at Raleigh was present. N. M. Perry. Chairman, Mrs. Willie H. Mitchlner and F. W .Justice were elected a poll hc-lding Committee to conduct the election for Director, to it held in Loulsburg between the hours of 2 and 3 p m. on May 9th. Of. Interest To Fanners There will be a meeting of Hayes vllle Township farmers at Epsom $chool April 22 at 8 o'clock p. m., all ft rmers are urged to be present and all visitors are cordially invited, who are Interested in better farming. We are planning to have some good talk's by visiting farmers on various subjects. Though money Is tight in Union County, fanners are more advanced with their work than they have been In 30 years and are planting hay :rops. food and feed crops and buying tows. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF William Henry Yarborough, Jr., of Imuisburg, who was last week elecieU editor-in-chief of the Daily Tar Heel ta the annual election at the Uni versity of North Carolina, receiving 1,132 vote3 to his opponent's 635. He served during the past year as man aging editor of the first daily col legiate paper in the south. He wor*c ?,i on the Tar Heel staff as reported sports editor, and associate editor before becoming managing editor. Besides his work on the student news paper. he has been active in the.Ger man Club, serving this year as treas urer and as a member of the execu-! five committee; he was president ot J the student Publications Union Board bis sophomore year. He is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frater nity. ? . ?' Meeting To Relieve Taxes On Property Franklin County's best citizens are expected to Be present at 2 o clock Saturday, April 19th.. to organize the Franklin Property Tax Belief Asso ciation of North Carolina. Seats in the Courthouse will be reserved for each township, but every one is sin cerely requested to be on time. Officers of the County Association will be elected. Each township will elect members to tbe County Execu tive Committee. Certain Special Committees will Be formed. Delegates wm be elected to represent Franklin County at the State-wide Convention i f the Associations to be held In Raleigh Monday, April 21st. Hon. Hallett S. Ward, of Washing ttm. and colonel Willie M Person -will address the assembly, but full time will be reserved for private discus sions, suggestions and definite reso lutions by taxpayers present. Each property owner, tax payer, r.ud citizen should come to this meet ing with some definite interest in or ganizing with others for a common cause. As stated in last week s is sue of the Franklin Times, and in Sunday s issue of the News and Ob server?"The one single object of t!,ig organisation will Be to relieve "pirmanently these unfair taxes forced upon property". This meeting, or any future meet ing of this local and statewide asso ciation will not welcome aBuse of those In public office, fault finding with present methods, and whining over hard circumstances. The home owner, farmer and business man must organize to protect his properity from unjust taxes now forced upon it Organization will demand better men in responsible public positions, a fair distribution of the tax burden, and strict economy in public affairs. Or ganisation will bring relief, but or ganise before you start in bat?l'x Mapleville School Commencement The Mapleville School Commence ment will be held on Thursday and Friday. April 24th and 26th, at the school building. On Thursday evening at 8 o clock tbe play "Examination Day at Wood Hill School" will be given by the pu pils. ' On Friday the following program will be observed: * 11 a. m Address by R?*- s- iL" Blanton. pastor Lodtaburg Baptist church. Delivery of 7th grade diplo mas. 1$ m. Lunch on grounds. t p. m. Primary exercises. 1:10 p. m. Recitation Contest Everybody is Invited to go out and curry lunch. Certificate Recital The Music Department of Loulsburg Collage presents on Monday evening, April II. at eight thirty o'clock at the Methodist Church, Miss Bthel McKeet, pupil of Miss Fern Fontsuns, In a piano certificate recital, assisted hv Miss Mavis Klnlaw, soprano, pupil of Mrs. A. W. Mohn. -- TIM public IS cordially Invltad to attend this recital. A net profit of M75.10 for his labor srlth 15 hogs fed according to the thay method Is reported Hyw.IL icoonta of Davidson County. The 16 tnlmals weighed t.HO pound, and mid for $10.15 a hundaad ta Salisbury. RECORDER'S COURT The docket remains small In Frank lin Recorder's Court, only two cases being tried Monday, the other four continued. Upon request of the bar -uilge Palmer announced there would be no Court on Monday, April 21st., as thl3 is Easter Monday. The cases c i.--posed of Monday were as follows: J. S. Place Jr. and N. E. Harris were found guilty of passing a bad check, Harris was fined $25 and one talf cost, appeal. PTayer for judg ment continued until June 1st, as to Place. Percy Tant plead guilty to unlaw ful possession of whiskey and judg ment was continued for 12 months upon payment of costs. The following cases were contin ued : Richard Clarke. Jr., bad check. Dave Crudup, bad check. Foster Perry, assault with deadly weapon. Col. Henry Perry, of Henderson, was a visitor to Louisburg Saturday. e ? ? Mr. Thos. B. Wilder, of Aberdeen, was a visitor to" Atuisbuig Tuesday. e ? ? Miss Anna Grey Watson attended a house party at Chapel Hill the past week-end. ? ? * ? Misses Beatrice Jones, Maude Rad ford and Mr. Wm. South&ll visited ?Raleigh the past week. ? ? ? Mrs. W. F. Beasley. and Miss Pat tie Beasley and Maria Perry spent Saturday in Henderson. ? ? ? Miss Maria Perry spent the past veek-end with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Griffin in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? Mr,, and Mrs. ,L. P. Johnson and children and Mrs. C. C. Sims, of Pocky Mount, were visitors to Louls burg Sunday. ? ? ? Miss Francis Scarborough, who has been visiting Miss Ethel Bartholo mew, returned to her home at Greens boro Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith and family, of Wilson, were guests of Mrs. 'Smith's parents. Mr. and Mrs,. A. B. Allen Sunday. ? ? ? ?Mr?F--JE. Wheless returned Mon day from the hospital at Rocky Mount. His many friends will b? giad to know he is much improved. ? ? ? Col. and Mrs. W. T. Wilder stopped over in Louisbujrg Tuesday to visit his brother. Mr. S- T. Wilder, when e no services at night In making Jicfq announcements Rev. J. D. Mil ler, rector Invited all to attend. ? ? e LOI'ISBl'BG BAPTIST CHUBCH The sermon Sunday morning at 'ieven o'clock will be on "The Ree : erect ion of Jesus". This will be a .peclal Easter service. Appropriate luster music will be rendered by the hotr and selected soloists. Mrs R. I. Bailey. Mrs. Alice Csxle. and Blair "ucker will reader special elections. The ordinance of Baptism will be dminlstered at the close of the see ing service at ,7:30. The subject of he evening sermon will be "Christ a Us". Both sermons will be de vered by the Pastor. A hearty lavt itlon Is extendsd to those not at >tided to thoee not attending church I sew here to worship with ns oa aster Day. OR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING i PHONE m Subscribe to The FraakMa Times i -??-a - +0- a/ Queen of the States Ml** HcUn Mom* Hannifin of Pe?ijr?bup*;, Ohio* crowned Queen Ol the ?nnu*I Featival of Suit* II St IVteraburg, F1orkt*L Flew to Bermuda .Captain Lewli A. Yaoeajr, Who m?d? tfrt nttt tuoccsiful flight from Long * ?"? ?>?V?.iaiUI I M Ml I I IIUUI l-AJng I?land to Bermuda, landing on th? water n?ar hi* goal and iiniahing tha flight tha next day Missing Boy Found Th? mysterious disappearance oi lobert Emmal Boyle, Fordham Uni eraity student, from the university 1*1 put in December, iy28, was solved [hen he was found driving a taxi id idcabiirg. Wis*.