Floral Chiffon > $1.75 yd. Beautiful new flowered chiffon for afternoon dresses. Shantung $1.25 yd. Unusual pretty quality Shantung that is being used for the new and popular suits. UNSING 'ear HOSIERY Service weight $1.50 Chiffon - $2.00 A new shipment of these long wearing silk hose? All of the popular Spring Shades. MEN'S WORK CLOTHES Genuine Otis Pin Check Trousers $1.50 Plow Shoes $3.00 Parker Ventilater Work Shirts $1.00 ?and Big Winston Overalls for $1.50 Men's Suits Beautiful Lines in Stock or Tailored Heii's and Boy's Straw Hats Koko-Koolers with adjustable ; head sizes, all shapes 25c to 75c F. W. LOUISBDRG, N. CAROLINA' ftAl.F OF ESTATE FOE TAXES (Continued from Pace Nine) Cecil Collin* 39s Davis 32.99 Lela Daniel la Cemetery 4.90 Washington Davis 1 lot .Lbg 6.12 Alex Davis 39a Dgvis ' 26.46 Dr J B Davis 2 lots Lbg 69.06 tlertruie Davis 2 lots Lbg 8.56 Baldy Davis 12a Davis 14.95 James A Fred Davis 40a Inscoe 24.22 Jotni W Davis 1 lot Lbg 2.43 Lury Davis 2a Johnson 2.43 Howard Davis l-4a Cooke 6.89 trarell Davis Est 3a Slab town 18.41 iBijah Debnam 10a Cedar St. 22.22 M8ry L Dunston 1 lot Lbg 9.40 Polly Dunston 1 lot Lbg... 9.40 Itebecca Dunston 36a Branch 31.9S N^lly Dunston 65a Whitfield 36.02 eph Dickens 1 l-2a Lewis 9.40 Dickens l-4g Dickons 10.49 in Dickens Est la Hal Rd 7.35 J|i le E^erton A Wife 8a Tarboro 5.30 Egfrton 1 lot Lbg 6.30 Sk Egferfcm 16 l-2a home 16.18 ian Ewfais 3 3-4a Slab town 16.68 icy flBster 6a Cedar St Bal 6.10 lie Foster 1 lot Lbg 20.87 die Foster 1 lot Lbg 6.14 Fogg Eat 7a Joyner Bal 6.20 Fuller 1 lot Halifax Rd 18.61 Greene 2 l-2a Slab town lot Lbg 15.34 Greene 1 lot Lbg 8.66 A\bertus Green l-2a Tar Rd 8.66 Wiley Gpene 1 lot Lbg 11.48 Peggy OBI 1 lot Lbg , 11.46 Alston Gill 1 lot Lbg 3.79 Hulda QUI 16a Hawkins 1 lot borne 28.66 Maty Gill 1 lot home 11.46 Garland Harris 1 lot borne 16.13 Sam A Harris 1-la Hayes. 3 lots Lbg 63.17 Frank Harris 1 lot Lbg 13.63 8 P Hawkins l-4a Hal Rd 11.04 Peter Hawkins 68a PtWdue 39.17 J A Hawkins Est 1 lot Lbg 3.66 J alias Hayes 1 lot Lbg 21.69 Bessie HlllUrd 30a Fuller ' 26.78 J P Hogwood l-4a Cooke 16.08 Ella Haselwood. 1 lot Lbg 13.49 Eutrlx Haselwood 1 lot Lbg 14.67 Ernest Hall 67a Tar Rd 4A6f Charles J Johnson la War Rd 7.11 Peter Kelly 84a Maaaenburg 66.83 Kelly 76a home 46.22 Sam KaHy Jr 38a Hawklna 16.88 Thomas Kearney 4a Greens Bal 4.87 Maggie King I-4a McKnlght 3.06 Anthony King 4 l-3a Slab town 18.41 Peb King Jr 1 lot Lbg 3.66 Lewis B King 1 lot Lbg U.46 Lucy Lewis U Mill Rd 3.26 J R Lewis 40 l-3a Joyner Hugh Leonard 1 lot Lbg W B McDowell 1 lot Lbg ?lex McKnlght l-8a Home C E McKnlght A Sister 1-2# Bod Mary j Malone 1 lot Lbg 8.34 Ethel Herritt 2 loU Lbg 11.84 H Earle Mitchell 180a Mitchell 01.37 John Mitchell 1 lot home 17.5S Joe Neal 1 lot home 10.44 Lazarus Neal 1 lot home 11.48 Herman Nicholson la Dare Perry 731 Sam "Nicholson 1 lot Lbg 1.84 Pattie Perry 1 lot Lbg 11.48 Willie Perry 1 let Lbg 9.43 Joe Perry l 1-4 a cemetery 10.40 Haywood Perry Qst S l-2a Branch 9.40 Peter Perry 10a Ratlin, 1 lot Lbg 20.98 Bessie Perry 31a Pleasants, 2a Davenport 29.88 H C Ridley 1 lot Lbg 7.35 Joe Ruffin Est 3-4a Davis 5.30 Charlie Rnffin 1 lot Lbg 13.50 Ora Lee Smith l-2a Ral Rd 3.25 Henry J Strickland la home 15.94 Major Stegall 2 lots Lbg Bal 41.07 Jack Shaw 1 lot Lbg 17.59 Robt Thomas 1 lot Lbg 9.4U J H Thomas llot no des 134 Alex Walkef T tot Lbg 15.31 Emily Ward la Tar Rd Bar 7.40 Willie Ward l-4? Tar Rd'. 10.43 Percy Ward la Hgt? 10.44 Clyde Wilkins- 32* Freeman 28.27 P W Williams 1 lot home - ,1433 Robt M Williams l-2a War Rd 14.55 Rocker Williams 6a War Rd 11.45 L F Williams 3a War Rd - [9.40 Willie Williams la Tab Rd ""*9.40 Gus Williams 1 lot Halifax Rd 13.62 Briton Williams A Wife 171a Mitchell 98.97 Plttnmer Williamson 6 l-2a McKinne mi vftw] ... . a ?71 Sol Williamson 1 3-4a home 11.84 Henry Williamson 18a home Bal 10.28 Louisa Williamson 6a home 1L46 Charles H White t lots Lbg 18.68 ROea B White 1 lot Lbg 9.40 Date Wood 1 lot Lbg 9.40 Nathan Win bosh 2a Cobb 'i a. 988 Maria Tarboro 1 lot Lbg 7.36 Calvin Tarboro Eat 1 lot Lbg 1932 1 lot Lb Calvin Tarboro Sr Bst 1 lot Lbg 17.69 Henry K Tarboro 2 lots Lbg 8173 Matilda Tarboro 1 lot Lbg 31.96 Jane Tarboro A Wife 8a Tarboro 530 Engene Tarboro 2a War Rd - .1331 SPECIAL PUCES OS PA ITT 5-9-tf THE SPOT CASH COMPACT FOR COtJNTT COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner for Franklin County subject to the action of the democratic pri mary to be held In Jnne. I am lo cated In Cedar Rock township. It will be Impossible for me to see each of yon in person, bnt if nominated end elected I will stand for reopening the County Commissioners office to the Fubllc every first Monday for any business to come before the board, end for pullshlng the accounts for the expenditures of the county to let ?V* know where your money goes. Thanking yon It advance for your support. Tours for Service, _ ROBERT H. -LAfTON VI8-41 Subscribe to The k * * '? ' HEALTH SUGGESTIONS DR. B. r. TAHBOBOUGH Cmtj Pkfiklu 4 ?VACCINATIONS? Only a (ew years ago typhoid fever was prevalent in Franklin County1, many deaths resulting therefrom. Last year there were only a few cases of typhoid in the County, with one death. There has been only one case of typhoid reported this year. The ex planation of this lb vaccination'. It is readily seen how important is vaccination. If there is a family in the County or j any member of a family who has not been vaccinated against typhoid fever: they shouldebe vaccinated at once. It] has been proven that typhoid fevef can be prevented by vaccination ] (every three years) and there is <06, danger in vaccination. Therefore it becomes a crime for 4 family to neglect being vaccinated. Any Franklin County physician give the treatment free to any oils unable to pay (or it Dtptberla can be stAmped out If' toxin-antl toxin is given. The pre-school clinic this spring showed that , only a ? small percentage of children (entering school next fall) have been immunised against dlp therta. ... ATI pre-school children should be given toxin-antl toxin to prevent dlfr theria. Statistics show that 80 per cent of 100 children given this treatment ate immune for life. Small-pox Is another disease that vaccination will prevent Vaccination against these three di seases Is a positive Insurance. Parents, how can 70a neglect sisch an Important duty. INGLESIDE Some one has taken the trotjble to figure opt the "chicken census" ol NArth Carolina, giving us 5,609,22( hens, with a potential annual output of MO.922.200 eggs. This does net include the "Two Black Crows" "heat! men", the great army of roosters. A farmer asks a few pertinent ques tions: Why salt, so necessary foi health of animals, is not supplied regularly, or kept before them all tb< time. Why so many plow animals havi heads checked so high as to depriw them of comfort and the proper visM An "walk to the work." Why so many forget or neglect b water animals and fowls in wars weather?and also at other times. H thinks It Is only those of us whi "forget" thkt neglect these Importsi> Greenland is four times as large an France. PARKEf TUNNEL The committee appointed by the Critish Government to investigate the feasibility of a tunnel under the Eng lish channel connecting England with France; has reported in favor of the project It seems to Americans <uch a simple and desirable engineer ing job that we wonder why it has not >een done long ago, but there are . I canty of "die-haras" in England who fear that such a tunnel would make it -asier for an enemy to invade the iritish Isles. They are deaf to the :bvious answers that all that would necessary to stop a French army ? would be to let the water into the uumel. The British Channel, from Dover to . Calais is about twenty miles across, measured directly north and south. The shallow waters of the Channel are easily stirred up by winds and the crossing is one of the roughest in the world. Under the water is a bed of solid chalk, miles deep, through which a tunnel could easily be bored for electric trains. It would cost about $150,000,000 the committee estimates, and taluXeight years. The French Government is friendly to the project vVhen done, England would no longer he in a position where an enemy's ships could cut off her food supply, unless that enemy happened to |be France. - It seems more likely now than ever before that the Channel tunnel will be built in the next few years. POLICE One of the reasons why criminals sue caught more speedily in England than in America is that England has a single police force for the en tire country and in the United States we have as many different police de partments as we have towns, each operating under a different system and with no coordination between them except in rare instances. The Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania has made a start toward remedying this.* A oetworkoF tele phone wires connecting every im portant town in the state with all the rest, and with four main centers of operation, operates a typewriter telegraph system in every police headquarters. The moment a crime is discovered anywhere, all the facts and possible clues to the criminal are-.printed in the office of every chKf df police and the whole crimi nal-catching machinery of the Com monwealth is set in motion. Wi dull never get our crimi nal ekjment under control until such ~5" tie-up tsTtfeffect In "titty state and throughout the nation. Then we may have a chance of equalling England's record for the suppres sion of crime. AGE "A woman Is as old as slK looks and a man is<as old at he feels," rant an ancient proverb. Many men of eighty or more are capable of doing as much work and with at much en thusiasm as most men of forty; many more men are old and past their use fulness at sixty. The difference,-re cent scientific research has discovered, lies in the secretions oi certain glands of the body. When these diminish old age supervenes. Dr. Harry Benjamin of New York, working in association with Dr. Casimir Funk, discoverer of vitamins, and Dr. Benjamin Har row of the College of the City of New York, has found a way of introducing the hormones, or essential secretions, of these glands, into elderly men, with surprising results. The effect is not to prolong life, in all probability, but to enable a man to retain his youth ful energy through a period many years longer than the average. So far this is experimental, but die experiments have been successful, and the time may be close at hand when bid age and helplessness will no long er be synonymous. RUST One of the greatest enemies of progress is rust For years the iron and steel industries have spent hun dreds of thousands a year in re search into means of preventing the rust that destroys bridges, factories, machinery, everything made of iron. Protecting .metals against rust is an expensive pert of all kinds of con structioa and. manufacturing So called "stainless" steel is pro viding one answer. Instead of pro tecting the surface, certain other metals are alloyed with the steel and the metal becomes rustless, capable ef taking and keeping a brilliant polish. Cheaper, than nickel plate, more dur-ble than chrominm plate, one k-jiomobile manufacturer is already turning out care whose bright parts are of stain less steel, and now other makers are coneidering entire bodies and chassis of the same metal. If this works out our roads may become as glittering as they were when everybody rode nickel-plated bicycles FOR BALE) OR RENT Mr boa* on North Mnln St in Loul? bnrf. DR. J. O. NEWELL i-lB-tf rrnnklinton, N. O. Colombo# County firmer* hnr* sold orrr $10,000 worth of lot hog* thii ?pHnc kind* of onto in enpttrity hire Uvod to b* ftft*?n ye*r? old. FOIl FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING rHONi;?j Brimming Over With Spring Smart ness and Brimful of Real Values?these MATS will delight the smartest of women. An ex quisite collection of Brimmed Models as well as the Bare-faced Hats in all smart new tones and weaves. While They Last ?L Kline & Co., Inc. Nash Street ' Louisburg, N. 0. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN | DR. H. G. PERRY , - Physician and Surgeoh Loulsburg, North Carolina Office 101 W. Nash 8L Tolephones: Day 287; Night 287 DR. R. F. YARBOROUGH Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yar bo rough Building Office Phone 296 Residence Phone 21 7 DR. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon ? Loulsburg, North Carolina Offices Over Ford Bulldigg Corner Main and Nash Streets Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 DR. ARCH H. PERRY General Practice Wobd. N. a Office In Berries Drug (Xk 0. H. BANES, D. D. 8. Dentist j. L?lsb?rg, N O. ?* over W. B. White Furniture 1 D. T. SMITHWTCK Dentist Loulsburg, N. C. Office" orer Rose's Store DR. W. R. BASS Veterinarian Loulsburg, N. C. Offices end Hospital Bjast Nash Rt. Phone Office 3J6-L Residence SS9-J Special Attention to Small Anllnals DR. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main St. Telephone: Hours: Night 14 8:30 to 10:1$ a. n Day 06 li to 2 p. th ? to ? P. m. MRS N. B. TUCKER Registered Norse Calls Answersd Day or Night Phone ill r Attorney _aAX*w Office Over Poet Office Practice la all Ooorta W. H. Tarborough H1U Yarborough YARBOROUQH YARBOEOTTOH Attorneys and OooaeeUora at Law Office la Egerton Building Kllne'e f Practice In Franklin and adjoining coantlee. and In tke United States Courts at. Raleigh. U IB ABA BXPEKIBNCH IX W*IL B. B. White. *? H. Melons. J. B. Mai one WHITE A MALONE Subaortic to The IVaaklln M. STUART DAVIS Architect _ Engineer Office First National Bank Building -* Loulaburg, N. O. MAIN ST. BARBER SHOP L P. Wheeler, Jr., Preprleter Barbers Loulaburg, H. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on lfaln Street First class Work guar anteed. Give me a call. . Bunn Intermediate B. Y. P. U. Program of the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. of Bunn Baptist church for Mar 18, 1930?7:00 o'clock. 7:00 o'clock?President in charge? Miss Kathryn Weathers. - Song?He keeps me Singing. Sentence Prayer. Scripture?Psalm 19,read by pres ident Secretary's report. Business. - Poem?Out in the Fields with God? President. Group Captain, Miss Lucille Shear on, In charge. Playlet?The Heavens Declare the Glory of God. Scene is laid in a garden. Cast of characters: Spirit of Na ture?Miss Louise Mtfllen, Herald? Miss Kathryn Weathers, nine boys and girls representing different trees and flowers?Mr, Llnwood Mullen, Miss Lucille Shearon, Mr. Harry ? Purkerson, Miss Estelle Richards, Miss. Lucille. Beddingfleld, Miss Lucy Wiggs, Miss Elizabeth White, Miss Louise Purkerson, Mr. N. W. Bed ' dthgfleld. ? Loader in charge ? Miss Lucy Wiggs ? Prayer?Miss Elizabeth White. We then go up in general assembly. There we sing songs, have prayers and transact the business that comes before the three unions. " All visitors are invited to attend our B. Y. P. U. I am sure you would enjcy our programs. LUCILLE SHEARON. IN MHMORIAM On April the eighth, 1980, the death tinsel came to the home ot Mr.Wllllam Henry Holmes and called him to fol ic w. He willingly obeyed the sum morns and followed Ood's angel away from the scenes' of trouble and sor row with which he was so well ac quainted on this earfh. and conduct ed him to the blissful rest ot his heavenly and eternal home. Brother Holmes was formerly of Franklin Countynear Loulsbukg for many years. A few years ago he removed to the neighborhood of Mary's Chapel Baptist Church In Oranvllle County, and lived there un til the time of his death. Many years ago he gave his heart to Christ an<l became a member of Leah's Chape! Vethodlst Church, which church M lovsd and honored throughout his life. Hs was a fond and faithful husband and father iM will he tenderly re membered by a host of relattvss and friends. The writer Is Joined by num erous friends in Franklin and Oran vllle and other oounties In expressing 'sympathy and love for the bereft v ldcrw, children, grand-children, and all other members of the family. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Chas. B. Howprd at the grave iu the Loulnburg Cemetery, and was attended by i|msb audience from many various oft&feQnltlpn ?Surviving brother Holmes are, four girts and three boys. has begun moving la bulk wtth good demand and fair prices so far.

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