BYEBYTODT BOOST L0UI8BCM The Franklin Times Mr. mnm nut L. 7. JOHNSON, Editor aadjbuuffer THE OODUTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION *L50 P?r Ywr VOLUME LXI. LOUISBUEQ, H. C>i PBIDAY, AUO. 15TH., 1930 (8 Pager) NUMBER 26 TOWN REDUCES TAX RATE Gives Consent Light And Water Survey ^ Make .Settlement With Farmers k Merchants Batik?Bend lag Company Gets Copy Audit-Compiles Budget For UW>-ei?Consider U L. AJflen Tax Complaint The Board of Commissioners met in Special Session,. August., 8th upon order of Mayor L.L. Joynsr. Upon roll calt the following mem bers were present: L. L.Joyner, May or, W. E. White, F. H. Allen, G. W. Ford, A. H. Fleming. The purpose of the meeting as stated by Mayor, L. L. Joyner, was tor the consideration of a proposal from K. L. Burton, liquidating Agent, for the defunct Farmers & Merchants Bank. Mr. Burton presented a Tenative Proposal tor liquidation as follows: Provided that the Town of Lotgis burg would agree to pay the out standing account for auditing by G. L. Kling, of approximately 8343.06; Bond No. 18, for 8600.00, now held by the Citizens Bank and Trust Co.. Henderson, N. C.; outstanding bond coupons with interest, approximating 8375.00; six Town of Loulsburg bonds for 81.000.00 maturing In 1934. That the Farmers and Merchant! Bank would pay all taxes due by them to the Town of Loulsburg, and allow the full amount of deposit of the Town of Loulsburg (812,363.54) to ap ply on the Town of Loulsburg note for 816,000.00, due the Farmers A Merchants Bank, and which is now in the possession of the State A National Bank of Richmond. Va. The amonnts herein quoted and Items subject to correction and ap proval by the Board. Mr. Burton's proposal was discussed in full by members of the Board, and after careful consideration, the fol lowing motion was made end carried: "That the Board of Commissioners acc-1 Mr. K L. Burton's tentative proposal." There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. The Board, of Town Commissioner! met in special session. Moqday, Aug ust, 11, 1930 at 8 P. M? with the fol lowing members present: L. L. Joy usr. Mayor, A. W. Person, W. E White, F. H. Allen, M. McKinne, A. H Fleming. The minutes of two previous meet ings were reed ead approved. Mr. L. L. Allen was before th< Board in reference to his part dn? Taxes on the personal property list ed by The Allen Machine Co. Mr. W? B. White, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported to the Board that the Finance Committee had been unable to render a decision upon the L. L. Allen complaint He reported that the Malone A Malone check sheers that the taxee paid bj this check were the taxes on the L> L. Allen Real Property as follows: "L. L. Allen Town Tax 19M-1M7 and St Par. Assessments", and that J. E Malone, Jr. advised the Board thai Mr. A. W. Green had Informed him that he failed to advise him that 1928 taxes on the L. I* Allan Real Prop erty, were due tor-payment and thai apparently the Allen Machine Co taxee were a separate Issue. Mr. L. L. Allen stated to the Board that it was his original idea and bw ' lief that all taxes on all propertyowa ed by him has been paid np to 1929; tirat this opinion Is based on corres pondence between A. W. Green and himself; that T. K. Allen waf supposed to have paid all taxes and that hs Presumed that the Tax Receipts ' which he received from T. K. Allen, were receipts in full for all taxse due; that he requested A. W. Green to ad vise him If he owed any taxes to the Town of Loutsburg. N. C.; that he believes that he had receipts for all taxes due, but that In moving these receipts had been >oet or destroyed by some person. Mr. Allen stated that a large account aglnst the Town of Lonlsbnrg (something over 1100.00) rae due to hara been credited . tv, Taxes Due by the Allan Machine Co., and that no record of credit for this account is shown on the Tax Books. Mr. T. K. Allen stated to the Board that he did not keep records of In voices rendered against the Town of Lonlsbnrg, and could not produce a duplicate of bills rendered. Mr. L? L. Allen requested the Board to arrive at eome decision as to what Is a fair adjustment, under the circumstances. A motion "That the Finance Com mittee search the Town records thor oughly from beginning to end, for all debits and credits of the Town of Loulebnrg and the Allen Machine Co. and render eomthlng tangible as a basis of calculation, and render written report of their findings to the Board." This motion was carried. Mayor L. U Joyner introduced Mr. S. C. Harvey, representative of the United Fidelity and On areaty On., to the members of the Board. Mr. Harvey requested the Board to allow him to take a copy of the Town r.udlt completed by A. M. Pollen 8 Co., iO his office, in order that he might study it thoroughly, before ee-i ceptfng the Towns claim against ths to. 8. Fidelity 8 Quantify 15o.. hndsr the fidelity Bend of footer Town RECORDER'S COURT Qply a small number of cases were before Judge J. L. Palmer, In Frank lin Recorder's Court Monday. Mr. Ben T. Holden prosecuted the dock et In the placo of Capt. E. F. Griffin, who was inr Camp . at Fort Bragg. The docket was disposed of as fol lows: Tom Day, manslaughter, prayer continued. Tm. T. Xing' and Diftch Mosley. violating prohibition law, not guilty las to King, Moseiey pleads guilty fined $26 and coats. . Sal Wright plead guilty, resisting officer, prayer for-judgment continued for 12 months upon payment of costs. The case of assault with deadly ?weapon against- Mattle Lee Person was continued." Civil Court August 25th. The regular August term of Frank lin Superior Court, Civil term, will convene on Monday, August 26th, 1630 with Hon. Garland El Medgette, of Jackson, Northampton County, presiding. In last week's TIMES, either the reporter or the linotype got the words civil and criminal mix ed and nnnonneed ft would be'Crim inal term. This was In error, it should have stated Civil term. MRS. GARDNER HONORED On July 27th the many friends of Mrs. J. W. Gardner gave her a very pleasant surprise at the old Coppedge Mill dam near the residence of Mr. J. W. Gardner. Abouf two ojclock In the afternoon her friends commenced arriving from Middlesox, Zebulon, Louisburg, Nash ville, Red Oak and Rocky Mount and oach ono brought a well filled bos ket After safely depositing the bas kets on the old dam they drove up to Mr. Gardner's residence, bundled Mrs. Gardner in an automobile and carried her to the old Dam. But Mrs. Gardner didn't really know what yras In Btcre for her at the old mill. After seeing the" older people com fortably seated under the old willows the younger people set out to explore and after spending several hours In swimming and kodaking they re turned to the old feople where each one was having a Joyous time talk ing of olden days-. But there was still more to come. Some one suggested having a bas ket supper, so the cloths were spread and aronnd from a secret nook in the rocks they commenced bringing their baskets. The Live-at-Home program was effectively carried out. Babecue, fried chicken, ham, deviled eggs, sal teds, ptcf.e. sandwiches, cakes. Ice cream and lemonade was served. After everyone was well tilled the younger peopl$-enjoyed another swim and then ther thought It was time to taka Mrs. Gardner back home So she was accompanied by many of her friends to her home. Mrs. Gardner is one of the most pop ular women of the older set and she Is highly esteemed and loved by every one that know her. CASH-PEOPLES Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Peoples an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter. Gala Mae, to Mr. Jacob Hlllman Cash on Saturday August 9th, 1930 at the home of Mr. B. M. Barnes, with Mr Barnei officiating. Mies Peoples was a graduate of Mills H'gh School the past year, snJ la one o( Loulsturg's most popular, and attractive joung ladles. The bride wore a suit of orchard crepe de chine with accessaries- to match. The groom la cne of Loulsburg's uromluent young bustnesa men having been connected with the operation of the Union Warehouse here the past year. They will make their boms In Loulsbnrg September 1st, 1910. THANKS Ws wish to offer our Lenrt-feit thanks for all the help and sympathy shown as by our trisnds. both whits and colored, during tb? slcknssa and death of our beiovc' husband and tsther, Iahtun Arlington. Pollls Arlington and family. Taking boxing lessons before seek ing a quarrel Is a part of wisdom. Clerk, A. W. OrMD. This request was granted. The Board carefully reviewed the estimated expenses and revenue for the Piaeal year Jane, t, 1?80-May Si. ltil, which showed that an estimated budget of 131,1(0.00 was necessary to be raised by taxation. A motion prevailed "That the Tax Rate for 1?M be established at $1.80". This represents a reduction of 10 cents from the 10M rate of |1N. The Clerk was instructed to write tc Mr. J. V. Mclver, and request him to appear betore the Board. Monday night August, 18th? in refereaee to the J. P. Timberlake Account A motion carried providing "That Mr. Brtee be permitted to make a survey of the Loulsburg Light and Pewcr PUhL at no cost to the Town of LouMturg, N C." Those voting Ayer - A.- H. Fleming: W. ?. White. A. W. Person., voting No: M. McKla us; pit ?n The meeting wns adjourned until Monday, Adtuat, 18th., at I P M. - Smartest Boy Rifle Champion Boxer Now Actor Arthur O. Williams, of Providence, R. I., winner of the annual four-year educational prize given by Thomas A Edison. Young Williams is 17 and won the scholarship over 47 other bojrk Miss M. E. Foster, Elfish woman who amazed everybody by out-shoot ing the crack shots of the British Army and winning the King's Trophy. Georges Carpenter, who fought Dempsey for the heavyweight cham p.onship, return* to America, (9 act m the talkies. School To Open Sept. 1st School will open on Monday, Sep tember 1, and each child should be there that day. The State law makes in compulsory on each parnnt to see that children from 7 to 14 are in school each day the school is in ses sion, unless excused for proper eause. This law is no designed to punish parents or children, but to protect the child against the parent who is not responsive to his duty to his chi'.i. Book list will be ready by the first of next week; get a list, look ovec the books you have at home; it rau do not have such as your child wHl need, try to get them from jfcui neighbors. If yon fail in thia, new ! copies can be purchased at tile school for cash. Money is scarce with you, but Just as scarce with us; we can not undertake to sell books on credit to anyone. In this time of financial stress there is some times a temptation' tc slacken ot$? effort to educate the children; they have their tires ahead of them; they are in a large measure dependent upon us to determine'how they will be equipped when they come to take our places; and that will nol be many years at most. The Supt. ol the Loulsburg school has been a citi zen of Loulsburg for 25 years and to-day there are about four or firs business signs orer business houses that were there in IMS. The world changes Tapidty; let us all with a strong pull try to get the children ready to do a better Job than we hare done. L0UI8BUBG BAPTIST CHURCH S. L. Blanton informs the TIMES this morning that he will be here and will preach Sunday morning at the regular hour of 11 a. m. There will be no evening services. Capt. Blanton has recently been commissioned chaplain of the 106th Medical Corps N. C. N. G., He has been encamped for the past two weeks with his -regiment at Camp Jackson. Mrs. Pittman Dead Mrs. Florence W. Pittman. of Vaughan, died at the home of her son, Mr. J. R. Johnson, in Loulsburg Saturday morning after a long peri od of Illness. Mrs. Pittman was seventy-six years old and is survived by only one son. The fnnaral services were conduct ed at Vaughan Saturday afternoon at five o'clock by the Rev. M. Stamps and the Interment was made at the cemtery there. Quite a number of friends and rel ative* of the family accompanied the body Vaughan and attended the service. Also a large crowd attend ed from other places. Curious :$S3W&I IVl V" SAYS ROAD WILL | BE TRUNK LINE Commissioner HOI Claim* Mack Traf fle Will 60 Orer Loulsbnrg-Warrea ton Road 1 (Warrenton Record) The road from Warrenton to Louls l.urg will In the coarse of years be a great trunk line road running to Raleigh and for this reason great care must be used in its location, John Sprunt Hill, highway commissioner, pointed out in a letter this week to John Clay Powell, chairman of the county board of commissioners. Mr. Hill said that the present roads were both poorly located and that in order to shorten the distance between Warrenton and Loulsburg several changes would probably be necessary in the location. This matter can not be determined until figures of engineers are checked orer. Engln ' eer L. C. Cook and party completed * the surrey of both rowtee seveeal ' days ago and the highway depart ' ment will probably make the check of t figures in the near future. *The Warrenton-Loulsburg road has ; been added to the State system. This ' is quite different from taking over ' a road for maintenance, Mr. Hill ' points out 1 Commissioner Hill's letter follows: ' Biltmore. N. C. "Hon. J. a Powell, Inez, N. C. "My dear Mr. Powell: "Yoor letter of July 18th has been sent to me here where I hart a sunt* mer cottage. The Loulsburg-Hender son road has been maintained for past year by State Highway Commis sion and generally speaking thb road is well located and every ^dollar apenl by State Is expended tow art! the mak ing of a first class road. Bat the roads from Warrenton to some point between Kearney and Ingleside are both poorly located and any intensive maintenance by the State would be large thrown away.. Unttll 'th'e re pert of the State highway engineers comes into my office I will even be unable to determine which of the two roads will be selected. It is my un derstanding that the survey shows that rdad coming directly south from Warrenton can be shortened at least two miles by new location, benee it is probable that beet interest of the State and county will be served by Letldlng a new road. In courae of years this road from Warrenton to Leulsburg la going to be a great tnmk line road running all the way to Ra leigh, thereby shortening the distance, from Warrenton to Raleigh by five or six miles, and serving as an alternate road to Route SO. It Is necessary therefore, to use great care in the location of this road running south from Warrenton. otherwise the great value of the road to Warren county and to the State will be seriously impaired. I think therefore that it would not be good business policy for the State to take over tor the pres ent the maintenance of either of these roads from Warrenton to LontsHhrg Henderson road. You can assure youT people bow ever, that every sffort will be made by me to push along the construction cf the Warrenton-Louisburg road as fast aa the circumstances will per "Youri eery truly. JOHN 8PRUNT HILL. "P. 8. You understand that last January a road from Warren ton to LtWsbara waa added to State ays t?4a. ao aa to enable State to expend money on serreys and conatrnctloa. t>4t addtn* a road to system and tak ing over for maintenance are aoparato and different propoaltlcma, as It la shown abore. TO HOLD MRETI5G The American Legion Auxiliary will bold tt? reffnlar monthly meet lug with Ifrp. J. Forrest Joyner, Tnaaday afternoon. Ancust 1Mb, at 4 o'clock. This tneeUhg is tor the election of officera and all members are earnestly reqiirsted to attend. Mia. E. W. PCRRY, Pres. to The Entertained At 'Birthday Dinner X. D. Smith, Prominent Fanner Of Nash County, Honored on His 72nd Birthday, Sunday, August 10. Rocky Mount, August 12.?The children of Mr. M. D. Smith who now resides near Rocky Mount, honored him on his 72nd birthday, Sunday, August 10, at his old home at Red Bud, near (jastalia, where he was raised. He was a leader in his com munity, social and church affairs, a gcod father, and a prominent and successful farmers. A long table, which was decorated with beautiful flowers artistically s rranged was In the yard under the Shady oak trees. The center piece was a large whitebirthday cake with 7? pink candles in rose bud holders with a mass of flowers banked around it. The table was covered with a delicious dinner, including pig bar becue, brunswick stew and all ao eessoties for this occasion. Rev. John Walton of Wake Forest, the suppty- pastor of Red Ba*?2tareh and gnest of Mr. Smith returned thanks tftej- which all partook of the bounti ful dinner. After which Mr. D. B. Pearce, a life long friend, and Rev. Walton gave interesting talks concerning the beautiful life Mr. Smith is living, also his nephews Mr. O. B. Smith and Mr. Louis Smith told what he had done lor them and in how many ways ha has been a father to them. Little Magdalene and EUa Ruth Wood, agea 5 and $, grand daughters, very sweet ly sang. "We are Little Tots." The concluding hymn, "Blest Be the Tie", was sung by the whole group during which time thpy all shook hands with Mr. Smith and wished him very many happy birthdays. Later in the afternoon watermsllons were served before the guests began to depart. The children include, Mrs. Iota Murphy and children, who live at the home place; Mr. and Mrs. R. fit. GuptoQ and children of Oupton; Mrs. W. B. Dodd and children, of Chattanooga, Tena.; Mrs. Mattle Lee May and children, of Cedar Rock; Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Smith and son of Caa talia; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Smith and children, near Loulsbnrg; Mr. and' Mrs. W. F. Smith, of Rocky Mount; Mr. J. H. Wood and children of Cen terville, and Sherwood Smith of near Rocky Mount. Hostess At Book And Bridge Mrs. B. N. Williamson delightfully entertained three tables of Rook and fonr of Bridge Friday afternoon at four o'clock. The epadens haU and living room were lovely In their decorations of summer flowers. A color scheme of yellow and green was attractively carried out te the decorations and Enjoying tlfc hospitality of Mrs. Williamson were: Mesdamea f. B. Barrow. Ik F. McKinoe. yr. E. White. E. & Ford, M. C. .Pleassjls, J. W. Mann. A.' W. Person, O. Y. Yarboro, E. L. Beat. W. B. Tucker. R. A. Bobbltt. W. R. MUls. E C. Perry. W. L- Beaeley. C K. Cocke. J. M. Allen. H. H. Dail. O. W. Cobb. F. J. Beaeley. B. T. Holdtn. A1 Hodges. H. H. Johnson, Annie L. Hor ner, M'ssee Lacy Allen. Lonle Mead ows. Babble Tamer, Susie Meadows, Lynn Hall. The hoeteee assisted by Mrs. W. B. Tucker served a delicious frown fruit salad coarse. _ f Revival At Shiloh Rev. A. L. Thompson, pastor, an nounces that the data for the revival at Shiloh has been changed. Instead of beginning on the 4th Sunday la August It will begin on Monday night August II. There will be services each night at I o'clock through the 4th Sunday. On Friday there will he an all day children's service with dinner on the graded. Everybody Is Invited to utteod these services. Fifty-one poultry growers of Dav dson County made a trip of las pec ion to the leading potftry farms of he county on July M. COUNTY TAX RATE TO BE $1.33 Increase Of 15 Cents Over Last Year In Order T? Meet The Estimated Budgets Commissioners Had To Boost Bate? Lonfsharg and Frank Hnten School Rotes Not Fixed As will be Been from the tax levy made tor 1930 by the Board of Coun ty Commissioners In session Friday the County rate this year will be 11.33 as against $1.18 last year. This increase was caused by increased ex penses and decreased property val ues. The levies as made are as follows: COUNTY / General General Purpose 12 " Poor fund i - Health fund 4 ? Road and bridge 7 Debt Service 25-' School (4 months) Current expense 54 Capital outlay 2 Debt service 24 . Total County rade Township Road Debt Ser. Dunns 0 Harris 42 Youngsville 0 Franklinton 0 Hayeevllle 18 Sandy Creek 15 Gold Mine 64 Cedar Rock 0 Cypress Creek 27 Lotdsburg 12 $1.33 Maint. 42 4$ 28 15 39 49 28 40 38 . 18 Special School Districts Bunn 21 Epsom 25 - Cedar Rock-Cypress Creek 19 ? Youngsville Vt Gold Sand 22 Mapleville 23 T .. OA The rates (or Louisburg and Frank liuton were not fixed at this time. The county levy above was made to provide funds to meet the estimat ed budget as follows: General fund $73,070.95; debt service $38,524.981 Schools $107,083.31, roads $87,481.92. In order to flg?re the tax rate on property In any township or sehool district add to the County rate the special school district rate and also the township road rate. This meth od will give the complete rate tor any property In the County. The Louis burg and Franklin rates will not be complete until the special school rate for -these townships have been arrang ed. As a matter of comparison we are giving below the levy and estimated budget figures for 1929: COUNTY General purpose 12 Poor fund 5 Health - 3 Bridge < Debt Service 22 School Current expense 52 School Capital Outlay r 8 School Debt Service 10 Total $1.18 Towashfe Bonds Debt Ser. Maint. Dunns 2 31 Harris 43 42 Youngsville 5 19 Frankllhton 1 18 Hayesvtlle 45 32 Sandy Creek 17 34 Gold Mine 71 27 Ctdar Rock 2 22 Cypress Creek 34 25 Louisburg 10 IT Special School Districts Sunn 22 cents. Youngsville 40 cents. Frankllnton 39 cents. Kpsdm 34 cents. Gold Sand 28 cents. Cedar Rock-Cypress Creek 25 cents. Ingleeide 18 cents. Mapleville 25 cents. Ixmlsburg 52 cents. The sbove rates were levied produce funds for an estimated bad get as follows:. General purpose $58,822.92; debt service and bribes $41289.11: schools $114217.71. roads $87,101.78. 1 TKAULieVOH^OnS AuoucnuiU as follows tor* boon received ta LooJsburg: Mr. sod Mrs. Algram B. Corbett announce the marriage of their slater Frances {goes to Mr. Leslie O. Tharrtngton os Friday, Mar the sixteenth nineteen hundred and thirty Loulsburg, North Chrottsa The bride ts an attraettre and ac complished young lady of BsBsj and Is especially popular ?sos| a heat of friends. The groom la oae at Loslebsrg'a n>oet popular yonag men who hsida aa Important position with the Hodgee Or see Motor Get They are at husaa to thptr trie ads. at Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm HeKhsel oa Saaaet Atmsa cm ?? I wish ts for me la Urn sMtoaee at mar wtSa had also ta the richness and daath of our dear baby g?L _

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