interne UN COUNTY. tobjact to tka AKMO CKATW rjUMAHY, to ba MU oa imh MmHW ?? ? i V ? M.I ?M|? myaalf It tctolnatod to Moaototeal and strict tow euforca at adpilalatratloa. I to net a . . nber of ur rtog and b?v% 0|M> ability. X will appractota y oft aup ? pert Yonra rary truly, J-7-141 JAMBS J. LANCASTER. FOB SHERIFF ,Jt. I herewith anaphase myaslf 4 tan OiUU for Mm efftoe at Short* of Franklin County, subject to the action of Mm Democratic primary to bo bold in Juno and will approoiato your top perl. In attending my appreciations for your support as County Cm?ls . toonor, I if nominated and oloctad, as sure yon. the moat efficient service It Is possible to dye. Ml-tf J. Z. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith annoonoo myself a oaa dldato ? the office of Constable tor ileiAaWg township subject to the smOon Of (be Democratic primary to be bdld In June, and will appreciate the support of Urn voters of the town ship. if nominated and elected 1 turn yon that I will do ? Mjf te fill the place with credit to mFi .lt 1-14-tOt J. A. DENNIS. ? TO TH> VOTKtS Of FRANKLIN COUNTY I am a candidate for the of lec of Judge of the Recorder'* dourt of Fraaklin County, aub Ject to the action of the c Democratic Primary. Born raiaad in Franklin County, d I ar befara aakad for a It wQl be tmpoaalblo tor ma to aae each individual voter, hot I take this opportunity of aaklff for your sup port. I doom it improper tor a ?RUNa tor public office to mahp" promises but I frankly pledge my aalf to a fearless, impartial enforce ment of the lavs of our State to the beat of my ability and. If nomt and elected, will uae the power me tdward making Franklin County a better place In which to lire an rear oar children. f-7-tt JAMBS B. MALONE. FOR RBGISTBR OF DPBOC) I herewith announce myself a en dldate far the office of Regleter of Dcede of Franklin Oounty aubfect to the action e< toe Democratic primary to be held In June, end will appre ciate your sap port. I am the sen of the lets CapL To ColUe, who eerved toe people of Franklin County wjth much credit and rails faction and I can assure you If nominated and elected I Will give to ihe county the splendid servtoe the people neve a right to expect Thank ing you In advance tor any support you pan give m*I am g-7-tf T YARTH^COLLIB. . FOR COUNTY OOMMI8SIONBR I herewith announce myself t can didate her the efHee ?f County Com missioner for Franklin Cbutgr sub ject to the action of the Demo, primary to bo held la ma It I sated sad elected I Will stead for re opening the County Conns la Stan en' effiee to the public erery flyot Ron day tor say business to cense before effiee to the public erery the Beard, sad for publishing the accounts for the expenditures of the Bounty-to lot you know where year money me. Thinking you la adruace for amy sasfstance yen sire me I am , Yours for Berries, M7-14t G G HUDSON. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce nsynelt s can didate for Commaleloaer for Froak Ihi County subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be beid In Jane and will appreciate your sup port IP nominated and elected^I will giro my bent Judgment to sR tare of Internet to the County. *??-? W. P. WILSON. FOR RECORDER it herewith naaaance m to sueeeed myself hs Judge eg the Recorder's Court of Franklin (jouuty enhjeot to the action at the Baas era tic primary to be bold In Jus sad Will apprsststs the support of the reters of Franklin Conaty. S-M-tf J. U PALMER. FOR CON8TABLB I horaby uioutt to tha cMImhi rotar* that Iiai candid^ta for Laolabnrg Tovnahfe 1* tha vtahaa af tha Tatar* at primary oa Jana 7th. 1IM. I mrral Lanlabarc Townihlp bk thta far tatylaan ytaaa hiring rapacity far tourtaan tha public ay Mat el affarta ami poaalble prior to iMt Tt rlraa both vhll whlia rwutai tor aal aa aa afftoar daring that E I bar* not been a can dldata till now bat I am amM at MU ttma to ratora to tha aal will appraelata tha rota ba^^'primary* Ten afl TOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can ' dldatc for Constable for Loulshurg township subject to tha action of tha Democratic primary to be bald la June, and will appraclata your sup port. ? If nominated and a lac tad I will aaaora you of tha baat service I am capable of rendering. J-M-tf D. M. CONB. TOR CONSTABLE . I herewith announce myaalf a can didate for tha office of Constable for Sandy Creek township, sabject to the action of the Democratic primary, to be held In June. And will appreciate the support of both ladies and gen ttsman. If nominated and elected' ! promise to serve you to the beat of my ability, S-M-lIt - K. E. JOYNER. FOR COHBTABUR I herewith annonnee myself a can didate for the office of Constable for Loulsbnrg tcansWp, subject to the action ef the Democratic primary to be held in June, and solicit your sup port if nominated and elected I will assure you ef my best services. i-tt-1* - A. BAILEY. TOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce my candidacy to succeed myself as constable tor Loutsburg township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to he held in June and will appreciate < the sugpoyt of the rotors of the team- t ship. If nominated and elected I ? promise faithful sendee. Now or then i day or night. If yon need an officer I oall me. ?*l-tf A. & WIOSS. FOR CONSTABLE t I herewith announce myself a can- a didate for Constable tor Louisburg c township subject to the action of the j Democratic primary In June and will d appreciate your support I was deputy a d Constable in Sandy Creek town ship for n years. 4-11-tf J. S. FINCH. FOR SHERIFF I herewith announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as Sheriff of j Franklin County subject to the ac Uon of the Democratic primary to , be held In June. In soliciting your fc support I wish to thank each and Q every one for the efforts they made ^ in my behalf before and for the hou- . ers and confidence bestowed In me. , If nominated and elected I assure yon the best possible service. 4-18-8t F. W. JUSTICE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner for Franklin County sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June. If nomi nated and elected I will stand for re opening the County Commissioners' office to the pnbllc every first lfon-! day for any business to come before the Board, and for publishing the aeeounts for the expenditures of' the Coanty to let you know where your money goea Thanking yon In advance for any assistance You give mel ai~ Tour for Service. 4-lS-tt HENRY P. SPEED. FOR SHERIFF I herewith announce myself a can' 61 date for the office of Sheriff of Franklin County subject to the ac Kon of the Democratic primary to be held In June and will appreciate your support. It nominated and elected I will do my utmost to conduct the of fice in a satisfactory and economical manner. 4-lS-tt BEN. N. WILLIAMSON. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I am a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for Franklin Coun ty. to succeed myself In that position. I shall appreciate your vote and help in the approaching Democratic Pri mary to he held June 7th 1?S0. If circled I shall give the Public the best service of which I am capable. During the years that I have served as Register of Deeds for Franklin County I have endeavored to faithful ly discharge the duties of that office and render every possible service to the Public. The more I learn about the duties of this office, the more I am impressed with the importance of registering and filing the papers that ceme into It promptly and properly and I pride myself upon the system of indexing and recording which was Installed by me since I was first elected. I have tried to be courteous and obliging to every ona Economy, patience and service being my motto at all times. Appreciating your vote and help, I am Yours to serve. 4-S?-7t 8. C. HOLDEN. TOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for Coanty Commissioner of Franklin Coanty subject to the so tlon of the Democratic Primary to be held on Jane 7 th. If elected I prom ise to exert every effort in my power to (tre the peopl# an honest and eco nomic administration, and to nee my Inflaence towards the adjustment of financial affaire. If elected to this Important office I pledge my beet efforts to this end. -I will appreciate support of the voters of the conn W. R. PERRY, i tt-Jt Louleburg, R. F. D. No. 1 TOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce my candidacy succeed myself as Constable i Cedar Roek Township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in Jane and will appreciate the support of the voters of the town ship. If nominated and elected promise faithful service now or then day or night If yon need an officer 4-M-7t , El 8 GUPTON, ' FOR SHERIFF I take this method of announciai to the people of Fruktln Count* thai I will be a candidate la the Demo cratic Nomination for Sheriff %t the primary on Jane 7. It will tp Im possible for me to eee all my Crieada In the County la the ehort time left before primary day, but I wlah to as ?ure them all that I will deeply ap preciate their eupport aad that- If I un nominated aad elected, I will do ill In my power to discharge the it-ties of tfm office in a manner ae septable to the people of the Oooaty. Respectfully, H-?t W. H. ALLEN. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself ft can lldate for Constable for Franklinto'n township subject to the action of the Democratic primary to bo held In lune and will appreciate your sup port. l-l?-2t J. C. PEROERSON. FOR CON8TABLE I herewith announce myself a can Udate for Constable for Loulsburg ownshlp subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In lune and will appreciate the support >f the voters of the township. S-?-5t -o P. J. BROWN. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can tldate for Constable of Bandy Creek ownship to succeed myself subject 0 the action of the Democratic pri nary to be held In June, and will ap preciate your support. S-I-dt FRANK. T. HICKS. FOR 8HERIFF I hereby announce myself ft candl late for Sheriff of Franklin County object to the decision of the Demo ratlc primary In June. If elected I ?ledge a faithful performance of utiee of that office. I will appreci ile your support -1-Ii PETER E. DEAN. FOR SHERIFF I herewith announce myself a can it! a: e for Sheriff of Franklin County ubject to the action of the demo ratlc primary to be held on June 7. t will be Impossible for me to see ach and every yoter In the County, ut I hope to see as many as possi Ie, and I will appreciate the support f all the voters in the County both omen and men. I am not the can ldate of any man or set of men, but appeal direct to the people with this dthful promise, that if nominated nd elected I will always strive to onduct myself and the affairs of aid office In a manner so that those 'ho support me will not regret doing 9. I also promise to uphold' and en tree the laws to the best of my abil y, and that all the bubinsse- done by ad through said office will be done t the most economical way. and if le people want the salary reduced ill it to your next representative, ir believe it or not I know how to ve on very little. Yours truly, 2-?t F. N. SPrVEY. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can idate for County Commissioner tor tank! In County subject to the action f the Democratic primary to be held i June. It nominated and elected 1 ill do my heat la the -interest of conomy and low taxes. I will appre iate yonr support. -2-?t W. ATKIN jpNBS. FOR CONSTABLE ^ I herewith announce myself a can Idate for Constable for Frankllnton Dwashlp subject to the action of the letnocraUc primary to be held in one. and will appreciate the support f the voters of the township. -*-?t J. ED. HIOHT. TOR CORONER I herewith announce myself a can idate for Coroner for Franklin Coun y subject to the action' of the Dem ocratic primary to he held in June, Ad will appreciate the support of he voters of the County. .? -?-ft GEO. 8. EARP. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myeelf a can-1 (Mate tor Conatnble tor Dunne town ihlp eubfect to the action of the Dem ocratic primary to be held in June and till appreciate the aupport of the rotere of the townahlp. r*-?t A. N. PEARCE. TOR COMMISSIONER OF FRANKLIN COUNTY "I am a candidal* for County Com missioner of Franklin County." I rrlth to a*a a return of an era of tconomy, na tndlTidnals and aa A ounty w? must Mr* within our mean*. If elected I will pledge myself to tconomy, and to ricld economy too. I feel thatl can do Franklin Coun ty none service. I will put la all the time necessary to acquaint myself with the County's needs and every thing els* so aa to eery* the people ?fflclently. 1 -will thank all Demo crats tor tkair support on the 7th of Iti a*. Born and reload In Dunns Town ship. and hare followed public busi ness In Youngsrlll*, N. C., since ll?7. Yours for aerrlc*. (-?-It J. R. PBARCE. FOR CONSTABLE I herewith announce myself a can didate (or Constable for Younttrlllt township subject to the action of tlx Democratic primary to be held ii June and will appreciate the support of the voters of the-township. M-K J. B. YOUNG. FOR CON8TABLB I herewith ubomc* myaelf a can dldate (or Conetable (or Cedar Roc I towniblp snbject to (ho action of th< Democratic primary to M bold li Jnna and will appreciate the rt?>por of the rotor* of the townablp l-l-K H. W. WOOD, Jr. FOR JUDO* RBCORDDR8 COURT For ??varal weeks now I h*v? u u -unced myself a candidate for the position of Recorder's court judge. 1 1 do uot know MDjof lb* tooplo of rroaklla County havttf llrod uott of 1 my Ufa ob the waacaru edge of tha rounty an* hurt** aarar visited much in tha couaty. My bualaaaa la auch that I cannot conveniently (at away to rtalt tha citlaaaa of tha county. So for tha moat part I will have to raly on my frlaada to repommei thoaa who do not know ma. I waa bora la Franklin Couaty fifty-four yaara ago, waa praparad for college in Prankllaton, and waa grad uated from Waka Foraat collaca In lffl. In religion I am a Baptist and frr fifteen yaara I have bean Supt. of tha Frankllnton Baptlat Sunday School. In public Ufa I have carved four yaara aa mayor of the town of Frankllnton, atx yaara aa justice of tha peace, and for tha last six yaara have bean chairman of tha school board of Frankllnton Graded Schools, la politics I hare always voted tha Democratic ticket and believe In the principles of democracy. I believe In tha enforcement of the laws of tha county and state with equity and Justice to all. I believe that casts In court should be decided on tha evideooe and not on friend ship, or to curry fnvor, pr for the jcpe of future reward. I believe In the prompt dispatch of the bualneaa of Recorder's court for the sake of economy for the county and the least expense In time end money for those who have to attend the eeaaiona of the court. If my qualifications are satisfactory and my platform masts with your ap proval, I will appreciate your vote on June 7th. S-?-lt J. O PURNKliL. FOR THE HOUSE I herewith announce myself a can didate tor the Houae of Representa tives from Pranklin County subject to the action ef the Democratic Primary to be held ia Jane. If nom inated and elected I aseu re the voters of my strongest efforts in the inter est of fair and Just tax relief and ecilimay. t Thanking you for your support two years ago, and assuring youl that I will appreciate your support and In ftuence in the coming primary. G-9-6t W. L. LUMPKIN. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for County Commissioner for Franklin County subject to the action of the Democratic primary tp be held in June and will appreciate your sup port with the assurance that if nom inated end elected I will give my bert judgment to the County's business. G-ie-4t W. T. MOSS, is ? ? FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can dldadate to succeed myself aa a mem ber of the Board of Commissioners of Franklin County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary held in June. I feel that my two years eerrice will fit me to be of more benefit to the county In the future economic necessity and wjll appreci ate the support of the rotors of the County. 6-16-tt C. B. BARHAM. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate tor the otflce of County Com miaioner tor franklin County sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June. If nomi .nated and elected I will stand for re opening the Connty Commissioners' office to the public every first Mon day for any business .to come before the Board, and for publishing the accounts for the expenditures of the Coupty to let yon know where your money goes. Thanking you in advance for any assistance yon give me I am Yours for Service, . 6-lt-ft C. T. BEST. I FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myaelf a can didate for Cotamiaaloner for' Franklin County aubject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in Jane and will appreciate the anpport and rotee of the people of the County with the aaenrance of atrlct economy ae far aa practical. S-l?-4t W. FRANK DAVIS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate tor the office of County Com missioner tor franklin County subject to the action of the democratic pri mary to be held la June I am lo cated la Cedar Rock township.' It will be impossible for me to se^ each of yon in person, bnt if nominated and elected I will stand tor reopening the County Commissioners office to the public every first Monday tor any business to come before the board, sad tor polishing the accounts for the expenditures of the coehty to let yon know where year- money goes. Thanking yen la advance fur your support. Yours for Service, S-l?-4t ROBERT H. LAYTON. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith annoance myeelt a can didate for Commiseloaer for Frank tln County (object to tki notion of the democratic primary to be held in Jane and will appreciate the eapport of the rot era of the Oeantr. I-O-It J. A. RAT. vT ? oonmuiiT y ? I notice or rmbalk of valuable property BUt* ofUortt OaroUB?7 Tbs"rLdtrtJ Bank of Oolumble. Plaintiff. \ ? Va. W 1L Yarborough, BHoli# H. Y arbor ough. Tha flrit National Bank of Loulsburg, Annie Wilder AlUa. I- M Allen. W. H. Allen. J^J .Barrow^ Q M. Beam. TrueUe. r._ J. Be*f'eY' Trustee. W. H. Ruftln. Trustee. P. B White, Trustee, end the National Fmrm Loan Association, De fondant*. Putruant to an order of Court In the abore entitled mstlou In 'blch tbe undersigned commissioner has been directed by the Clerk of the Superior Court for Franklin County. North Carolina, to resell the lands described below at public auction, the said or der following a raise of bid for ***!! lands which were publicity sold on April 7, 19S0, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale upon the terms hereinafter set forth to the highest bidder therefor, at public auc tion of JUNE, 19S0 at IS o'clock noon, at the courthouse door In LotMeburg, North Carolina, the following described All of those two certain P*f eels or tracts of land, containing In the aggregate 3??.7 acres, more or loss, situate, lying ?nd belngln Franklin County, State of North Car oltna, and more particularly describ ed as follows, to-wit: First tract: Containing 167 acres, more or less and situate. lying and being about t miles Northeast of the town of Loulsburg, on the New Louia burg-Laurel Road, partially In Louls burg and Sandy Creek Townships, cottnty and state aforesaid, and hay ing such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by. reference to a plat thereof, made by M. 8. Darts. Surreyor. July22. 1918, and being bounded on the Nortn by Rlchlands Creek, on the Bast by the lands o> I. H. OottiaU, m the South by the Oxford Road and on the West by the lands of J. M. and W. H. Allen. Said tract being the same heretofore conveyed to Btolae M. Yarborough by deed of Mary "w. and Edith Q. Yarborough, dated July 12, ;?18, and recorded in tho office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C.. In book 217 at page ^ Second tract: Containing 202.7 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the New Loulsburg-Laigrel Road, about i miles Northeast of the town of Loulsburg, In Loulsburg Township, County and State afore said and having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereotmade by B. B. H^brton, Sar teyor, on July 19. 1918. *?d being bounded on the North by the lands of W. E Rowe, on the East by the lands of' W. A. Bailey and Mrs. Amanda Wheless, on the South by the lands cf the Mrs. Bue Hayes' Estate and J. R Williams and on the West by the lands of Peter Hawkins and John Nelms' Estate, said tract comprising the tract of land conveyed to Eloise H. Yarborough by deed of Shelly T? Brown and Clfe and W. H. Yar bor-ugh, dated January 1, WIS, and recorded In the office of the Reglst er of Deeds for Frankttar County. tK. C. in book 192 at page 188 and the tract conveyed to noise H. Yar borough by J. * Allen a^ W H. I Allan and wife, dated March 21, 1914, end recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Franklin County, N. C.. In book 199 at page 242, refer ence being here made to ell of said deeds and records. The terms of sale are as tollows: One fifth (1-5) of the accepted bid shall be paid into court In cash. Im mediately after tlie confirmation of the Mle, the balance on CTedlt, pay able In eight (I) equal Installments, with Interest thereon at six (?) per cent per annum from the '^ate of the former sale (February 17, 1920) until paid, and secured by a first mortgage of the premises on the part of the purchaser. ? All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court and no bid will be accepted or reported unless tti maker shall deposit with said Clerk at the doss of the bidding the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dol lars. as a forfeit and guaranty of compliance with hie bid, the same to be credited on hie bid when ac cepted. ... . Notice Is now given that said lands will be resold at tha same place and upon tha same terms at 2 o clock P. M. of the same day nnleaa said de posit Is sooner mads. Every deposit not forfeited or ac cepted will be promptly returned to tha msksr. This the 10th day of May, 1980. DAN MILLS. V10-2t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified a? administrator of C. H. Young, deceased, late of franklin County, North Carolina, thla la to notify all persona having claims against the aetata of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his home, on or before May 17th 1IS1, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate wil please make Immediate payment. This lSth day of May 1910. * J. C. YOUNG, Adm'r., of C. H. Young, deceased. Paul Strickland, Atty. 0-lS-Ct NOTICE Having qualified aa executrix of tk? MtaU of A. W. Alston, deceased, lata of franklin Coonty, N. C? notice la hereby riven all parties holding claims gainst the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the ldth day of May, 1*11, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please coma for ward and make Immediate settlement This May llth, 1IM.. JENNIE 0. ALSTON, 0-ld-dt Executrix. BFKCLU. rmVM r,?iCT? i-l-tf THE fiPOTjCASH QPHFAITT ?iUfuroU 8. a mrrankiin I heieby given NOTICE Having qualified a* administratrix c. t. a., ot the estate oq Leonard, deceased, lata County, N. C-, notice I* ' all parties holding clalma against tha ?aid estate to praaant them to tha Undersigned on or before ha Ith day of May, 19S1, or thla notice vlll ha plaad In bar of thalr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Im mediate settlement This May ?th. 1*30. MOLLIS W LEONARD, : 6-9-8t Administratrix. FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by authority of the pow er contained in a certain deed of trust from W. D. Norwood and wife to J. Q. Mills, Trustee, which said deed of trust is recorded in the offlee of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County in Book 272, at page It, de fault having been made in the pay-, m.ent of the note secured thereby and at the request of the holder of said note, I will sell for cash to tl^e high est bidder at publfc auction at the Courthouse door in the town of Louly burg. North Carolina, at 12 M MONDAY, JUNE ?, 1930 the following described real estate, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake In a Poat Oak stump hole, C E Richard's corner In Raymond Perry's line, thence with said Perry's line N 86 W 2209 ft to a Post Oak stump, J. E. Denton's, cor ner In Raymond Perry's line; thence with said Denton's line to and. with Jonas Denton's line N 1 E 772 ^eet to a stake, corner of Lot No. 8 In & B. Richard's line; thence with Richard's line S 3 W 820 feet to the beginning and containing forty one (41) acres, and being Lot No. 9 of the division cf the land of L R. Richards. j , This the 5th day of May, 1980. J. O.MILLS. !-Wt . Trustee. HE-SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue of the power and authority vented in me In - that certain order of resale made and Sinter ed by Hon. J. J. Young, Clerk of the Superior Court for Franklin Ceaaty, North Carolina, on the Sth day . of May, 1930, In that special, pro ceedings entitled "Hubert Oannady Vs. Esther Cannady et-als.", I will op MONDAY, MAY 26. 1930 v at or about the hoar of noon at the court house door for Franklin County in the Town of Louisburg sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, lying and being situate in Franklin County: a First Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of Oen. Green, op the East by the lands of Eliza Cannady! on the South by the lands of Ben Wilder, containing 30 acres more or less. Second Tract: Bounded on the North by the lands of Ellaa Cannady, on the East by the lands of Joe Can nady, on the South by the lands of Tom Fogg, and on the Went by the lends of Eliza Cannady, containing 6 acres paore or lees. This the 7th day of May, 1?M. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, 6-?-St Commissioner SALE OP VALUABLE LANDS Under and by virtue at lbs aowtr and authority vested in me in that certain deed of trust executed op the 21st day of January l>t4, by Gporge Joyner and wife CeMa Jorner; which said deed of truet is duly recorded in the office of the Restater of Deedf for Franklin County in book MS at -page 276; default hartoc been made in the payment of tholndebtednsss thereby secured and demand made upoa me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY. JUNE 2ND MM at or about the hour of noon At the courthouse door for Franklin Cdunty in the Town of Louisburg , N. C. sell at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash ths following described land, lying and being situate In FTankln County, North Carolina, vie: That tract or parcel of land situate in Franklin County. Younggyllle Township, state of North Carolina, and described as follows: Hup lot of land situated South of Youngf villa which was conveyed by J. M. Holden and wife. Jane Williams who issued the same to Celia Joyner by her last will and testament Said lot adjoin ing the lands of Calvin Pearce, Bet tie Holden and others upon which there Is a three room cottage, now leased to Pattie Yarboro. This the 25th day of April IPSO. B. r. GRIFFIN, 6-2-St Trustee. RB-8ALE Or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by vtrtnn of an older of re-aale made by tba Clark of th# Su perior Court of Franklin " Coun ty In that apodal proceed ing entitled "J. E. Harria, Bar. aaalnat Mai He Wheeler et ale", the undersigned Commlaaloner will pa MONDAY. MAY It, l?M.w at or a bo at the hoar of II o'clock noon, at the conrthonae door In Loele burg, N C., offer for reenle to the hlgh eet bidder for caeh the following de acribed tract of land: That certain tract or parcel of land altnate In Harria Townahlp. Franklin County, North Carolina, on the Tarboro Road, and bounded on the N by the landa of Dave Sptrey; m the E by the landa of J. B. Perry I on the B by the landa of A. A P. Har ria Batata; and on the W by the,landa of Jim Mitchell, Containing 45-Acree, more or leaa, and being the Identical tract of land which waa conveyed to aald W. N. Wheeler by deeda record ed In Franklin Co. Reglatry, book 114. page 4M; alao, book 1M. page 4M: reference to whleh la hereby made ler ? more oompleU and accnrate de scription of aald landa. Thla the 7th day of May, ltld. O M. BEAM W-lt ? Comn to The Franklin