GOOD NEWS FOR OUR CUSTOMERS Opening of Our New Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Dept. Saturday, June 28th, 1930 Oar entire store has been remodeled and a brand new stock of merchandise bought and will be dis played in the most modern method. We invite you to come and inspect our New Store and take advantage of the most nnusnal values offered in Louisburg. The most complete line of Dry Goods, Ready-to-wear and Notions we have ever shown. : : r : : : : JUST A FEW OF OUR REMARKABLE BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY Apron and Dress Ginghams 10 yd. Bolt Longcloth :V 95c Bolt 36 inch L. L. Sheeting, Good Quality ... 25c value Printed Batiste 19c value Pajaina Check u . 12 l-2c yd. Window Shades, all colors Embroidered Gowns ... .. 49c Bach Bayon Gowns . 98c Each Sliprite Slips .49c Each Children's Anklets, all Colors and Sixes Ladies'Bilk Hose/ all New Shades Genuine Kotex ? 39c pkg. Children's Rayon Bloomers 49c pr. Ladies' Kayon Bloomers .... 49c pr. $1.00 value Rayon Top Slumber Pillows 59c. Bach New Cup Type Bandeaux 25c Each 325 Ladies Hats that sold regular up to $2.50 Special for Saturday 50c Each Infants Rubber Jiffy Pants 10c pr. Rubber Crib Sheets 25c Each Children's Summer Dresses g8c Ladies' Summer Dresses 90c Boy's Wash Suits !V*'.. . .......... 49c Each TAMS AND BERETS A complete line of New Tarns anl Berets? Rayon and Felt, all Colors Solid and Fancy, Sale Price 35c, 50c and 98c Hundreds of other items at equally low prices will be on Sale Saturday such as new Voiles and Batistes? Printed Summer Fabrics?Notions of all kinds? a " . ? Dresses ? Cretonne ? Curtain Goods ? Bloomers? Hosiery?and etc.?come see our New Store. L. KLINE &. C2? (NC. LOUISBURG, . "v? *y 5 If. Carolina "What You Want, When You Want It, For Less Money" ODB Blillfil LETTER ( Continued tram Pas* Two) srd, 22.287. Joslah W. Bailey, who won the Democratic nomination tor United States Senator, carried eighty-four of the 100 counties and had a majority ef *7,775 oyer his two opponents. Doctor Bstep, the wet candidate, did Mfe'carry a single county and re only 2,592 votes in the entire Senator Simmons received |75 votes and carried the follow ' counties: Caswell, Craven, For Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jones, blr, Mecklenburg, New Hanover, ow, Pender, Richmond, Robeson, 'Wilson. The Senator 'and his gers over the S*ite have pledged |ort to the suoceesful contestant he general engagement to follow the Republicans. 232,709 votes cast for the three aspirants for natorshlp in the recent Demo primary. or around 50,000 more Governor Smith received In the SMtg two years ago. Democrats con ?Pt this most encouraging. Comparatively few second primar ies Aave been requested in the coun tlHpand districts of the State. In the Ntnfh congressional Hamilton C. Jones second In the race, asks for iMher round with Major A. L. Bul gpnkle, and T. D. Bryson, Jr., candi date for solicitor in the Twentieth Judicial District, requests a second CPW with John M. Queen, of Waynes vlM, leader In the first primary. Mady "runner-ups" have retired in the Interest of peace. Governor O. Max Gardner decides to .Jorego the pleasure of a trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, later In the month for a meeting of the Council of Governors on July 2nd, and prom ises to address the Democratic State convention here on the 5th. Former Associate Justice of the Supreme Court L. R Varser, of Lumberton, ac cepts the Invitation of Chairman MdJl to preside over the convention tem porarily which means that he will dUfrer the key-note speech. Joslah W. Bailey, the senatorial nomlnse, Is also on the program for an address. The adoption of a platform - is the Mly business of Importance to be considered, but following adjoura fnent the convention the newly elected ctttlve counsellor, will be pted a leave of absence long to conduct the fall campaign, lnvttaation of Governor Qard Becretary of Agrlcidture Arthur M. Hyde, a member of President Hoover's cabinet, Joined a group of State officials. North Carolina editors and agricultural expert* on an in spection trip over Caledonia and .oth er prison farms hi the State during the week. The Caledonia rerm con tains over 9,000 acres'of fine agricul tural lands and Is providing maln ?-TTMtf 700 of^tbq of bushels caprrtMl an* pStnSoss se# pro R. while the farm ' for sgperimants In the growing of pure-bred seeds. Secretary Hyde expressed much In terest hi Caledonia which has gained national attention for Its experiments in the growing of pure-bred seeds. In sc address before the^JWilson Cham ber of Commerce folWhring his visit to the State farm the Secretary let it be known that he likes the North Carolina way of doing things. An official statement as of Hay 31 shows that the State had a balance cf $2,951,189.65 in its general fund at that time, and for the first eleven months of the fiscal year $19,C31,$$>. 11 was expended from -the general fund. The State's total funded debt is listed at $178,2*2.500. including, it is said, the following notes anticipat ing bond sales: 1927 permanent im provement fufad notes, $4,100,000, and Cape Fear Bridge notes, $1,260,000. The Hay balance is said to be about $200,000 less than the amount on the. same date last year. In session here during the week tbe State Board of Hedlcal Examiners gave licenses to 17 physicians of other states to practice medicine in North Carolina, total of 138 students of medicine took the examinations given by Dr. Dave Tayloe, of, Wash ington, N. C., member of the State Board. Automobile death toll in the State during April was 48. Last month 80 persons were kilted in automobile Oc cidents on tbe highways of the State, an increase of more than (0 per cent, and bringing the total fatalities for the first five months of this year to 281, according ot report of the Vehicle Bureau of the State Depart ment of Revenue. A total of 2tt ac cidents were reported for last' month, 74 of which were fatal to one or more persons. Six of the fatai sect* dents reported for last month were children cadght playing ein streets. Eight of the fatal accidents were caused by drunken drivers and thirty other accidents tor the same reason. Thirty-three accidents were caused by speeding. 1* by dr^rtng^on the wrong side of the road, ! lug without the right-of-way, 11 -by "cutting in," one by passing ?JSSi car, $ by passing on curves hills, 32 by wreckless driving, eight on account of failures to signal, foot by side-swiping, 11 by disregard of signals, 23 by loss of control, 81 by Accidents not involving violations of the law, four by backing, and four by parking. 'An Important decision handed down by the Supreme Court during the seek upholds the North Carolina statute governing the basis for in come tax collections from foreign cor porations doing buslnem In this Statu, vbich means that rorportttlaas which own and operate pi owelty in Norh Carolina are required to par owned in the StaU bears to all I estate and tangible perSonarpMfpkrtT' Th. ml. aptfyt^ which merely trade in v - i- 4J based on the percentage of groSs earnings received in this state. Young farmers of North Carolina, constituting an organisation some three years old, met We during the week 200 strong, discussed the "Fa tore Farmers of America^ awarded degrees to members for outstanding work daring the year and talkeg about "Co-operative Marketing as a Solution of Farm Problems." The highest degree awarded was tor two years of agricultural construction v.lth savings of $3*0 and an average grade of St per cent on school sub jects. The North Carolina organisa tion is made up of 128 local chapters and represents a high school mem bership of around 2,600, it is said. School Facta adduces figures show ing that 121,291 school children were enrolled in the first grades of the white schools of the State duripg If28-29, or 20.4 of the total enroll ment of the white children. Total, enrollment for the period was 696,747. Enrollment of white children in the lower grades is said to be on the decline Road building in the State contin ues right along and surprise detours bob-up to plague the motorist "most any old time" these days. The State Highway Commission recently let bids on ten road projects involving an expenditure of 8878,000, one of which involves the construction of 8.14 miles of 20-foot paved road from Waugh town to Kernersvllle in Forsyth county. Contract for the paving of 9.99 miles of 16-toot road In Plt\ county along Route SO, from the Cm Ten County line to Cox's Mill, was deferred. Also the bgildlng of % new bridge across the Roanoke Riv er in Halifax County at Roanoke Rapid* The recent letting lb eludes 22.76* Miles of hard-surface reads and 62.21 miles of sod aad gravel surfacing. The counties in volved are Rockingham, Anson, Da vie. Iredell, Mecklenburg. Union, For syth Pitt and Wataaga. A commer cial survey with a view to pushing the Cape Fear channel project bad bean started, with J. B. Dempsey. Washington traffic expert, directing jhe collection of data. Survey of tbd river Is already in progress and It Is said that with s 12-foot channel to Fayetteville. It will be possible to secure Water transportation rated from points In the mid-west along tbe Ohio River end other streams as well as connections with the inters coastal wetfrway, now being com 0 thsTapo plated to thr cape Fear at Wllming tdSr ---* " The Department of Labor and Printing announce* through Com missioner Orist that the State-Federal employment office* In Orees?b#*r? and Wtniton-Ssledi ere to be closed; July 1st because-of the 20 per cent cut In hudgeteof state departments f ?s uaWma. A# hud fla gt operate *jj S toss. R. D. Dixon, assistant fed eral dlrecWof alated fh. <t employment, it also tor retirement at the close of Mrs. Lillian B. Griggs, who for the pest five years has been the execu tive head of flhs North Carolina Li brary Commission, will be succeeded ' ty Miss H. Matjorie Beal, organiser of the library extension division of the New York State University, at Albany. Kiss Beal comes on Sep tember 1st, highly recommended by the American Literary Association. According to Dr. A. B. McCreary. State Epidemiologist, typhoid fever cases increased to 27 last week from 1( the week before and 24 the cor responding week last year. Efforts of State and county health authorities to combat the disease continue un abated. An outbreak of measles is also giving concern, 74 cases having been reported during the week. Also 3(2 cases of whooplngcough. Governor Gardner and Dr. Frank Morrison, secretary of the 8tate Bud get Bureau, were reported in Wash ington, D. C., on Friday studying bud geting and government financing. They found few members of the North Carolina delegation "at home," and did not spend a great deal of time at the Capitol, so goes the story re lated by John Livingston. RBI-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County in that special proceeding entitled: "J. E. Harris, Exr. Vs. Mollis Wheeler, e*. als", the undersigned Commission ers will, on MONDAY, JULY 14. 1930. at or about the boor of 12: o'clock noon, at the courthouse door In Louis burg, N. Co offer for re-sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described tract of land: That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Harris Township, Franklin Co., N. C., on the Tarboro Road, and bounded on the N. by the lands of Dav? Epivey; on the E by the lands of J. B. Perry; on the 8 by the lands of A. J. P. Harris Estate; and on the W by th# lands of Jim Mitchell, containing 8 (-acres, more or less, and being the Identical tract of land which as conveyed to said W. N. Wheeler by deeds recorded In Frank lin "County Registry in book 124, page 42(; also, book 194, pate 490; refer ence to .which Is hereby made for a more coaspete and accurate desertp tion of mM lands. This the 2lrd day of June, 1930. M. BEAM, C-27-lt . Commissioner. 100 pound* of^our (I pound beg A In OMlhig bag, between Haw kln'e place and Hugh Hayes on Hall fax road. Any information leading to tta recovery will he rewarded by B. Inecoe. R. 2, Louleburg, N. (-17-1(1 Beaufort County Irish rSotalh grow ers estimate an average yield of be tween 10 and IS bushels an acre thie This is low for the. section And another one of the Imperative needs of the day U a fllvveringwage. The great trouble with most of ns is that we feel at home every place but home. FOR CONSTABLE It is with a feeling of deep grati tude that I extend my most sincere thanks to the voters in Loutsburg township for the splendid rote given me In the fltst primary. I also take this opportunity of solocltlng your vote and support in the second pri mary to be held on July 6th. You gave me the' honor of being high inan In the first primary and I sin cerely hope yon will make me high man in the second. Thanking you again and in advance. C-27-2t A. SPENCER WIOOS. NOTICE Having q dull fled as executrix of the estate of Willie Mangum Person, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., notice is hereby given all parties holding claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of J tine, 1221, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Jane 26, 1220. Ella Gilliam Whitfield Person, ?-27-6t Executrix. ((Mwp pPWKnt get jirr (trum ewtort at redeeed Drat forget J* get yirr pemaaeat for yerr near prieeet Princeu Wave .$5.00 Frederiok Wave 7.00 Kofene Wave ... 10.00 Be lair to year sett. Set year per H to i City Beauty Shoppe CALL FOB _ - ^ ? '?? VJWfcli BBBiai 1 -B .*1 Lrto-J? , WINNER THEATRE - VITAPHONE - HOICK OF GOOD TALKING PICTOBE8 PROGRAM TOR WEEK BEGINNING F RID AT, JIJWE 27TH. ? - ' Mi FRIDAY and SATURDAY "SONG OF THE WEST" ?wiu>-+.4i JOHN BOLES art a BIG CAST All In Colors. See f&la one. AlMt Metro New* mmi Pathe Fables A big Warner Brothers Special yon should see. No advance In price. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY "SALLY" ?With? MARILY5 MILLER, ALEXANDER GRAY AND OTHERS Another big First National and War ner Bros. Special, also la colore. Yon ihould see by all means Aduedi Paths Two Reel CeCmedy No Adranoe In Price. THUBSDAY A FRIDAY JULY ?rd-4th WILLIAM HAI5ES ?In? "TEE GIRL SAID NO" Plenty good tor our old Jnly 4th Ettm Good Comedy Note: Our show opens promptly at t.04 o'clock during the whek. Sat urday matinee 1 to-S:S0 p. m. Nights on Saturdays at 7:S0 p. m. ?>. ?? Coming duly 12th "BOH STKWr" in all Talking West ern, also "Lightning Express Talking Serial." f WATCH FOR DAUBS Wh ? "III C? i Society Bines," "Sunny Side "So Long Letty," ?Wo?r?*?* t? vWWIWIi

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