SHE TOOK SODA BY HANDFUL. SHE SAYSI "I need to hare the Boot terrible hMdichM Imaginable, and toy llrer moat bare been badly out of order for ICRS. ELLA BYRD I waa habitually constipated. At times rheumatic pains through my sides, hack and lower limbs were so intense I could hardly walk. I used to take soda by the handful trying to get re lief from indigestion. Since taking Sargon I eat anything in the world I want without a sign of Indigestion, every rheumatic pain Is gone, I'ye gained bafck 8 pounds I lost and worlds of new strength and energy. "Sargon Pills got my liver to acting right, freed my system of poisons and overcame my constipation."?Mrs. El la Byrd. 38 Cataba St., Asheville. Scoggln's Drug Store, Agents.?Adv. era HALEJGH imu ( Continued from Page Two) is another step toward centralisation, but State authorities, and county, too take the position that it is better to "play safe." The Idea long prevalent that "a prophet Is not without honor save in his own country" does not harmonise with the spirit of the Cary folk near Raleigh. These people are strong tor the home product and emphasized an appreciative local spirit on Friday evening in a fine tribute to their dis tinguished son, the late Walter Hlnes Page, who was born there 76 years ago, grew to manhood on North Caro lina soil, became a noted author and publicist and finally Ambassador to the Court ot Saint James by appoint ment of President Wood row Wilson. Walter D. Siler, assistant attorney general, was the principal speaker. President Hoover and other national figures sent impressive letters, while old friends of childhood days paid ful some tributes to the lad who started at the bottom of the ladder and grad ually ascended to a pinnacle ot fame. A report comes from the State Board of Health to the effect that thirty-seven persons lost their lives by drowning during the month of J Hr: that automobiles took a toll ot forty-seven and 188 died from tuber ctylosis. There were eighteen sui cides. twenty homicides, seven deaths from railroad accidents, eleven from burns vand conflagrations, one from accidental gunshot, wounds, five from gunshot wounds of a doubtful natnre, and one from airplane accident. 174 children wider two years of age died from diarrhoea and enteritis. During the month 608 children died under one year of age and 6M under two years, maternal mortality cases numbered forty-nine. Pellagra took a toll of] 189, whoopingcough, 87, typhoid fever 29, syphlllls 23, and Influenza 16. Dr. F. M. Register, for eleven years director of the division of vital* sta tistics of the State Board of Health has been elected health officer of Wayne county to succeed Dr. L. B. Corbett, resigned. Doctor Register was one of the 22 employees of the State Board to be "let out" on August 1, when it was said budget require ments necessitated a reduction in the personnel ot the dpartment The county of Wayne is considered fort unate in securing the services of Doc tor Register who, during his thirty years of health work has been con nected with the public service twenty eight of them being with the State. ICE CREAK SUPPER The ladle* ot Ebneier Methodist church will bare an ice cream supper Friday night, August Mad., at eight o'clock at Smith's Dairy Farm. The proceeds will go towards buying carpet for the church. Breryone Is cordially lnrlted. POULTRY NEEDS CAKE DCRINO HOT MONTHS MiM Proper car* and attention of th* poultryflocks during the summer months will be reflected in Increased profits when the flock comes Into pro duction rnd will also mean a great er percentage of healthy birds tor the breeding flock. "Some poultrymen hare a great ten dency during the hot months to let up in feeding and management of their flocks," says R. ft. Dearstyne, head of the poultry department at Stat* College. "This Is a dangerous prac tice to get into and will produce det rimental results that will be reflected all through the laying period. Breed ers carried orer from the previous year may go into a molt find improper feeding will tend to prolong this period and retard production," A falling off tat receipts should not mean a let down in the car* of th* birds, he says. Lice and mites must bs guarded against these pests propogate very rapidb during the summer and are a heavy drain on chick vitality. Round worms and tape worms ere also to be guarded against and Mr. Dearstyne advises that all pullets be dewormed about a month before they come Into lay. This allows time for the bird to throw off any bad effects that might result from the treatment. Mr. Dearstyne says that adequate drinking fountains, plenty of fresh water, and summer shade are neces sary essentials In the care of the flock. Heat prostrations are caused by a lack of thoea essntlals, by an In adequate nuknber of trapneets or over crowding. This condition can be ov ercome by strict attention to these details by the poultry owner. Green feed should also be provided for the flock, but where this is not available, the ration may be supple mented with a one per cent biologi cally tested ood liver oil. Mr. Dear styne states that nnder no circthn stances should the poultrymen die continue the feeding of mash as this balances the ration and furnishes the feed so necessary for high produc tion. - Community Improvement, like phy sical Improvement, comes from exer cise. Somebody has to do something. HATTIE WOODLIEF DEAD Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie Woodllef, wife of Clellan C. Woodllef was conducted from the Youngsvllle .M. JE. church on Monday P. M. Revs. E. M. Carter and Chas Howard offici ating. Interment followed In Popes Chapel Cemetery near Youngsvllle. Mrs. Woodllef was born In Gran ville County and was 42 years of age. She had been in 111 health for nearly two years. She Is survived by her husband and two daughters Miss in ner and Hattie Mae Woodllef, of Youngsvllle, and her mother Mrs. Tom Evans, two brothers Messrs Lon nle Evans and Charlie Evans of Frankllnton. After plowing under a Held of sweet clover and planting the land to wheat, C. 8. Martin of Iredell County har vested an average of 22 bushels as compared with eight bushels an acre before using the sweet clover. The united 8tates navy has about 850 airplanes. Subscribe to The franklin Times I1JI P?r Tour ? 1 ' ijcu wmita cigarette that id milder cmd of V Mildi )ER, YES?BUT SOMETHING MORE. Chesterfield offers richness, aroma, satisfying flavor. BETTER TASTE?that's the answer; and that's what smokers get in Chesterfield in full est measure?the flavor and aroma of mellow tobaccos, erectly blended and cross-blended. Better taste, and milder too! iiKS* UMTTA HYmiMMtDCOi ) two, Lioorrr k Urtm Tomcoo Co. C rtXj have a urr^ozK ) animal* Down hba* on tub/ farm - ?ur wE'va ^or J ANIMAL* RI6HT INOUA.-/ j HOU? AT HOMtt^V* / HOW r 'YBAH/ YOU SCe? AROUND quRl HOME MOTHERS A DEAR - " AND I'M A Ss. KID - ?AMD I DOPPOSt *X)A CL.' tAAN'1 THB WORK ? Hott6e/ eHy . NOPEL OAP IS THIL doAT/ JML' PINKY DINKY JINOLES-' I-A ?*itOA NO n AlOTT TO Ck?H?. t