JScajm mmm ?Quit* a nice shower visited Louis burg Wednesday. ?Mr. and Mrs Zeb V. Wheeler an nounce the birth o( a nine pound boy, Zeb Daniel, on May 14th. ?Mr. J. A. Wheless lost a five room tenant house on his (arm near Maple ville Thursday of last week, with a loss of about $600.00 insurance $300. Tenant lost all household and kitchen furnishings. ?Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hayes, Wood row Hayes and Mrs. Thelbert Fuller cf the Bobbitt community returned home Wednesday from Roanoke Rap ids where they attended the com mencement exercises of the Roanoke Rapids School of Nursing. Miss Liv v Hayes of Holllster, nelce of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, wts a dtember of the graduating class. T ?. ^er&onaf Mr. A. W. Green visited Henderson Saturday. ? ? a Mrs Mrs. John A. Tucker is visit ing in Charleston, S. C. Mr. p. j. Brown returned Friday from a trip, to Charlotte. ? a a Mr. Jimmie Pblegar of Raleigh visited Louisburg Sunday. . " a a a Miss Ida MacLaurln left Friday on a visit to Washington, N. C. a a a Mfsr Beatrice Jtmes visited Mr. and Mjs. E. R. Rowe, at Raleigh, Monday. a a a Mr. Bennett" H. Perry, of Hender son, was a visitor to Louisburg Mon day. a a a Miss Alice Smith spent the past week-end in Henderson with her mother. a a a Misses Maud Radford and Beatrice Jones visited friends in Roanoke Rapids, last week. Mrs. W. H. Purdue returned Sun day from a visit to her son, Mr. J. L. Collier at Hopewell, Va. a a a Messrs W. F. Beasley, S. S. Davis, G. Moseley, W. E. Beasley and Mrs. W. F. Beasley visited Bayview Friday. Mrs. A. Tonkel has returned from Richmond, where she spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. William Heller. a a a Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Collier and chil- _ aren and Mis* Christine Collier visit well, Vs., Sunday. "" a a a Mrs. W. H. Purdue returned Sun day from Hopewell, Va., where she had been spending a few days with her son Mr. Jas. L. Collier. a a a Rev. A. D. Wilcox and son. Ward, will leave Saturday on a trip to Char lotte. Rev. Wilcox expects to return in time for church services. Sunday night Mrs. G. W. Anderscon and little daughters, Bnrnella and Beryl, of Richmond, are spending several days v-ith her parents, Mr. and Mfs J. H. Parrish, near Louisburg. Mesdames William Blount, <C. E. Smith, and Misses Sallie Bright and Dorothy Blount' of Washington and Pauline Ssdith of the State College Faculty, wfete guests of Mr. B. B. Smith, Sunday. Mr. A. C. Hall left last week for New York to take a position as chief ele^tirlclan on the steamship Prest dent Fllmofe, of the Dallor line. He was to leaVtS Sunday for a three months cruise around the world. Misses Mary Ethel Lancaster, Mag aline Wester, Bertha Sledge, Mildred Gupton and Mr. ?. ?. Medlin, who were injured In an automobile acci dent in Virginia Sunday night, re turned home Monday and are im proving In condition. Two carloads of live hogs shipped .ft the Richmond market by farmers cf Lenoir County netted their owners a total of *2,105*7. Eleven farmers cooperated in the shipment Final tests for Baclllary White Di arrhea have been made on eight poul try flocks containing 1400 birds in Burke Coupty. These flocks sre now accredited as being free from this disease. mpou tu OMuy ?mV re i*?' hup A ?oV*at work! ML MU^Pl^ SB u WIKKEB THEATRE XEXT WEEK Friday and Saturday?HOOT GIB SON In "The Louts. Long Trail." All talking Western with talking comedy. ? ? ? Monday and Tuesday?JOAN CRAW FORD In "The Montanna Moon" with Talking Comedy. Wednesday and Thnraday?GRETA OARBO In "Anna Christie", with talk ing comedy. Mrs. John Pace Dead Mrs. John R. Pace died at her home near Rolesrille on May 6, 1930. Mrs. Pace formerly lived at Ingleside. She was a kind lovable woman and es teemed by many ftriends. Mrs. Pace, who was 60 year old, was a daughter of the late, Mr. and Mrs. John Ed wards. Sft Is survived by her hus band and two daughters, Mrs. Her bert Hall, of. Raleigh, and Mrs. Mo zelle Edwards, of Knlghtdale; also two sisters, Mrs. Sue Burnette, near Laurel, and Mrs. Alice Leonard, of Reuse. She was a true and loyal member of- the Rolesvllle Baptist church. Her remains- were laid to rest in the cemetery at Mt. Zlon Bap tfet church, this being the old family church. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. B. Howard. IHGLESIDE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. R. Frank Freeman, of rear Charlotte, announce the birth I of a daughter on Wednesday morning May 14. Mrs. Freeman was formerly Elizabeth Manning, of Ingleside. Mrs. P. S. Foster has been confined ^to her room by sickness the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ben Beasley spent the week-end in Durham, visiting Mrs. Beasley's sister, Mrs. J. N. Highsmlth. Thirty-nine farmers In Cleveland County have entered the corn growing contest. Reports on the -progress of this work will be made each mcmth to County Agent R. W. Shoffner. Two hogs fed under the "Shay" method by H. L. Badgett of Ararat In Surry County showed a net profit of $19.00 over and above feed cost . . ? DONT FORGET _ TO SEND ADVERTISING L'0lf* IN K*r.LY REJ-SALE OF LAND By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by Blllie Hill and wire. to the undersigned mortgagee, recorded In Book 210, page 410, Franklin Regis try, and by virtue of an order of re sale made in this cause by Hon. J. J. Young, Clerk Superior Court of Franklin County, the undersigned mortgagee will, on MONDAY. JUNE 2ND, 1930 at the courthouse door in Louisburg, N. C., at public auction, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tracts of land: Beginning at a point in the middle of the Loulsbigrj; and Raleigh road, a rock on the East?4de(o'f same, and running along said roalf South 37d 30 W 8.76 chains S 38d 30 W 7.96 chains to a point marked by a rock in the East side of the road; thence 6 71d 30' E 36.00 chains to a stake in Ford's line; thence along Ford's line North Id 20' E 16.80 chains to rock pile; thence N 71d 16' W 13.13 chains to a pine Justice corner; thence by the same corner 12.47 chains to the point of beginning, containing (48 1-4) Forty Eight and One-Fourth acres, more or less. Also another tract on the West side of the Louisburg and Raleigh Road in front of the above tract, be ginning at three cedars on West side rf said road; thence running West to a stake; thence South to a stake, thence East to a persimmon tree on the North; thence North to three cedars to the beginning, containing two acres. - .... This 16th day of May, 1930. 8. F. HARRIS. Mortgagee. W. L. Lumpkin, Att'y. 5-16-3t SALE-OF REAL ESTATD FOR - ? TAXES By authority of the laws of the 8tate~of North Carolina and pursuant to an order of the commissioners of the town of Bunn, N. C.. I will offer to,- sale at public auction for cash. In front of the town hall In Bunn, N. C. on Monday June 9th 1930 at abont the hour of noon, the following de scribed property, on which the 1919 town taxes have not been paid. The following is a complete list with the amounts and coat added. Mrs Ida V Marshburn 1 lot $ 1.96 R T Watklns 1 lot 1.78 Rex C Weathersby 1 plot and 8 lots 17.25 Va Carolina Lnd Co 2.62 acres 4.60 H. B. HARRIS. Tax Col lector for town of Bunn, N. C. 6-16-4t WMT WAIT TILL TBI LAST PIT to stsd the corr is top as APYKRTISBBBNT W?S TUX AD iA'H OAS flITB TOO A SUCH B*T> JOB IT TOO 8BSD IT IS AOORBBt DOST TOBOBT IT. ?Vi*9 notice op execution sale North Carolina, ln Tlhe Franklin County. Superior Court. r i. T. Corporation^? 1 Vs. Bex C. Weathersby. By virtue of an execution directed U, the undersigned from the S?Pg? Ccurt of Wake County in the aDove entitled action. I ?n,TH 1930 WEDNESDAY, MAY 14TH, 1930 it being the third day of the May Term of the Superior Court of iin county at twelve o clock noon, at the courthouse door In U?ul?bur?; Franklin County. N. c; - highest bidder for cash to satisfy sa* execution, all the right title and m terest which the said Rex C. weaui ershy had at the time of the docket ing of the judgment in the Judgmen in the above-entitled cause li? County, to-wit November 26, 1929. the following described real to-wit all those certain tracts or par eels of land situate in Franklin Coun ty state of North Carolina and more parUcularly described as toUuw.^ tion, following the courses of sa branch to three P?P1?r? -j.JL Branch; thence a northerly- 41r* ilon to a large white oai at the hea<i of Botton Branch; thence in a north easterly direction to white , , V thence northerly_ to^a post oak, Horton e corner, tkeBce oon^ tlnulng northerly to a post oak <on Harris' corner, thence westerly to Pine on Harris' corner, thence north erly to Lumber Company e line, thence westerly to Strickland's corner, thence along Strickland's line in a Erection to D. W Spivey'a ltoe thence along said Spivey s southerly direction to the Jteginntng. containing 130 acres, more or lese. and 'being a part of Cooley and N RSdy ??t: A certain tract or lot of land situate in the tow? ? Bunn, Franklin County, N C.. com rosed of lots in the ^division of the, M C Chamblee property, map "hlch was made by J. T. Inscoe^.ur vryor, and to duly recorded in Fra.A iin County Registry to Map ^ oage as follows, to-wit; In section Jl' loU Nos. 5. 14 and the ^hern half of lot Nos. ? and 16. in Section "D" lot* NOS. I, 2. 2* ? . 7, S, 13 and the southern halfof lot No. 9. and the soufthern portions of lota No. 14 and 16 made by a line be ginning at the middle point of lot_No. 9 which point It 176 feet from Hob l'ngsworth Street and sllel to said Holllngsworth ***** ? Montgomery Lumber Company "Third Tract: A certain lot or par ceW?/land situate in the town of Bunn, Franklin County. N. C.. sm described swloU No. 7 and 8^to Block "A" of the survey of North State De velopment Company's proP^tT. ^ crinninc at tha northweat corner ?? Main Street and Carina Avenue snd S&tasrtfc l0?.W?h Sheriff of Franklin County^ W^.Y.C.r0^^' continued by &&&S8S& U o'clock noon. This May Mth.m 5-14-lt 8b#ri" ??<?? js; r&xrsfwS and caused our men misery, doa* 35--rr te sad guars.^J^^L Louie" plat, F. R. PlsiSgU. ^ragglst. KS, win.ton-tta.ks Drug J^ore^ Voungsvljle; -a^ J. tL Wssttsrs, I - J - ?^ - ^ V',-* TO BE REALLY CHIC THIS SEASON ONE MUST HAVE SEVERAL PRINT FROCKS A Bewitching Presentation Offer ing You. the Season's Style Successes at only *3 Smart in style, fabric and Color!?Gay colors on darker backgrounds?Unique scarf border designs in chic ensemble frocks?bolero "gypsy" Frocks?all over motifs that are daringly different?fashioned in models that bespeak the newest Spring silhouette mode. L KLINE & CO., INC. LOUIS BURG, N. 0. WEBSTER SAYS Economy is the Regulation of Household Affairs, Frugality in Expenditure. TRADE WITH US AND BE FRUGAL Choice Stall Fed NATIVE BEEF Any Cut Steak lb. 30c HUCOA Finest Table Quality Potmd 24c FRESH PAH TROUT Pound 6c No. 1 Con CORNED BEEF 28c 8 won MATCHES, Pk*. 20c " * ~ " s np. MAC A ROM lac Mlaffid OLIVES, Bot 10c FLOUR IS CHEAPER 1-2 BBL. BLUE RIDGE, PLAI5 $3.18 1-0 BBL. KITCflRX Ql'EEM, S. R. $108 "EVERY SACK WARREMTED" 2 Lb. Ca SOCK-CO COCOA. 2Se Washburn*" PAXCAKE FLOl'K, FA?. _9t ? s ? c? ; ??-? "CaMFflnr 3TXALLOWS, lb. pk*. 3.V , ???i 5w 2 1-3 C?w = AR.WOCRS PEACHES 3> 6 tor 25c FRESH SNAP BEANS, 2 pounds FRESH CUCUMBERS, pound FRESH SQUASH, pound NEW POTATOES, pound BAf>4 AN AS. dozsn 25c 3 for 20c G. W. MURPHY & SON,L0DISBUBG N.C. -.m Monarch Tires and Tubes In .addition to the TIRES we are now handling, we have taken the AGESMCY OP THE MONARCH TIRE * RUBBER CO., for Franklin County as a SIDE LINE, to our WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS. Selling direct to the TIRE USER. They are able to reach the CONSUMER cheaper than their Competi tors for the following reas ons:. Besides operating an np to date Modem Fire Proof Daylight Plant, filled with the lateet Machinery, operat ed in every department by ,expects and nslng "the best material moeny can bny, they save you the immense selling cost by having:? 1st. No high price Travel ing Salesmen. . 2nd. No Branch Warehouse tmisia Jrd. No National High cost Advertisement. 4th. By reaching the Con sumers through Jobbers and other large dealers with no extra rent or extra Clerk hire to pay . 5i-h. Small. Insurance by shipping date order is re ceived by wire or Mail, en abling Agents to carry small stocks. Cth. By selling tor cash only. No Discounts, price to all. ? Tires Guaranteed against ' all detects of material or workmanship, for the life df the tire, and in edition we' issue warranty certificate which insures them for one year against everything ex cept Fire and Theft. For the reasons give* above we can heat the Mail Order House prices. We in vite Comparison, we have their prices. Come let ua show you. The following la some of our prices. Other sisee In proportion. SO z 3 1-2 Stark Cords $ 4.49 30 x5 8ply Monarch Heavy 30 x 31-2 Monarch Heavy Duty Truck Tire 19.50 Duty 0. 8. 6 Ply 7.56 30 x 3 1-2 Red Tube .70 qa jka 01.^ PaWn k ra 29 x 440 Red Tub? .90 30 x 450 Stark Baloon 5.50 30 x 450 Red Tube .90 30 x 450 6 pfy Monarch 30 x 5 Heavy Duty Red Heavy Duty 8.50 \ Truck Tube 2.50 * . f ?*i * , If we don't have your size in stock can get it for yon in a few days. LOUISBURQ GROCERY COMPANY AQENT8 FOR MANUFACTURERS ? ? ... - ' . 'iivu ? ' ? ? ? - ? -It Mil . m ? ? I

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